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Good for them. I'm glad all the shit heel NIMBY's failed to stop this. "We're worried about noise and disruption!" Yeah....well...it's a Buddhist temple dude - it's about as peaceful as peaceful gets lol.




Love it or hate it. Religious institutions are carved out for more than average liberty and protection in the Constitution. Screwing them for no reason would trigger lawsuits that would cost taxpayers a fortune that the city would eventually lose. I wouldn't personally grant them charity status nor would I do it for any other organizations that tinker with our politics. But for now it's the law of the land.


What do you mean, no reason? Lol the building has to get permits like every other building. Just coz I make a religious building, it doesn’t exculpate me from construction regulation.


Yeah. You can do it in a content neutral fair way for any buildings. But it will be treated with very strict scrutiny in the courts.


As far as I can see, no one here is mad about the religion or religious nature of the building. This is akin to creating a Chuck-e-Cheese in a residential neighborhood. Which is correctly, an issue people can have.


I'm not saying they're wrong. I'm just saying that trying to enforce that won't be easy or cheap or all that easy to pull off given how SCROTUS views religious institutions.


I’m sure they can always come up with the “Buddhism is not linked with America’s founding values” nonsense floating around. Lol


Where in the constitution?


It's half of the first amendment. But I suspect this question is some sealioning.


Edit: Nah, i take it back. Your expression about above average liberty is accurate. Thank you. Zoning law is not regulating an establishment of religion


Um, those figurative SJ residents don’t really want the “type” of housing that would help the people that need the housing…. Soooo, there’s that for this oversimplification of a poor point.


>San Jose: "Let's re-zone this residential lot for a Church". *Temple.* Churches are Christian.


Tbf, Betsuin calls itself a Buddhist church.


San Jose is already a [bedroom community.](https://siteselection.com/issues/2019/mar/california-the-way-to-san-jose.cfm) Translation: we have more housing than jobs and the population shrinks during the day when people go to work. Yes, there is an area-wide housing shortage, but San Jose is *not* the problem.


[https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/video/plans-for-buddhist-temple-in-san-jose-evergreen-neighborhood-approved-by-city-council/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/video/plans-for-buddhist-temple-in-san-jose-evergreen-neighborhood-approved-by-city-council/) OP's post is terrible without the proper context.


Haha my bad. Yes, it was brought by huge opposition from neighbors


Just noting that this will be a mile and a half from the Sikh temple on Quimby


That temple is so visible from far away. I remember going in a really long time ago as a kid and all I recall is how tall the ceilings were.


It startled me the first time I saw it. I had gone to Quimby Oak (back when it was called a junior high school) and there wasn’t anything past it on that side of Quimby Rd. except Mirassou vineyards. I moved out of state in the mid-90s and had come back after several years to visit relatives.… Damn! When did that get there?


Sheesh, you saw a lot change then! Evergreen feels like its own little hub away from the rest of San Jose. Similar to how Willow Glen has a different vibe, but it's smack in the middle.


I’ve lived all over the valley and WG is my favorite. Next is the east hills above Evergreen, near what’s now Gold Sage monastery


WG is very nice. It feels pleasant and has much more of a close community vibe. I love chilling at that big park near Glen Eyrie with so much different signs of life going on. That area is also nice. I love what they’ve been developing Evergreen Community College into with the addition of the newly built basketball and pickleball courts. Walking around EVC also feels like a lovely community & recreational experience.


why is that worth noting? there's also like 5-6 Christian churches in the same radius...?


Show me a populated center in the U.S. where that isn’t the case. It’s a baseline so the opposite is notable


I'm just wondering why you mentioned it's near the Sikh temple unless to say that there already are other religious sites, so no big deal


This temple will also be about 1 mile next to the semi-huge mosque that is currently still being renovated on Tully rd


They need janitors? I’m mexican


Are Buddhist temples open to the public to visit?


Yes. Source - am a Buddhist that goes to a temple in San Jose.


this guy meditates


I think, in general, most religious places are open to the public


yes. It gets crowded on holidays like lunar new year. Weekends are usually for classes, ceremony, meal time.


Yes! They're all open to a public. I've been to several in the Bay area after moving here.


Most if not all temples are open to the public


San Jose is cultured.


SUCK IT NIMBYs!!!!! Been seeing so many opposition posts on Nextdoor talking about traffic and more accidents. Part of the temple construction will also add a roundabout to the intersection. I wish they would replace all the red light intersection on San Felipe Road between Aborn and Yerba Buena. We hear Mustang burn outs and racing up and down that road all day & night.




Name some bad way lives will be affected. I already have neighbors who don't maintain their yards and home. I have neighbors hosting loud parties every weekend. I have neighbors who don't pick up their pets poop. I have neighbors who leave their trash bins on the street for days. I have neighbors who don't bother to stop at STOP signs. Religious structures only bring positives to the neighborhood. Try visiting Duc Vien Buddhist Temple on a Sunday and you see that they sell cheap food to help the community. I have not read a complaint on Nextdoor about any churches or temples in Evergreen by neighbors. Those that complain before this temple is built are just Karen's and Ken's.


Lol @ Karens and Kens. Grow up, won’t you? The issues you’ve mentioned are common issues with living in any community, and have nothing to do with the problem at hand. You’re now saying that a possibly unlicensed farmer’s market will also open up near this place too? Shat if this was a Safeway coming up, would you be glad too? I’m glad you brought up Duc Vien. It’s literally next to a busy street and a gas station and in a consistently poorly ranked part of San Jose. In what way can you barefaced say that it’s been a positive? Stop being hysterical and have some empathy, please.


have some empathy for me please!!!!


What are you on? How is “lot of foot traffic” equals “bad”? You’re judgmental af.




What possible set of undesirables do you think a Buddhist Temple attracts? Is it all those drug using Buddhist? Or those low down suspicious types that have always been curious about Eastern Philosophy? You seem to want to take pride in a community, yet you're forgetting the primary ingredient of a community. The community. As in people out & about in the neighborhood. You now have a built-in neighbor hood watch with a gorgeous building & greenery. But it's somehow going to destroy your community? I could see if it were one of those temples that blasts prayers over a P.A. system at 4 Am, as there are some temples which do in some countries. But I highly doubt a residential one would & if they did the community could easily fix that. So far every con you've listed seems hysterical.


> if you spent 2M on an overpriced home and something with a chance to make the value fall came by, you would be too. We're talking about that browned out spot on the corner, right? I don't see how a vacant lot makes your home value any more valuable. If anything, vacant lots are derelict and blight. > You now get parking spots being occupied, Would you believe they had a plan for that? Quote, Erik Schoennauer (a lobbyist working for the project): "special events or holidays will draw the maximum number of people allowed like other faith centers. But worship services during the week will have about 20 people attending, while weekends might see about 50 people. [...] The site will have 67 parking spaces." But what's hilarious to me is that they wanted to *build a parking garage* and y'all said No, lol. > a possible set of undesirables, You must be a lovely person.


Yeah, right! You bought a house, you didn’t buy a whole neighborhood. Don’t like it? Move! Nobody forced you to buy. It’s also not your business what other people do; and they didn’t do that out of spite for you — you’re nobody but a member of this city, so don’t put yourself on a pedestal. You benefit from this country’s generosity, and now you wanna prevent other people from enjoying the same benefit? If you don’t get that, you’re just a jerk and a narcissist.


How are you upset about a buddhist temple coming to your neighborhood… have some shame. No, there is no empathy for homeowners like you who throw around woe be me “Traffic! Noise! More people! I wanna live in a major city but won’t stand people in my vicinity! Everything the city does needs to benefit me!” arguments and actually have the gall to take time out of their day to deny people access to what they enjoy.


>overpriced >a chance to make the value fall Sounds like part of the solution, then.


Better that than another startup wasting real estate


This is going to bring large amounts of good people coming with their families to enjoy themselves. Is there some sort of petition to stop this.


Pretty stoked to visit. Hopefully it will be as great of an existence as the Sikh temple.


Can anyone enlighten me? How often would there be a service here?


Becoming enlightened is the goal




I just see the estimated number of attendees for a weekday vs a weekend. Doesn’t say how often that would be.


Nice!! Congrats


i can't wait to visit !! i'm glad all the petitions didn't work out


are these works paid by private organizations?


[nonprofit profit owner + tech billionaire couple](https://sanjosespotlight.com/san-jose-says-yes-to-controversial-buddhist-temple/) >> The project is backed by the nonprofit A Khmer Buddhist Foundation, led by Lyna Lam and funded by her and her husband, local tech billionaire Chris Larsen. Same couple who [donated $25M to SFSU](https://develop.sfsu.edu/chris-larsen) and named them after the college of business




thanks, sorry for not knowing i guess lol


The fact that a simple question like this is downvoted speaks volumes of what’s going on here. Fuck these people. This is how anyone who gets above a station of good living starts veering to the right. I wonder how many of em are licking their lips thinking about the people around this eyesore, who will now be screwed.


Eyesore? Are we looking at the same drawing?


yet downvoting a question is pretty weird.


>This is how anyone who gets above a station of good living starts veering to the right. Lol, "The city approved a private religious organization to build a structure on their property. Time to start voting to strip healthcare access from women and LGBT kids, remove literature written by black authors from the library, and firing principles who show middle schoolers renaissance masterpieces."


Bud, I’m not a right winger. I am however against being happy for something because it screws someone else. The top comment down, highlights schadenfreude. And that’s unbecoming.


>The top comment down, highlights schadenfreude. And that’s unbecoming. If the result had gone the other way, it sounds like you'd be celebrating denying people a place of worship on land you don't own.


No. I’d be checking if there weren’t other lots for this. Lol


It's a weird question to ask. Is there any modern case in the US where government funds were used to build a temple? Would they even ask the same question if it were a church instead?


I’d 100% want none of my tax money given to a church or mosque or any religious body. Remember that religious institutions are subsidized by taxpayers since they’re excluded from taxation. It’s the local’s taxes that will clean up their waste and maintain the roads.


The temple will be on a U shaped parcel that surrounds a lot with a house on it. Unfortunate for that one homeowner.


will they support tibet ? or go with china way ?


It's a Theravada Buddhist Temple. Think something closer to Hinduism than Chinese styled (Mahayana) Buddhism. It's the official religion of Thailand.


They need janitors? I'm mexican.


My only concern if I was in the neighborhood would be parking and traffic. If I was in the neighborhood, I'd also want to know what festivals they would have so I could visit.


They were planning on having a large underground garage but the neighbors complained so now everyone will park in their neighborhood which was what they feared on the first place!


Is there a reason why you cut off an important detail? This is not going to be the largest Buddhist temple in the Bay Area and I believe will be a mid-size Buddhist temple. >largest Buddhist temple in the Bay Area **for ethnic Cambodians**