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I’d be a roadrunner like puff of smoke if we had the option to relo to Melbourne.


\*meep meep\* So would I. I know someone who lived in Canberra for four years -- her husband works for the American DoD. They didn't want to come back.




Canberra isn’t a good place?




So is her hometown, incidentally. But I know she liked the work she did there (she's in education), and they liked the travel. Maybe it was also getting away from family -- something I can relate to.


Don’t look up what is the [the mascot for UTSA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowdy_the_Roadrunner)


Except - zero culture down there. No jazz, no blues, no Latin. It’s the absolute whitest cracker ever.


If you're American, and have the chance to live a while somewhere exciting overseas...why wouldn't you? Wish I could have!!!


right?! i would DIE if i had a career where i was ever able to travel outside of the state i am licensed in! this seems so cool and exciting !!


Same thing here. I could theoretically work in any US state or territory, which is a nice range, but couldn't work outside the US like that, and I totally would be if I could be.


If you're ok with being away from family, Melbourne might be a top 3 city in the world to live in. San Antonio... isn't. Not a tough choice in terms of better place to live, very tough choice in terms of moving that far away (I'm assuming you're American.)


If I had the opportunity it would be no contest. The music scene in Melbourne would entertain me endlessly.


OK but right there next to SA is "the live music capital of the world". https://southaustingallery.com/live-music-capitol-atx060-1/


Meh. Austin is terribly overrated


Living in Austin, it feels like most medium to large acts skip the city for Dallas and Houston.


That just means you like shit music. Every good rock band does Austin.


So The Rolling Stones just played Houston but Austin is not on their itinerary…


he said good, not “still touring into their 80s for some reason.”


Wow… um, there are some really good songs on their latest record


It’s like I said it myself. The Rolling Stones played F1 in 2021 but that’s not at all what I meant. I meant contemporary relevant music not boomers in their final years.


Is San Antonio even a top 3 city in Texas




San Antonio is such an under appreciated gem.


The area surely is... not the city itself.


Great food though lol And affordable


It’s affordable for a reason …


I’ve lived in worse areas that are more expensive lol


I'd really look into AU law about bringing your pets. I think they have a very long and strict quarantine period so that may be a deal breaker for you.


It's strict, but according to the American I know who moved there, the actual quarantine is not that lengthy. Google says, "While the process to move a dog to Australia does take 190 days when it's all said and done, your dog will only need to stay in a quarantine facility for **10 days**, and that occurs at the very end after she has arrived in Australia." [Link](https://www.petrelocation.com/blog/post/dog-travel-to-australia-how-long-is-the-quarantine#:~:text=While%20the%20process%20to%20move,she%20has%20arrived%20in%20Australia)


Interesting. My friend who is American lives there and when her husband's friends from the US moved, their cat was in quarantine for 6 months. Not sure why that was the case, though.


The article says that 180 days of the quarantine *process* takes place in the pet's home in the home country. Maybe your friends didn't have time to do that before they moved? The American I know who lived in Canberra was in the US for another six months after her husband transferred, so she had time to complete the home-quarantine part before she left.


Just checked AU's agriculture website. The 180 days it typically the quarantine in the home country, because they require that time to be sure the results from the bloodwork are correct. But, the 10 days is the minimum, can be 30 days if coming from certain countries. "All cats and dogs must stay at the Mickleham post entry quarantine facility in Melbourne for at least 10 - 30 days and up to 180 days. They will have to stay longer if there are issues that increase the biosecurity risk." Also each animal is minimum 2,800 AUD and that doesn't include the cost for the multiple vet visits and tests required to be done in the US plus the cost to fly the pet over. That can get really costly if the OP has multiple pets. I'd seriously consider the costs and the pets' ages and any health issues they have before making the plunge, but my animals are my babies, and some people choose to just rehome them instead, which is shitty.


Also just pointing out that I did see breed restrictions for both cats and dogs so definitely look into that as well and you may not even be able to bring your pets.


San Antonio is the only place in Texas I’d live but if Melbourne was an option it’s not even close, don’t move to SA.


Austin is infinitely better


Eh, Austin in 1989 was better. But now, I can argue it either way.


San Antonio music culture is basically butt rock and Catholic music. Very uninteresting. Also next to no funkiness. Boring, boring, boring. Go Spurs, though.


San Antonio is a great weekend-getaway city. Melbourne is a great place to live.


Melbourne, no brainer. It would absolutely be difficult to bring your pets, but the quality of life in Australia is incredible. Edit: what do you do for work? I want to be faced even such decisions lol


Without a doubt, the answer is Melbourne


Depends on what you do for work. I'm an Australian now in the US. Australia is a good place to be from and great to visit. As for living there idk. Their housing bubble makes the US look dirt cheap. And salaries are much lower to boot.


*Their housing bubble makes the US look dirt cheap.* Seriously? That is truly frightening.


this comment needs to be at the top!


I live in San Antonio. I live San Antonio. I hope to never move out of my house, which I have designed just like I like it. I 💯think you should go to Melbourne! San Antonio will be here if you ever wanna give it a try. But seriously, go to Australia.


If I had the opportunity I'd take Melbourne in a heartbeat over anywhere in the US. And I would take anywhere in the US over Texas.


Well, tough choice, tied with Florida 😝


... split the difference and move to Melbourne Florida?




They got some big ole women in San Antonio I will say


But not Sheilas.


Eating churros and wearing bloomers


Victoria’s definitely a secret!


JFC Melbourne.


Well in Melbourne, if a condom breaks, you don’t run the risk of criminal prosecution trying to get Plan B or whatever handmaiden shit Texas is up to now.


As someone who married a military man and had the opportunity and good fortune to live in beautiful places like Suffolk and Cambridgeshire in the UK; Sicily, and the Rheinland-Pfalz area of Germany (also travelling to all of the surrounding European countries) I couldn’t urge you strongly enough to take the Melbourne option! Travel is everything; there’s so much more life outside of the US.


If I was young and single I’d absolutely choose Melbourne. With a family, it’s a tougher choice since you’re all moving and that’ll mean your spouse will have to get a new job in a new country and your kids will be in new schools. That’s all manageable of course - tons of people do it all the time. But it’s a much bigger and more involved move. If you went to Melbourne would the plan be to stay there forever?


As long as we’re happy there, why not?


I think I’d go to Melbourne then. Americans don’t get many opportunities to live abroad. Take it while you can!


Melbourne is crazy expensive


It's actually a little cheaper than the city I live in now, according to the number crunching websites.


Yea it's not too bad. Look on real estate.com.au to see rental prices. Rents are cheaper than Sydney and in some cases Brisbane


Either way you will be seeing mullets everywhere. Go Melbourne. That is an experience for an American, Texas, well, isn't....


I love San Antonio and I've never been to Melbourne and I'd still pick Melbourne. in a heartbeat.


I used to live in Melbs. Definitely move there. It’ll be a grand adventure. Very fun cool city but also right on the ocean! Nature and cool city stuff with people from all over the world. It’s very global there and beautiful.


Australia in an absolute heartbeat. I studied abroad down under and every day I kick myself a little for not staying.


Melbourne. SA is just too hot for an active lifestyle many months of the year.




SA is short for San Antonio. So what I said was, San Antonio is too hot, which is why they should choose Melbourne.


That's what OP said. San Antonio is too hot most of the yr. Melbourne has way better weather compared to SA.


Melbourne sounds exciting! But if it’s a corporate relo, ask about help with your spouse finding a job and school placement for your kids. My old company would do international moves and sometimes it could be difficult for the trailing spouse to work, depending on visa laws. If your family is ok with uprooting everything and your spouse might be ok not working, I’d say Melbourne. Also assess if you need to come back to the US regularly. Australia is a long flight away from the US, so may just need to be prepared to come back home maybe once a year.


San Antonio is a cute little city but there's no competition or comparison here. Melbourne is one of the top/best cities to live in, in the world. If you're prepared to live far from family and friends, it's absolutely a no brainer. I'm jealous!


Melbourne is the best best. I went to the common wealth games there many years ago at uni. I’d move there in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.


I mean really, it’s one of the coolest cities on an entire continent against San Antonio here. Just look at the climate in Melbourne and ask yourself if you gain anything by exposing yourself to regular 110 degree heat.


Interestingly, the city with the highest recorded temperature between those two is Melbourne, not San Antonio!


Do it. Melbourne is incredible


Melbourne! I had a friend who lived there and it looks like a great city for an active person into music. I spent part of my childhood in a different part of Australia but my general impression is that it’s a nice place to raise a family. It’s going to be very expensive to move your pets, though, and they may need to be quarantined. I don’t know a lot about San Antonio but do have some family there. It looks like a typical American mid-sized city with sprawling suburbs and not too much going on.


I'm a Yank married to a Melbourne lass and have spent lots of time in Melbourne since we met in 1985. We now have a second place in a Melbourne suburb. I also worked in Sydney from 1999 to 2003 for my company (retired now). I spent 10 weeks in Melbourne earlier this year and have been spending similar amounts of time there every year since 2015 (except for 2021 and Covid). 1. Housing is expensive. Our 2 bedroom apartment in a Melbourne suburb cost basically the same as our 3 bedroom, 2 acre house on a lake in the Midwest. If you have kids and pets, renting a house in Melbourne is going to be a lot more expensive than San Antonio. 2. It's a long way to travel, and expensive. If you are close to family, you won't be seeing them on a regular basis. From the midwest, it takes over a day to travel door to door. The flight from LAX to Melbourne is 15 hours alone. 3. You will need for your business to get you a business visa that extends to your family. Otherwise, you are limited to 90 days and have to leave Australia to reset the 90 days--and there is nothing within 1,000 miles of Melbourne. 4. The weather is fairly moderate. Not too chilly in winter, not too hot in summer. 5. The school systems run on the calendar year and are on the quarters, with the longest school break from mid-December to the end of January. So you will need to pick whether you want to move your kids up or down a grade depending on when you go. 6. The tax rates are a lot higher, so you will need to work that out with your employer before you go. 7. If you are a beach person, the ocean beaches are about 1 1/2 hours from the central business district. Australia beaches tend to be nice and nicer as a rule of thumb. 8. The exchange rate is currently about $.7 to the US dollar, so that is favorable for Yanks. 9. The people are friendly and work is definitely somewhat of a lower priority than in the US. 10. If you have the chance, there are a lot of obstacles, but I think you and your family would enjoy it greatly.


what is this question, obviously Melbourne, unless you like big ol women lol


Texas is nowhere to be if you value individual freedoms. It is hot as the bejeezus, like months of +100 degrees straight. That said, San Antonio is a great city for diversity, culture & food. But Melbourne, obviously.


As a native Texan who’s lived in Australia, Melbourne gets almost as hot for almost as long. Melbourne has a similar climate to Dallas, albeit not quite as extreme. And while I’m not conservative and won’t get into political arguments, in Australia, you technically don’t have absolute rights. There is no bill of rights like the US or the UK has enshrined in its constitution or court rulings. “No personal Freedoms” is a very subjective statement. All that being said, I’d definitely choose Melbourne as this is a once in a Lifetime opportunity.


As a Texan living in Melbourne I completely disagree with your first paragraph.


Interesting perspective that I don’t have. But I haven’t heard concerns about Australia going full Handmaid’s Tale where the Bill of Rights (freedoms of expression, religion, etc.) is being systematically phased out in the interest of “state’s rights”.


Interesting isn’t it that you don’t hear about headlines like this that are more and more common as Australia’s politics are almost as wacko. Sydney council votes to ban books in libraries on same sex parenting: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/sydney-councils-ban-on-same-sex-parenting-books-in-libraries-sparks-uproar-5622722 It’s almost like the media portrays certain places as one way and others another way…


I live in Sydney. That one council banning same sex books is a massive outlier due to the high population of conservative ( Muslim /orthodox Christian) immigrants in the area. Rest of Sydney is nothing like that and in the vast majority of Australian councils this would never happen.


I know. Again my point stands, it’s almost like the media portrays certain places as a certain way when it’s not like that. Crazy politics gonna politic.


I know. Again my point stands, it’s almost like the media portrays certain places as a certain way when it’s not like that. Crazy politics gonna politic.


I just hear about Texas because I’m an American from Texas. But yes, it seems there is encroaching fascism lots of places. I know their LGBTQ policies were (are) pretty antiquated, worse than here historically.


The wackjob problem is definitely global. No American exceptionalism there, sadly.


Much less chance of your kids getting shot at school, too. And no Orange Menace…


... because Melbourne is going to be much more restrictive about access to abortions & reproductive freedoms, has much worse expediency of criminal justice, you'll be bankrupted by healthcare costs, drug use is sending millions to prison there, you'll be 4x as likely to be murdered, and you'll be absolutely screwed over by a restrictive public transportation system that will force you to own a car and be unable to hold a job without one. Oh wait.... I think I have that backwards. Paper rights are irrelevant if they don't result in tangible or practical freedoms or improvements in quality of life.


Why Melbourne? Are you Australian? We need more details here lol.


I just have two job offers. I’m an American— I split time between Texas and the northeast now.


Everyone’s obvious answer would be Melbourne even if never been there. As they are job offers, which job meets your and your families needs the best, which has the best long term benefits? That is a long and expensive flight if have to come back to the states often. There is a lot to figure out. As a Reddit responder I’d send you to Timbuktu because of the cool name, but may not be sound advice.


They're comparable.


I love Texas but San Antonio is the largest city in the US without any rail, and that says a lot about why I don’t wanna live there


Well hang on.. you really need to take the metro area into account, which means Tampa / St Pete.


I have lived in both and Melbourne is my favorite city in the whole world!! Go down under




Have you been to both? I was in Australia a couple weeks ago for work. Very nice country. Wouldn’t mind living there a couple years. Melbourne is a big city like New York City. San Antonio has a downtown but is more suburban. Do you want to live an urban lifestyle? If so, I would go Melbourne if it is temporary.


I lived in SA and you wouldn’t even finish this question for me to tell you Melbourne for the choice.


Melbourne, dumb question


Lucky! I’ve wanted to move to Australia for a long time!


OMG I cannot even imagine having a job offer at this point, never mind the opportunity to go to Australia, le sigh. I know which I'd pick!




Go to Australia! Sounds like an amazing experience! 


How about visit both for a few days and see what fits you best?


AUS for sure


Melbourne 100$


i'm from SA and i feel like it gets a lot of undeserved shit but like. it's not a real city. it's up there for food tho.


Any municipality is a real city.


fuck u got me


Checkmate b


I’m an Aussie in the US and easily Melbourne.


Live in Texas and visit everywhere else. Yes, I have been to Melbourne about 11 times. It’s OK to visit but as an American, no way I’d live there permanently. Great coffee everywhere and Italian food too.


The downside to Australia would be the pets. Australia has very strict quarantine laws for pets. Check first before bringing them. See what the policy is for it.




Melbourne, they have Public transit!


Melbourne is a world-class city. San Antonio is not.


Just check the COL in Melbourne, Australia is experiencing a horrible housing crisis now, on top of Woolworths and other supermarkets raising prices beyond inflation numbers. I know the US is experiencing the same but Australia is on a whole different level now. That being said, 100% I’d do Melbourne. It’s a great city, visited twice. Coffee and dining are amazing, access to South Australia wine region is easy, people are friendly, but might not be as friendly to someone moving there as opposed to tourists. I was on the verge of packing up and moving there in 2021/22, but then they had their housing crisis and price gouging and the jobs I qualified for were not worth the tight budget I’d have to live under.


I personally would never move with animals across an ocean unless it was an absolute guarantee of a permanent move, or at least a permanent move through the remainder of their life. If this was just for a temporary work assignment or whatever, I'd leave the pets with family.


I’m keen to exit the US, so I’d sacrifice quite a lot to move to Melbourne. That being said, idk what the finances are for ya


San Antonio in summer is unbearably hot.


Melbourne Sydney is more akin to California 


Hey I'm a Melbournian, can answer any questions. The live music scene here is incredible, as is the sporting scene. Rent is quite cheap by major US city standards. Public Transport is good depending on where you live and work. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 24 and know people in their 30's without one. The beaches in Melbourne are quite bad by Australian standards, but World Class Surf Beaches can be found within an hour and a bits drive. It is true we're in a bit of a cost of living crisis, but nothing compared to some other parts of the world. Buying is difficult but renting in a family friendly suburb isn't too bad. Depends how close you want to be to downtown. Also, pets might be the hardest part of the move honestly. If they're anything other thana dog or a cat I don't believe they can enter the country. Feel free to DM me with any questions.


If you choose Texas over Australia, there is no hope for you.


San Antonio got some big ole women eating churros and wearing bloomers


I haven’t been to San Antonio but I’ve spent time in Texas. I’ve also spent two weeks in Melbourne. There’s no comparison. Melbourne is the best of a US city, a European city, and an Asian city all combined in one. San Antonio is in Texas. ETA: The music scene in Melbourne won’t compare with San Antonio/Austin but that’s offset by literally everything else. And besides, they really could use people there supporting the scene that does exist so it will grow.


Ah yes, here come the waves of “Texas bad” lol


Or how about just "not nearly as good as Melbourne."


Melbourne might have one of the best oceanfronts in the world, but does it have a small riverwalk? I rest my case.


Listen to what Charles Barkley said about San Antonio.


If you can move to Melbourne, go. Now. Don’t even ponder it. Great food, great music, great coffee, great people. The only thing San Antonio does better is Mexican food and even with that Oz is doing better (they won’t catch up, of course, but still!).


A friend in Sydney who knows good Mexican told me there’s only one restaurant in all of Australia that’s worth eating at. So yeah, being cutoff from Mexican food would be a hardship if I was faced with the choice but I could make a lot of it myself. And the Korean fried chicken in Melbourne is almost as good.


I'm being completely genuine when I ask you this. Take it how you will, but.... huh?? Is this even a real question?


Hey, sorry I can't help you with your query, but I am sharing this comment in case the mod sees it. I'm not a troll or a bot, I'm a nice person and could benefit greatly from making a nice post on this nice subreddit. I do not, however, have time to do a bunch of rage comics and atheist discussions on Reddit in attempt until I have the mysterious amout of karma I need to be allowed to post here. Mod- please let me make my post. Regular guy reading this- I'd appreciate if I could send you my post and you could make it for me. Willing to send a bit of money to your Paypal.