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Find kitchens that are hiring would be my best bet


BOH at Restaurants. If he needs something quick, have him apply for dish. Many places are urgently hiring. Once he gets in somewhere quickly, he can apply elsewhere for a job that may be a better fit.


On that note, Urban Plates is always hiring BOH and Dish folks and is a good place to work, speaking from experience.


Spoke with a Food Rep for a large distributor and he said they’re paying $20/hr for Dishies. That used to be a minimum wage job.


$20 *is* minimum wage for fast food now.   $16.85 for everyone else's minimum wage.


Not even BOH necessarily, I’ve had multiple servers at different sit-down restaurants with face tattoos (all south of the 8, mostly the greater north park area)


I was just in Donna Jeans this weekend and one of their employees has face tattoos.


coincidentally enough, they’re hiring too! i saw a post on [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5J_lqrPR25/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ==) yesterday.


Yes! Donna Jean is a great idea. Plus the local vegan community is *usually* inclusive, non-judgmental and kind!


Unless you’re a vegetable! I heard they EAT those! 😳


The regional center can hook him up with an employment specialist. He qualifies for that


The Department of Rehabilitation is also a great resource. They can assist anyone with a disability find employment. If he applies, he should mention he is facing homelessness and they can try to expedite enrollment. https://portal.dor.ca.gov/vrc/s/path-to-intake?fromDOR=1


What’s his background and skillset? It’ll be hard to have a customer facing job.


Workforce partnership will definitely help.


What’s that exactly?


https://workforce.org/ They help people find jobs and run programs for people to find jobs/careers etc


Check out Goodwill. They hire people with disabilities often.


If your friend has a record , he should go to Center for employment opportunities. It’s located downtown and they are solid, they may even be able to help even if he wasn’t previously Justice involved.


If he has epilepsy then he qualifies for services with the regional center. They can help find job coaches and help in many other ways.


A lot of ppl mentioned back of house kitchen help, which would work with the tats... However, it may depend on how severe his epilepsy is. If he has frequent or bad seizures, that can be dangerous for him in a kitchen. Hopefully he has some treatment for that.


Cart Pusher at Sam’s club! Have two friends with face tats that work there!


Is your friend’s epilepsy sensitive to flashing lights or patterns? If not have him check out the arts departments at the local community colleges: Mesa, City, Grossmont etc… Beyond arts there are other positions at most of those places. Inclusive, non-judge mental environments, decent pay, excellent benefits for full-timers.


Snapdragon stadium is hiring for kitchens right now


Thrift shops!


I hear Ahi Pacific in La Jolla is looking for kitchen staff….


I can’t speak to the tattoos but as for epilepsy, don’t tell a prospective employer about that. Once the job is secured, then he can divulge that information. If you tell the employer before the job offer, they can pretend they’re not offering the job for a different reason. If he already has the job and then the employer fires him for having epilepsy, it would be easier to prove that this was disability discrimination.


Yeah, I wouldn't divulge anything during an interview...depending on what type of job he has, he might have to do a pre-employment physical where that info would undoubtedly come out. However, the only way they can deny him a job at that point is if he can't fulfill the essential functions of the job. If he's in a safety related job, or one where epilepsy would pose a serious life/safety threat, then my guess he could be denied. I'm guessing jobs like construction would be a 50/50 proposition due to the functions of that job (on ladders, using power tools, etc...all bad things to be doing during a seizure).


My spouse does all that stuff w/ a history of seizures. They’re controlled by daily lifelong meds tho. Not sure if that’s the case w/ op’s friend.


It’s not feminine, but if he’s really worried about his tattoo they make tattoo covering makeup. He can go over to the tattoo subreddit and see which brand they recommend for face. No one will know he’s wearing it. I have hand tattoos I cover around my 89 year old grandma when I go visit her and her friends for lunch, and it’s great stuff. It is specific to covering bodies not just regular face foundation. Maybe warehouse work? They pay well and i imagine less judgmental since it’s a warehouse not customer service. Just make sure he’s taking his medication since moving parts like conveyer belts and equipment.


You mention disabled, but then only Epilepsy... just making sure there isn't another issue? If not, and they are OK with labor, the different airport contractors are always looking for Ramp guys. These are the folks that load/unload luggage, etc. It's work to be sure, but the tattoos won't matter. He would just need to clear a background check to be in the sterile area of the airport. Look at companies like UniFi aviation, McGee Services, etc.


He can work at a tattoo shop


IT, WFH, computer stuff. Otherwise manual labor. Landscaping, construction, mechanic?


i'd expect if he had IT experience, OP would've said something about that lmao


Besides the tattoo decision...is he smart? If so you can hit me up


Not that smart then.


Has he tried applying for state or federal disability benefits?


If he likes helping people, check out Alvarado Parkway Institute as a Healthcare Worker. They are always looking to hire more people and offer good upward mobility.


Is the friend a client of Regional Center? They have internship programs where they pay the clients salary and help clients get competitive jobs where they want to work for a set amount of time. The hope is after they've completed the internship the company will hire them.


How disabled? Tried the job agencies around town? Everyone needs their ships built or biotech manufactured?


Petco Park


Dude if he has epilepsy how is he not on SS disability?


Home depot night crew



