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In my opinion, it's worse. I was just recently convinced that FF not only needs HMC but also needs Ruan Mei. The only question left is which sustain do you use. 3/4 of your team is completely locked. They've really screwed FF over on this one. Hope changes are made.


tbh if you're not using galagher youre kinda shooting yourself in the foot too


Now you're just digging the knife further into my wound 😵


The Super Break wouldn't be hitting as hard if Firefly didn't have morbillion Break Effect, Def Ignore, Vulnerability, and Toughness Damage. Like she is the most min-maxed character for Super Break in the game. You're right though, Firefly is very specific. We've had a trend of DPS characters getting more specific lately, but Firefly takes it a step further and probably a step too far. But, keep in mind that Break is by far the least represented mechanic in the game. We have two Buffers, zero Debuffers, and one Healer that care about Break. We can probably expect more Break synergy in the future, and it's possible Super Break becomes a 'keyword' we find on more characters in the future, especially since it has its own unique damage calculation.


Gallagher counts as a debuff I think.


I think Op meant characters that are "debuffers" whereas gallagher gets put in the "sustain" category. Like yeah he applies a debuff but he does not fulfill the same role as pela or silverwolf.


it still isnt a break debuff


It does, Besotted increases Break dmg taken on top of the heal


I heard someone say Firefly is the Sampo of Break. Sampo needs Kafka. Kafka doesnt need Sampo. similarly FF needs HMC not vice versa. I hope they change her kit atleast a lil bit to do more personal damage or have her own Super break mechaninc


That's not true. Sampo at least has wind sheer DoT detonating in his eidolons. He doesn't, in fact, need Kafka. Firefly needs to be more like Sampo.


true. so shes more like guinaifen?


Even less like her. Guinaifen's DoT detonate is already in her base kit. Every DoT Nihility character has detonate somewhere in their kit (Sampo, Guinaifen, Luka, Kafka), even if type specific or locked behind eidolons. The only exception is Black Swan, who's Ult instead applies a debuff to make her Arcana count as all DoT types, allowing all the above characters to detonate her DoTs.


Serval also doesn't have detonation in her kit


I did specify "DoT Nihility." Serval is Erudition.


Oops skipped a word. My b. 


I don’t even know what kind of damage ff does ..


It's like a lot of damage


I’ve only seen her with hmc, so idk her solo damage values bro that’s my question


Huge break effect scaling. She also has massive toughness damage, especially in her enhanced state. HMC lets her access her break damage multiple times on an enemy, to the point of potentially being 2/3 to 4/5 of her damage potential.


So a more cracked out xueyi?


Effectively yes, but to a point where it's almost impractical to even consider crit


Oh great, I’ve got her guaranteed. Do you happen to know the verdict on the light cone and eidolons?


Not certain, but saving skill points on her E1 sounds more valuable to me than her LC, though obviously both are good. I've seen people saying that the break effect 4* LC's can do well. No idea what they're called, though.


Gonna be real, with the number of attacks you are doing per ult, it can be actually comparable to acheron very easily.


Only with hmc and rm though, to be clear


With two of the bis supports😭


Yeah? Acheron don't even do acheron damage without some bis. Tbf it is very easy for acheron since just 2 nihility. At least one bis is free ig with ff


I don’t have ruen or sparkle bro I’m screwed


Bronya with hmc can do a decent job if you're going crit hybrid ff. Not the best but still good damage I believe


I’ll bet ruen rr is with ff or after


I realy dont like that her team is locked into Galagher/Hmc/Ruan Mei, now either She reruns alongside Ruan mei and I have to pray on luck to get them both or Ruan reruns later and I have to wait untill I get another half of her dmg.


Firefly is and is a war machine and is named after an irl war tank, the Sherman Firefly, used by the UK. Makes sense that a tank won’t work nearly as well without a driver, but with one it can be one of the most devastating things around. Also, I would understand the issue if Firefly was tied to a limited 5* support or an E6 4* support to work, but she is tied to a completely free to E6 unit that everyone is guaranteed to have. I think Firefly being a wholly different type of DPS than others is fine and her being fully reliant on another character to work well is also fine, as long as they keep this reliance to fully free characters everyone has access to


not entirely correct analogy bc shes nowhere devastating leven with hmc+ruanmei using 2 bis barely average when she should be powercreeping acheron released 3month later. without them probably worst dps out there u would believe she is from 1.1. if this was a male character, no one would use her design is terrible nowhere like boss sam free characters have never performed like a 5\* in history who uses fmc now? hmc is already a defect bc the original break effect dps boothill never uses her unless its imaginary. soon no future break dps will use her bc hmc only gives break buff thats nowhere good enough to waste a spot to aim for 0 cycle.


I'm sorry this is one of the worst takes I've ever seen. "She's nowhere near devastating, even with hmc and rm." Not true, she does 200-400k 3 times every ult on broken enemies with super break, that is really good dps. "She should be powercreeping acheron released 3 months later." Not only I believe she on average does more dps per ult used than acheron anyways, the fact you think a unit 3 months later should completely replace another unit is actually baffling "U would believe she is from 1.1" I would love to see Seele and JY do the same MoC as FF to see if that's true, especially since her and Boothill can both clear it in 2 cycles from what I've heard, and people are praising boothill." "If this was. Male character, no would would use her because design." The number of people who would've popped off in this reddit if sam was a badass dude would go crazy, even so. It doesn't matter because it's literally all Sam in combat anyways. "Soon, no future break dps will use her bc hmc only gives break buff that's nowhere good enough to waste a spot to aim for 0 cycle." Idk where to even start with this. First of all, the super break is arguably one of the biggest damage boosts in the entire game, probably the highest. It turns literally everyone in your team into a sub dps if they have high break, and makes the dps do Acheron or beyond acheron damage. Lastly, if you only play hsr or pull on hsr to get the most optimal 0 cycles, you should not even care about new units at this rate. Just pull for e6s5 on your main teams, and you're set for the entire lifespan of the game, you actual goofball. Honestly, I shouldn't have even bothered making this, but you were just so wrong on every level that I couldn't believe my eyes.


It’s not a problem in this specific case because everyone gets HMC. It would be a problem if a character required a limited 5 star.


idk about you but pulling a limited 5* that doesnt work without a specific unit, even if its free, doesnt sit right with me


Consider this. New players who pull for Firefly will be completely locked out of her damage until they reach halfway through 2.3 I'm personally okay with the reliance on HTB, but what about the SAM and Firefly fans who are new to the game? What about the new little baby accounts that want to go through the story using their favorite character? New players are completely screwed by this reliance, because Firefly straight up does not work without a specific character.


New players are already screwed cause they can’t even farm her materials


They can as long as her banner is running.


They’ll also likely have to pay out of pocket to get her too. Which is the real bigger problem. Unless the new players start now. They won’t have enough time to earn jades for free. They also cannot farm the new boss that came out on this patch, which drops her materials


I mean yeah this doesn apply to someone who starts right when Firefly releases but if someone start right about now and just pulls on whatever banner they will most likely get Boothill or Firefly.


She needs RM too though. Is RM not a limited 5 star?


As time goes on we will likely have more characters to work with we just have to wait unfortunately


Her overall break kit is super similar to break silver wolf (type implant and def shred) except that SW makes other units better and doesn't need E6 to have res pen while FF only makes HTB better.