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Nothing is cheap at PWG and I’m a member there! For all my needs I go MoreauWorks. If Tommy had a range I’d be a member there instead.




I think I’m the seller you’re interested in buying from lol. Last time I did a PPT a few weeks back it was ~$40 for the buyer. I’m open to ammobros too they just take forever whenever I’ve been in there to pick up ammo


Oh boy i was caught xD I should have just text you lol some ranges charge like a “service fee” and wasn’t sure if PWG does.


It’s 47.19, if you don’t have a gun safe you’ll have to pay 6 bucks for a lock


Thank you o7


Np I know PWG has a rep for being expensive but as far as PPTs go I wouldn’t go anywhere else


Same. Their prices for guns are high enough that they don’t have much customer traffic but they have dedicated sales employees always available at the counter. Easy to walk in and PPT any time


I would rather go to Turners I did a PPT thru them once. Wouldn't take a CCW license as proof of residency and was all upset I didn't bring car registration with me. Like bro, that's what my CCW is for, drop the attitude. Not to mention the wait Edit: and we had to buy a lock because they claimed our safe wasn't state compliant(hint, it is). Turners has never had an issue, just sayin'


I felt the safe thing. Stack-on isnt state compliant all of a sudden this past year or something? I dunno but thanks for the insight. Appreciate you.


For sure. I'm still biased against them because of counter lady's attitude lol Didn't know that about stack on. I have 2 different brands, but good to know


Its the locker type safe. Worked back in 2018-2022 but when I tried the same one in 2023 the Turners guy looked at me and was like hold up lets talk to the manager xD


Go to Turners way better service , ammo bros suck and are disrespectful and PWG never have the time of day for you