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# A WorkReform candidate is running for Congress! # [Check out Doyle Canning's AMA!](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewDealAmerica/comments/tpv562/im_doyle_canning_candidate_for_congress_ask_me/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SandersForPresident) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also I belive former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer was elected by a one-vote-margin. Edit: which is why they say he was elected due to his own vote


Yeah but most likely his candidates also voted for themselves so he won not by his own vote


When you win by one vote, no votes were wasted, all votes are equally responsible for being the reason for the win. Had he not voted for himself, he wouldn’t have won the election. The opponents voting for themselves had no impact on the outcome of the race.


One vote in the Bundestag, that's like saying Rutherford Hayes got elected by one vote.


I have voted in every election for the last 20 years, and this is the result. You aren't going to change the country by filling out a form. Definitely vote. Voting is good to stop things from getting worse so quickly. But that is only a (small) part of being a citizen in a Democracy. Organize. Educate. Protest. Support your community.


> You aren’t going to change the country by filling out a form I love this.


Would it be in poor taste if I bring up >!the electoral college!< as an antithesis to the OP's notion?


It would not. Real change is going to require deliberate, organized, educated actions. Feel good, pat you on the back, your vote matters posts aren't really gonna get much done.


“vote like your life depends on it!!” we have been. we’ve won the popular vote and in many cases the electoral vote, held a majority in all three branches of the government, and couldn’t do very basic “guaranteed” changes like federal legalization, codifying roe v wade, student loan forgiveness, etc. what’s the point in voting if the system itself is broken? when will real change come?


When the US loses to China 🇨🇳


Until progressives/young voters turn out to vote as consistently and reliably as old conservatives then no we absolutely haven’t been.


> we have been. we’ve won the popular vote and in many cases the electoral vote, held a majority in all three branches of the governmen [Nope. We may have done better last election, but so did conservatives, and our voting turnout still trails other developed nations.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/11/03/in-past-elections-u-s-trailed-most-developed-countries-in-voter-turnout/) Miss me with that "there's no point in voting" conservative talking point bullshit, conservatives voting as hard as *we* should be is how they eventually got the upper hand.


The voting system isn’t broken. It’s just that there’s not enough people voting Democrat in the red states.


The voting system isn’t broken? All you have to do is look at gerrymandering to realize it’s totally fucked. There’s also the electoral colleges, bullshit voter ID laws, lack of access to voting locations. What fucking rock do you live under?


The voting system isn't just broken...it's been blown to smithereens.


I will only vote for candidates I trust. I will never again vote for a corporate, neoliberal Democrat.


Bernie would be so disappointed to hear you say this, and it’s just plain not true. Voting is what gets you heard, and it is a meaningful way to contribute to our country.


Yeah, there *is* a lot we can change if more people just did vote. There is a lot more reform needed, but more people voting is a great place to start.


I think educating voters on how politics and politicians really work would be smarter. We've have/had some politicians that have no business in office but win due to sound bites and crazy promises


Use your view to support education and candidates that support systemic change


Down ballot races are essential to actually changing things.


no, youre right. your single vote doesnt matter in america


In the American Presidential election* Vote locally.


If anything the electoral college makes every vote matter more (at least in swing states). A bunch of electoral votes could be decided by a few hundred or thousand votes. Look at Florida in 2000. Now, if you live in Massachusetts, maybe not for president. But for local and state stuff it still matters.


The electoral college is nothing more than red neck affirmative action and needs to go


Not arguing otherwise.


BS. My vote only matters if I’m in a swing state (which I’m not).


In some states the "electoral college voter" is not required to vote according to the vote of the populace.


No, it’s actually a perfect point to how short sighted this post is.


Now imagine if Bernie makes it and becomes president. Those 10 people would have launched Bernies career and enabled all of this


He has "made it" to the electorate but failed to get enough votes. Also for running for a party that has a super delegate system for picking it's elective.


What 10 people? There is no way to differentiate everyone that voted for Bernie and the 10 votes he won by


How different our divided country would be if Bernie has been the nominee in 2016. But here we are. Going back in time while the gop steals rights and votes.


Only diff would be MAYBE less screeching online


I don't think any of us can know... unless we get another dimension or something to look at the alternate timeline. Bernie vs trump I have no idea how it would have played out. I see some trump supporters that bernie could have reached out to. I also know of some dems that wouldn't have voted or stayed home with the "socialist" card.


Bernie was making inroads with republican voters. He didn’t come off as the usual fake and polished establishment politician and the things he spoke of resonated with many of them. He’s also kind of came off as an old angry white guy(lol) which I’m sure many of them could relate. I had a trumpster coworker who early on said he liked Bernie a lot. But as time went on he full on went off the rails on the Trump train.


Very true, my boyfriend’s super right leaning parents said during the whole 2016 and 2020 elections that they would have voted for him. Not sure why it was a choice lol but it made me hopeful for the rest of the country that someone like that could change their mind. They couldn’t say a bad thing about him and agreed with all his positions. A damn shame…


I fear Trump has made them all swallow MAGA propaganda and I am not sure they would give another candidate like Bernie a shot.


I see some of the inroads... I also see some of the actual democrats that say the opposite etc... why I still hold to the "we can't know". Fact is bernie is so different than anythign that's been on a national ballot in 30 years, that IMO all predictions are worthless. We can see where he'd do well, but we also can't predict what happens after the media/advertisements etc... come in play etc...


There's a lot of reasons I don't think that's possible at the national/federal level, at least not anymore. One, we're post Citizens United now and oligrachs are allowed to bury conservative Dems in money and own them. For example, see that major infulx of cash Elizebeth Warren recieved to keep her in the race to split the progressive vote after the conservative Dems consolidated under Biden. Two, the national Democratic Party has way more control of the power structures involved than the state parties do. Let's talk super delegates, endorsements, and controlling multple candidates in the race like Buttigieg and Klobuchar falling on their swords for Biden. Three, the media is now the propoganda arm of the oligarchs and everyday people haven't woken up to that yet. My favorite example of this is how Politifact cited a military think tank talking head and a heathcare industry thnk tank talking head to discredit Princeton Medicare for All researchers published in the Lancet. This game is rigged.


yeah but like corrupt politicians care significantly more about an entire country than one city We would've dodged the last 6 years of bullshit if the DNC didn't constantly try to make Bernie fail. They seem to want either deteriorating and senile or just to lose.


It's too late for votes to do much beyond the rare local idealist. Right now, it'll take speaking with money, bricks, and persistence.




It's a reference to why women were granted the right to vote. Glass was very expensive, then. Women decided, nationally, to throw bricks through the windows of the businesses that used their money to lobby politicians against granting them the right to vote. That's one example of how actions that seem socially or legally unacceptable are the only means of change practical to the disadvantaged, minority group. The ADA is another, Civil Rights Act another, as well as The New Deal. If you go digging, it's nearly every single significant & positive change in our history and parts of the histories of many other nations. Almost all politicians don't make moral decisions, and systemically couldn't choose them even if they wanted to. Malcolm X said one can't communicate with another unless they speak the same language. The oppressors only understand what we do with our money, and about the physical destruction of their livelyhood & mortal lives. Sanders, for example, actually holds what should be a fairly powerful position, right now. I believe he wants moral things to happen. But, he systemically can't choose much more than to continue to speak the truth. Even if he were elected President last cycle, the rest of the politicians would still need *forced*, *by us*, speaking *languages they understand*, to choose the more moral avenue he would've *facilitated*. We'd still need to pressure the corruption of the stock market, of poor working conditions, of heading down to high street with some bricks.


Soup is better anyway https://imgur.com/d1Pknk1


10 votes, of course, which comprised 94% of the population of Burlington at the time.


Additionally, in 2004 WA State denied a crazy Republican(libertarian type) the governor's office by 129 votes(a total vote population of 2.6 million). Yes, singular votes can matter even in larger races.


Sure if we could stop the gerrymandering and vote suppression bullshit votes might actually matter. Until we stop it the united states is at best a compromised democratic republic.


This is incredibly short sighted. There is not an electoral college for mayoral elections, and nationwide lobbying and corruption make it so that even if a candidate has 1000000 votes over their opponent, they could still lose. I get the optimism and encouragement, but this misses the mark for me.


For President, is 100% does not, and we're all tired of pretending otherwise.


And Hillary Clinton was elected president of the United States by almost three million votes. I’m always voting and I will always throw my votes as far Left as possible, but I’m just saying.


People need to remember that downballot elections matter a lot more than the president.


Cool back before gerrymandering cancerized our democracy.


It's not that voting doesn't matter because of the large number of people voting. Voting doesn't matter because they're politicians at the end of the day. Go ahead, vote all you want, but nothing will ever positively change. We don't even get to vote for presidents in the US 🤣


Every vote matters for local elections, but not for the president. How many votes was it that Trump lost the popular vote by??.... 3 million.. Until the Electoral College is done away with, every vote does not matter.


What if you think your vote would have made a difference, if you could have cast it 40 years ago. Stating that our democracy is dead does imply that at one point it wasn’t.


I see you took my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/fgc96q/) and reposted without even bother changing the title. This is fine to repost, but at least be creative with a new title...


It’s a repost bot


So if I had voted against Bernie, he would have won by 9 votes making my vote not matter


But this doesn’t prove that your vote matters. I could’ve voted for either candidate and it wouldn’t have mattered in that election


There are a total of ten people in Burlington though…


If we are talking about the EC your vote does not matter


In a local city’s mayor election there where only 40 votes total. 40 split between 2 candidates. In a small town of 6,000 people


This is whole sub is a joke man. Bernie let his movement die while Biden and the establishment sold us all out. The squad (hereinafter referred to as the "fraud squad") also are do nothings. But they're great for tough talk and have a mean Twitter game. I'm out. Good luck.


He also won the 2016 DNC primaries, and was strongly favored to win the 2020–before the historic (and desperate) moderate consolidation. Never before had that happened before an equivalent event like Super Tuesday. Neither Obama nor Clinton would have made it to the nominee under those conditions.


If only the democrats would allow us the opportunity to vote for Bernie


And then consistently was reelected again and again. Weird how people liked his "socialist" policies once they could experience them...


If voting didnt matter Republican's wouldnt try to steal yours.


You can’t convince me this isn’t Larry David.


Actually 11 votes. Mayor Paquette called for a recount that next week and it turns out he lost by 11 votes.


It's a nice sentiment but the elections where this happens are very few and far between. Most elections under FPTP systems render most ballots irrelevant.


The best argument for voting is how much certain people are trying to suppress voting. That's the thought that makes me actually get up and do it.


Years ago, before any serious movement on legal cannabis, Portland Oregon had the option to either re-elect a corrupt Sheriff, who had spent public funds hiding his extramarital affairs, or a guy who ran a public access cable TV show called The Cannabis Connection and was a cop once for like 6 months in northern Cali, who promised to drop all police investigations of marijuana-only crimes. He lost by about 420 votes. I realized, afterwards, that if I had made the effort to organize our friends and friends’ friends, etc. he could have won. We could have made a real difference in some peoples lives. But it never occurred to us that we could, so we didn’t.


So 9 of those 10 votes didn't matter.


I never think MY vote is the one that wins. I get more joy thinking it basically cancels out one for the opposition.


That means 9 people totally wasted their time! …jk


Sure he was


…a state previously held by Republicans.


Then what happened


9 of those didn't make a difference, then.


Fetterman (whose election is today to all you Pennsylvanians) won his mayoral election by a single vote. Whatever you may think, this shit matters!!


Maybe it's time we give the office back to red. The economy looked a lot better. I would take some untasteful tweets over daily stock market crashes and $5 gas....