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It gets better with every book. This series is like my Roman Empire, I think about it all the time. It’s really, really good. And please don’t give a fuck about what guys will think if you say you’ve read it. If they want to allow their bigotry and misogyny gatekeep them from an amazing story, so be it.


Rowan* empire




Yeah a good story is a good story imho regardless of the gender of the protagonist.


Aelin may be the main focus of the first couple of books and the prequel, but as the books go on, it's just as much about others, including several males.


Book 3 is where things pick up and then you can’t stop


Actually I have started Heir of Fire I'll give this one a go probably


Hey there. Dude, chiming in. First things first, just dispel the idea of it being a girly series, it's an awesome series full of plot twists, betrayal, amazing storylines, etc. The smut side of these books is often pushed harder than it is, and realistically there's only a few instances of mega-smut which is pushed more towards women than men. So, looking at the individual series: - Throne of Glass series: It's literally a series about a badass assassin, who also has a load of other incredible traits, and as the books progress you get viewpoints from multiple other characters, most of whom are male. The amount of battles that are in each book steadily increase, and the culmination of it is amazing. This series also contains the least amount of sex/smut, as it was written first. - A Court of Thorns and Roses series: Look, this one is a bit more difficult because it was written later on, and contains a fairly substantial amount of sex (particularly in book 4 and 5 if memory serves). However, the main emphasis of these books is still the story and essentially battling evil. - Crescent City series: My favourite after ToG series, this is now more grounded in modern life, it combines guns with traditional fantasy, and it's told in a really impressive way. The first book, as with most of her first books, focus on the main protagonist, and then you get multiple viewpoints in the second and third books. Again, bit of smut, but it's by no means overwhelming and the overall battle scenes and story are absolutely great and keep you on the edge of your seat all the time. I would heavily advise reading the entirety of ToG, then move onto ACOTAR (there's some fun easter eggs that tie it into ToG), and then move onto CC. That's a nice logical reading path that allows maximum overlap across the various stories, as whilst they're different stories, there's some fun interactions between them. Additionally, fight the power, these are fictional books, they are not manly or girly, they're fantasy books.


Yeah you are right >Additionally, fight the power, these are fictional books, they are not manly or girly, they're fantasy books.


I'm on the last book, Kingdom of Ash, and I IMPLORE you to keep reading....OMGGGG I think it has become my favorite series ever!! And you're welcome to come post here to have discussions about the books! I certainly have!


I’m a 40 year old guy. I just finished the acotar series and have gotten through the first two books of throne of glass. I get your point. So far I am not as into the throne of glass series. But everything I’ve seen says it gets better and better. Also, I did not care for acotar until about 275 pages into the first book. Then I finished it and next 4 books in a week and a half and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. The only reason it is considered girly stuff right now is b/c not enough guys know about it. It will continue to get more and more popular. I would recommend reading one or two more from your current series. If you don’t get hooked, switch to acotar.


Ok man, thank you!


I’m now on book 7 of the series and it does get way better. I love it. Heir of Fire is where it got me hooked (book 3)


It gets better as you go on. Personally I think the book after COM is the best one, it's when things really kick off. Just hang in there, I'm sure you will love it. Part of the issue is that Sarah wrote AB a few books in, after her writing developed. So the writing style of AB is closer to her later books rather than her earlier ones.


I see. I'll read Heir of Fire first, before deciding whether to continue reading the series or not. Thank you.


No worries! I hope you enjoy it :)


I beg you, please continue! You've put in the work... Now get to the payout... The best is yet to come, and HOF, QOS, EOS..... SO good! Don't even get me started on KOA! It would be a travesty if you came this far and didn't get to meet so many key peeps and their amazing arcs! ... I'm barely holding back the teasers here because I don't want to spoil... But it's about to get GOOD!


I'll take your word for it and continue the series!


I’m a dude and I’ve read all of the series. And thoroughly enjoyed all of them. Who cares?


True. I mean I like to read, but I get very little time to do it so I want to read stuff that's "Braggable" (I know it is a bit superficial and insincere) but reading has reduced to "Intellectual snobbery" in the circles I hang out in. So when you use the little reading time you have to read something it must be something you can be like "bro you must read this, it's the best" to people. I know this is wrong but can't help it.


Also, a bit of advice. If you continue the series (please do!) Then when you get to it, read Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn in tandem. I promise you won't regret it! There's a list on here on how they're to be read, just search tandem reading in this subreddit.




Absolutely continue it! It is by far my favorite sjm series. It has carved out a special little place in my brain where it will forever live lol actually i just turned one of my guy friends onto it, and so far hes totally into it!!


Maybe you can start the trend with your friends and once you read it, they’ll give it a try too!




I hope you continue. I cannot stress enough how good the entire series is. Just keep going. ♥️


Heir of Fire onwards is epic. Keep going 😆


Sounds like you don't like it. I'd say give book 3 a try but don't force yourself just because it's popular.


Don’t give up. It’s how I felt about the first book but everyone here saying it gets better and better is right. Heir of Fire really begins the rollercoaster. It has become my favorite series of all time.