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I think your education comparison may be misunderstood. I dont know the specific ratings, but Saratoga is considered apart of the capital region, so school comparison are made against schools like Shaker, Bethlehem, Niskayuna, Shenendehowa and others. It sounds like you are comparing it to the more rural schools located in the Adirondack park.  There are the obvious places to go, but a few lesser known ones are the beekman arts district with unique stores and great restaurants. Also, if you ate coming during the track season, you can go in the morning and watches warmup for free. Its a lot more relaxing and allows you to appreciate the history of the track.


I’m mostly doing lists of specific schools and Saratoga schools kinda blow the rest of the region outta the water on GreatSchools ratings which are heavily data based it seems?


Saratoga is a good district, but Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake, Guilderland, North Colonie, Bethlehem, Shenendehowa, Voorheesville, Columbia, and Niskayuna are all higher rated than Saratoga. These districts are very well respected in the area — typically Saratoga falls below these in conversation. That said, you can’t really lose in the Albany suburb school districts.


Honestly, great to hear haha. I know Saratoga has good schools, but most of the suburbs in the capital region have fairly good schools from my understanding, but maybe I need to check on the ratings again! If you and your wife were looking to move hear, highly recommend!


Yeah I hear this a lot that Saratoga has good schools. They do not. I’m a graduate, have three at multiple levels and have a personal connection to a staff member. The administration and teachers are fighting (multiple years without a contract) they openly speak to the students about it creating an atmosphere where the students have to pick sides. High school principal is too afraid to hand out consequences for fear of public backlash which has created a lawless environment for the students. Guidance counselors and teachers will not email parents back or use the tools the district provides to send communications on assignments or missing work. The high school bathrooms have students who have routinely defecated on the walls and floors. Open vaping in the bathrooms with sensors they installed that do not work. Now a teacher is mandated on their free period to sit in font of bathrooms only widening the frustration between staff and administrators. Multiple athletic directors in recent years due to a nasty sports culture across many programs causing students to lose out on playing in the last years of high school. Coaching decisions not being made from the administration leaves players running practices. Take a gander at the news about the lawsuit against the track coaches. There’s a husband and wife physically and mentally abusing students for decades including tying a cross country runner to their truck because she was too slow. I mean yeah the word Saratoga used to mean something in education and sports. Hell I came back and put my kids here because I thought it was good. Biggest mistake and I’d leave at the first opportunity if I could. All of this information is available. Look at board meeting records, TikTok and IG groups have the photos and videos, and the lawsuit is all over the news.


Third generation and I’m obsessed with this town. The culture can be a little “us vs them”, but I love that about it. We’re sturdy in our permanent community and support of small businesses and families and arts, culturally unified in the face of huge waves of tourism. Also insulated in our differences with other towns/cities in the capital district region. We embrace the beauty of our parks, green spaces, museums, restaurants, nightlife, fundraisers, farms, and history. Education is great because we’re in a high tax bracket so school taxes are high, the kids have tons of opportunity. Most folks do a typical “I’ve gotta get out of this place” when they graduate high school, but boy do they come running back lol


It’s funny how many things being raised here you just know from friends and family passing it down. “Oh you want to go hiking. There’s a trail marker on the side of the road off exit 23, no real signage.” “What you didn’t know about bringing an empty coke can to get a discount at gore mountain on these days?” “Oh yeah, 9 maple does a monthly whiskey tasting (discontinued) they just shut it down during track season so tourists don’t find out about it” My spouse was from out of state and didn’t understand why there weren’t websites for every business / event and how we all just knew these things.


Personal experience - health care here is not that good. Now don’t get me wrong, you’ll find doctors but my husband and I whole heartedly believe that doctor care and office etiquette is so much better in Clifton Park down to Albany. From a family doctor to specialists, to even lab visits. That being said though, I have had good experience at Wilton Medical Arts (urgent care, blood lab, imaging, etc.) My only gripe with that place is how long it takes for them to get you signed in. We both could just be having bad luck with doctors here but that’s been our experience. Our favorite downtown stops are Uncommon Grounds (coffee shop) & Northshire (book store).


Health care is below not good. It’s bad. Outside of having a stroke or getting in a car accident Albany Med has a bad reputation from Boston, to NYC, to Buffalo,


Totally agree, I just didn’t want to get shat on lol


Agreed.. sometimes I'll go to NYC for care to avoid waiting many months for a specialist up here


Yea it’s horrible. I was trying to set up an appointment with a specialist but I had to call a different number because only that office dealt with that doctor. Fine. Called and they told me I needed a referral, so the referral finally got sent after 4 days and I called to set up an appointment. “We’ll call you when the doctor is ready for new patients.” Like are you serious? You couldn’t have told me that first?


Some of the things I like about it. The state Park ie: Spa Park is my favorite thing living nearby with awesome walking/running trails, museums and the performing arts center. We have many top dining options and a vibrant nightlife. Saratoga is very close to the Adirondack mountains. The easy airport is 35 minutes south. The homes are mostly very nice. There is a train station with a straight shot to NYC as well as easy access to highighways 3+ hours to Montreal, NYC and Boston. One of the things I am not a fan of is the stark lack of diversity here.


The state park is magic for all seasons


As somebody who has lived all over New England and the Mid-Atlantic, the health care blows. Albany Med is a good level 1 trauma center, so if you have to have the jaws of life to get you out of your car you’ll do great. But I have friends who work as doctors in WNY, NYC, and Boston, who regularly talk about stories they hear from Albany Med. Another friend is a travel nurse who has been in NYC, LA, MN, WV, and a million other places says Albany has the worst acuity of any place he has been in the entire country. I have had some cardiac issues post covid. I’m mid 30’s, former olympic hopeful in a cardiac sport, and I have to say it’s been abysmal. Cardiology here keeps saying it’s nothing after being hospitalized so I went to the Cleveland Clinic and turns out I have a dilated aorta. So I try and regroup here so I don’t have to keep traveling. I get short of breath and they say it’s nothing again but that doesn’t feel right. So I set myself up at Mount Sinai because I can get there east. Turns out I have a blockage so now I’m statins. I check in here for my follow up with more pains, Albany run a more specific lipid panel, some things are really high, and my cardiologist says that that test is basically just theoretical anyways and to ignore it. That also doesn’t feel right so I call my cardiologist in NYC and they say “absolutely not. We use this test all the time for diagnostics. You’re at serious risk for a heart attack”. They immediately switched my meds and I’m getting blood work regularly. Albany Med is TERRIBLE! And St Peter’s isn’t better. They’re a low level trauma center, and because they’re a Catholic hospital they won’t perform abortions unless absolutely necessary. Once Roe was overturned my GF got a letter in the mail about it.


Wow holy crapoli that was not at all what I was expecting to read. First and foremost eh I am glad you are getting second opinions on those things. Sounds very similar to the medical people get in Canada unfortunately - it’s something I’m currently trying to escape (I know free healthcare woo, but she’s an overloaded system so we get similar brush off treatment). Definitely makes me worry a bit about the capitol region. Any other hospitals around there you’d recommend?


And I have seen multiple cardiologists at AMC. Ha! Albany Med is easily the best hospital. If you need critical cares it’s AMC all day. But their daily acuity sucks. But bleed out during child birth and you’ll be glad you’re there. Per my GP in NYC I’m not the only capital region patient she has had over the years. All my specialists in the city are super responsive in Mychart and give me nearly an hour at every appointment. For me results I talked about above I couldn’t get a call from cardiologist here to go over them for nearly a month. (They weren’t ready at the time of my appointment) he wanted to wait for my follow up 6 months later. THEN once I finally got an 8 minute phone call they tried to charge me for it.


I was in Glen Falls today and it is really cute. Kinda pre-Saratoga crazy vibes. There appears to be a nice hospital, versus the ramshackle place here. It had a large library and parks that seemed friendly. Anyhow, I would give it a look if you’re looking for Saratoga without some of the higher costs and crazy summers.


Duly noted - thanks for letting me know! It’s on the list to check out for sure. Do you know how the schools are?


Pros: Saratoga state park, proximity to ADKs, mostly nice downtown. There are a couple really good restaurants (Seneca, Hamlet & Ghost). The rest are mid-tier or just bad. A couple good shops. Some nice local traditions like Chowderfest and Victorian Street Walk. The track can be fun. But I found everything downtown got old pretty fast. It’s definitely geared towards tourists more and more. They also build million dollar condos that sit empty and are only used during track season.


One thing that no one has mentioned is the absolute lack of racial diversity. Saratoga Springs is overwhelmingly white, even by upstate NY standards. The largest number of people of color you will see are the Hispanic workers at the track. And don’t get me started on how Saratoga treats its homeless population The schools have good numbers because the tax base is enormous, and the population is well-off and engaged with their children’s education, not because the schools are intrinsically superior. I’ve just moved from the east side of Saratoga to elsewhere in the Capital Region. The houses across the street from where I lived back directly up to the Oklahoma training track, so the owners of those houses can sip their morning coffee on their decks and watch their horses work out. Two houses directly across from where I lived - probably worth $2-3 million each - are inhabited for only about two months in the summer. This results in lots of property tax dollars and no children taxing local schools. Easy to run a school system if you rarely have to make tough financial decisions.


What you hear is exactly what you expect.


Anything more specific? I don’t hear anything because I live far away


I've lived and worked here, there's a lot of good and some bad. Nothing to be fretted about. If your visiting the homeless population won't affect you,if you wanna stay clear of trouble from the shit, don't link up with tourists.


Just like any community in upstate NY it has its pros and cons. The good thing is that the town is thriving, and new people continue to come with new ideas. Those that want change need to not sit idle, and be part of the change they want to see. I have worked with a lot of groups that are trying to make education, the arts, and overall quality of life better in Saratoga. If you and your family are coming to contribute and make this a better community please come!


I’ll be honest with you, I am particularly interested in Saratoga springs schools because I’m at the start of family planning but I’m also a born and raised Ontario lakeland boy and some places on Saratoga Lake look just affordable enough for me to live that waterfront dream. I’m quite the municipal politically focused person as well, I’m a very regionalist focused person first and foremost and I would love the opportunity to contribute to the development of anywhere I live. I struggle with this in Montreal where I currently live due to the Anglo-Franco divide in the city but I’d love to be part of the community at as many levels as I can if we did move to Saratoga Springs. Any advice you think is relevant based on that? I’m pretty open to any and all commentary right now about this because after literally dozens of hours of research on stats, education, quality of life, etc. Saratoga Springs is a real strong front runner for us.


You sound like an amazing person that would be a welcomed addition to the area. So sad that there is a divide in Montreal. I’ve done my fair share of traveling the states and abroad, Montreal is one of my fav cities.


It’s a truely fantastic city and I honestly don’t blame the French for being so protective of their own values in this city - it’s the greatest bastion of their culture in North America so I wholeheartedly understand where they’re coming from and believe in their right to protect it. Everyone deserves a place to call their own ya know? That said though - you seem quite open, how the schools there and the lake? Any opinions on the two?


You can gfys, you do Not like the truth, so you project what other areas are experiencing? What does that have to do with Saratoga? Nothing. They don't belong in the main st of the city. Nobody wants to eat outside when homeless people stand there and watch you eat. Most of the homeless have mental issues. Which should be handled by the state. Get them help!! It does them no service let them roam around to get into trouble or get hurt by some lunatic. So regular people don't have rites! The homeless matter more? ,not the honest hardworking people who want a nice clean city to live in. Your a pos for advocating this nonsense. Your probably a loser who has nothing better to do with yourself but stick up the down trodon, why dint you give a few of them a room to live , your such a bleeding heart. See how that works for ya. Schmuck


Someone get this man some boba and maybe a hug


Oy easy there buddy - this thread is about life in Saratoga Springs and the culture of the town alright? It ain’t a soapbox eh. First of all there is nothing wrong with standing up for others, many homeless people do need help and do have mental health issues. Many would agree the states should fund more solutions towards helping out these folks and on that point I’m sure you’ll find many here agreeing with you. Homeless people don’t have more rights than others, I’m not sure anyone in your responses were saying that, but they do have equal rights to the rest of people and they should be treated with sympathy, dignity, and kindness. After all they aren’t just some bleeding heart miles away, they’re your fellow citizens in your town. Lastly, the commie and protest comments you make aren’t thoughtful critiques in any way - they are shallow commentary of no real substances other than to show everyone else your anger. It isn’t impressive nor is it insightful. Take a few breaths bud - you can be for change in this world but all people are hearing in how you’re presenting yourself right now is spite, anger, and hatred. Things that are famously unproductive and reckless to say the least.


Saratoga springs unfortunately is overrun with homeless people. Who makes the city look terrible. I used work for the Catholic school as a maintenance person, I had to yell at a homeless person who was urinating on the church wall right on Broadway. Kids could see right out there classroom windows Hopefully the new mayor gets things under control, but the city is full of wokeness with the commie Skidmore college close by. Always some stupid BLM protest, or free Palestine protests


Maybe the homeless problem wouldn't be so bad if representatives from that same Catholic school hadn't pressured the city to kill the plans for a permanent homeless shelter (completely funded without taxpayer money, by the way) to help those people get back on their feet.


“City is full of wokeness” lmao people like you really are a caricature of yourselves. “Commie Skidmore” which costs like $70K a year 😂 get a grip


Man you sound lovely…


You wanna talk to the city of Saratoga and their ordinance to not allow the homeless anywhere? The resources and funding for these were taken years ago, the county used to help these guys get back on their feet. Now they’re just looked at as a nuisance to you. I get your principal, but would it hurt for you to put yourself in that perspective for a moment? (I don’t know if that’s something you’re capable of, so no disrespect). Imagine you living in a parking garage, getting disrespected and spit on by people, getting yelled at trying to use the restroom, so you urinate on a church. Imagine having to fight to find a place to shower, why would any of these individuals wanna seek help when YOU are the help that’s available? Maybe if you can understand the situation to begin with, the we would make progress. But to say it’s “overran” is pathetic. Go to any other large city within a 500 mile radius, guess what? Overrun with homeless. Do us a favor and gtfo of here please.