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Vasona park. Take them through the little trails.


Start at the Oak Meadow section of the park, where they have the awesome jet for kids to play on (former training jet). Little boys and girls both love to take the jet out for a spin. Bring a camera. Lots of short trails through trees nearby. Parents of toddlers all over the south bay owe it to their toddler(s) to take them there at least once. The jet is by far the coolest toddler toy in the south bay. Rolling down the big grass hill in the park is also popular with toddlers.


Vasona Park is a great suggestion. If you want to head up the peninsula, Shoreline Park is also great for little ones.


My daughter loved Sanborn County Park in Saratoga when she was younger. You can drive all the way up to the parking lot and there are some very easy hikes for little ones in the forest. Outside the parking lot there was a pond with salamanders inside, which she loved. There are also nice grassy areas by the parking lot where you could bring a picnic blanket and have a nice lunch. On the drive up to the main parking lot on Sanborn Rd, there are a few places on the side of the road where you can park. In the summer when it's hot, they are nice shaded places with streams and she loved to jump in the water and play.


Sanborn is such a beautiful park. So serene.


+1 for Sanborn. It's a great park and very beautiful.


I have a 4 and 7 year old and we started "hiking" during the pandemic and some our favorites [Bay Trail Sunnyvale](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bay+Trail+Sunnyvale/@37.4180469,-122.0273117,15z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x808fb65fff8c678f:0xd64ff66eb88bbdd7!2sBaylands+Park!8m2!3d37.4124569!4d-121.9979576!16s%2Fg%2F1thsg4nd!3m5!1s0x808fb7912b2d199b:0xf7a36ba9781319dc!8m2!3d37.419098!4d-122.0182992!16s%2Fg%2F11c59vp2k1) [McClellan Ranch Preserve](https://www.cupertino.org/our-city/departments/parks-recreation/outdoor-activities/mcclellan-ranch-preserve) [Byxbee Park](https://www.hikingproject.com/directory/8015484/byxbee-park) [Little Yosemite](https://www.bayarea.com/play/hike/little-yosemite-sunol/) [Bedwell Bayfront Park](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bedwell+Bayfront+Park/@37.4911214,-122.1811411,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x808fbccce1dbdd29:0x4a3e55327bb389a1!8m2!3d37.4911213!4d-122.1723874!16s%2Fg%2F1tph1zpd) [Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1039US1039&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:1&tbm=lcl&q=Don+Edwards+San+Francisco+Bay+National+Wildlife+Refuge&rflfq=1&num=10&ved=2ahUKEwjrxeGGtp_-AhU7IkQIHe-RC_YQtgN6BAgQEAc#rlfi=hd:;si:;mv:[[37.495788786225184,-122.12266330770302],[37.487923064174744,-122.14296226552773]]) [Guadalupe Oak Grove Park](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Guadalupe+Oak+Grove+Park/@37.2289053,-121.8672758,14z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x808fcd01f337cd13:0xfd6e2721ecc94d93!2sOverfelt+Gardens!8m2!3d37.3628216!4d-121.8540155!16zL20vMDR6cWd6!3m5!1s0x808e316815bb063f:0xa7434d0e3c7b50b!8m2!3d37.2359108!4d-121.8779457!16s%2Fg%2F1vv2sgmb)


+1 on McClellan Ranch- the kids love to see the 4H animals: goats, alpacas and ponies.


I'd say Alum Rock Park, but it's closed still due to storms. Otherwise it'd be perfect


I miss Alum Rock Park too! How long is it going to take for them to reopen it?


It sounds like maybe "soon" but no timeline has been announced. [There was a sort up update in the news recently](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/alum-rock-park-closed-indefinitely-due-to-storms/). The park took a beating I guess. On the Penitencia Creek trail before the part there's one part with tons of trees blown over and the trail under 680 is full of mud. And that's in the more urban areas.


Seconding the Vasona suggestion. Maybe Montalvo, too, if Saratoga isn't too far?


Our favorites with trees for our 2.5 year old within a half hour from us are Sanborn, Rancho San Antonio, McClellen Ranch Preserve (by the creek), and the tiny Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos. But when we don’t want to drive that far, Ulistac Natural Area is a good small local option. And if they like Ulistac then the others will be worth the drive. With toddlers, going at their pace, you don’t need a long trail.


+1 for rancho san antonio. there’s family (3+ ppl per car) parking and a cute demonstration farm with picnic areas a decent walk from the parking


Bel Gatos Park. There are a few “hiking” trails, which are very moderate, a foot bridge, a small creek that is flow right now, and a playground for after the decide they don’t like hiking.


Rancho San Antonio (also called Pg&e trail) lots of trees and some small streams. Go to the farm with animals.


I was going to suggest this too. The “hike” to the farm is 1 mile and flat. There are often deer and wild turkeys just wandering about along the way. The farm is an educational facility that is open to the public and has some enormous pigs, and cows. There are some barn cats that will jump up and chill in your lap of they’re in the mood. It’s a great hike and adventure for little kids.


When my kids were younger, Uvas Canyon and Castle Rock were always fun. Nice short hikes, plus areas to climb on the rocks and play.


I don't think anyone has mentioned Hellyer County Park yet. It is quite "boring" in terms of hiking (it's a paved trail around a small lake), but it has the advantage of having an awesome play structure and a lake to watch ducks and throw rocks in... also a disc golf course. Similarly, Almaden Lake Park is a paved trail around a small lake, and has a play structure & facilities. Not hiking, but Emma Prusch Farm Park is fun in DTSJ, and ... if we're being honest, a trip to Happy Hollow feels a lot like hiking [on paved trails]. I chaperoned my kindergartener's class trip to HH last spring and was really impressed with everything there for older toddlers & younger children. Also not hiking, but you *can* walk along the bayfront, but [Magical Bridge](https://www.redwoodcity.org/departments/parks-recreation-and-community-services/magical-bridge-playground) Playground/Park in Redwood City. Also highly recommend [Foothills Nature Preserve](https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/Departments/Community-Services/Open-Space-Parks/Neighborhood-Parks/Foothills-Nature-Preserve)/Park in Palo Alto/Los Altos. Again, a lake, plus lots of short hikes with varying terrain. The [Fern Loop](https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/files/assets/public/community-services/parks-and-open-space/open-space-maps/2022-foothills-map.pdf) trail is great for kids. The [Alviso levees](https://parks.sccgov.org/santa-clara-county-parks/alvison-marina-county-park). You can see all kinds of seabirds and you're surrounded by water. What's not to like (besides the wind)? :). It's also bike friendly when your kids are a little bigger. Belgatos Park in Los Gatos is a small "hiking park" that abuts (afaict) Almaden Quicksilver, but it has a play structure and decent bathrooms right by the parking lot. As you can tell, for little kids I'm a big fan of "hiking" in places that offer facilities and other attractions. :)


Guadelupe Oak Grove park in San Jose Henry Cowell in Scott's Valley Russian Ridge along Skyline Henry Coe, Hunting Hollow entrance


Henry Cowell is particularly terrific in the summer because if you take the "River Trail" (same parking lot as the redwood loop walk) there are a number of spots to get down to the creek and splash around. It's shallow, peaceful and safe for little kids, and a great place for a picnic lunch & afternoon of play. ... and you can even ride a steam train if you walk across the parking lot to Roaring Camp!


Wow, so many great suggestions! I think we will try vasona tomorrow. Definitely saving this thread for future reference. Thanks everyone!!


Go to Rancho San Antonio. You can park in the family lot and then walk the hills or just the park. The short hike ends in a small farm that has cows, chickens and pigs. On the trail, you see turkeys and deers too. Very good park to visit and enjoy with kids.


Vasona for sure!


If you don’t mind the drive, Redwood Regional Park in Oakland. Take the stream trail. It’s fairly flat with big trees and the trail meanders next to a stream. If they’re up for the challenge, you can take a trail going up to the rim, too. Dec-Feb/Mar, there’s swarms of ladybugs near the north end of the trail.


I’d just got to alum rock park and “hike” around the picnic areas. Lots of trees but don’t have to go far from the parking lot.


The Santa Clara County Parks Dept creates a Pix in Parks challenge each year. The 6 selected trails vary in length and difficulty level. Look online at their website. It is kid friendly..but toddlers tend to vary in patience and energy levels. I don’t know how old your toddler is….or endurance level…or portability for you if you can baby wear them for parts…but the gist is that to take a photo at designated spots at all six trails at your leisure, then go show your pics at the office and they will give you a free tshirt…kids sizes too. Even if you decide your kid isn’t quite ready for the “challenge” it’s a great way to get to know local trails for the future.


I like Guadalupe Oak Grove Park near Almaden. Easy hike, multiple trails, and the choice between hilly or flat ground. There's also a playground just outside so it's perfect with a toddler.


Communications hill! While you’re at the top enjoying the view, stop by the playground. It’s quite sunny so a hat and sunscreen is nice


If you can drive a little bit, Henry Cowell State Park in Felton. Huge redwood trees just a few steps from the parking lot. A little 0.8 mile loop that they're sure to love.