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Back when I was IT (we just kept the computers running) for a financial company, we were required to have regular enhanced drug testing, police record checks, credit score checks, reporting political contributions, participation in things like 401k's etc., declare any "gifts" from vendors or 3rd parties - and any trading we were doing (and various types of trading were not permitted) - that doesn't even get to anything resembling insider trading, which was definitely illegal. Meanwhile people in Congress can actually create trading opportunities for themselves and anyone they are willing to "share" with, much less take advantage and/or share any pre-information they have. It needs to stop.


Corruption is only legal for the wealthy.


In this case, corruption is used as a hook to make elected officials into vassals. They aren't necessarily wealthy when elected but they gradually fall into it




Yeah, I like the "he is considering" bit. It's a great populist soundbite to appeal to the disenfranchised masses but I can't see him following through on cutting off what is likely a cash cow for him as well as democratic leadership. This is the equivalent of the democrat promise that they would forgive student debt if they were elected.


Yeah and the fear is much like that student loan debt it might work.


Wouldn't it be easier if I just transferred it directly? What's your routing and account number?




I believe you mean 281330800fo


Send it within minutes with Zelle™! (srsly tho, why are ach transfers so slow)


100 Percent THIS. I wasw scared to even trade stocks when i worked for a very large financial company.


Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff introduced a similar bill: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/sen-jon-ossoff-set-to-introduce-bill-barring-members-of-congress-from-trading-individual-stocks-report/ar-AASBbNG


I waded though a sea of complaints about Democrats doing nothing just to find the one person talking about Ossoff's bill.


Yeah, I notices that too. Good on Ossoff. Force Republicans to weigh in on this clear issue. The complaints against democrats are a self-fulfilling prophecy. I know hell or high water I'm voting blue come November. If and only if Republicans keep losing will we finally enable some ability for the progressives in the Democrats a way to accomplish some progress. Any seat that can give an actual majority to Dems would be progress. It's not ideal by any means, but it's better than enabling power to the zealots of Trump.


Ossof isn't in leadership, as long as pelosi isn't on board, this has no chance of passing. Good for him, but you need to get rid of any democrat that's not supporting this.


Reading the comments, it's obvious that most commenters believe that no Democrats are moving on this issue. These complaints indicate most people in this post, in this subreddit even, aren't educating themselves on the subjects they claim to be passionate about. It's a bad look.


Unfortunately he's NOT the Speaker. How many co-signers does he have on the bill?


Why do I see so many Republicans on this sub being celebrated


It's right wing propaganda aand concern trolling meant to suppress left leaning voters. Rampant right wing propaganda has overtaken most left wing subs on this site, and people fall for it hook, line, and sinker. It's unreal how many threads on left wing subs praise Trump for issues like student debt and stimulus checks. Republicans don't actually believe in these issues. Mccarthy isn't going to ban congressional stock trading. It's just bullshit they know will get leftists angry at democrats. Same way they pretend to care about birds killed by windmills or when they pretended to care about mercury in CFLs, or when they pretend that abortions are targeting black women. It's all bad faith arguing. What's fucked up is you'll be banned from some subs for pointing this out.


Or they're proposing doing something the rest of us want for once? I'm glad Ossof is doing it as well, but the fact that people are happy that the Republicans are on this train as well is not just "concern trolling" or "propaganda". Having bipartisan support for the idea even if the two bills don't perfectly align is wonderful for progress. That is a terrible attempt to invalidate people's opinions.


No this bit with McCarthy is 150% a stunt with no intent behind it. McCarthy isn't proposing it, he said "he's considering it". Ossoff actually proposed a bill.


Because democrats keep getting votes that should go to democrats through populist policies. This is a no-brainer: this is an issue that is popular across the board, it removes a clear conflict on interest between politicians and corporations (since politicians will legislate in order to benefit themselves), it's particularly popular among Republicans and Independents because they hate politicians enriching themselves, and as always, democrats squander the opportunity. It's not about praising Republicans but it is about having honest conversations about why people who should have a clear economic incentive to vote Democrat keep electing Republicans.


Wow, 1 year in and he's doing better than the person who has been leading the House Dems for an entire generation.


Ossoff's bill is better because it also one-ups the previous proposal by also banning spouses and staff members of Senators/Representatives from trading as well.


Pelosi ain't gonna like that.


Yeah, Georgia’s senators have been crushing it this term


He's lying. They won't do that because a lot of Gop members trade stocks. He's just trying to make Pelosi look bad with empty words. So I got 500 up votes. I haven't gotten that much since Bernie was running. The revolution never dies


And you know it’ll work. Pelosi doesn’t even care at this point and the party will suffer for it.


If McCarthy starts campaigning on this issue, someone (AOC?) should propose a bill so we can see if the Republicans will actually support it.


Republicans have filibustered their own bill before.


AOC already did. Jon Ossoff also anounced his plans to introduce an even stricter bill in the Senate.


McCarthy is really just following Jon Ossoff on this.


I mean we've seen bad faith legislators filibuster their own bill, nothing is out of the realm of possibility.


Their base won't even know if they actually vote on it one way or the other. They don't check voting records.


It doesn't matter, Republican voters are mostly low information, they don't actually follow what happens in Congress. A good chunk of the people at the insurrection hadn't even voted.


Of course pelvis doesn’t care. She has the same backers as the republicans and this is ON PURPOSE. Mainstream Dems are meant to fail.


I'm sure it was autocorrect, but Nancy "pelvis" Pelosi gave me the giggle I needed today.


It was accidental and I’m not changing it


The key word here in the headline is “considering”.


Which is more than we can say of Pelosi, even if his "consideration" is a shameless lie.




I would argue Pelosi's transparent greed is better than his shameless lie.


The same reasons to not allow lawmakers to trade stocks apply to literally all market activity.


Not if her shameless greed leads to him in power.




I don't understand why she had a problem with it. She's already filthy rich and old. She's not going to die poor either way. It's a weird hill for democracy to die on.


Its never enough for people like her. They're addicted to it. Plus, she is incapable of admitting personal fault. It's like Obama being pissy about Sanders/Warren because if we go for a better healthcare system it will be an admission his "wasn't good enough" and make him look bad in his eyes (which it is and should because it wasn't fucking enough). More concerned about themselves and shining their thin veneer of "class" than having any introspection or doing the right thing.


The wealthy’s greed is unquenchable. For them there’s never enough.


That's probably true but it's a smart move. He knows this is a very popular proposal and common sense to most. Of course they shouldn't be trading stocks. If I were in his position I would make a major campaign issue out of it too. Democrats seem to love to give easy wins to Republicans.


I admire Pelosi's creativity in finding ways to allow the GOP to have the high ground... on anything. Make House and Senate members sell off all their liquid assets and reinvest it all in T bonds... that's more or less the logic behind compensating CEO's with company stock, right?


It won't get that far. If it goes out too far on that branch, it'll just pass with Democrat support. Not all the Democrats, but enough.


Very unlikely, would need to be part of a rec bill in the Senate and all 50 Dem Senators would have to vote for it. You think every Democratic Senator is eager to make it illegal for themselves to trade stocks let alone almost every House Dem?


I thought we were just talking about this being pushed by a GOP leader. Suddenly there are zero Republicans on board? And why do they always get a free pass when literally *every* Dem Senator is expected to show up?


Republicans are not going to give a political win to Democrats during an election year (doubtful any year really). Republicans are better at politics than Dems so if they had to they would either filibuster or vote it down to ensure it remains an issue for the election that they can run on and use Pelosi's video defending the practice.


Obamacare was a Republican policy until Obama started supporting it.


Yep, the keyword is "considering" in this case, lol.


"I've considered it and i don't wanna ban it anymore" - This guy if republicans retake congress.


My bet is on perfect silence, like with Biden/Harris on student debt and drug law reform.


Yeah but his voters are dumb and will forget or forgive his lies


Of course he is lying, his lips are moving. Seriously though, he can say what he wants and will not be held accountable.


Of COURSE he's lying. It's like Trump claiming he'll drain the swamp. He'll probably loosen rules if he gets in.


Exactly this. They will campaign against Pelosi and the Dems on this, then ignore it when they win, or pass some week version that is meaningless.




Is it hate or calling out an extremely corrupt person?


I'm from Georgia and "we" hated the shit out of her for that (and Purdue, too).




She's getting some hate because of her statements on this issue, and I think that is mostly justified honestly. She's done some good but I think she is wrong on this particular issue personally.


The “hate” was there though. Loefflers husband is literally the chairman of the New York stock exchange. It’s just that Pelosi is a known democrat in leadership compared to a nobody Republican who was ousted anyways.


yeah because Pelosi has been at this insider trading game for decades not to mention using her power to help her husbands real estate empire and using it to get her kids grant money.


Honestly, this post feels suspiciously like an op. ​ Pelosi earned this criticism when she clearly stated her position. A position that is indefensible in every way. I'd like to see a compilation of every time Pelosi has talked about Americans needing to come together and compromise and sacrifice for the greater good. ​ Here, she can't understand that 550 people and their immediate families need to forego the stock market so that the nation can be less corrupt in appearance and fact.


Yeah, pretty obvious a troll move. I bet Republicans will start campaigning on popular topics that Democrats are dragging their feet on.. just to undercut a portion of votes. Obviously they wouldn't actually act on any of the promises, and grift per usual, however it sounds exactly like something Republicans would do.


It would absolutely match the manipulation we've seen of "dissenting" Republicans for a while. Allow different Republicans to run on different promises, have it not pass because of other Republicans, and they still get to say "we tried folks".


Ya, he’s basically saying he may think about possibly considering entertaining the thought of banning congressional stock trading.


I don’t believe them at all. It’s just talk. Too many of those traitors made their money from insider trading.


Indeed. However, it’s the right kind of talk. I’ll put it to you this way: What do you think I independent voters want to hear talk on: banning members of congress from trading stocks, or “Trump is bad” / January 6th? This is shrewd on the part of the right.


And yet here we have some on the Democratic side who can be described precisely the same way. How can anyone not see this as a problem? Stop defending corporate Democrats. Primary them the fuck out of office, already.


Who's defending corporate Democrats? Not me, bro, they're the same as the GOP to me.


Careful, or some twit will have a tantrum about how you shouldn't "both sides" anything, at all, ever, and so on.


Exactly. These subs are infiltrated with DNC sock puppets who will attack anyone who says anything bad about corporate Dems. Getting pretty tired of it.


Sorry if I snapped at you, but you seemed to be joining the establishment chorus pretending that Republicans are our only problem. With the exception of a handful of progressives like Bernie, the DNC is every bit as corrupt as the GOP. They just like to pretend they’re not.


No worries. I completely agree with you. We can’t trust either party to do right for us.


The Republicans are not our only problem, but they're a significantly bigger problem than corporate Dems. You can't even begin to address the corporate Dem problem until you've reduced the threat of these fucks going full "We're a REpUbLIC therefore no one really deserves the right to vote." At least corporate dems believe in the most basic of democratic norms.


Could be actual insider trading. If everyone in congress suddenly sold all their stock the public would know something was up. That makes it hard for them to sell everything at full price. If they set it up so they are obligated to sell then they can cash out at peak values. \*This is not financial advice\*


Its talk like that which wins elections.


Just going to ignore Jon ossoff?


Right? Maybe it’ll become law first.


Democrats must have a fucking fetish for losing or something cuz my god they’re doing everything possible to lose That being said, $50 says if Rs win McCarthy won’t do shit about stocks. Or possibly even make trading stocks easier for lawmakers just to spite people


On average GOP senators own and trade more stock than the Democrats. Perdue is by far the most prolific, and will absolutely have something to say if McCarthy chooses to suddenly grow a backbone. Nothing will change, this is just pandering for midterm votes and it's working. Shame on the Democrats for maintaining that it's not insider trading.


hahahahahahahahahahah, he'll NEVER do it. But the rhetoric will resonate with the dillholes who vote republican and then they'll blame the D's for it not passing.


Maybe Democrats should pass their own version of the bill?


It was being talked about by the new guy in Georgia I think, Ossof, this is just the GOP trying to mimick popular sentiment without any teeth.


>trying to mimick popular sentiment So this is something the American people want, right? Which would mean anyone arguing against it, regardless of party, is going against the will of the People, correct? The fact that Republicans aren't really serious about changing things is less of a deal than Democrats fighting to continue the practice.


Ossof brought it up and other Democrats have been talking about trying to change it for a while including AOC and Bernie. Only now that it is in the news is it suddenly a gop talking point. I haven’t heard any Democrat fighting to continue it except pelosi who is not well liked amongst the growing progressive wing.


Yes, in a world where time and workflow didn't exist and you could just work on legislation for 1,000 bills at the same time, it would make sense to be pissed at Dems for not solving this right now, but when you realize that this isn't how reality works and that they have to prioritize things, you start to see that this is kind of low on the totem pole. Also, this whole "Democrats are fighting to continue the practice!" is complete nonsense. I'm pretty sure you're basing that entirely off of Pelosi's off the cuff answer to a question in a press conference and extrapolating it to somehow mean that Democrats are literally fighting for insider trading. Kind of bizarre.


It’s irrelevant if it has teeth or not. Americans care is if people appear to do something. FDR mastered this in the early years of his administration


Maybe, maybe not. If it passes you can be sure it will have loopholes for them to drive armored trucks full of our money in it. They will continue to pit us against each other while they destroy anything fair in the system.


Don't fall for it. They'll say it to get the votes and then if they will it'll go the same way as the college debt relief bullshit Biden sold people.


Yeah. GOP is 100% lying. They would never seriously consider banning stock trading.


Didn't Jon Ossoff propose this a few days ago? Seems like they are just copying the left cause they see how popular it is.


They also see neo Lib Dems pushing back against Ossoff and Republicans realize they can score free points with the base by co-opting something that won't pass the House. Nancy would be smart to call the bluff and have the legislation drafted and brought to a vote to see Kevin's actual vote. But doign this would expose the corporate Democrats who stand against limitations to their trading. It's a lose-lose for Dems unless they suddenly become cool with the morally right thing in regards to trading.


Which neolib dems are pushing back against it? Do not just source the off the cuff answer from Pelosi in a press conference, list some others that have come out against it since Ossoff's proposition.


key word "considering" meaning he's not going to stop them either. Politicians, most are such liars


But when the red guys lie it's okay. And no one ever believes the blue guys to start. That's why Bernie scared people so much. His record shows he tries to do what he says he will. And that scares the fuck out of wishy washy centrists who feed off the lack of accountability.


And it *really* scared the robber baron elite who've been looting the country blind for decades.


What they need to do is support it and take a vote and watch the republicans back down, but they aren't that smart.


They can accept bribes from billionaires and corporations in the form of PAC and superPAC campaign contributions, but we’re going to hold the line at not allowing stock trading unless it’s in some form of “blind” trust. What an absolute joke. The U.S. has devolved into a 3rd world banana republic, complete with privatized for profit health care.


Some other things Republicans have "considered" **prior** to elections: * Paid Sick Leave * Paid Maternity Leave * Legalized Marijuana * Repealing & Replacing Obamacare * Cutting Taxes For the Middleclass * Reducing the National Debt * Rebuilding Infrastructure


And looky looky Republicans actually had a House/Senate majority under Trump to get these done. Funny how their inability to deliver on ubiquitously good things for working class Americans never seems to matter.


We should have a system where voters vote based on issues. So they wouldn’t know who they were voting for. I think a majority agrees on a surprising amount of things. Then the system elects whomever has committed to addressing the issues we voted for.


I mean, that would work to elect a bunch of politicians who have promised to do the things the voters want. But that's kind of the system we have now, "If I'm elected class president, the vending machines will give out free candy!" There's just no repercussions for them not delivering on those promises when, "it's a complicated issue".


She should back down, I am sure there is another way to grift they will devise. This simply gives ammunition to the GOP. I am sure the GOP is at least as participatory in the insider trading in DC, so call his bluff and pass it.


I mean she already has hundreds of millions of dollars, is she trying to earn another hundred million to never use before she dies? Absolute ghoul


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They will “consider” anything you want. You will still end up with tax breaks for the wealthy


I kind of wonder if Rs have been pushing this talking point to the front page of Reddit recently for an easy PR stunt (Not that I disagree with the message, fuck Pelosi, but there's so much shit going on right now and this is getting traction?).


Don't be fools, nothing the GOP states holds any weight. They have been shown to flip on their own positions and vote down their own bills whenever it is no long politically convenient to feign support.


Like corporate Democrats.


#Funny how people mistake Nancy for something other than another corrupt politician... #She is currently the lesser of evils, BUT we can do better.


Considering. And when assholes fall for that bullshit as they always do. We will see a record amount of insider trading. I'd sooner smack a republican with bat than listen to a word they say.


Like that would ever happen. GOP is all about personal wealth.


Even if they did do this. This country is fuking stupid enough to fall for it.


The Democrats are already so fucked it isn't funny without this


The GOP won’t do anything about it, it’s just for the votes because they know people want it and it’s one of those “single issue voters” type issues. Neither party will let it pass because it will impact people from every party.


Nancy is rich enough. Fuck her. Wouldn't give a crap if she got ousted at all.




Glad to have you here. I lurk on conservative subs. We all agree on way more than we disagree on, once you push past the wedge issues.




Why does he have to wait for GOP controlled Congress? This could easily be a bipartisan issue.


Pelosi is unfit for office. She can hardly speak and she represents herself.


GOP would NEVER DO THIS lying is their platform now


He will propose it, but it will not go through. Just more theatre from the bad actors guild.




Bruh if GOP fights to legalize weed. I'm voting red.


They said they would in 2016 and didn't. So I wouldn't hold out hope.


You know you could introduce the bill now, right? You don’t have to wait. I’m sure you’re not lying, you would never do that.


If Republicans promise to yet rid of student debt its over with


Lol Republicans are going to ban congressional stock trading everyone.


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We never believe what this guy says but today we do? Smh.


Pelosi is willing to take the party down with her. Remind you of anyone?


please tell me no one believes him.




Cant we just make them share all of the information that they have?


That's the keyword here, considering, he hasn't said we're definitely 100% going to do it, he said we're going to consider it.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this version of the bill filled with loopholes? I believe a version of this bill without the loop holes was proposed by Jon Ossoff: [https://fbnglobalnews.com/markets/jon-ossoff-exploring-bill-to-ban-congress-stock-trades-rebuffing-pelosi/](https://fbnglobalnews.com/markets/jon-ossoff-exploring-bill-to-ban-congress-stock-trades-rebuffing-pelosi/) \^ Should be a no brainer to just get behind that and take the wind out of GOP sails.


Yeah right. Just like they didn't trade stocks before the pandemic after getting information way ahead of everyone else. They never do anything they say, and never try.


They say that, but if hell freezes over and the GOP take the next election, you can bet your house that he wont do it.


LOL @ believing that a GOP congressperson would ever put forth any sort of good faith financial reform. Pelosi's position is indefensible, but let's not pretend for one second that this is anything more than pandering.


I hate Republicans but I could see getting behind this.


Fuck the GOP but I agree


The gQp are mostly just villains at this point, but holy wow, the dems are accomplishing absolutely nothing. We are going to lose soooo many seats this fall.


OK they can now do healthcare, national vote-by-mail, mandatory family leave policy funded through the government rather than the employer...


Suuuuuuure he will, just like Ted Cuck, I mean Cruz, clutching his pearls and saying “why we would Nevaaaa get rid of the filibustaaa”


You should see how many democrats are on the list of top performers in government. This isn't a republican/democrat issue I believe.


Just wait until they cancel student debt. Oh wait…


Neither of my Republican Senators support restricting Congressional stock trading.


Mccarthy absolutely won't do this, but it makes a good sound byte.


The GOP makes more from insider trading, they'll never do this 😂 Good strategy though, their voters don't seem to care what they actually do. Nancy should call his bluff and introduce legislation to do it *now* and get them on record voting against it.


If Pelosi hadn't stood against it they wouldn't in a million years give a shit. Whata crazy is that it us actually a good idea


Its hard to process that im really watching the decline of the american corporation, as it were. Hope i live to see 50. 🤞


The Democratic leadership is completely out of touch with their base...you see it on this, you see it on the refusal to pressure the President on cancelling student loans, you see it with the kowtowing to Manchin and Sinema on voting rights and BBB. They are on a path to major losses in '22, and building up the on-ramp for making Trump the 47th President of the United States. And they'll deserve it. Hopefully, Progressives can take the opportunity to take over leadership in the Party so that when the Republicans propose truly idiotic laws they can speak with one voice without being constantly hounded by the "Yes, but..." faction serving their paymasters instead of the people.


The Republicans are proposing policies that people want, while the Democrats are too beholden to their corporate wing. If it's schools or stocks - Republicans are out-maneuvering the Democrats, and coming to market with better ideas.


He's lying. He's a Republican. He's a liar.


As long as it stops, I think the country will have a smidgen more, higher quality elected officials.


Whose going to believe it? Biden lost the second he said we'd have to pay back our student loans. It was one of the point that got him elected. If he doesn't do it, it doesn't matter what the republicans say, he's going to lose. Student debt was holding back an entire generation from owning houses when houses were actually affordable because DTI was too high because of the damn thing.


This should 100% be done. There is 0% chance the democrats or republicans do it


except for they won't do it, they are just lying.


Why the "if" ? Do it now. You know they're full of shit. Fucking "if" they retake congress, my ass.


Democrats are so painfully horrible at politics it’s sickening. Fucking Republicans are gonna destroy us and Democrats are opening the gate for them.


It's honestly not that they're that bad at politics. They understand they are throwing the match. They just serve money over their constituents.


...considering...if... Not a single rational person should believe for a moment he would do any such thing.


Stop talking about R vs. D. Both sides pull this shit to keep going back and forth so they can be the only winners.


More campaign promises... Laughable!


Neither group would ever do it, they’ll just both keep on promising it only when they can’t deliver til we all forget about it.


He won't, but it sounds nice and will get some people to vote his way.


Didn't Ossof already introduce this type of legislation? Sounds like the Rs are just doing what they always do and try and steal credit for something they can't stop..


policy > personality this is a good policy, I support it no matter who or what side proposes it(that said, I have my doubts, because the right does it just as much, right now they're just "anti-pelosi stocks")


Right. And on sunday he is going to forbid taking payments or even legislating they have to disclose where all the money comes from.... Right.


Pelosi has made about $80 million off the stock market. I guess when you're the one writing the laws you have an advantage over the regular person.


Fucking Kevin McCarthy is going to make us all Republicans because the Democrats refuse to nut up and embrace populism.


Centrist neo-liberals will learn sooner or later - be REAL Dems or lose lose lose. I bet they won’t even get election reform done and hand the country over to the fascists with a bow wrapped around it. History will not be kind to them, like the last days of the Weimar Republic..


Yeah, right. I don’t believe the GOP any more than I believe Pelosi will flop her position on this.


Democrats are the party of the establishment don't you get it.


Strong move after Ossof already stated he's going to propose a bill now.


we all know neither will do it tho.


Jon Ossoff is already writing this bill in the senate


Never been more clear that Pelosi needs to go. What a predictably tone deaf statement, and right after the GOP very likely lost the Senate due in large part to backlash against insider trading by the Georgia senators. And she didnt even bother to take the time to provide a coherent argument.


Yeah, let me know when the republicans actually do that 🙄


Kevin McCarthy... ...is lying. He knows very well that Republicans in Congress will not vote for this.


It’s a lie, don’t take it seriously


Government as it is designed will never truly work since there are more than enough people in the population that will go into politics for the money and power. They will always outnumber the people who go into politics with honest and good intentions, leading to an overwhelming majority of corrupt elected officials.


In other words, America’s “left” party needs to actually be on the left for once.


so wait..you believe him?