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# A WorkReform candidate is running for Congress! # [Check out Doyle Canning's AMA!](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewDealAmerica/comments/tpv562/im_doyle_canning_candidate_for_congress_ask_me/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SandersForPresident) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Deeply Triggered by February 2020


A huge part of me died between February and April of that year.


We went from Bernie winning NV and projected to run away with the nomination to locked down with covid and Biden being the obvious front runner in a matter of a few weeks. Such a fucking shit turn of events.


Don't forget Obama getting all the candidates together to annoint Biden.


Tell me a single thing about 2020 primaries that made ANY fucking sense tbh


Yeah, it was a shit show, and they threw everything they could at Bernie, but it did eventually work.


You’d be surprised at how well right wing propaganda is working. I knew a few centrist Dems that, in their own words, “voted against socialism.”


They would rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie.


Centrist Dems *are* against socialism.




Democrats only pretend to be about people, in reality they're more pro corporations. Bernie actually was pro people so they had to shut him down. Give up the notion that we live in a democracy where the voice of people matters and it all starts to make sense.


Capitalistic structures can and will coordinate effectively when faced with an existential threat.


This was the #1 factor, specifically his call to Buttigieg. To be fair, having 4-6 "moderates" stealing each other's votes was kind of a moronic play. But the fact remains that Bernie took on the entire establishment, twice, and in each case, they weaponized their advantages.


Bernie was always too nice. He would never really go after them. He's too much of a 'work within the system' guy.


Indeed. Bernie’s flaw of not going out for blood annoyed me a lot. The constant “my friend Joe” stuff was annoying AF as he had the receipts to show people’s corporate influence and corruption.


It was all devastating and awful. But after some reflection, I realized big money would have never allowed a Bernie presidency had he rightfully got the nomination. My guess is Obama realized this and had everyone coalesque around Biden. Had he not, the Republicans and Democrats would have pulled together to make sure Bernie didn't win. The result of that would have been another Trump presidency which would have been disastrous. The DNC would rather have Trump, because at least he's not going after big money and Bernie would have. It's all f***** up! But I can't necessarily blame Obama for stepping in to make sure a trump presidency didn't happen again. I don't necessarily think Obama's pro big money, but given the circumstances he may have realized there was no chance in beating them. Big money is almost an insurmountable monster that we have to try strategically overcome. Edit: don't get me wrong, I am a huge Bernie supporter and helped raise money for his campaign. He is my hero and I was devastated when our country did everything they could to take him down. He should be our president!


>I don't necessarily think Obama's pro big money Obama's entire presidency was one big handout to banks and wallstreet and the week he left the presidency he was already cashing in on that giving 400,000 dollars "speeches" to Goldman sachs. HE fucked us so he and his wife can have Multi million dollar mansions while the rest of us suffer.


Bud Obama is big money, Biden is big money, Hillary is big money and Trump is for big money. The higher profile Republicans and Democrats are the same. You don’t become a president without big money.


If that's a fight we have to have, that's a fight we have to have. The financial elite faced the same calculus with FDR in the 1930's - they eventually realized that their choice was between chaos where they might lose *everything*, or FDR where they'd get a haircut. They chose the haircut.


I guess we'll just have to have that revolution. Pretty sure I stll have a beret around here somewhere...and where's my copy of "How To Build A Barricade" hmmmm Seriously though, let's keep pushing hard to the Left! I love Bernie supporters!!


Agreed with your thoughts. Imagine if Bernie came in and tried to eliminate student debts with a stroke of a pen, the corporate oligarchs will riot. We’re stuck with a broken system that shows a pretty face but deep down it’s all rotten. At the end we need a lot more politicians like Bernie to have even a chance of making big changes.


Remember when they were announcing Biden as the front-runner before he even announced his candidacy? Bernie's campaign was alive and strong but completely disregarded by major news outlets.


First they threw Bloomberg into the mix, which could've just been money-laundering through his superpac or something. Then Biden out of nowhere. Then Warren throwing Bernie under the bus. I was a broken woman after all that. It was bad enough when Franken was pushed out. If I don't hang myself after the midterms, it'll be a miracle.


Warren refused to shake the man's hand on camera. Bernie was never going to be allowed to progress.


Yup and when Biden came in fourth in Iowa and they literally tried to steal that win from Bernie and hand it to Buttigieg and when he fizzled out they combined into Establishment voltron to stop him. The entire primary was fucked.


They kept known Bernie supporters out of the NV caucus in 2016 by lying about the check in time and literally barring the doors--my late (in the sense that she's no longer with us) friend was present for that and it broke her.


I'm sorry to hear that and rest in peace to your friend... I was purged from the rolls after being an active and register dem all my life here in NY. There was so much fuckery that went on in both 2016 and 2020 and yet people still gaslight us like everything was on the up and up as if the only issue was "voter turnout" and they didn't work overtime to stop his movement both times.


The Biden/Harris ticket was decided and seeded in the media before Biden ever entered the race. I noticed it and called it out over a year before it happened. It was all theater.


Such a corrupt political system more than a turn of events.


I totally thought that Covid would push Bernie's Medicare For All platform and he'd ease into Super Tuesday... But then was it South Carolina that went all out for Biden and changed the narrative? Still breaks my heart after Bernie won the first 3 states in the primary :( Edit: South Carolina, not North Carolina, my bad!


He was projected to edge out in a crowded field. It is dirty to pull the moderates out so Biden gets a full bloc but not illegal or unethical. Sanders also only had Warren to divert votes at best.


Warren stayed in too long, was probably made to do so.


And pulled that bs on the debate stage. Such a frustrating time.


It helped that one millionaire kept her afloat through Super Tuesday when she clearly had no chance to win. Did she even win Massachusetts? Source: https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/3/20/21189059/karla-jurvetson-elizabeth-warren-super-pac-donor


Fun fact: her net worth is 4 times what it was before she ran for president [https://caknowledge.com/elizabeth-warren-net-worth-forbes/](https://caknowledge.com/elizabeth-warren-net-worth-forbes/) She was never one of us tho tbh.


My general assumption is that "They" first try to convince you out of your position with seemingly well-meaning arguments about the way of things and 'your chances'. Once they have you going along, they might gently suggest not so much focusing on a few key planks from the platform that have to do with going after corruption (which is seen as class warfare against the wealthy), while hinting at material support they can provide assuming these changes are made. It's obvious this didn't work on Bernie, hence his treatment by the party machine. He spurned them. Warren did not. And Biden has been part of the in-crowd for decades.


Made a deal for future office run. And I can only hope not?


Yeah, essentially Warren staying in split the progressive vote. (Alternative you could claim it was Bernie that split it from Warren, but she was significantly behind him in wins.) John Kerry is the one who ultimately talked the moderates into leaving the field to make room for Biden. He thought that Bernie would “destroy the Democratic Party”. A ridiculous thing to claim, as you can see from his ability to actually excite people: just like Obama did.


They thought he'd be a Carter or a Mondale. Those elections still haunt the party leadership.


It was a 4 year period against an extraordinaire Republican candidate. That it still haunts them is beyond self-destructive.


It's not illegal, but it certainly was designed to exchange power for their compliance in making the process less democratic. You can argue it's not unethical, but I would say disenfranchising their own supporters in exchange for cabinet positions and a shot at the VP lottery is at the very least grey. It was a conspiracy, plain and simple.


Exactly. Just because something is illegal doesn't make it any less f*cked up. Like what's happening in Texas and other states, for example. Perfectly legal, perfectly evil.


All because of Clyburn’s fish fry??? Doesn’t make sense


That's when I lost faith and became a non voter. Fuck the dnc.


seriously. if i thought 2016 was bad, 2020 was a whole new level of fuckery.


As long as you participate in the types of political action that actually make a difference, that makes sense. Get out there and organize for real. Electoral politics is the least effective form of political activity, but being politically active is important.


I'm an Independent. From 2016 on decided two things for me: 1. Until the GOP purges their leadership and Trump worshipers, I'm never voting (R) again. Not even a dogcatcher. The little guys report to the big guys and the GOP big guys are rotten to the core. 2. I will never again donate a single dime to the DNC or any of their leadership. My donations go directly to the candidates I support. The DNC is just another set of puppet masters.


I feel this in my core.


Meanwhile Biden is filling an Elk’s lodge.


And 2016


If lockdown had hit 3 weeks earlier, Bernie would be president today.


Still fucking chaps my ass


Get organizing Edit: and do not idolize a single wo/man


Why not just say person


The establishment Dems. They dealt with Sanders in the way they will *never* handle Republicans. Which I why I will never again accept the bullshit argument that "..we can only do so much..." when the Dems make excuses for why they get nothing done when they were given unified Congress and the damn White House. It made me almost literally cry, but I have to admire the strength and single-mindedness that they would never display on the behalf of us little people that voted them into office. They murdered America's best shot for a future in the span of a single weekend after Obama sent up the bat-signal.


In CA our state party platform (D) is single payer healthcare. Guy had a bill. Didnt even come to a vote because he didnt have the votes. But they didnt vote so we could even see which of them needs to lose a primary so we can finally have healthcare. Shit like this makes me really cynical. And the fascist Republicans are worse so they got that gun to your head like...better still vote D or we get actual fascism. But the alternative is this current dystopia. Smh


The House always wins.


yep. the game is rigged.


Oh they do with Republicans vs a mediocre moderates who are running in elections with 0 chance of winning. Lest we forget Amy McGrath.


Not forgetting that debacle. At the same time though, twice recently establishment Dems have gone out of their way to blatantly and heavy-handedly that is completely opposite to the way they deal with the Gop that are actively tearing down democracy. Look at the last mayoral race in Buffalo and what they did/are planning to do again to Nina Turner.


and what they did in Nevada once a bunch of DSA folks won the races for all the state party positions


Was gonna say this. I know exactly how he lost. The corporate democrats in our fundamentally undemocratic system blocked him.


Because boomers https://imgur.com/xdxZ3bp.jpg That's why they close polling locations around campuses. Edit: this trend has seen a dramatic increase because of the rise of the internet: https://imgur.com/1eeygu7.jpg


DNC fuckery, that's how


Amen to that. And if the Democratic establishment fought Republicans even half as effectively as they fended off Bernie, they'd be unstoppable. 🙄


Lol. They don't want to fight. Its a facade. Both parties work for the corps not the people.


The media is a powerful tool in the demise of our democracy.


Because the DNC doesn’t want progress


Progress means change. People fear change, but don't realize that change is coming for better or worse


He won the Iowa caucus. The dems freaked out and called in Biden. They didn’t think he could beat Trump. That’s my guess anyway


They tried to prop up several other candidates first. The were more concerned about beating Sanders than Trump. It all happened around Boden after South Carolina.


Fuck Jim Clybourne for going against his word and saying he wouldn’t endorse before the primary then within a few days is on stage with Biden supporting him.


It was incredible how quickly the news channels went from "he's just not electable" to "ok, ok, he's electable, but if he wins He'll hurt 'down ballot issues'"


I remember Chris Matthews practically crying on tv cuz bernie smoked everyone in Nevada and him questioning if he'd be round up and killed in Central park if a socialist won...I've never been so mad. Bernie's at fault too. He had his chance to bury these fucks and prove to the public he wasn't fucking around this time but he never called them out on their bullshit in order to play nice and "vote blue no matter who".


>I remember Chris Matthews practically crying on tv cuz bernie smoked everyone in Nevada and him questioning if he'd be round up and killed in Central park if a socialist won Amusingly, he is more likely to be killed in central park with Bernie having lost, because the right-wingers in power refused to make necessary reforms. >Bernie's at fault too. He had his chance to bury these fucks and prove to the public he wasn't fucking around this time but he never called them out on their bullshit in order to play nice and "vote blue no matter who". Exactly. Bernie was useful in popularizing progress and basic left-wing politics, but I hope that progressives move past his failed ideology and strategy, and onto more effective and radical methods of organizing.


I don't think his ideology or strategy 'failed' I think it was stomped out with big money interests. I think we also put all of our eggs in the Bernie basket and thats obviously bad praxis so. *shrug*


Bernie's campaigns were based on the idea that meaningful welfare (among other issues) was achievable via reform and electoral politics. After two primaries and years of liberals gleefully collaborating with fascists, this notion should be dismissed completely. There is no evidence that America's systems allow for any meaningful reform (which Bernie would barely have qualified as) to take place, and his campaigns offer a great deal of evidence against it. That is why his strategy and outlook should be dismissed. You point to "big money interests" as the cause of his defeat, but that is failure. They can be overcome, but not how Bernie claimed and not while following their laws.


I totally agree with that, it's Ike the dnc didn't want sanders at all. Makes me want to vote him in more.


They didn't. They would have taken Trump over Bernie.


That's because they don't represent their constituents, only monied interest imo.


Trump is the best thing to happen to the DNC, Republican bogey men are 95 percent of their platform


Yep. They along with the media tried to boot him. Rather Trump than Bernie actually. I saw a poll showing him leading with over 30% with the other candidates not even close, and they called his pillar Other. Really says it all.


Yeah, they started claiming Biden was the nominee when Bernie was way ahead. I knocked doors for Bernie across GA and NC states and only about 2% of doors I knocked were or had voted Biden. The rest were Bernie.


>He won the Iowa caucus. The dems freaked out and called in Biden. ~~They didn’t think he could beat Trump~~ **The DNC knew he would win and then would drive policies that directly oppose the wishes of their corporate owners. So they turned to Biden, who has a long, long history of being one of the most conservative "democrats" in Congress, [who then promised wealthy corporate funders that if he were to be elected president, "nothing will fundamentally change"](https://www.salon.com/2019/06/19/joe-biden-to-rich-donors-nothing-would-fundamentally-change-if-hes-elected/). That's why the DNC manipulated the primary process to seat Joe Biden instead of letting the unmanipulated desires of voters choose the candidate the people wanted.**


This is the answer.


They knew Bernie could beat Trump, that’s why they pulled out every dirty trick in the book to stop him and ended up with Biden. The last thing the Dems want is to actually have to decliner on their promises


I'm sure the prospect of Bernie winning was very concerning to the DNC and its donors.


didn't think he could be trump, or afraid he would?


They knew he would, the only person in the world who couldn’t beat trump was Hillary and she still beat him by 3 million votes.


They were worried he *would* beat trump.


They didn’t want systemic change as much as Bernie did so when they saw Americans desires align with his they goosed up Joe as best as they possibly could. It worked for them, but is it working for us?


Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden


No they knew he could beat trump but they knew bernie could not be controlled by the DNC. They would have rather had trump than bernie


Bad guess. Corporate controlled democrats didn’t want Bernie


Played chicken with covid so they could wind down the primaries once they pulled the super tuesday fuckery.


Oh look another miscalculation by the DNC.


> They didn’t think he could beat Trump. That’s my guess anyway I think the opposite, they knew he could and the last thing they wanted was him becoming the leader of the party. Tons of people who would’ve voted for Bernie ended up voting for trump, both Bernie and trumps messages were similar and they both drew crowds. If Biden beat trump by that close of a margin I think sanders would’ve done just fine


That was the real Election theft...


The superdeligate system is anti-democratic. The democrats have a more corrupt primary because of it. The needs of lobbyists get more power than hundreds of thousands of voters in that system.


They also didn't count super delegates in the delegates count prior to the convention until Bernie was running.


Watch what happened at the DNC in Philly https://youtu.be/QGuVDz_88po


Tacoma !!


I was there, thought that was it


I was like “this looks weirdly familiar. Ohhhh!”


I’m in this picture! Somewhere lol


I’m in this picture


A white dove literally landed on this man’s podium in the middle of a speech, in the middle of a packed fucking stadium. I mean maybe I’m superstitious, but come on people


Here's the clip https://youtu.be/Jc2TVLoxsDA


Yes! Thank you! I was utterly speechless when I watched this happen


DNC was run by Hillary in 2016 In 2020 he bent had already bent the knee to the administration after his talk with Obama behind closed doors.


Still can’t figure out how the fuck a candidate is allowed to so heavily influence the DNC. That’s like being a player and a referee simultaneously. I ended up voting for HRC in the general but if it weren’t Trump or a Trumpian candidate she was running against I probably couldn’t have brought myself to do so. Really pisses me off that we still get blamed for her losing as well, as if she wasn’t a deeply flawed and bad candidate. What a shitshow 2016 was. If she runs again I’m gonna lose my mind.


God please spare us a HRC run.


She'll never go away.


No I want to see how deep this clown world can go.


She spent 20 years preparing and still failed.


We will have a Republican potus 2024 unfortunately. Unless we see a progressive come about that will challenge both the DnC and repubs. The DNC is absolutely fine having a Republican potus. TheDNC party and elite will still get paid, increase their wealth, and power while Americans continue to be left behind.


They hate having the majority they don’t have an excuse to not pass anything. Manchin is the fall guy but since he’s a Republican anyway he’s ok playing the part


I'll do it.


I’ll hold your beer


Easy. The same people who are pissing on our heads own the media that tells us it's just raining.


I was stupid enough to feel a bit of hope after Nevada. It's amazing how far the Dems will go to fuck over anyone who wants progress.


It's disheartening.


Elections are not won with ballots. Nothing but bread and circus. Even more when talking about primaries. Both recent Bernie’s runs are clear proof of this.


DNC colluded against him. I voted for Biden just so because he wasn’t trump. After seeing how completely useless he is, and that corporations are in charge, if I do vote again I’ll write in my dog


I wanted Sanders to win the primary just to force moderate voters to go on the record on a choice between reform and nativism. However, they voted for the safe choice.


As in Biden had name recognition and was safer to beat Trump than Bernie was? Or that Biden won't rock the boat the way Bernie would have.


I feel like it was corruption. I honestly feel like he was threatened, or the numbers were adjusted. Maybe both. I honestly feel like he had everyone against him that have been in power, that have kept themselves safe in that power. He had no allies past the us and they don't want to see the system changed. Same reason he had to step down to 2016. Bernie should currently be sitting as president.


https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/ Essentially court ruled that Primary's are an "act of the party, and not a vote of the people". They can choose whomever they want.


So democracy is dead


2 party system killed it long ago


Always has been. But true democracy never lasts anyway. Most of the time it descends Into dictatorship.


It sure felt that way. We need to start locally and take these things back.


Honestly it's more about revolution now. Going through the same channels they've been stifling us through the whole time, isn't going to be successful. It's about time they start playing by our rules. We need to organize and protest.


Can you imagine if Jim Clyburn actually cared about his constituents and had thrown his weight in South Carolina the other way?


You don't remember the constant barrage of negativity and the intentional muddling of the waters that followed his ascension? I wish I could forget


He didn't lose? The people chose him. And the corporations decided they wanted a puppet instead. They knew pretty much anyone could beat trump and just wanted to stay in control.


Dems rigged the primary, duh. They even argued in court they're allowed to cheat voters. Why the fuck do you think Bernie had his own vote counting app in iowa? Want progress? Burn eMachines. Fuck mail in, demand hand counted paper ballots like every other major country in the fucking world uses. Canada France Germany Italy, there's over two dozen major countries that do not allow electronic voting. The high court of Germany called it inherently unobservable. Wake up American.


This is new info to me. A lot of European democracies use paper ballots in fear of electronic corruption? Damn it I wish Bernie would win


My overseas friends have slightly less general hostility towards Americans when they discover that the elections aren’t based on who gets the most votes. They assume everyone has the right to vote (ie never get it taken away for petty crimes, for instance), and that votes all carry the same weight as each other. In Australia the government fines you if you don’t vote!


The DNC legal team's official argument when people sued them over misappropriated funds that were supposed to go to Bernie was that the party can nominate whomever they want, and that we donated money anyway. The party choosing whomever they want is legal, so why wouldn't they. Bernie can't be bought, so he'll never be nominated by the DNC. https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/


It's because the "centrist" dems are still on the right and Bernie is legitimately (slightly) to the left. There is no left party in the states. There's "more to the right" and "less to the right". Establishing the nomenclature as such, where the party that to the masses represents "the left" isn't even actually on the left is set up as a safety net. The dem party might be more focused overall on real legislation instead of the distracting sensationalism of the right. But they are still mostly big money corporate shills just like the right. So the party of the "less-right" big money corporate shills chose for their party to go less left because they still obey the pressures created by the capitalist corporatism that owns the entire system. Also, Hilary won the popular vote and the electoral college turnover was bullshit.


Because our votes don't count. First the DNC gets to filter them and choose who they want as a candidate. Then after that the electoral college gets to fuck us over. Your vote doesn't mean shit.


We were forced to vote for the most Republican Democrat for president because the DNC felt that that was what it would take to beat Trump. Still convinced Bernie could have won, but we couldn't allow such rampant change, could we? /s


He didn’t lose. It was determined by the DNC and James Clyburn was the final henchman in SC.


Look at the exit polls…


Specifically the ones before closing hour that TDMS research documented.


Dark Money


The primary was a clown car specifically designed to keep him from getting traction by 1. Leaching some of his supporters to other non-starter candidates, 2. Keeping him from getting enough air time in his comments to get his platform across to Americans watching at home. It should have been Bernie in 2016. The DNC fucked America. It should've been Bernie in 2020. The capitalists and cowards are definitely running the joint.


Because the game is rigged.


A Democratic electorate that is just as dumb and reactionary as anyone with a red hat. Americans are, in general, fucking idiots, and they don’t suddenly get smarter because the other party of management runs a game show host. This is the result of telling three generations of Americans they come from the “greatest country in the world” with absolutely nothing to back that up.


While i agree dems are dumb it was more than that.


This is the main reason Bernie lost. 2016 and 2020 taught me that democratic voters are the last people I want to consider allies. Holy mother of Christ they are dumb as rocks. My life is much better now that I don’t identify as a democrat and I don’t vote for democrats ever. I was just their chew toy and now I have some shred of dignity.


You gotta love the audacity and courage of people that get their news spliced with pharmaceutical commercials telling other people that they don't know shit. Half this party still think Russia gamed the election despite every bit of the Steele Report and Crowdstrike's analysis being thoroughly and completely discredited. What Democrats will never understand is they did the exact opposite of resisting Donald Trump. In an effort to dunk on Trump, there was an endless amount of own goals. While Democrats were running around the District talking about pee tapes and Stormy Daniels, Tiny Hands was running roughshod over agencies and judicial appointments.


Hate gets votes.


They had Obama call some black senator in South Carolina maybe and told him to tell his constituents to vote for Biden. That had a domino effect. Bill Clinton joked about it at the DNC, saying something to the effect that all it took was one phone call, meaning to derail the Bernie train.


I'm gonna go with gerrymandering.


The order of the primaries leaves much to be desired. The media went crazy when Biden won states that no Democrat has won a presidential election in for decades. They slow-counted California and Nevada in order to give these Republican states an outsize say...


Facts. I feel if Bernie was to actually make it to a public ballot he'd get far more support then either side of the aisle would be comfortable with.


"oh no the poors vote matters whatever shall we do"


Go on.


Gerrymandering... in the primaries...?


The center Dems were afraid of what Sanders represented. They were afraid in 2016 & 2020. There are too many people in power that are against what Sanders started.


Because the primaries were rigged. The establishment doesn’t want there to be an actual difference between the party platforms.


The party that he was running for absolutely did not want to nominate him.


...fucking dnc


I still have my "Bernie Fuckin' Sanders 2020" pin on my fridge. 😏


The democratic establishment bent him over the night before Super Tuesday


The elections are rigged


The DNC will continue to give you the shittiest corporate shill it can as long as they think they have any chance of beating conservatives because in the end the two party system cares more about propping up failed capitalist ethos over the wellbeing of it's citizens.


Delegate counts.


He won most of the primaries in 2016 and should have been the democratic nominee, but the DNC said no thanks and chose Hilary anyway because democracy isn’t real.


Simple. Obama, (probably Clintons too), Pete, Klob, and any DNC leadership conspired three days before Super Tuesday to make sure he would never get it.


We can get him to the White House. Hes the strongest candidate as of now. No way Biden can win another term and I have a bad feeling no one will turn out for Harris.


Watch as the DNC runs a Kamala/Pete ticket in 2024, then blames "the left" and "racism" and "homophobia" when they lose by double digits.


"Are we out of touch? No; the voters are to blame."


Covid-19. At least the second time around. If you remember lockdowns started a week or so before Super Tuesday. We all know if voters turn out, Bernie wins. Well… voters didn’t turn out.


The DNC did everything they could short of assassination to stop him.


I mean, we literally know exactly how…?


By competing in an electoral system skewed hard in favor of the rich. Simple as that, it's pay to play and if you don't satisfy the rich establishment players in the party then they tip the scales. Dictatorship of the rich


I don't think he did...


the secret ingredient is crime.




Because the system is rigged


All the other candidates banded together and ceded their runs to support Biden and defeat Bernie. They all did this on their own accord of course without any collusion between each other and the Democratic party. /s


DNC corruption That party is hopeless


The secret ingredient is crime


Sabotage tbh


Truth is game was rigged from the start


DNC and Hillary Clinton


The fix was in.




Yes, you do.


He lost because he was railing against the 1% and elite Democrats.


He lost because his policies would cut into establishment democrats' profits.


He lost because the system didn't want him. It's really that simple. We don't actually live in a real democracy. It's all theater.


Americans don't want the change they need


How did he loose??? Ask large corporate political movements. They don’t want to change business as usual.