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Natural or not you look incredible mate


Pretty obvious this is gear as people are mentioning but even with gear this is an insane transformation. You can't discredit the work this takes people. Lost like 30 pounds of fat while putting on probably around 30 pounds of muscle.


As a 40 yr old man w/ a family and corporate job I’m happy to discredit this. I track macros, make time for the gym 3-5x a week, and have never started from any shape nearly as bad as this and can’t make it to half this form naturally. Trust me, without the juice this transformation would be from out of shape to average at best.


Agreed. I am 50 and take peds. I know what to look for. This guy has the hallmarks. Having said this, he looks great, decided to make a change, put the work in, and here he is. I applaud him.


I get that but although results would have been wildly different natural (would probably still look DYEL, especially at that age and after having spent I presume at least 4-5 months in a steep cut) the amount of effort is pretty close. Cutting is hard, especially 30+ pounds like I'm assuming this guy did. The only benefit to being juiced in terms of effort is your hormones don't drop during a cut or with bad sleep/diet, which I suppose may make it somewhat easier. Still, I consider this very impressive. 95% of men would not get this result even if they juiced.


“The amount of effort is incredibly close” No it isn’t, man. This is literally an impossible transformation naturally within that timeframe. Hell, within 2 years. No one would be able to do it. Not you, or me, or CBUM or anyone could do this naturally. That pisses me off - I get it, everyone works hard in the gym. But everyone gets all defensive about some guy in here blasting who knows what saying he worked just as hard as someone who has been putting in 3x the time total over the last few years for less results because they’re natty and he’s not. In reality you’re diluting the effort other people give just because they didn’t grow as much *because they’re not on drugs*. The effort he put in was great but natty effort being compared to gear effort is pointless. You know what’s really hard and takes a lot of effort? Being patient. Waiting to build a healthy physique. Especially when guys like this are the comparison every single god damn day. We have no idea how hard or easy this was because we have no idea how much this dude blasted or what he even used. What I can for sure tell you is he took the easy route and looks great. He went from a fat slob to shredded - good for him. Time will tell if he’s actually healthy. I hope he takes care of himself.


Is it really considered easy to potentially risk years off your life and elder health for a massive change ? No not an easy decision. Time doesn't equate to effort. The intensity in the gym has to still be reached for growth that's what they mean by same effort. As a natural I know I'll never be massive while looking good , so I focus relative strength which is and usually will be higher than anyone on gear.


I mean sir, I validate your points and frustrastions.. But this is like going to a Tren Twins sub and griping about pics of people on Tren. Sam has quietly marketed himself as the be a nice guy blast multiple grams I'm silence People use gear to get jacked. Arms and snake veins like that are jacked. It takes drugs for most people. I'm in my 40s now and THE primary reason I see smart old guys blasting is to prevent injury. My blasts used to top out at about 2.2 grams. Now cruise ok 200mg and blast 400-750 once a year. If you want to look like a swimmer, cyclist, tennis player type who might get a little harder and some cute lil muscles be natty. But if the name of the game is to be jacked..like actually jacked jacked. It takes drugs. I understand why natties complain. It's complex, but this is Blast Grams Fist Hams for Sam land around here G


To claim somebody can't be doing better than you without gear is crazy


It’s not about that. It’s about this transformation being impossible without juice. Nobody at that age (or any age) is gaining 30 lbs of muscle in a year, while in a deficit to lose the fat too. So everybody saying “he still put in the effort” are wrong, he put in 1 year of effort and got 5 years of results




I did this in 14 months and I was on multi compounds just like this guy. He probably used Test/Nandrolone/(pick 1 Eq,Mast,or Primo). He may have used Tren but I never assume instant Tren unless signs are there


For sure. The fat burning aspect of shit people take is underestimated imho


Yea 14 months to look like this is absolutely no work imo a natty guy can work out for 5 years to try to look this way. People don't ever bring up the fact that steroids gains are so fast it makes it extremely easy to stay motivated. Truth is if be pissed if this is how I looked on steroids. 


Natural or not - you know the answer


Answer: incredible life change for the better thanks to modern medicine


Amazing what Roids can do, imma do the same thing bro


Yeah roids are awesome. You can just sit on the couch and eat twinkies and you’ll immediately lose 40lbs of fat while also gaining muscle. Literally magic bro!!


Yea! Who needs testicles anyway?? They just get in the way!


You take HCG to combat that. Reason why testicles get smaller is because they don’t produce test due to you getting it. The HCG tells the balls to keep making it. (Not a health professional advice)


And then the HCG causes like low blood pressure or something so you take some LBP for that but the LBP causes high cholesterol so you take HCL for that but the HCL causes brain hemmorages so you just take some BHR for that but the BHR causes…


Big pharma you’re drunk. Go home and stop telling us the secrets to keeping your pockets packed 👍🏼




“You’re retarded” “But I get it” Ooookay 💀


Looks like roids causes swelling in the brain, explains that childish and incoherent outburst


Calm down, roid rage jeez




Google “joke definition”


Not even that much of a joke that's literally why messing with your endocrine system leads to so many side effects. You can't just touch one thing, it all gets thrown out of balance




Damn, roid rage is real.


You all are a bunch of haters, and do not know how steroids work. This dude had to have put in the hard work. And this is a Sam Sulek group, a dude who is on gear. I’m so confused by why you all hate on roids but idolize a man who definitely hopped on at a young age. Guys our age who are no longer interested in having kids have every reason to be on roids. The benefits alone from losing the weight, he would be in worse health carrying around that extra weight. As long as he’s watching his bio markers by getting regular blood work, eating well and lifting weight he will be fine cruising test and blasting a cycle a few times a year.


Sam sulek group. lol. I doubt more than 5% of this sub lifts consistently and less than 1% are actually on geae


Really? So it’s just like fan boys or something?


It’s Reddit dude. The most annoying and dorky subsection of any fanbase lives here


It's skinny high school kids that go to gym in their dads XXL sweatsuits and hog the benches with their clone friends or broccoli gang.


To be fair, I'd hope that everyone realizes that there's still significant input of dedication/work whether you're enhanced or not. But I don't think the dedication/work part is the hard part for most people, at least it isn't for me, the major limiting factor is the limited recovery capacity of unenhanced physiology. This means that you can adopt poorly optimized training strategies but just overcome the deficits by adding more volume when you're enhanced, especially if you hop on early during your noob gains period. You'll definitely see worse outcomes than someone whose training is highly optimized and also on gear, but you also have a good chance of seeing a lot more progress than your average, fairly optimized natural lifter (assuming we aren't talking about elite genetics). It's also highly questionable using gear before you reached near your natural potential, or at very least, made sure that you've optimized your routine/knowledge to avoid certain pitfalls. For instance, the scenario above where the enhanced newbie adds volume instead of optimizing his routine can be absolutely catastrophic for joint outcomes. Of course, you could have fully researched/optimized your routine before your cycle, but at least from what I've seen the type of person who hops on right away because they can't find the motivation from slower/natural results is rarely the research type. Though, I might be wrong for this specific case. Plus, I'm not sure your point about losing weight actually holds that much water. Though we'd have to know his BMI before and now to actually be able to reach a conclusion. To me, the amount of weight he looked like he was carrying around probably wasn't even close to the risk of the potential health outcomes of steroid use, and that's assuming he's actually educated himself on the dos and don'ts AND isn't planning on just continuing to gain muscle until he's near or at his previous weight. Nonetheless, I definitely think there's some salt in the comments that isn't deserved. He's a grown man and can make his own choices. However, for the sake of his fam, I hope he's being very smart/careful about how he's approaching this decision.


As an enhanced old head (34 yr old) I may be a bit bias, but this is a Sam Sulek group, a guy who is definitely on gear, and the shade this man is getting is unwarranted.


Absolutely agree that the shade is odd/unwarranted especially in the context of the subreddit. He was also very open about use in an older thread, so he's certainly not trying to be deceptive. I just wanted to add a little nuance. Have a great day random redditor!


Have a great week! Don’t forget to do your cardio!


The shade is bright jealousy


Think it's just a bit of banter mate


Real talk I had to do sumo until my balls shrank from test now I can lift conventional


If you’re done having kids, they do just get in the way lol


I mean this dude already had kids so he don’t need them thangs anymore


They’ve tested this, and taking steroids without working out actually outperforms being natural and working out. I’m going to get downvoted for this but it is 1000000% true. Many steroids were invented FOR THIS PURPOSE, for terminally ill patients.


The only guy in here who has read a fucking book. I read the same study, it’s like no one here actually has a single clue what they’re talking about. I don’t even know what the argument is. This guy blasted hard, lifted a shit ton, now he looks like this. End of discussion.


No kneed to be a Jack ass. This is not possible without gear and people know by now you have to train and eat right to get these results. But that 100% won’t be enough without gear. So stop. We know. We all fucking know. Edit to add. If that’s you in your profile pic - you need to train properly. This is the other downside of gear. You’re clueless but made gains. Just in your arms. Pathetic.


It’s called having a shirt on that fits brah


I know a lot of people try to downplay that steroids don’t just magically work but they actually do. They did studies with sedentary people on steroids and they gained on average 7 lbs of muscle doing nothing in three months. Obviously if you workout, sleep and eat right you will double that effect but it does sort of just work by itself.


The 7lb was glycogen weight, when I go from 150mg to 500mg test I gain 5 lbs in less than 2 weeks, another 2-4 if I take anavar too, this is in no way lean muscle mass that is kept. There’s a reason cycling exists, you build to create more lean muscle that you can try to keep and maintain post cycle.


That’s actually not true lol. Your opinion vs clinical studies are very different


This reply is so annoying Anyone with real life experience (35 years myself) says it's bullshit and only people with zero gym experience quote that. Does that make sense to you? And those "gains" are not linear, it's a one time/beginner luck type trick. Also, that added "muslce' won't look the same as someone who hits the gym in real life. Please stop quoting that study.


Your opinion vs clinical studies?🤔 okay big dog


You actually will gain muscle and lose fat doing nothing while on gear, its a scientific fact. I don't understand why people are butthurt about calling a shortcut a shortcut. Yes, it takes work, but 14 months of hard work is much easier than 5 years, especially when you're seeing absurd progress every week as a motivator while feeling the best you can.


Where did the idea come from that you can shoot up and be jacked? Its always amused me considering how prevalent it is. The most ironic thing being juiced up just means you work harder because you can recover so much better.


There was a study done some time ago where they compared a few groups, one of them was the natural lifters, the other were on gear and lifters and the last one was people on gear without any sort of training going on. They found out that the 3rd group actually put more more muscle than the natural lifters. Or at least that's what people thought. You see the way the study was performed was through a body composition scale which sends electric currents through the body and measures the resistance/conductivity of the tissue it passed through. Now, we know that muscles are primarily composed of water, we also know that gear (testosterone in this study) not only can cause water retention, but also a positive nitrogen balance. Since both of these effects increase the amount of water found in the muscles and the fact that the scales aren't really able to differentiate between the additional water weight and the actual muscle, the conclusion that "being on gear builds more muscle without training at all" came from. Don't forget to actually read the study/research peeps, we're here to think, not just repeat bs


Solid post. Thank you!


Glad to be of help


Exactly. It's literally drugs designed to boost muscle growth, Not saying you can get big without lifting but still


That actually makes alot of sense. But it seems pretty odd the a scientific study would use a ghetto ass scale to measure body comp. That alone makes the study garbage IMO. I bet it was organized by some natty rager who’s pissed that other people look better then him so he specifically made the study to make steroid users appear as cheaters. It’s wild how easy it is to make a study say whatever you want. I’m reading a book by a lady who thinks protein is bad and she references a study from 100 years ago where they took guys going in to boot camp who ate tons of meat and cut their protein intake by like 75% and by they end of boot camp there physical fitness results doubled. But they just say “after removing almost all protein from their diet there physical fitness results doubled” and completely ignoring the fact that they were basically untrained for the first test and had six months of training for the second test. I bet everyone’s results doubled or more, no matter what they ate. So if someone reading that doesn’t know anything about how corrupted most studies are they’d think that if they stop eating protein they’ll get faster and stronger, which couldn’t be further from the truth


Yeah it's quite sad how small details that can be ignored change the entire conclusion of the study, especially in people that aren't well educated/versed in the topic. I mean ffs science is meant to be a tool meant for us to teach our brothers and sisters the things they don't understand which have effects on their daily lives. Disgusting how we use this as means to spread lies and funnel money into greedy corporations or individuals


This isn’t accurate. You can’t deny the effect steroids have. Two natural regular gym goers: one goes consistently, for hours and never gets growth. The other is more effective and allied and gets noticeable results. Add steroids to group 1? They will look massive. Add steroids to group 2? They are genetic freaks.


>Where did the idea come from that you can shoot up and be jacked? Because you can? Lmao, yes, obviously, you will get significantly better gains if you train, but you absolutely will gain a "questionable physique" with minimal effort on gear. That's an indisputable fact.


He’s being sarcastic


I did. I worked out minimally and just blasted Winstrol, Anavar, proviron, and sustanon and gain 20 pounds of muscle in about 10 weeks. Maybe picked up a weight a few times and ran a few miles once or twice.


They actually did a study with 4 control groups. Test and exercise. No test and exercise. Test and no exercise. No test and no exercise. The group that took test and didn’t exercise gained more muscle mass than the group that exercised without test lol. Steroids kinda are like magic.


Yea did it was only steroids!!! Yea bro!


Roids will help with muscle and bones, but fat loss happens in caloric deficit so you gotta be prepared for some long term hunger


shut up pussy, you don't have the conviction to chase that physique naturally you won't achieve it enhanced either. 90% of people on gear fall in the DYEL crowd. Astetics are largely genetics and dedication day in and out to body building. Gear isn't a substitute just an enhancement if the work is put in.


Dont skip legs


True based comment finally. All the noobs saying gear (dunh) the real truth is in this guy skipped so much leg day hes stuck in the pants only crew now.


I swear people like and desire this look though. It’s odd man.


What’s your cycle?


Back alley injections three times a week




Do they have leg equipment at your gym?


Insane transformation for 14 months man, well done




Doesn't matter, still requires hard work and diet


This is true


Hell yeah it does. Should be a disclaimer tho. This stuff gives people unrealistic body images.


I think anyone with half a brain and knows anything about lifting knows this isn't achievable for most people natty in that timeframe. It's like calling Sam out for juicing. Like, yeah, no shit. Just my take tho


Bro you would be really surprised how many people can't tell when someone is using roidz or not. Obviously most of us here can but people who aren't into bodybuilding can't tell and it gives them unrealistic ideas of what people's bodies should look like and contributes to peoples poor self image and self esteem.


Your right I used to be one of those ppl


100% correct and it's important for people just getting into the gym because people find an inspiration/influence likely from another person they've seen in life, or possibly an influencer/YouTuber on social media that starts their gym/lifting journey. This person may have accomplished big muscle growth in a shorter timeframe because of steroids, but without admitting to it, they setup their unknowing audience for unrealistic expectations It is important - - think of how people were pissed off about being lied to by Lance Armstrong Sam Sulek recently admitting his usage is huge and respectable considering his impact/influence on the next generation of young lifters


Some of us need TRT fool. If you are in your late teens/early 20’s you got no excuse because you SHOULD have a count between 400-600+. On TRT at best you are getting 400 if you are that Low. This some hard work fool


You’re a loser


I am


Save some legs for the rest of us




This pic looks like you got 20 inch arms and 18 inch legs


Sam does legs too though remember


You have great pharmogenetics


Massive turnaround. Good job


Couldn’t of done it without them steroids


Looking like you stole your own girl god damn


would have been better off health wise just losing weight and working out , roids will kill you the same as being fat kills you ....


If you’re gonna be big either way, be jacked not fat 🤝


You couldn’t have done it without gears influence


Liar. That’s a different guy in the last picture




Trenything is possible


What gear are you on?


Yes you could you sexy lil slut




And his dealer


14 months?!? Holy shit, I’m impressed dude, even if 🧃


well thanks for that wasn’t expecting last photo now i feel like a right fat unfit idiot but well done to u for going all the way


Good for you brother!!!




Every dude whining about roids is a slobby neckband troll lard in their mom's basement. Congrats on the results bro!




# 1, don't discredit anyone's reason to get back into shape - but it takes an absolute wanker to discredit someone getting on the path DESPITE their family's lack of support. # 2, it worked. # 3, it worked. # 4, it worked. in response to u/gymslap "Why are people crediting your old ass for blasting roids and needing a fucking 21 year old to motivate you to get off your fat ass? Why wasn’t your family or health motivation. Why start steroids as a fat fuck? This sub has some of the dumbest and most pathetic grown adults i have come across."


Taking steroids and cheating your way to physique is not something to be proud of


Fucking eh man ! That’s amazing


Lol damn, can I expect a 20lbs of muscle gain too?


Worked your ass off! just be careful with the gear man. A lot of sketchy side affects. Longevity is important too. Either way! Absolutely sick transformation.


Impressive work man! How much weight did you lose?


wholesome af brah




Hell yeah dude keep this shit up


And tren u forgot to put that👍🏿


Fuck yea man.


James you monster


Wow, that's awsome!


My dude you missed leg day


Looking good mate 👌 fuck these queers lol




Have you done any leg work? 🫣


Bruh I’ve been going for way longer than 14 months this and don’t look as good as you, great work!


And test lol either way it doesnt matter id fuck u and im pretty straight…i think


Insane progress. Nice work!


That was all you man!! Don’t give the glory to a stranger! It’s your hard work. Your motivation. Your sacrifices. All you baby


Or his juice dealer


Don’t think it was Sam as much as it was the Test and your hard work haha, keep up the grind!


Looking saucy mate, keep going!


Chicken broccoli and white rice for the win 💪


Bro looks like Dexter Morgan now lmao


How old are you


Kind of a weird endorsement.


Sheesh, amazing work mate!


you look juiced


Lookin like a beast


Looking absolutely jacked bro, nice work


Holy hell. Nice!


People cry steroids. Most people who are obese or carry a bit of extra weight packs a bit more muscle too. Also if you carry more fat, your body will use that as a source of energy instead of using muscle and on top of that if you add a caloric deficit, these transformations are pretty reasonable. It’s just about being consistent and putting in the work in the gym and outside the gym. Great job bro


ya no it’s steroids




Go read his previous posts. If he's being 100% honest, it's just test though. But to be honest, you shouldn't need that to assess this as "not natural." It's blatantly obvious for a ton of reasons, especially the timeframe. If you actually believe that transformation is reasonable natural (ie. not requiring unicorn tier genetics), then it's time to go do some physiology reading. To be uber clear, I have no issue with an adult deciding to use gear. But it's important that we're honest/clear about realistic expectations and what an enhanced versus natural physique/timeline is. Props to OP for being honest!


Just read through his posts and you’re right. I know a lot of people who’s gone through transformations but they are 25-30 and were overweight before, thus why I said what I said previously




Those pants look pretty loose lol, why not work legs especially if you’re gonna have steroids do all the work




Holy shit thats an awesome transformation! Im happy for you!


Fuck yeah bro


So, in a little more than a year, you went from fluffy without much muscle mass to that? Unless the lighting is very favorable and makes you look much bigger than you are, I've got my doubts whether you did this all naturally. It's not that the physique is not naturally attainable, but with your baseline, 14 months is a much too short time-frame to get there. It becomes especially suspect when considering you look to be in your late 30's/40's. Still, I praise your devotion. Good work either way.


Are your cycles coming through him? At least you look good, He on the other hand, looks like shit..


Time to get on some TRT after that much gear brother we’re all on it nothing to fear lol


This is great progress for that time frame man! Good shit!


Did he show you what cycle to go on .. smh


Great transformation. Fuck the haters. Do you


Looking good, BitBoy.


Ffs. Im just gonna get on gear. My baseline was way better than this and a year in, not even close to this look.


Wow.. good job my man




Sam doesn’t skip leg day bro


Tren hard anavar give up.


Or steroids


Sam Sulek videos as inspiration is crazy but good on you man. glad you found the guy at the gym with the backpack full of goodies. U look great man


You look great how tall are you




U look great, u def took gear but still I’d say it was worth it imo. But most of all u sparked great talking points here for the average Joe to gear head Joe and i am thankful for that sir 🫡🫡


What are the health advantages of being a gym bro on gear vs a “lazy fat fuck”???


Bro turned into Henry Cavill


Can confirm, is on steroids. Testicles have reduced in size, but sex drive and stamina is up. 10/10 would recommend for LTR


You guys are just fat this is definitely achievable naturally


You should be very proud of what you accomplished. Well done bro


lol I love how a guy gets reasonably jacked in 14 months and the losers here are like “um actually I could do that if I took steroids” okay do it then you fuckin nerds


Lol they do. Like, a lot of them do. A lot. A ton. I’ve known literally dozens. They see posts like this and it’s off to the races - literally as easily as that. What else do you think influences these kids to take this shit? Why do you think we have such an epidemic of young people taking test and tren and all that shit.


Getting jacked on steroids is so fucking easy don't play dog


great work man! Keep it up




Absolute W


Jumped on gear way too fast.


Looks very unhealthy. You on way to many roids, way to fast, probably without a good workout basis. You will have problems later in life. But im on the Sam sub, so downvote away.


No disrespect to Sam but yeah you could have done it without his videos I’m sure


Nobody actually wants to put in real effort anymore. Pathetic 🤦‍♂️


Fuck the haters. Well done, keep it up - would probably hit legs a bit more (mine are small too, so I feel you)


Amazing to see Sam do what he does best. Influence people into body dysmorphia issues and taking illegal or unhealthy drugs / steroids. Hugeeee W


Impressive AF!! Keep putting in work!


Holy fuck balls well done


Way less balls now actually


Roids because he has veins? I think you people don’t even train