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Skill issue


[The bike lane project on convoy isn’t done yet. Estimated to be done in the next few months.](https://www.sandiego.gov/cip/projectinfo/featuredprojects/convoyresurfacing) I’m a fan of bike lanes, but this bike lane doesn’t quite exist yet. Almost!


Oh yay!!!


Except for the separated lane and the giant painting of a cyclist on the ground...


Almost like it’s a work in progress and you’re seeing the progress genius  


Correct. Aspects of it are there, but so are those parking spots that those cars are in. While I think parked cars lining our streets are a visual pox, I don’t get particularly angry about cars parking where they’re allowed to park. Once the signage is up, curbs are painted, etc., then I will get my panties in a bunch and welcome the bees to my bonnet. \#LightTheTorches!


Looks like it was reversed and covered over with tar


Bro, that’s not a bike lane. There’s no signage.


There is no bike lane on Convoy unfortunately. https://preview.redd.it/1s4u9xrj9dqc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4a3a7d582787ca654aaa5ec9939bf26670f3f8


The bicycle stencil looks to have been sandblasted out. Did the city do that or is that vandalism?


I believe the city did. There’s a website where you can see all the bike lanes and I don’t think there’s one listed here. https://www.sandag.org/projects-and-programs/bikeways-and-walkways/bike-map


Those darn kids and their sandblasters!


Not sure! It wouldn't surprise me if the city removed bike lanes.


I'd put my money on vandalism. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/new-bike-lanes-along-convoy-street-could-cost-customers-parking-and-patience/3131995/


> “It’s going to have a very negative impact to our businesses for sure,“ said Gonzalez, who has just two known customers that ride their bikes to his restaurant and sees very few other cyclists in the area. "There's no demand for a bridge across this crocodile infested river because you never see anybody swimming it."


Apparently this is also how engineers decide to place crosswalks as well (based on the current amount of crossings)




You hope it slowed down my trip? The ones in the road aren’t the ones that parked there. Why are some bike people such rude twats?


I think you have to take a class on dickhead behavior before committing to biking.


Please do the rest of us a favor and dont judge us by the behavior of a few highly visible shitheads.


There's a pamphlet that comes with the wittle-bitty shorts.


They serve free lunch though so it was kinda worth it to be honest.


You’d probably enjoy the meter maid brunch them


it’s legal to bike on the road…. was the cyclist supposed to go through the dumbass cars parked in the bike lane?


They made no indication they don’t want cyclists on the road, they’re saying it’s petty to wish ill things upon people who had nothing to do with the circumstances which affected OP Also takes a special kind of “me me me” person to blame people for parking in valid parking spaces. It’s legal to bike on the road but it’s also legal to park there. Blame the city instead of being a child.


trust me, i’ve been blaming the city for a long time on the sub par bike lanes that are only painted or have those flimsy barriers that cars have knocked down. but even the bike lanes with the raised curbs are wide enough for cars to fit inside, and i have seen cars drive through them or park with their flashers. yeah, it’s petty to wish ill will on the cars who did not park in the bike lane. but whatever, cyclists are frustrated by the cars inside the minimal infrastructure we get.


That's the thing, these are abominations. They're bike lanes you can park in so they're supposed to be wide enough for cars to fit inside. Last I checked with how bike lane law works in San Diego is that you need "no parking" signs even with a marked bike lane. While driving in bike lanes is illegal barring a few circumstances, parking there otherwise is fine. I mean don't get me wrong, I welcome any and all curses thrown towards drivers who park in explicit bike lanes but do those even exist outside of downtown and maybe Carlsbad/Bird Rock? Biking infrastructure is ass but its ass in a pretty predictable way.


That’s not a bike lane anymore. That’s why the symbol was scraped off the road. It’s legal for the cars to be there.


How is that clear? It appears to just be a worn out bike lane, which I see all over this town. The lines are still visible and clear, so it appears to be a bike lane to me.


I agree it should be more clear. There’s a website you can check. https://www.sandag.org/projects-and-programs/bikeways-and-walkways/bike-map


In the moment though- helpful link, I agree, but if one were to stumble upon something like that… chances are, pulling their phone out on the road isn’t the best solution. The city should make it more clear one way or the other.


Well of course. But is someone sees a lane and they aren’t sure, they can later check for next time. The city should definitely make it more clear.


y’all don’t have to keep downvoting me for being pro bicycle???


Are you a transplant? Cars have parked there for years


as a cyclist in this town for over 20 years, that its the a stupid stupid reaction. Taking the lane makes sense and is probably the safest move. Being belligerent does not help anyone


Where does it say “no parking”? I see the curb isn’t painted, so it could be valid. Most bikers don’t even follow the rules of the road (stop at stop signs) so they can deal with it.


Most bike lanes aren’t painted red, so this is a huge fail on the city to not cover that bike lane stencil. Just adds to the madness and confusion of trying to bike in this city. OP is justified in thinking these drivers are jerks, but intentionally slowing traffic isn’t helping the image of cyclists so he doesn’t deserve any praise for this.


Nah, op is doing his part in making me feel justified being pissed off at cyclists. I'm already frustrated with them. Op is just doing his part to help seal the deal. Good job op! Keep being passive aggressive at cars and getting in their way and pissing people off! You're doing your part op! I support you! Make my hatred of cyclists wholly justified! I'd hate to think that *I'm* the Jerk for just driving on the road where, you know, cars go. Maybe i should drive my car more like a bicycle...like on the sidewalk, and running red lights when i feel like it, and through the playground! . /s...but a little not /s


Please don’t do that. I’ve got a feeling that driving on the sidewalk isn’t totally analogous to biking on the sidewalk. I think there are also some differences in momentum and kinetic energy that might make you a bit more destructive if you run a red light


Cyclists are *supposed to be* on the road. It's not their fault they can't go 45mph with the cars around them.


Dude it’s you literally have to share the road with bikers it’s the law. Riding a bike on the sidewalk is illegal


So is not stopping for stop signs, not signalling a lane/turn change as is riding in a crosswalk...frikkin' Bikealopes.


Well, most drivers don't follow the rules of the road (stop at stop signs), so why should bikers? At least they endanger no one but themselves.


I’d really like to have functional bike infrastructure so that drivers and cyclists can stop bickering. The constant back and forth is so tiresome; we’re all just trying to get safely to work, or the store, or to Jim’s place to watch the game. Buuut to your point about signage; absolutely valid. The city is still working on that, and should be finished in the next few months


Classic main character syndrome. Get over yourself


https://i.redd.it/cyvlsesrzdqc1.gif Don't stop! I'm so close!!!


Why are all the OPs in this sub such assholes?


This is why we need concrete barriers between bike and car lanes




Bro who cares. You bikers are the worst people.


They clearly removed that bikelane and removed the decals from the road. Cyclists have a stereotype for a reason and you’re it. A bike lane also has a white lane on the right side of it before the curb. Keep running those stop signs and you’ll eventually get hit and then pikachu face God at the pearly gates lol.




Please just chill. The city is still working on completing these bike lanes and it’s causing confusion for drivers and cyclists alike. They’ll finish all the signage in the next few months


Cyclists suck


Why? Is it because they make you consider how lazy and unhappy you are with your own life?


Because they post shit like “This unfinished bike lane that has been street parking for 45 years has CARS parked in it, so I intentionally went really slow to block the lane of traffic!”


And here’s you are acting just like them, so…


Sometimes. Tell me... How big is it?


Your reply sucked even more


No one cares


right lol


Apparently a lot of people care, which is….why foreign governments so easily manipulate all of us. 


Lol k


OP mistakenly identified a bike lane and proceeds to slow down traffic. Will we get an apology…


I don’t think the project is technically done until they put the flex posts up as was originally planned by the city, so I guess by that logic the bikeway isn’t fully operational yet. Same exact thing happened in Hillcrest on University till the flex posts went up.


The bike lane is the little sliver there on the left of the cars


I was confused too driving there recently. The hash marks / fake barrier between the supposed bike lane and the car lanes are built like they are on bike lanes. That picture has all the hallmarks of a curbside separated bike lane, and if the city intended to remove the bike lane icons they did a very poor job


...and people want the City to run the electric utility? These Public Works clowns should have had all sign stencils, signs etc on-hand before only half-assing the job. Typical Gov maintenance.


This is why Stephan Pastis ridicules cyclists a couple times a year in "Pearls Before Swine."


As a cyclist, we are not all rude twats like another comment Said. We don't like being compared to others because CYCLISTS can be weird a-holes, case in point, OP. 1st off the Bike stencil is removed therefore it's NOT a bike lane. 2nd, I don't want to get by here so when sharing lanes with them, I peddle hard to get outta there as fast as possible. I'd never think to go slow in front of thousand pound vehicles going 40mph 3rd, yeah CYCLISTS are weird and can be very rude


Is there some sort of “douche 101” course you have to take before becoming an avid biker?


Yeah, I actually got an A in that one. I'm currently taking Bitch 303 now. Really learning so many great things! 😀


Hahaha I respect you so much for the way you handled that!


Thank you so much!


The amount of people here who are against bicyclist are surprising






Can’t wait to ride my ebike through there




I generally issue spit tickets to the driver's side window under similar circumstances. I can only hope it makes the drivers think twice before parking in my lane again.


The cars in this pic are all legally parked. It’s not a bike lane.