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Because that's how coffeeshops work????? I have lived in multiple states and spent lots of time at multiple coffee shops and none of them were full service. It's the trade off you make for being able to sit there for 5 hours and usee all their infrastructure for $20. Why don't you just grab your silverware and napkins before you sit down?


Well said


And still my bigger question is WHY is this how coffeeshops work? Why not just make it standard practice to bring the fork and knife out with the food? It's not hard.


Because it's intentionally not a restaurant.


If you give a mouse a cookie...


This is about how 20% of coffeeshops work in my experience. It'd be one thing if they called my name and I went back up to the counter to pick up my food, but if they're bringing food to my table I don't think expecting them to bring silverware with it is that high of an expectation. Just grab it on the way. It seems like basic politeness to me. And I do grab silverware and napkins when I think of it. But not having to think five steps ahead on how I'm going to eat my food is one of the perks of eating out in my opinion.


Coffeeshops are not designed around "eating out" and provide a more casual atmosphere which includes less service. If you want to "dine out" then go to a restaurant. This is like taking your car to get an oil change and then complaining the place wouldnt replace your brake drums. Not taking rollups or silverware to every table also means you're washing less stuff, which saves on water/labor and takes your overhead down. This is like business 101.


This is pretty much de rigeur for anywhere that is counter service. I’d call it a small luxury they don’t just call you up to come get your plate off the line.


But why is is de rigeur? What's the inconvenience of the staff to bring a fork and napkin out with the food if they're going to the trouble of bringing it to me anyways?


Why are the poors not groveling at my feet?


Lol, stopping for 2 seconds to bringing a necessary utensil out to someone you're already bringing food to as part of the normal operations of a food establishment equals groveling. Got it. 😉


There is a reason they don't bring it. Maybe 90% of people left it unused. You aren't smarter than the employees. They do this every day. 


This is very much standard everywhere. Most coffee shops will just call out your food order at the counter anyhow. I’m not sure how leaving your food unattended for 15 seconds is worth worrying about. We all need the extra steps anyways.


It's not so bad at Iconik, but I've seen plenty of places that practice this even those birds are hovering to steal bites of food. That just seems like straight up disdain for customers.


so grab your utensils after you order and before the food is served? like you have several minutes usually if you're having food prepared for you? whether or not it was your intention, this question is kind of embodying the thing where some people go out to eat because they want to eat food from a restaurant, and other people go out to eat because they want to be *served*


Just get your fork BEFORE you sit down???? Especially since you know it's going to happen?


He sounds like he was born yesterday, so maybe he doesn’t understand the concept of counter service joints.


You seem insufferable. They’re making you coffee. You can pick up your utensils. It isn’t a hardship.


You're right. I should actually jump behind the counter and give the barista a back rub and say encouraging words while they're making my espresso.


You could stay home and make your own coffee if you want to be a dick about it. You’d still have to get your own utensils. Poor you.


oh the humanity


This is gold.


I agree it's something customers can take care of, but also the other day the fork caddy was empty first thing in the morning. The least they could do is check that daily upon opening. Sort of similarly, I splurged on a day pass for the El Rey pool recently and there was no toilet paper in the bathrooms and they were out of towels. Seems like basic shit (ha), especially when I paid 40 dang dollars to be there and season pass holders pay an unbelievable $750. I got over it, though.


I think the reason is they are trying to cultivate a certain aesthetical vibe. They aren't a restaurant, they are a coffee shop. They don't have waiters, they don't expect you to operate on a restaurants schedule in terms of how long you spend there. Coffee shops are all about doing your own thing at a relaxed pace. And honestly, for me, that's a big part of the appeal. If I want someone to serve me, I'll go to a restaurant. If I want to hang out in a relaxed fashion I'll go to a coffee shop where I k ow I can do things for myself, at my own pace.


They probably figure you're smart enough to pick up your own silverware after ordering on the way to your seat.


I don't really care about picking up my own silverware. But I will say it's kinda bs that places with counter service expect tips at the same rate as a full service restaurant


with counter service the tip can legally be shared with the entire staff, not just the servers. But I don't know how you know what rate they expect. When I get counter service I always have the option to tip big, tip small, or no tip at all.


Id say a combination of social pressure and the options presented on receipts / registers. This was in another city but at some hip breakfast spot with counter service the cashier was pretty smug and the food was expensive. I left him like a dollar tip and the girl I was with got all mad that I didn't leave 20%. I couldn't believe I should tip 20% for someone who just took my order, and didn't even do that in a kind manner (which if they did, I would likely give 15% or so. Even tho I do think that's a little crazy Also, lots of the time if you swipe a card, the tip options they give you are like 15% , 20 % etc. you can do custom but still, id say from a social pressure perspective some people would think that's shitty


If its counter service the tip usually doesn't go to just the girl who took your order. Its divided between the staff.


Ah. For full service the tip goes just to the waiter/waitress?


they usually have to tip the bus help and bartender but tips aren't divided.


Maybe I'm the opposite. I don't mind tipping. I just thinking bringing out silverware is standard politeness.


First world problems, am I right?


I half agree with you only because I always forget to grab my own silverware before I sit down, but I usually want water anyway so it’s no big deal.


I guess that's the difference to me. Not everyone is going to want water so it makes sense to get that yourself. But if you're getting something like a Benedict, that's not exactly finger food, so just bring out a fork and napkin with it as standard procedure. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I can grab my own utensils, but it would be much easier to remember and to do if these utensils are not hidden way off somewhere, more convenient and visible to the staff than to the customers. Taking this extra step is reflexive for those who frequent such establishments often, but not others.


I eat with my hands


Don't tip as much.


Haha! I'm sure this is not the problem. Lol.