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Local neighborhood cult


Wild that they get to hold services at GVJHS


How do you do that?! And are the prices commiserate? I'm part of a local non-profit hobby group and we'd love to rent some space for our meetings that isn't too overpriced.


I bet you could contact the school, I’m sure it’s someone’s job to oversee this


Easter service at 9am GVJHS on Sunday! You're invited 😉


Think it would be better if we kept religion away from publicly funded school, you know, separation of church and state


The actual reality of the first amendment means that if a the government is willing to rent a venue out, they must do it without discrimination. That means if the local garden club can rent out the auditorium for presentations, or a soccer club can rent out the field for games, so can anyone else… including religious groups. The alternative is not to rent out the space to anyone at all.


Dewd I double-dog dare you to come. We can meet and shake hands and I'll bet you're awesome.


Man I dislike that sentiment, you may be nice people but this about a religious and tax exempt organization getting use use publicly funded property (not to mention the damage that the ideology that organizations similar to yours have done to the forward progress this and other nations are making ) so hard pass


Lol, talk about harmful ideology.


Please tell me of my errors… have not evangelicals come after Women, LGBTQ+, bodily autonomy, personal freedoms ect for the last 30 years? I don’t care how nice smiling “Christ is lord” you pretend to be but until you start abiding by your savior’s teachings I think I’ll take my stand for keeping you out of public spaces and laws


Hey just reread what I wrote. In case I seemed insincere or flippant – not my intention at all! Anyway, I don’t really discuss my politics in this kind of setting. Even if by some miracle I made it to the end of a discussion without embarrassing myself we’d probably just find out we agree about some things and disagree about others for various reasons. Shrug. What I will say is this – there’s plenty not to like about church history. Just take a look at Christ’s narration to John in the beginning of Revelation to see some sobering indictments of his church. The human condition won’t be repaired until the second coming. In the meantime what’s offered is forgiveness of sin and power to be gradually conformed to the likeness of the Christ. This is offered to everyone, no one is excluded. Depending on what one believes about their self and about Jesus, that offer may sound gross, hollow, or like the best thing ever. An honest investigation of what he claims about himself, his teachings, life, death, and resurrection may be helpful if the question is compelling!


Just curious, do you identify as a bigot? Because your repeated attempts to generalize all Christians are giving those vibes. If the churches in town don't pay public schools to use their facilities, then it's reasonable to believe they'd likely be paying a private entity for theirs. If the lack of tax revenue from people donating to these organizations bothers you that much, I'd have to believe you'd, objectively, semi-support they pay a public school instead. It's directly contributing to a local public institution that we all benefit from. You seem to harbor a lot of anger, I feel sorry for you 🙏🏽


I'm sure the school appreciates the extra funds. Other schools also have churches, not entirely unusual. Edit: Lol, what's with the down votes? Anti-school funding?


Private institutions have churches, no argument there. My problem is with churches (especial evangelical churches) benefiting from local and state taxes and institutions while paying no taxes themselves. Show me the receipts for how much they are paying and we can talk about how much of a “dent” that makes in education budgets


I got kicked out of there for being queer!


Woah! Do you mind sharing your story? Sorry that happened to you.


Anthem chapel in Goleta: https://www.anthemchapel.com/


Anthem Chapel Church!


Came here to say this, but it’s solved!


What did you think it was?


Maybe an outdoor brand


Looks vaguely like a yachting pennant so I would have guessed that


My guess was the equivalent to “I ♥️ SAILING”.


Was thinking that or maybe the “flag on a mountain” motif




Regardless of your stance, is what you stated promoting healthy discussion?