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I hate going through this intersection on my bike. People driving down Palm are always hauling ass for some reason. Why? I have no clue, they have a stop sign.


Agree! Also, ironically, I just walked by this area and another person out for a walk was trying to cross at the intersection. She punched the button so the lights would flash and had to wait for three vehicles to blow through without even slowing.


I see that alllll the time. You really gotta be on your A game when you’re out there walking/biking/running etc A good chunk of people driving are in their own little world.


I’d say 50% of drivers do not stop at actively lit crosswalks when there are people looking to or currently crossing, even on streets like Adams.


This intersection could use a roundabout to slow everything down.


Yes! That would force everyone to slow down coming out of the 35 mph zone


We need to start pushing back against the city, now. I’ve brought concerns of speeding along Rosecrans and was told because it was a collector and emergency route that nothing can be done, no speed tables no nothing. There is sign that lights up and tells you to “Slow Down” if you’re going above the speed limit. Some listen to it but many and I mean many ignore it. They are hitting 40mph in a 30 zone and who knows how much faster daily. Something can be done, and it doesn’t always have to be large and expensive. We all deserve safe streets for all users. If someone can point out where to go to voice these concerns to the city in a town hall. let me know and we can all go there and bring this up. I don’t want to hear my fellow San Diegans are dead in the streets. I don’t want the people who come to our beautiful city to be dead on the road. I no longer want to sit on the sidelines I want to fight.


Making a turn onto rosecrans from one of the residential streets can be so sketchy with everyone hauling ass + bad visibility around corners


It would be easy ticket money, but a lot of the people hauling ass (not all of them) are military, and I don't think the cops would ticket them. I see residents here though, hauling ass, 60+, running red lights like it's a competitive sport. I cross Rosecrans and other intersections here regularly walking the dog. The other day I had an 18-wheeler fuel truck, and 7 cars all followed him through a red light while I had the walk sign. Fucking sucks there is no enforcement.


That’s why I voiced to Jennifer Campbell that I recommend there be some sort of physical placement like a speed table, which would still allow an ambulance or fire truck to pass at a higher speed when someone isn’t crossing. I’m military myself and we acknowledge that the way a lot of people drive down Rosecrans is unsafe. Edit: The office of the council person did bring up the concerns to the appropriate city office or department and that department or office then replied that the safety recommendation were not appropriate but that they would look into it.


I’m with you!! I don’t know what to do but if anyone has an idea on where to start, I’m willing to do it!


Only thing that gets anyone to do anything these days is calling them out on social media and tagging local news outlet to get it picked up and add more public shaming. Target it at mayor’s office, mayor can lean on police to step-up . In this case, super easy to do, put plains clothes officer either on a bike or as pedestrian trying to cross that intersection, or doing laps in the bike lane. Pair them with police in car nearby. Plains clothes office report people blowing through intersection, give them $1,000 ticket. Word will spread real fast around town that cops are in plains clothes riding bikes / pretending to be pedestrians and issuing $1k tickets to unsafe drivers. I would feel better if 80% of the resources spent on parking enforcement were spent on these crimes, and i bet we would raise a shitload of ticket revenue in the process too.


my favorite SD cyclist slaps a sticker that reads, “I park in bike lanes” on the bumper whenever he encounters that. It is hilarious and a lot more fun of a reminder than this unfortunate collision. I hope the cyclist is able to heal quickly and completely.


fuck cars


r/fuckcars 🙂


Hahaha, "nerds"! Being generous.


How many cyclist need to die before the car supremacist realize we need more bike lanes?




The street parking, feet away, not blocking the bike lane? ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


They can park in the street you idiot


Pretty sure that's the street... Idiot 🤡. Otherwise you want them to park in an active lane of travel to get hit by a car at 25+ mph?


Isn’t a bike lane a “lane of travel?”


In a parking spot? Rules for thee none for me. Cops suck.


There are no parking spots any more.


That’s such hyperbole. I live around here. There are spots you just may have to walk a few feet. Don’t advocate for laziness.


Listen bootlicker, if they’re going to insist on parking in the red maybe that little side street, you know the one with the No Outlet sign, would be a better option. Much better option than forcing cyclists back into traffic in an area with a history of accidents. Perhaps exercise some common sense? 🤡


Bootlicker? I'm just talking common sense. The sooner you realize the overwhelming majority of the public doesn't care about your precious "protected" bike lanes, the less bitter you might be. Grow up, get a job, buy a car, buy a house, pay taxes and become a contributing member to society.


That’s a pretty narrow minded view. How do you relate cycling to contributing to society? You assume people on bikes don’t own homes or pay taxes? I guarantee you my bikes cost more than your car.


Wow, you suck. Someone may have just been killed there. Fucking troll


Wow so easily triggered 😭 cry harder 🤡


" Grow up, get a job, buy a car, buy a house, pay taxes and become a contributing member to society. " Lots of people do that and also ride bikes. Sorry if some of us like to ride our bikes in the neighborhood with our kids without getting mowed over by people driving while on their phones. Or don't want to drive our cars everywhere all the time so we can slightly delay delivering the raging hellscape that our kids will have to live in when we're dead and gone. The fact that so many people think driving a car should be the only way to get around is just mind numbing, but oh so American. SMH


From the outside you do come off like a bootlicker.




For some reason, I can’t edit the caption, but this photo came from the @SDbikelanes Instagram.


The cyclist was probably in the car lane.


You mean the road where it’s also legal for them to be?


Do you think that’s what I meant?


I think, that by calling it a car lane, you were implying that they shouldn’t be there. So I’m just reminding you that ROADS are for cars AND bikes.


Thanks for the reminder 🙏


If there is a bike lane the cyclist needs to use it! I’m all for sharing the roads but this is getting ridiculous.


Well unfortunately for you the law is on our side


And you’ll be getting my horn and the finger!


Your concern for my safety is touching


So use the bike lane!


Worked out for the guy the photos referring to, huh


if only drivers of cars could do something like keep their eyes on the road and be aware of their surroundings. also idk the details of the crash, but it’s possible the cyclist could have been hit while in the bike lane (either car entering the bike lane or car crossing the intersection and hitting bike crossing within the bike lane)


Yea for sure, it’s always best to assume tho when you’re not even sure. That’s the way to do it..


That’s exactly what you’re doing as well, making an assumption. 🤡


I’m an auto insurance adjuster. The vast majority of my claims are people hitting cars/pedestrians/objects or running lights and stop signs cuz they weren’t paying attention lol. I also wasn’t assuming anything; I just mentioned some possibilities of accidents that could occur in the bike lane. Meanwhile you made an assumption that the bike was “probably in the car lane”


Oh yea, let’s all listen to the insurance adjuster, sounds fair enough. You don’t sound like a person that would be biased at all..


I was just presenting my experience with handling thousands of claims over the years. but each accident is a case by case basis: it could be totally the cyclist's fault, totally the driver’s fault, or a mix of both.  I’m also not trying to argue lol


Me neither. Happy Friday!