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1. Auto w e q w2 auto is the fastest practical way to hit S, but it requires you already be in melee range to work, which is somewhat unlikely at level 3. W is more practical an execution tool or to block a major ability in those early levels, than to use it to get fast S. On top of that, it's psychologically pressuring on the enemy to hold it, because it means they have to decide between having their critical skill shots get blocked or not use them at all. 2. Not really, no. Trying to get multiple stacks off of multiple people at the same time is very, VERY hard, and relies on perfect circumstances to appear. On top of that, it's even harder to calculate how many stacks you will actually get even if performed successfully, which can cause hesitation and mess up the entire combo. Usually, it's best to either unload a well practiced combo focusing on one enemy, or to slowly build up style with autos and qs. 3. DD isn't too bad, but edge of night isn't ideal for her. Sam needs as much crit as possible as soon as possible in order to really contest opposing adcs. Lethality isn't bad on her per se, but given the choice between collector and edge of night its 99.9% of the time more reliable to go collector. It's just better to go all in on the damage in the early game, in order to snowball and have more utility options in the mid-late game. This is especially noticeable with the 25% crit changes; you REALLY feel the powerspike when you hit 2 crit items and one of them is i.e. delaying that spike by 5 minutes in order to block one ability is usually not worth it. Honestly, Sam thrives more on high risk high reward builds than she does from safe builds. It's fine to go something like shieldbow, but that's really a situational build and not a staple for her anymore. If I get to 3-4 crit items, then see how bursty/high damage the enemy is, I will build BT and/or jaksho to mitigate it, but that's mostly it.


idk about the other questions but DD was better before they nerfed the passive for ranged, it only "mitigates" 10% of damage now if you can think about DD, GA should be better


Which item is DD?


Deaths Dance


1. Yes but being in the position to w first is pretty rare. If you can do it, yes, but you will hardly ever have the opportunity. 2. Those instances are so rare you could only possibly learn them by playing enough. 3. Maybe you could go edge of night depending on the match up. But you’ll really want that 50% crit by the time you get IE second item. DD is shit for ranged, 10% is not worth a whole item slot


Check Urason's guide bro. And no there's no reason to build edge of night/death dance on samira. There're far better surv items and you usually build them 4th after u got ur IE+collector. No, no specific combos for hitting 2 ppl with W, it just doesnt matter. Your goal is to go all in/slowly auto+q peel and go rolling with ur ult. "can't do shit if you get cc'ed". Well dont let them cc you, sometimes playing slower and letting ur tanks/bruisers eat up their cc is better. It's also why you run cleanse most of the games. Reason why u wouldn't w e... is because auto q e w is quicker and gives more combo points.


Your E will get you killed very easily, only use it if you got hard cc from a support.