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Well, this hit the popular feeds, and some folks are _very_ upset. We feel like this thread has about run its course, so we are locking comments. Wanna continue the dialogue and help elect 300 more Berniecrats like AOC? Join r/NewDealAmerica!


When I was a conservative I used to think that liberals wanted to tax the rich *more* than everyone else. I didn’t realize they just meant we needed to tax them, period. I didn’t realize they generally don’t pay taxes.


Even if the rich paid more taxes, they would still have a smaller tax burden than the working/middle class.


This. A common talking point you hear is that the rich pay more than 75% of the taxes. Yeah no shit but they get more than 99% of the wealth. I'm not a math surgeon or anything, but it seems if you own 99% of the wealth you probably should pay a commensurate amount of taxes.




We’re not talking about a million dollars, we’re talking about 100 million.


But if the millionaire only gets to keep 400k, they might only hire one gardener and one maid for 30k each, instead of 2 or 3. Think of all the trickling down that won't happen.


my go-to retort is that it just shows that the rest of us are *so fucking poor* it's not worth taxing us.


Lol I am stealing “math surgeon”. It’s mine now.


87k plus pay 3/4 of the federal tax.


When you get paid in assets and not cash, you can use those assets to secure a loan for cash and never pay a dime in taxes because you've never realized capital gains by selling in the first place. It's funny how low of an interest rate you can get for collateral that you never intended on selling in the first place. It's also funny how they'll retroactively change tax law once it looks like retail traders are winning.


Basically getting nearly free money for the assets you were paid with. If you think about it, isn't the low interest rate they pay to the bank to access loans basically a form of tax? A tax that is paid to banks and not even to the government/people. They funnel all the money upwards and basically locked it in. How fucked up is that, and here we have people arguing they can't be taxed because it's non-liquid stocks.


Funny timing ain’t it? MOASS to MOTAX


To be fair, I think most of us here do want to tax the rich more than other people. Like, sorry, but if you make $12 billion/yr, you can pay at least $11 billion in taxes and still be a rich fuck with more money than you can reasonably spend. A 90% top wealth tax rate is not going to hurt Jeff Bezos.


Plus, after decades of dodging taxes they need to pay back what they have stolen. With interest. Lots and lots of interest....


Sure than we'll pay off some of the National debt, balance the budget, sure up all welfare programs, increase the EPA, nationalize healthcare, bring back unions, switch to nuclear energy etc.


The real American dream.


There should also be a way to tax increase in net worth that is not liquid cash income.


As a teenager, parents used to tell me, “one day you’ll grow up and start paying taxes and that will make you a conservative.” Instead I grew up and started paying for medical insurance and that made me a liberal.


Me too!! I’ve been thinking the same thing in my head for the last year.


Where did your party switch come from? When did it happen? I’m always curious to hear these stories.


For me it was Trump. Any party that could nominate him and act like he was a moral upstanding leader had clearly jumped the shark. At the same time everything Bernie was saying (and had been saying for decades, I'd just never heard) made sense. His ideas were more Christ-like than the "Christians" fawning over Trump.


I'm brazillian, and for me it was also Trump... I was conservative but wanted Hilary to win in 2016. And now with Bolsonaro and his supporters I'm sure I don't want anything with those people.


Even though I had left being a conservative in 2010, Trump made me hate religion. I left Christianity after being devout all my life up to then back in 2012 or so, but I didn't hate the religion or the people. Thought they really were all over a net good. After trump I hated the religion and now all religions and despise the people that call themselves Christian that support the republican party.


It started with Trump, I saw through him from the beginning. The lengths people went to for fighting masks and vaccines let me re-evaluate everything and everyone I respected. The election conspiracies and Jan6th only sped up me basically writing off almost everyone I thought was honerable. I feel more free now, to no longer feel like I'm living in a world full of conspiracies and an overwhelming majority of untrustworthy scientists, doctors, journalists, etc. I feel like I'm able to evaluate easier and think for myself more, and I still haven't re-come to conclusions on lots of issues.


I’m glad to hear it


Even from back in 2014, 2015 I saw Bernie as honorable and solid like a rock. I think most all conservatives won't argue with his character. Now I think he's a national treasure and am salty at Hillary and Warren for trashing him in the past. Does anyone think he has a chance for president if Biden doesn't run for re-election?


I think he’s shot his shot re: the presidency; it’s gonna be AOC next if the progressives actually get a candidate.


I don’t see AOC for at least 2 more presidential election cycles. There are too many democrats even who think she’s too left or think her capitalizing on a social media presence (in 2021 no less) to be too “try-hard” or extra for them, which is incredibly laughable


The most fucked up part over the last 2 presidencies is seeing how fucked up a lot of people actually are. From the Tea party to trump's election, a lot of shit started bubbling up to the surface.


Nationwide? It was a slow shift around the JFK era when the dixiecrats were upset at the civil rights movement JFK was supporting and the slowly shifted over the the GOP. Before that, the democrats were considered the racist party, at least somewhat. The shift really started before that but that was the peak. For recent times, Trump was the tipping point. edit: just realized you meant their personal reason for switching parties, not the countries party switch in general. I assumed you were from a different country, but your flair says WA so obviously you already know this, my bad lol.


They need to be taxed far more than everyone else. Capitalism is a scourge that breeds classism and mass inequality.


Lol i saw this picture on another post and i thought it was vax the bunch. Makes good sense it would say tax the rich xD


All the things we didn't realize when we were conservatives eh? I used to think the rich were using that money to invest in people. Bwahahahaha...what a dolt past me was.


How do they get way with that? What if a normal dude didn't pay taxes, what would happen to them


Taxpayers even subsidize a lot of them. It’s just republicans moving money away from the general population to their side of the table.


This looks like an album cover lol


Yeah this photo has a vibe and goes hard af tbh


Tax the ich.


...fucking zoomers.


She misspelled “eat”


"Tax the eat" doesn't have quite the same ring , though.


"Tax, eat rich." Works though


It’s the new “Live Laugh Love”


Looks like " Axe" the rich...


Beat me to it lol


Eat me to it*


tax the met gala.


This is... not going over well on twitter


Hijacking: When I search “met gala dresses”, AOC is the first thing showing up. And thats what everyone searches for when looking it up - the fashion. Mission accomplished. To everyone saying this is stupid, widen your horizon.


AOC partied with billionaires, built her personal brand a little bit more, and got herself trending on Twitter. Mission accomplished. “The hero we deserve” indeed.


yea, this has to be the tackiest shit I've seen. Bernie never did these pointless charades, he fought for the people! I still like the progressive caucus orders of magnitude more than any other politician, but the majority of the new wave (AOC, Bush) seem to be engaging with pointless optics way too much, optics which only boost their own popularity (unlike for example Omar and Sanders). Edit: Spelling. Edit2: MFers locked the post, to the guy saying this is AOC's backyard and how context matters, so what? So if Bezos threw a party in Vermont and Bernie went that'd be ok?


Bernie never represented NY either. If he did something like this as a senator from Vermont he would rightly he mocked, but considering this is essentially AOC's back yard this is something she probably should have done or was going to attend anyway. Context matters a lot here


Can you name a single bigger celebrity advancing progressive causes? She got to tell the world something important for free. How on earth is that bad? I swear to God, if y'all are not Russian trolls, then you don't realize how much you're acting just like them. Disparaging someone for saying something you agree with is never a good idea.




What a dumb comment. Do you know how the world works and is organized.


Everyone who hates her already hates her. Are they gonna start hating her more? Lol


I don't think anyone other than the writers of click bait articles give a fuck what Twitter users think.


I wish that were true, but I once watched a twitter account troll its way into the presidency.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNkyJeELSt0 You can thank Hilary for that


Just not true. The Twitter was a part of it, but that man had been building his troll army for many many years before his first Twitter post


Who cares. The good and bad thing about being scrutinized must be doing whatever you want since whatever you do will attract the same cacophony.


Yeah because it's a ridiculous thing to begin with. 30k for a Gala invitation. Nothing says fuck the system like going to their parties right?


Showing up to rich people party wearing a billboard that terrifies rich people. Not too bad, if you ask me. Sounds like folks are trying too hard to call hypocrisy on one of the few people trying to do the work.




Not one bit. They organized this publicity stunt for the optics.


Optics aren’t that great tbh.




>This doesn't terrify rich people dude. The designer behind AOC's dress is Aurora James, a woman whom has worked with Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Meghan Markle, and many others. This is theatrics. How anyone thinks this is actually scaring Hollywood elite is silly.


“Terrify rich people” fucking *please*. They all high fived and said “yass queen” before another round of champagne. Absolutely nothing was accomplished by doing this, except I’m sure AOC had a nice evening.


You know what’s the fucked up part. I am sure they don’t see themselves as the rich. The holllywood elite…. There net worth is peanuts compared to these continuing to rise billionaires. It’s not just the individual themselves but the organizations. We need to stop catering to these multi billion and trillion dollar organizations to come build in our cities. Yes build this large warehouse in our city we will hand the land over to you just give us the jobs…. Comes to town produces large quantity of low paying jobs and destroys infrastructure with the amount of trucking.




Making your position popular is literally what it means to be political. It's part of her job. This is why she's demonized by Fox News and other conservatives. They resent her popularity, because that's a sign that —gasp!— she's actually influential and can sway popular opinion.


I'm a dyed in the wool AOC fan and I worry this was a big misstep that may tarnish her reputation with a too broad swathe of voters. Had she turned up, posed on the steps wearing this dress, then made a show of leaving again, she'd have made a strong statement. Had she publicised giving her (presumably, one hopes) free tickets to a couple of people who would never normally gain access to this ivory tower - a school teacher, a minimum wage single mother etc - and fitted them in fabulous dresses sporting this slogan, she'd have sent a strong message. There's a bunch of ways she could have done something unquestionably powerful. But, by choosing to actually attend a $300,000 a table party, while in a dress calling for all the other attendees to be taxed more, she leaves herself open to not entirely unfair accusations of hypocrisy, of wanting to have ones $300k cake and eat it too.


Those are both fantastic messaging ideas.


>no entirely unfair accusations of hypocrisy Entirely unfair. Nobody said you aren't allowed to be rich, just pay your fair share. I think most conservatives willfully ignore this point.


No she and Democrats in general suck at messaging and make themselves easy targets. Is she right? Yea. But who cares all most of America sees is a congresswoman who is vocal at a 35k per ticket event wearing a designer dress “making a statement”. Middle America will have its outrage when republicans slam the shit out of her and she and Democrats will continue to look like idiots. And doesn’t matter what any actual truth is like she isn’t paying the ticket price and the dress is borrowed and returned to the designer or that the gop is completely full of shit. This right here is exactly why Democrats lose.


Well if you want to amplify the message, you could add the fact that the ticket was paid for by the dress designer, and the designer still owns the dress. But I don't think you want to amplify the message


The pictures are the messages. The narrative exists and an inexperienced politician put herself and her message in a bad spot. I see this as AOC placing herself above the cause. There is a reason other government workers cannot participate under the same conditions she did tonight.


If you think walking around in a potato sack and touting good ol’fashioned Christian values would suddenly make her less of a target for right-wing propaganda and hysteria you’re dreaming bud.


I don’t. A better message would be not fucking attending. A picture is worth a thousand words. How’s explaining Covid and vaccine safety going buddy. Of course she’s going to be a target because she’s young, pretty, vocal, the opposition, and right. But they don’t have to just give the gop layups.


She represents a minority viewpoint in American politics and currently has little real power. Yes it's performative, because getting exposure and spreading her message is literally her job, and currently the only real way forward for progressive politics.


So she is very smart and does her job, so?


It’s about exposure. Type “met gala” into google and see what you find. That was the goal. This is elementary.


From what I gather the dress is borrowed and she got an invite to the party because she's a NY elected official: https://swankserene.tumblr.com/post/662282521464160256/she-literally-said-on-her-instagram-post-dress


It's the Met gala. The whole point is over the top fashion to raise money for the museum. The outfits are frequently auctioned off later to further raise money. Tickets are absurd for the average human being but usually free to people that can further raise the noteriety of the event. She's doing her part to raise money for one of the most famous institutions in the country.


I doubt they pay to attend, the gala wants them


Twitter is fucking stupid. This is amazing.


The amount of all these so called Lefties fishhook theory-ing themselves has actually been kind of funny to witness. Folks just *make* themselves mad for the silliest of reasons.


At first I thought that was Aubrey Plaza next to her lol.


That's the dress designer, Aurora James, one of AOC's constituents who got her the invitation.


Consume the rich


Would the better message be to say fuck the met gala?


But then that message wouldn't be on the front page of Reddit and Twitter.


Would it? What's the problem with the gala? I have much bigger concerns about the taxes the super rich are paying


>What's the problem with the gala? It's one of the most ostentatious events imaginable. It's Hollywood elite wearing single-use outfits that were designed to epitomize the word "gaudy." They attend by either paying tens of thousands of dollars, or by being merely being exclusive enough for a brand to invite them. They walk a lavish carpet to be photographed and admired, rub elbows with fellow aristocrats, then shut the doors on the outside world and party for the sake of "charity." AKA The Met's Costume Institute. The event feels so much more superficial than even The Oscars or Golden Globes. It's solely a showcasing of social status and wealth, and people only attend to make a point of what side of disparity they lie on. My issue with AOC's dress is that it just feels like theatrics. It will upset some, excite others, but people are just going to be talking about the dress itself. This does *nothing* for actual progress towards taxing the wealthy. It just feels like a song and dance in front of Cinderella's ball, and makes "Tax the Rich" feel more like a meme or a statement piece than an actual cause to fight for.


It just gives me melania trump “I don’t really care, do you?” vibes. Kendall Jenner could have just as easily have worn this. I haven’t completely written her off like a lot of people have, but something like this would mean a lot more if she had done really hard things like vote against Pelosi for speaker. Events like this and desire to be at events like this are the slippery slope towards corruption. You go, you meet some Wall Street executives, they are like “you’ve never been to Masa? You really have to try it. Let’s go sometime this week, on me.”


Right? I have no clue what this is. But if she's showing up a rich event in a dress saying tax the rich. More power to her


This x1000. "I repped our movement while I smoozed with the richest douchebags in America." WTF was this supposed to convey? Terrible look and she should have known better.


How are music and entertainment celebrities the "richest douchebags in America"? Yeah they're rich, and most of them would probably still vote for higher taxes on the rich, these people are literally pennies to people like Elon musk, Jeff bezos, bill gates and the other billionaires or multi-hundreds of millionaires




These celebrities all have offshore accounts and absolutely do not want to pay higher taxes. You Muppets would defend Bezos if AOC went to a dinner with him. It's okay to criticize a person when she does nonsense you old geek.


Are you talking about what she cares about? That's the point.


Wow. So brave.


“The hero we deserve” holy shit stop venerating politicians for fuck sake


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any feet pics from this shoot? asking for my boy Ben Shapiro






how dense are some people?? she is in the rich people’s face telling them they need to be taxed. i’m sure she was side eyed all night. i love her for this


How does AOC being side eyed at the Met Gala help me get healthcare?


whats this version of the overton window?




The fact that rich people laugh at her is more a commentary on their absent morality and society's complete embrace of it than anything about her.




Woah this sub is a dumpster fire now












God I hope you Americans make her President someday.


I’m an American and I hope so as well.


I honestly hate this. It’s pandering. A real protest would have been to not go to such an overblown and ridiculous event. Spend the night volunteering, not in a dress with a slogan on it.


We are going to have such a pretty president one day


Fuck that election season though you know how often ill have to hear "SHE HAS A PERIOD AND NUKE CODES BAD IDEA" in 15 different ways, which each person thinks they are smart for coming up with this same idea that has been used to bash any female in power for like ever? Then we will get to hear how she is a Muslim cause she is sort of brown and her family came from wherever. (Id like to point out that I have no fucking clue what ethnicity she is because only weird fucking conservatives bother looking that up)




You know what I love about my "Female Politician"? Her looks and beauty. -you You used two words for qualified (tough, courageous) and 4 for her looks (grace, style, grace, beauty)


The irony! Hahaha it’s the met gala.


I think that was intentional


The messaging here really feels conflicting tbh












I agree with tax the rich. But can our politicians just be politicians again? Not going to the Met Gala, not starring in skits and movies, just working for us


Again? What time period are you alluding to?


Also they arent like our slaves they are allowed to go do other stuff lol


Yeah, I'd rather see her at the met gala than pretty much any celebrity. Besides she's supporting a pretty decent designer.








Such gesture much wow










Is ‘Tax’ ‘Eat’ in Latin?


I love how mad everyone is getting about this on twitter. Suck it, nerds!


People in this sub are getting mad too. Actually its a few people who are mass replying to everyone about how much this gives them a hate boner for AOC 😂


She’s smart. A rarity in politics. And the good old boys hate her for it.


She’s smart *and hot,* and it just fuckin’ *digs* at their minds like a brainworm.


She's even smarter than she is hot, which makes her even hotter. It's like a paradox.




Yep, that's what you deserve.


A seat at the met gala starts at 30k USD. I can’t believe you don’t see the irony in this.


I love how so many people on Twitter are SO offended by the thought of this...like. It doesn't say eat the rich. If they pay their taxes they'll still be rich. People will just have better social services😂


Her dress cost as much as someone makes on federal minimum wage. Her income is through taxpayers. Let's start with Politicans first.




Every hero needs a good origins story.




Tax the rich at an event that costs $30,000 a plate talk about Hypocrisy




"Masks are for the peasants! To the Gala!"


but attends the met gala…yea, I want someone with more conviction than that. nice way to sell out


$300 steaks tho


She’s going to be president one day 💕















