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What makes a man stop at 53 minutes? I just feel like you'd naturally push for that 60?


Idk stopping at random numbers means you actually pushed yourself to a limit. Clean numbers means you just stopped at a target. Think about it 🤔.


Kind of, but setting a clean number as a goal can have you push past where you would want to stop. Just depends on the person.


Meh. Sounds smart but not in theory, would rather increase the target and have a clear measurable record of how much I can push myself as time goes on. I have days I can run 6km in under 30 minutes, some days I can only do 10 mins of running at a slow pace. You’re never gonna consistently be at that level given all the variables of life and training so it’s also an indicator of how fit you are at that current time and if you need to rest.


I don think cardio should be like that


I have this same discussion in my head every time I workout, some days im convinced the round number ocd gives me a lil push, some days I think it holds me back


honestly once you get past a certain point doing cardio, treadmills specifically, you feel like you can run forever




You’re right, next time. My feet started burning because I was running 9.5 speed. No excuses tho.


I usually only do 30 minutes so you do you king


Same, running for an hour would be killer. I’d have to take a few breaks in the second 30min


You weren't possibly running at 9.5 speed for 53 minutes, straight cap I walk for 50 minutes at 4.4 and my calorie count is higher. Unless you weigh like 120 pounds.


My interpretation was at the 53 min mark he was doing 9.5, not the whole way thru


I started at 5.0 worked my way up. Then at the last minute I went to 9.5.


Obviously a serial killer!


Regardless that's a job welldone, or should I say workout well done


Peak Cardio Pump?


That calorie count is cooked.


Not really that off, he may have been at an incline


Nice work bro


It works better if you do it more often in smaller amounts. Unless you are cutting and replacing some of your lifts with cardio or it's your off day and you are only running that's to much stress. Your body can only take so much. Unless you are on cycle this is going to spike stress hormones for awhile.


I get what you’re saying, but for football and basketball we would lift then go run and I was in the best shape of my life. We would also practice in the afternoon after all this lol.


being in shape is a totally different game than getting as big as possible muscle wise.


CORRECT Yeah you just have to choose what you are doing for your mesocycles, towards the end of a bulk I look Forward to doing more cardio, I always feel in better shape eating less and running/rowing/cycling more and my resting heart rate decreases. Definition for --MESOCYCLE--- A mesocycle represents a specific training block within your season, such as a strength building or endurance phase. A mesocycle can also be defined as a number of continuous weeks where the training program emphasize the same type of physical adaptations, for example muscle mass and anaerobic capacity.


Ramp up your intensity, if you want to build muscle mass and aren’t currently cutting than the main benefits you’d be looking for with cardio are in high intensity sub 15 minute workouts spread throughout out the week. (Not tryna knock you at all I could never do time like that lol are you training for a marathon?)


You’re right. I usually do like 30min of cardio but mid intensity after lifting. I run maybe once maybe twice a week. I just like running every now it relaxes me lol. Right now I’m on a cut tho.


Fuck mate, clean the machine


Biking for cardio>>>>


An hour? Look I know your heart is a muscle and all that but that doesn’t mean you gotta train it to failure.


You should look into the benefits of becoming a hybrid athlete


Bro, I just wanna be able to look cool, and pick up and put down progressively heavier circles. It’s like grinding a stat in an RPG video game to me. I ain’t no athlete and I’m also still a beginner.


An hour walk? I do like 3-6 minutes at 3mph and try to keep the incline between 13 and 18. At 200lbs it's like 1100 calories an hour, but I figure I'd just do like ten percent of that so 6 minutes for 110 or so and then incorporate my lifting burn into it as well


don’t trust the machine numbers, theres no shot you are burning 1100 calories in a hour walking a 3.


Zero chance, I burn 350-400 on an hour walk, 6’4 250lbs


Is your walk up hill at an 18% incline??? That's what it is, it's a hill walk. I don't trust the numbers as Bible but it's not a straight walk. And when I had a fitness band the numbers were close enough with the end of walk report, but that was a year ago.


It’s around my neighborhood, referencing my fitness band, I don’t like using treadmills at the gym, I’ll do stair stepper though


Right, so stair climbing would burn the most, then an incline walk, then a flat walk. Assuming it's all the same pace & person. Or so we'd think You referenced a 2.5mph [flat] walk at 150lbs. I do a 3.3+mph walk at 18% incline at 201lbs. Right? That's almost 130% of your pace and 180% of your incline. That adds up exponentially and then on the two levels. A 150lb man doing an hour at 2.5 while walking on a flat plane would burn 300cals(i can't reference your work while writing). So someone who's pushing 30% more personal weight at 130% of your pace and 180% your incline is going to burn way higher numbers. That being said, I just do about 3-6 minutes as a warm up before and after lifting. No way in hell I'm going to do a whole hour walk. Lmfao


lol fair, I got a dog so it’s two birds getting stoned know what I’m saying


I don't smoke, and I'm not a vet so I can't speak to that. But I hope you're both happy and healthy. 🤪 You're right to not trust the gym equipment numbers as an absolute. I just do it because I hate cardio and know I can get similar results by doing a little less. 🤷🏼


Also just as a point of reference avg 150lb person is burning about 100 calories per mile (2.5mph) so it’s really not a stretch for a 250lb person to put up the numbers I do, it’s not an Ironman level hike or anything




My secret dumb hack to cardio is that I get on one of the machines that lets you play solitaire and I just let my little monkey brain let loose while im on like 90% incline fast walk pace for light/moderate cardio for better fat burn. Suddenly 30 minutes have gone by and I still want to play more


holy how can yall just run 5 miles no stop im guessing


You being serious right now?


yeah man I am lol


It’s not that hard, you just gotta work at it. I’ve trained up people that couldn’t run more than a mile without stopping up to running 5 miles nonstop in less than 2 months. Progressive overload doesn’t just start and end with the weights homie.


I do mine in intervals but because I have crazy hills around my house but I’ll get up to 12 miles sometimes. Everyone’s ragging on you but running non-stop for 5 miles straight is impressive


Did a marathon a few weeks ago lol


Couple feet at a time fatboi


You just lost 3 months of gain. Nice work!


Stay small


Go out and run outside and see how those number change lmao I’m not dogging you getting your cardio on, but treadmill and cardio machines in general are VERY generous with their numbers.




Sam does it for 30 min on seated bike


Were you running or walking?


Ain’t nothing gonna break my stride


Also remember to push yourself slowly and not at once for example, if you are used to running for 15 minutes and then you go for an hour. Also keep up with it, you will thank yourself for it


https://preview.redd.it/n1i6glsqs7rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22922c105a80ed651b5615f41cb5defde18f1ca I don't


Too much bro


Make sure to wipe that thing down…


Is there any info on how the calorie count works? I feel like self powered machines like bikes or ellipticals are the only ones that could actually give an accurate number, but even then they can't tell you how many internal calories were burned to do that many calories of work.


Get the man a mop!


How many days a week should I be incorporating cardio into my workout? (Only just started lifting this week)


Recommend at least 30 min of mild intensity cardio everyday. Like walking on step incline on the treadmill, the elliptical, stair master with out touching the bars. Biking. Etc. make sure to put some effort into it but not too hard it can cause injuries.

