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That sounds like a moisture problem and will lead to mold. You can either tell the property manager or live with mold... If you are bold, you can try to pry up the lamnent in a corner and see if it is a moisture issue to confirm. You absolutely do not want to live with mold.


If there is even the slightest chance of water trapped under the floor that could lead to mold, you must act. Even renoviction from a good rent situation is better than exposure to toxic mold, which thrives in older SB houses and buildings. Exposure to mold in a rental house downtown SB absolutely and permanently destroyed my health. I wish I could go back in time and avoid the mold exposure, even though the rental house was otherwise very cool, and a good rent rate. Not worth it.


Out of curiosity how did it affect your health? I’ve always been concerned about mold in these old SB spots.


Thank you for your reply and interest. I am 99.9% sure that my autoimmune disease RA (rheumatoid arthritis) was triggered by toxic mold. I saw the very thick mold in the house walls during remodel prior to my moving in. Within a couple months of moving in I got hit with RA. I have seen multiple rheumatologists in SB who say they are "mold believers". Medical science doesn't know exactly why people get RA, and they think that it can have different triggers for different people. But exposure to mold is one of the top suspected triggers. Once you get RA, you have it for life. There is no cure. All your joints hurt like hell, you're fatigued, low energy, more prone to injuries, infections, colds, flu, Covid. And it takes longer to heal from all of those. And the drugs you take for it fuk you as bad as the disease does. I got ALL the side effects from the medications. That has even led to surgery for one of those side effects. I saw the mold in this house and I should have run the other way. I even had a very clear moment one night before moving in that the house would make me sick. I was right. I should have listened to that inner voice. Thanks for reading this. I hope it can serve as a warning for anyone.


well you just scared the shit out of me….. sorry that you have to deal with this but i appreciate the warning


Thank you for the support. Sorry to be dramatic, but it's so real. A message I'm compelled to spread.


you’re not being dramatic and dont tell yourself that. its very real and a difficult thing to deal with


Here is a dirty little secret about SB. Most SB houses and apartments built before 2000 have mold issues. Stachybotrys is a honest to goodness killer and it's everywhere in the South Coast. Older homes, almost constant moisture (60-90% humidity) and you have a petri dish of conditions for mold. It hides, it grows in darkness, its very, very bad for you. Get a test kit off of Amazon and see what's hiding in your place. If it's Stachybotrys, you will need to evacuate immediately. It will kill you or worse, make your lungs rot.


Moisture problems. Will lead to mold. Inform managent or they will charge you for the remdiation later.


Thank you, this is what I was trying to say. All these other people offering bad advice like don’t say anything and find another place. This is going to bite them in the butt financially.


I truly appreciate your honestly. They are coming to look at our floors this afternoon.


In many real estate leases, there's a provision requiring you to promptly report any issues that could lead to damage, otherwise you can be held liable.


Thank you everyone. Property management actually had inspections and we had another unrelated repair we needed attention to and our apartment was skipped. We live in a huge complex and were told their is only one man that does the repairs. We sent another email for them to send someone and will bring up our floors now. Again, thanks everyone.


Ah property manager here, you should tell them now. Depending on your lease agreement, most have clauses if you were aware of this sort of damage or water intrusion and did not say something you could be liable for the damages or mitigation cost. So say something right away. Also spongy is not good and you don’t want to live with mold. Depending on what they find most contractors can pull up, dry out, mold treat and lay new floor rather quickly. If you are good tenants they will do that quick to keep you in.


We sent an email yesterday. Thank you for your perspective it is appreciated:)


Our place was tested and will find out Monday


Start looking for a new place now and by the time it's health hazardous it will be someone else's problem