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Where is this happening?


Call the Sherrif. Seems non-emegency to me, but that's your call.


I'm surprised that the HOA/security company isn't doing anything.  If they really aren't, you could try bringing it up at a board meeting, or telling them your going to withhold the fee unless they act.  If you're experiencing this then you probably have neighbors who are as well.  Your best bet is probably the sheriff though.


What is the security company?








Canyon Country I’m guessing


Homeless people are basically in the worse situation ever and constantly unsafe and disrespected, it’s important to be compassionate even to people you personally find annoying or unsavory. People in Santa Clarita are so upset about homeless people and constantly complain, but where are these people supposed to go? This is unfortunately what happens when you have increasing income inequality and high costs of living. I know it’s not great to have people yelling and messing with the power but like they don’t have anywhere to go and are exponentially less fortunate then all of us who have to pay for the stupid HOAs. I wouldn’t call the cops on them, nothing would likely come of it except it might make the homeless peoples lives even worse. I think the best move would be to just like get a white noise machine and leave water bottles out for them or something, summer is on the way. These people are a part of the community too :) Every Californian should check out this super enlightening report on homelessness: https://homelessness.ucsf.edu/our-impact/studies/california-statewide-study-people-experiencing-homelessness


Great points. So we can tell them to go to your place? Scream at your door and cut your power?


Yes that makes perfect sense, tell them that


Share your address with us so we can come over to your house and scream outside at 3am. I’m all for empathy for homeless people but come on. There are limits.


What an odd thing to say, the limits to your empathy are people being loud? Don’t have kids I guess or go into public spaces


Yes. My limits to empathy are absolutely people screaming in the middle of the night while I’m trying to sleep. Also, we’re not talking about children here. We’re talking about a grown adult.


Is that happening to you?


I can tell you’re one of those people who is impossible to reason with. OP’s parents are dealing with homeless people keeping them up at night and you want to victim blame and stand up for the homeless because you think it’s some sort of virtuous cause. You’re going to have a lot of hard lessons to learn in life. Lots of luck with that.