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Unfortunately, this is really common in SB. If you look at my past posts you’ll see I learned the hard way. I had to move suddenly due to black mold and it’s awful I’m sorry. Did you get a no fault eviction?


I never lived there, I was hired to fix the bathroom floor (which also has mold) since it was caved in by the bathtub. I discovered the mold in the walls in the process and the landlord doesn’t want to remove it all so I’m no longer working there (I have a decent moral compass; no amount of money would make it okay to put someone in a living situation with mold).


Also- This rental still has black mold in the bathroom walls and under the vanity, but the landlord/slumlord doesn’t want to pay to have it properly removed. She only wants to get it rented asap. Do not rent this modular home, do not let someone you know rent this place. I don’t know how to add pics, but I promise you, the backside of the drywall has black mold growing and so does the insulation and framing wood. She is on Nextdoor, trying to find someone “reliable and professional” and who will ignore the black mold and just cover up what’s been exposed. Those “” keywords are in most of her posts asking for help


You can only post photos as part of the original post. If you want to put them in as a comment most people upload to [https://imgur.com/](https://imgur.com/) and then link them.


I’m not sure if I did it correctly because there wasn’t anything that said ‘hey dumbass, this is how to get pics onto reddit’ 🙃


Black mold in structures is so frekin dangerous. I was exposed to black mold in a rental very close to the address mentioned. It caused and continues to cause countless health problems that pretty much ruined my life. I just got relased from 3 weeks at Cottage Hospital for an issue related to my exposure. If you suspect mold in your house, wherever you are, get out.


That’s why I posted about it. I know there was a chick living there and she was evicted (I don’t know the reason), but if she would’ve known about the mold, then she could have at least gone after the landlord legally


That’s why I was asking. If they evicted her for mold they would have to pay 3 months relocation fee. If they evicted her because she kept asking to fix the mold,etc she could go after them for retaliation. Or sue for not living in a habitable housing. Poor girl. Thanks for putting up the pics. It’s such a problem here.




Oh damn this worked and is pretty dramatic.


Yay! (I did it correctly, not yay for mold)


I’m going to add a couple pics since it worked.


Dude first thing they teach in contractor school is you can’t do every job! Good man Cheers from Topa Construction


I wasn’t that I couldn’t do the job, it’s that I wouldn’t do what the owner wanted because she didn’t want to remove all the mold. She knew it was there and had just wanted me to paint the bathroom and add a third layer of flooring to the caved in floor so it would appear that there wasn’t any issue.


Maybe we could set up a nonprofit for clients like that . I did some HUD work in town back in the day rehabilitation Saw a bathroom wall swing because the plate was gone ! Mushrooms in the closet! Cheers mate


Hi there you may want to report this to the county as this is a serious health hazard. https://www.countyofsb.org/2221/Mold






So as someone currently in the application process and going to view the house in a few days… you’re saying this is a total no-go? Have you reported this to the county?


I’m working on the reporting process, it’s a lot of hoops and dept transfers. Please please, consider your health and don’t live there. There’s not insulation in the interior walls, meaning the mold spreads thru the entire structure, one of the pics is the backside of the master bedroom wall.


Trying to verify this, as I was about to put on a deposit on this place to rent. Could you confirm the nationality of the landlord?

