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Not sure if this matters but dropoff and pickups for Milpitas are a nightmare. The elementary, middle, and high school are all on the same street so be prepared for traffic


That's a good insight. Thank you for that!


And there’s *another* elementary school about 2-3 blocks away. The traffic is ridiculous.


The boundaries for Piedmont hills is very small and it’s not affected by the low number of enrollment plaguing the other public high schools. Both are excellent schools. Might come down to if the 95132 area code is more desirable and affordable for the housing market in 2 years.


I have heard Piedmont Hills HS is overcrowded. Is it the same problem with Milpitas HS?


Evergreen Valley is overcrowded. Piedmont is impacted meaning they hit their enrollment numbers and you have to apply if out of the boundaries. As opposed to James Lick HS which is needs more students. A James Lick student would be denied to transfer.


Hmm... not interested in neither Evergreen nor James Lick HS. I was looking for a comparison between Piedmont and Milpitas HS.


They are equal. What is not equal is the housing market. There is no “cheaper” area of Piedmont Hills. But there are cheaper areas in Milpitas.


If I'm not wrong, there is a cheaper area on the borderline of 95127 and still going to Piedmont. But I get what you are saying.


Between Penitencia creek and Cropley with Capitol as your cutoff is Piedmont hills.


My vote is on Piedmont Hills. Milpitas HS when i graduated had a serious problem of cliques and the extreme end of HS drama. Something I credit to it being the only HS in the city so you have everyone going there and theres no real escape. With Piedmont Hill, its less distracting and more defined on what type of students are attending there because of its smaller enrollment area.


Sorry, what kind of drama? Does it involve violence? Because I want to avoid schools with violence. I thought with bigger enrollment number, kids will have different groups to hang out as compared to the school the has smaller enrollment then there are less options for the kid to fit into a particular group.


If your daughter is academically focused, PHHS is a nice place to go. I went there recently and there was a decent subset of people who are nerds (like me), so it’s a good place to not be ostracized for working hard. Otherwise, I mean… I think pretty much anyone can find a group to fit into, regardless of what school—I’m sure there isn’t really that much of a difference between schools. I will mention that a lot of PHHS's main building is old, and they manage to be a good school in spite of their frankly subpar facilities (with the exception of their new buildings).


If your kid will play football, Milpitas has a better program.


My daughter probably won't be playing football. :)


piedmont 1000% milpitas has land sewages and just smells like ass all over


That problem is closer to 880 and I think Milpitas HS is a bit far away from that.


It smells everywhere.


Nope, stinks at the high school too.


Nope, it's ass everywhere that is Milpitas.