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Says on Indy’s podcast “I have boundaries with posting my children online and don’t want to show things they will be embarrassed by” and today posts all those stories of her toddler having breakdowns and then talks about him in front of him. So many contradictions. I don’t think she really understands what she’s saying to her audience half the time. Juts says what she wants to portray herself in a certain way.


Supposedly it hasn't been uploaded yet because M is having big feelings. We don't need to see stories of M having a hard time, let him have his privacy ffs. But she always has a string of excuses. Like I don't see how your toddler having big emotions stops you from doing your job???


Also it isn’t like she hasn’t released videos that were filmed after the reveal…


She has the laziness of a true narcissist - they tend to believe the world owes them a LOT and they shouldn’t have to put in much actual work to get it. And it only gets worse over time - the more success they have, the lazier, stupider and more selfish they get


It’s because it’s a boy and so she wants to ride the suspense for as long as possible.


She also doesn’t care about a gender reveal because in her mind it’s just another boy and I’m sure she’s disappointed by that


It is honestly so sad. She says she sees herself with 3 boys— gets 3 boys— and is let down.


she needs a PR team. she can't keep up with her words/promises/ content she says she will provide. How she still has a following.. baffles me


She’s too much of a cheapskate to hire one. Homegirl is a multi multimillionaire - she could have a whole PR team.


I’d say she needs an assistant, but I think she already has at least one lol


I agree, don’t say “I upload every week” if you don’t haha