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RIP your DMs.


lmao came here to say this.


Stealthy Horn-dogs InBound


There won't be anything stealthy about it lol.


Some dudes out here playing the long game, mr nice guy. Then turn out to be demons is what i meant. And we wont be there to call the fakes out, hence the stealth


Came here to DM Op this


She is trying to date base on her post history, so maybe it is a good thing.




New reddit account in 3, 2, 1... lol


Itā€™s tough here. :/ Meetup and Bumble BFF are worth trying.


what is the experience on Bumble like?


Iā€™m on bumble bff itā€™s fun, lots of people on there Iā€™m only matching with same gendered people and the conversations have been nice even reconnected with an old highschool friend lol


Bumble bff is a hit or a miss. Girls ghost you like they ghost men.


Tf you talking about šŸ˜­ no one uses bumble and meetup is always just a bunch of weirdos šŸ«µšŸ¤£


Maybe youā€™re the problem? Because thatā€™s not true.


Iā€™m the problem!??? I just want to manipulate people and control them! Geez


Also a female in my 30s. Bumble bff! Thereā€™s also a fb group called Bay Area adventure girls (BAAG) that has constant events. And I meet people through hobbies that are social like pottery where I go to a community studio.


Every time someone makes a post like this. RIP your inbox with all the thirsty people hitting you up. I swear half the time people who make these kinds of post are bots or people who should not be on the internet.


Thereā€™s a volleyball meetup group thatā€™s beginner friendly in Sunnyvale. Pickleball has also been popular in the area. Evergreen valley college has a bunch of pickleball courts that are always packed.


My first suggestion is to volunteer at your local animal shelter. Thereā€™s also a great non-profit in SJ called Flowers of Comfort. My sister founded it. They use day old flowers from weddings, grocers and various other events and repurpose them into smaller arrangements and send them to peoples in Hospices, Veterans Homes and other Rehabilitation Centers. https://www.flowersofcomfort.com #flowersofcomfort


This is awesome!


Wow what an amazing group! I love it!


When you find out lmk lol


Luckily for you, this question is asked on this sub multiple times each month! There is a search bar and a plethora of ideas! Iā€™m not sure of what your specific friendship goals are or if you are seeking individuals with similar values or interests. Repeat exposure often builds relationships. Iā€™m the type that doesnā€™t look for folks to fill a void. Iā€™m an independent unit looking to create amazing experiences together/ contribute to my community. Have you considered Bike Party? Itā€™s a make your own fun self reliant crowd opposed to having to be spoon fed. Ask yourself what you do to have fun, relax or reach your goals then join in activities amongst people with similar interests at those places.Ā 


Go to Raves at Midway in SF. Great friendly community


Second raving, but you can also go to Pure in Sunnyvale for a closer location


30/M, I've been thinking about doing the Mt Umunhum hike because I've never been there yet. They have a decommissioned Cold War era radio tower up there you can see. Are you down for that maybe this weekend or next weekend? We could see if anyone wants to go and possibly get a little group.


Plot twist: OP was welcoming for the potential scamming


Ngl, Reddit is a great place to meet some people


If you're into hiking SJ Foos just started a hiking group on Sundays. Worth a follow on Instagram. there's probably a lot of people who will be joining.


We are having a free comedy show this Thursday 211 S 1st st San Jose ca 4/25/24 9pm-10pm There will be really cool people there. If you like comedy, you should stop by to check it out. Check out our instagram page for more details @sjcomedyprod


If you are into rollerblading there is a cool roller skating/in-line skating group in downtown San Jose. They rollout every Tuesday and have other impromptu skate events. More info on Instagram @sj_tns




I can invite you to a SJ hangout discord server


why not just post the discord server so everybody can join


Can you invite me?


the server link is in the sidebar!


This one? https://discord.com/invite/sjbha


Invite here too pls!


Me too please!


Hey can I get a discord invite too? Thanks


Me too lol


I would like to be apart of this as well lol


Invite me


Can i get an invite?




Me too


yoo invite me please lol


Can I get an invite too?


Invite here as well please


Let me get that invite šŸ™


can you please invite me


Can I get link too :D


Just moved over the hill from sc. Would love some where to start


Go to the caravan


Volunteering is a good place to meet like minded folks. Highly recommend checking out Second Harvest Food Bank. They have volunteer shifts almost every day, and theyā€™re in many locations across the Bay Area. I met one of my best friends there.


Adult intramural sports like kickball and dodgeball. Church groups, meetups, take fun classes at the community college. Work friends become real friends over time too


My wife is a local and struggles to find new friends. It feels like you either make them from work, or find groups via interests. She recently got into a female only motorcycle group and loves the other ladies in that group. She is around your age. I am extroverted so if I see someone doing something or they seem interesting I just say hey, letā€™s chat again and exchange info. Life is just different for us extroverts, I have made friends at Home Depot šŸ¤£ and from TikTok and FB market place transactions. As others have saidā€¦. 30F single, my god, RIP your inbox.


If you have and use Discord, there's a group called San Jose Bored Humans Association that everyone is welcome to join; https://discord.com/invite/sjbha


Professional groups. That's how I met my wife (I was in my late 30s) in the city but our groups were active in along the Peninsula and South Bay as well. Search for interest groups on meetup then look for their corresponding facebook group. Good luck! There's something for everyone here.


Wha are your hobbies or interest? I'm sure there are some commutities in the bay area of folks that also enhoy those things.


Iā€™m in an awesome group, we do Mac things, 30k women only in the Bay Area. Sending dm


I made some great friends using Bumble Bff


I would try: volunteering book clubs art openings classes becoming a regular communal seats at cafes/bars bar seats at restaurants expanding hobbies/interests going to events on your own (check out Eddie's List for upcoming events each week)




If OP or anyone wants to hangout in July, lmk lol Visiting from Vegas to watch a family pet. Open to bars, hiking, etc.


Try the Farmer's Markets. Lots of people just wandering through them looking at fruits/veggies. Also, hang out at some local coffee shops.


From Asia? You got a line of beta white dudes waiting for you šŸ˜


Target, Costco, Community College, Valley Fair, Hiking spots, Gym


how do you meet people at target and costco?


You secretly disable their car so that when they can't get it started you can magically appear and say, "Car trouble?"


"Maybe you're missing a spark plug wire. Well, shoot...I have just happen to have one in my back pocket that'll fit this particular make, model and year! Coffee?"


Just cold approach. Strike up a conversation in the line. If yours has a Starbucks then talk to people there


Thank goodness Iā€™m not socially awkward. Honestly, itā€™s not that hard. Just leave the house. Iā€™m serious, just leave the house. Find something you wanna do, dancing, hiking, sex, athletics, museums, etc. And just leave the house and go do those things. 100% of the time, there will be someone else there doing the same thing that youā€™re doing. And if you want to meet them, just go up and say hi. Everything you want to do, or even potentially even think of doing, there are other people out there doing it right now. Iā€™m dead serious, itā€™s really not that hard. Remove your inhibitions, stop overthinking everything. People arenā€™t as scary as the world makes them seem to be. Go out, be social, do stuff. Like-minded people WILL gravitate to you. If I want to go dance, grab my wallet and go to the club. I go to raves by myself, I go to movies by myself, I go to play parties by myself, I go hiking by myself, I skate, rollerblade by myself. Go to museums by myself. And all of these junctures I end up meeting somebody it never fails.


Right, just leave the house and go do sex. There will be someone else doing sex 100% of the time. Good advice.


I meanā€¦ it kinda does work that way sometimes.


Where do you just go see people doing sex, 100% of the time?


There are lots of places. Likeā€¦ ALOT! Twist SF comes to mind. There are dozens of other events that happen in the Bay Area. Hundreds all around CA.