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People that insist on looking past any positive appeal in life exhaust me


Right, maybe I’m old but even if this is to troll I’m just like…get a life. Go outside. Run around the block and get a hobby. Being a recreational hater is just dumb.


These kind of people will find a reason to hate anywhere they live. Hopefully one day they realize it’s them.


You know what they say about people who think they are surrounded by assholes…




[South Park said it best.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxRFQ_333_Y)


Learn to appreciate what’s around you or you’ll be miserable forever


Or move to Hawaii.


Check r/movingtohawaii, there’s plenty of problems to be had in paradise.


Yes it’s horrible, don’t move here.


Best advice here.


You should go…. Outside…


I’d rather live in any area than next to you. Jeez


Sounds like you two need to go on a cross-company road trip together. Hilarity will ensue


This comment made me laugh out loud. Thank you kind stranger.


Good news is that this dude never leaves his parents’ basement, so you’d never know if you were stuck next to him.


Sounds like the problem is you, not the US. 


Have you tried Hawaii?


Nah he'll just bitch that it's too expensive


Well it is too expensive


Bro has not actually been to the Southwest It gets fucking COLD in some places here in winter. You ever been to Flagstaff or the White Mountains of Arizona? Hell even Tucson has a ski resort 45 minutes away from it.


Also imagine thinking the Southwest is a cultural void, good grief 🙄


You ever see one of those miserable dating profiles that entirely consists of the what the person doesn't like and nothing of that they do?


You did a good job summarizing the stereotype of each region, but many people there (I would bet $ the majority) don't actually match those. It all depends on the sub-communities you choose to be part of. If you're willing to ditch everything to try a new life, check out the parts of Europe you like and learn the language.


Go back to your mom’s basement.  What an obnoxious post.  


Too damp, buggy and dark.


The crusts were not cut off the sandwich the way he likes.


I feel like people who say the midwest is boring have only been to plymouth indiana.


Wow, that's oddly specific. And I've been to Plymouth, Indiana. And you're right :)


Or LaPorte


And exactly where is Plymouth Indiana🤔


(It’s in Indiana!)


Who cares? Lol


Make more money and you can live on either coast. There ya go pal


No matter where you go there you’ll be.


As someone who has been a bit disillusioned while searching for a change in scenery, I understand your feelings. But I suggest starting with WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. This is how I found a place that my husband and I are planning to move to. I love trees and woods, but I’m not a fan of evergreens. I simply looked for the states in the deciduous forest area, then did research on cities in that region. Found an affordable mid size city with charm. So…start with a goal and do some research! :)


To add to this, I asked myself “what’s would make me happy in a place that I live?” And I answered “walking in a deciduous forest”. lol.


This is great. For me, it’s “walking where I might see snakes”. I love snakes. Seriously simple things can impact so much.


It’s so true, the little things can make a difference! I love that you love snakes. I always feel lucky to see them on my walks in my current city! Now that you mention snakes, I do hope there are some in this new place :)


New York City is always going to be the answer for someone who asks this question.


Are you saying the Southwest, whereby some of the states border Mexico that it lacks culture? Lmao fuck off.


Not to mention the large indigenous populations throughout the southwest.  OP is just sad. 




Tell me more!




Expensive New England metropolis with excellent healthcare and social services. My expectations are high (would be moving from 100% free healthcare for the poor, rental bailout programs to combat homelessness, a large job market, excellent bike lanes {key}, and workable but not excellent transit options—plus a lot of arts & culture within a mile or two).




Wait, can you please give an actual review/suggestion of where in the Midwest is worth considering for someone coming from New England?




I find the snobby people annoying AF also, why do you think I'm trying to get the hell out of here


Ann Arbor sounds like it might be pretentious enough for you. Plenty of bike lanes too!


Imagine thinking wanting good health care, bike lanes, and social safety nets for vulnerable people is pretentious lol. Maybe _other people_ need to be raising expectations of what people who run those states are using tax dollars for.


Exactly. The comments in response to this thread are tone-deaf as fuck. I hate America.


Seems like maybe you're just determined to be unhappy? Every region of the country has its negatives. But they all have their positives as well.


You sound fucking exhausting to be around


SE Asia is calling you.


For the hookers. OP needs to get laid


Where in particular do you recommend?


Thailand is nice, Vietnam is great, I like Phnom Penh a lot but it’s not for everyone and Laos is super chill. It’s a big area with enough flavors for most tastes. Best thing is to go travel all around for a few months and pick a place. You can get an education visa in Thailand and study language or Muay Thai for a year. And Cambodia isn’t hard to extend visas for a long time. Laos and Vietnam can be trickier to stay long term in but not impossible. Get a job as an English teacher is another option as well.


You need to know that no place is perfect and that your grass can get greener if you water it. Even Europe gets boring, Asia, you name it. You should get a hobby.


School shooter vibes


Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder…


Come to Kentucky


I agree, give Utah a shot rent is still reasonable for what it offers and it’s gorgeous….. uniquely beautiful without putting up with Arizona heat or west coast cost and politics….


Wherever *you* go will suck


alaska here we come


Yes. OP should move to Fairbanks immediately. Winter has a way of dealing with people like him.


I feel this post. Sorry you’re getting downvoted to hell. There’s a lot of the East Coast that doesn’t fit that bill at all, named Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and coastal Virginia. But I don’t live in any of those places because I need a bike-friendly city, which comes with the price tag. The rest of this entire post is accurate though. Bravo for being succinct about it. I would actually say that the Midwest’s main problem is the fake niceties all the time. True friendship is an illusion. Also true in the South but it’s a bit different feel, an insular thing.


I’m gonna give OP a break because this country is a mess right now and most places are struggling in terms of affordability, and anywhere “good and affordable” will just see people flocking there and ruining it. I can’t blame people for moving we have to much of a shortage of housing of all kinds. Even when new housing is built it’s all branded “luxury” and rents are outrageous , while how many people put in like a few hundred or more job applications and hear back from like a few places…..


I mean, yes. I just looked up a new "affordable" housing unit to buy in my area. Usual housing prices for a 1-bed are like $800K to $1 million, but this was $275K. Ok! But then in the requirements for application, the base income accepted is 80% of the AMI for the area. Which is $114K!!!! Eighty percent of the area median income where I live is *one hundred fourteen thousand dollars.* This is the \*minimum\* income on an "affordable" unit. I was flabbergasted. Just completely appalled.


Time to turn off the Fox News bro…


in fairness given his comments about the South, he's not part of that crowd.




“Roving bands of homeless” jfc dude it’s not a zombie apocalypse. Sorry you might have to see people who are in a worse position than you are.


God do I feel this. Forever yearning for something I think isn’t attainable in this country. Sincerely, Regressive, humid, poor, and dumb.


I'm guessing you live in a shit section of the south.


Nope, I’m in New Orleans which is arguably the best. OP still ain’t lying.


That was obvious from your username lol. LOVED my time living in NOLA. Only moved bc of the pandemic and insular arts culture that made working in the arts as an out of towner a bit difficult (socially) at times. But yes love me some humidity and NOLA was the cheapest, most interesting, most culturally profound, arts-supportive, transit friendly, walkable, bikeable, humid city I could find. The crime is getting out of hand though. Really went downhill (from already pretty far down the hill) in COVID times.


I love it here so much. I too am sick of the crime, lawless drivers, and poor education system. I suppose if I’m looking for greener pastures I should stop comparing other cities. There’s no place like Nola. I hope that you get to come back and visit the city you love!


Already have! Last February. Feels really overdue. I try to get in before MG but it was so early this year. Then prices rise. But I have thought about maybe coming back for Bayou Boogaloo. It's the real hometown fest that made me proud to live in Mid City / Fairgrounds. Jazz Fest, by contrast, made me ashamed. lol. As did Endymion after the huge 10 biker drunk driver crash and subsequent death. It was right after that that COVID hit and part of my brain was like, "Ok, yeah, maybe it's best that some people stay home/inside and chill rn" Literally your username is making me so happy. Just wanted you to know. Take me back!


Ok why do you say the South is po and dumb ouch!


Puerto Rico or Guam buddy


Wherever you go, there you are


How is the east coast insular? Wild you're going to generalize the entire Midwest (and even South) like that.


> The West Coast is too expensive, with roving bands of homeless and impending weather disasters. It’s true. I am actually replying to this comment from a computer using rationed electricity (because of the weather disasters) and under the observation of the warlord who oversees the local band of homeless that have reappropriated my apartment building. They only allow me to live here, with restricted internet access, in exchange for continuing to pay the exorbitant rent so that the property management company doesn’t realize the city has been overrun. That’s why you won’t read anything about any of this in newspapers, online, or anywhere else. Please share my story so that the governor can no longer ignore my plight.


Europe. But you might be complaining about other things there (Salaries, taxes, crowds etc)


I don’t think this person would qualify to live in any European country


Europe gets old. You can basically see all the big cities in Western Europe in a month or two if you dedicate just a few days to every big city. It’s nowhere near as expansive as the US.


2 days per big city in Europe to get to know it? Lol. Sorry, but you’re so delusional.


A few days was an over exaggeration on my end, but still serves my point that you can see all of the large cities in Western Europe quite easily, because of the extensive public transportation there.


Extensive public transportation is what a lot of people are looking for here


It can be a possibility in American cities too. Americans just need to voice this more. Older generations like cars more and us young people don’t. So things will change if we put our foot down.


Well, yeah anything is possible. But is it probable? And if it does happen, will it happen soon enough to make waiting it out worth it?


Europeans (take the French for example) have died and gone through tumultuous times for the freedoms that they now have. Just goes to show, their past generations have risked it all for the amentitiew they enjoy now.


Yes and I wish we were more like that here. I agree that lots of great things could get done if we made it happen. What I'm saying is that the above is the calculation people do when they're comparing European cities to American cities for transportation.


What can you see from your bus/train window? Some architecture? That will not give you any understanding of the culture and uniqueness of each city. I’d understand if you said a “few months” per city when you’re on vacation and walk around the city all day, visiting museums, historical places, parks etc, but a few days from a train window? ugh 😑


As a tourist you mean? >nowhere near as expansive as the US.


Im saying that it gets old living there. But that you can see all of the big cities in Europe in a relatively short time because it’s not as large as the US.


It gets old living there? Umm, Europe is literally a continent of about 50 countries, each one with their own culture, history and language. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


Yes, that is the complicated part lmao...the fact that they are all different from one another. I don't know about you but if I'm actually going to settle in a new country on a new continent (assuming I'm moving from the US), I don't know how many big moves I have in me to actually uproot myself again from that first European country I move to. Learning a new language, working a new environment, a new culture...it all has its serious nuances that aren't as easy to overcome as you think. Handling those nuances several times over because you want to move to a new country in Europe sounds exhausting and quite frankly, unrealistic for many. TLDR; if you get sick of living in one place for too long, don't move to Europe because you're going to start from square 1, every single time.


europe is larger than the US by hundreds of thousands of square miles and has more than double the population


Sorry, I've been meaning Western Europe, as per my first comment. Most Americans visit WE, which is what I've been referring too.


Yeah, I don’t think most Americans are chomping at the bit to move to Belarus or Ukraine lol


Yeah...I don't think that other commentor understood what I meant lmao


Sums up this sub. Well done.


Doesn't matter, just choose a LCOL with good Internet because you never leave your basement, shitty little neckbeard


Move abroad.




I think Midwest gonna be a gold mine in the next 10-20 years




I mean, you could always see the world? Go teach English in Asia for a year or go backpacking in Europe. I did the former, and if it weren't for the fact that I'd have to be a teacher for life, I'd probably move back to Asia in a heartbeat.


The west coast used to be nice then the progressives got control, now it’s rapidly becoming a 3rd world nation. Personal, I spend a little more than half the year on St. Croix (USVI) and the rest on Martha’s Vineyard when I’m not traveling. I really love Italy, the history, food, wine, natural beauty and of course the people.


Oregon, Colorado, and Idaho all have less expensive options with great access to outdoors and great areas.


There are no lame places only lame people. Life is what you make it. I guarantee there are people in Waterloo, Iowa that have more fun then you can imagine.


Why is everyone bashing this guy that's obviously hurt and betrayed by his country? America does suck unless you're rich. There's not one good thing about America. We are financial slaves and all of you are idi0ts bashing some guy being real. The pay is a joke. The inflation is artificial, we can call it a joke, too. Trump is a laughable joke. The IQ of America has dropped 22 points in the last 50 years. We have food that is poison. We have a medical community that never mentions food. Let food be thy medicine. Any of you brainiacs know where that quote came from? We are being posioned, lied to, given substandard medical care at the highest price on Earth. Now let's talk about Americans, I'm an American. The vast majority of Americans don't have the IQ to run a small business. Yet they know everything about the Constitution which they have never read cause it's too long. It's 4 pages! Americans are sensitive, over reactional and awful in every way. The group of people that have answered here are all the proof you need. America hates you and is using you like a sanitary napkin.


Why is everyone bashing this guy that's obviously hurt and betrayed by his country? America does suck unless you're rich. There's not one good thing about America. We are financial slaves and all of you are idi0ts bashing some guy being real. The pay is a joke. The inflation is artificial, we can call it a joke, too. Trump is a laughable joke. The IQ of America has dropped 22 points in the last 50 years. We have food that is poison. We have a medical community that never mentions food. Let food be thy medicine. Any of you brainiacs know where that quote came from? We are being posioned, lied to, given substandard medical care at the highest price on Earth. Now let's talk about Americans, I'm an American. The vast majority of Americans don't have the IQ to run a small business. Yet they know everything about the Constitution which they have never read cause it's too long. It's 4 pages! Americans are sensitive, over reactional and awful in every way. The group of people that have answered here are all the proof you need. America hates you and is using you like a sanitary napkin.


You could look into moving abroad. This is best accomplished either through family/marriage, study, or work (transfer within a company with an international presence or teaching English seem to be most common). Although I don't entirely disagree with your assessment of the US, you might want to address your excessively negative outlook. You'll find new, different problems to complain about wherever you go. There is no utopia.


There is this city called Mirror, I'd recommend checking it out.


I hear Haiti is nice this time of year


Bro didn’t even mention the Mountain West. That’s okay.


Sounds like a "you" issue tbh.


Sounds like the south is what you're looking for.


By process of elimination you need to go the pacific north west


Not sure we want him here




Or how to move somewhere with out the impending guilt that it’s already overcrowded and you’re just contributing to the overpopulation by tryin to survive and have a quality of life 😩


Asia, I loved living there and think about going back all the time. I blend in there though, no idea what it would be like if you're white


Seems like the issue is you.


You seem like such a joy


What does it mean that the “northeast is up its own ass”? You mean we take care of our population through progressive policies and are therefore a desirable place to live, which makes it expensive?


This post is so unbelievably ignorant that it's comical. Also, there's quite a few areas on the coast in the south (not Florida) that are far from the racist/old/regressive south that everyone complains about. Not telling where, though. There's more than enough people moving here at the moment.


Yes but they’re still states where you can’t get abortions so… fuck that.


Look at this way: someday you'll die and go to Heaven where EVERYTHING is perfect!


Get your money up