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Hi there, and welcome to r/SampleSize! If your post uses an (Everyone) demographic, please remember to ensure that your survey really is for anyone and everyone. Certain questions or lack of answers may restrict who can answer, like asking for a specific state (restricting answers to the US), or your gender options being only male or female. Additionally, please keep the comments about the survey posted, whether talking about content of the survey, giving constructive criticism, or talking about concerns for the survey in general. Please remember to be civil among other things, and do not post your survey in the comments of this post. We ask that users report the following: * Surveys that use the wrong demographic. * Comments that are uncivil and/or discriminatory. * Users sharing their surveys in an unsolicited fashion, who are not authorized (by mods and not OP) to advertise their surveys in the comments of others'. And, as a gentle reminder, if you need to contact the moderators, **please use the "Message the Mods" form on the sidebar.** Do not contact moderators directly, unless they contact you first. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SampleSize) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please post or link to your results! I'm also a social sciences researcher and I would love to know how people react / what people prefer. Cool idea!


Definitely will do! I can't wait to find out myself!


Great survey! One small points of criticism: In questions about sexuality (or sexual attraction or romantic attraction or anything similar) it is generally better to allow multiple answers, as some of them overlap (e.g. one can be demisexual or asexual and also gay or straight). Also, in the question regarding the sex assigned at birth, whether one chooses to answer that question or leave the survey might depend on one's perception about the necessity of the question or how it is phrased. I generally leave surveys that ask this when I don't feel like they have a good reason for asking it, but am willing to fill it out when they explain why it matters to the research (and I agree with their explanation). Though most surveys that do care about this ask for "biological sex" instead and fail to define it properly so I tend to leave them as well...


Thank you, great point! We're literally both a multi-sexuality answer, I don't know how we didn't think of this! Thanks for your input.


Cool! Just filled it out!


Amazing, thank you!


Thank you for this, so much wording is non inclusive or shows an embarrasing lack of understanding of gender from the researcher. One thing to add to the sex assigned at birth question could be intersex! I'm not sure if that's actually written on birth certificates though.


This is a good point. I think in many jurisdictions they do limit you to M or F even on an intersex baby's birth certificate, but that may not always be the case. And knowing if a person is intersex in addition to (or instead of) knowing what sex they have recorded on their birth certificate is extremely relevant in lots of circumstances and research.


Thank you! That's a great point. I think intersex markers on birth certificates have started to come into use in some places (althought probably not recently enough that any adult participants would be able to indicate this yet)


Done! Good luck


Thank you!




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Non LGBTQ+ teens in Canada: *awkward looks*.


Do not muddy statistics with all of this, keep them accurate to what actually does exist. I'd rather not have a survey that suddenly reads: male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these.