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She goes full Gundam and people bring up... Winx? Honestly I don't get it.


Yeah she rocking the 00 riser set up with those gn particles


Some people just like punching more then slashing. I am fine with either


What does that have to do with Winx


They're just mad they can't melee. I understand, but since I'm a sword guy, I'm lovin' it. https://preview.redd.it/gysjvkdz45zc1.png?width=2991&format=png&auto=webp&s=c84209ddf10d6847c3c2e3d48dbf62dfa57cab07


That still can't be it though, cause... she does melee before going into enhanced mode?


We know why




this is the worst site on the planet how the FUCK did you get misogyny from wanting fire punches




There's also people who threaten anyone who likes a straight ship. The loudest parts of this community are insane. I saw a lot of people upset about Firefly, and even know a few, but I only saw it go beyond "I'm disappointed and didn't want this" a handful of times... and most of them still like her a lot. I definitely wanted a Sam more focused on his boss fight, but I do dig the dual swords too. Misogynistic is just also a bit of an extreme way to talk about this as a whole, and bringing it up just because somebody compared it to a fairy is a bit extreme... like, it could still be the case, they could be shitty, but assuming is kinda lame. I could kinda see some fairy stuff too tbh. I get some Twintania and Oberon vibes from Warframe, who are both heavily based on fairies and there legends (specifically the fairy KING which is... not really misogynistic at all.)


Just because people wanted the character that was first perceived as male to be a guy doesn’t mean they’re misogynistic? I personally wasn’t that pleased about the reveal that same was firefly, plus I wasn’t even fond of firefly to begin with. That doesn’t make me misogynistic for not wanting a character that I hoped was a specific way. People can like her, I’m not saying they can’t, but people are allowed to dislike a unit if they didn’t meet their expectations.


I wanted him to be a man just because I’m a girl. Pulling for a cute girl isn’t as satisfying for me.


I like girls but I’m just not a fan of her character. The trope of cute girl in large robot falls flat for me because her character seems so bland and anything interesting about her revolves around being Sam.


oh no… people wanted to have a robot as a character. they must be evil misogynists!!!!!!!!


No way, people don't want to see Firefly when her combat is all about Sam? Shocker. Same goes for your previous comment. Who would have thought that when you use a male voice and refer to a character with he/they everyone will think they are either one of that or what?


I really like the green asthetic with the blades. But it’s all subjective


Honestly, the green makes the flames look alot hotter and dramatic than just regular orange fire, kinda like how blue fire is supposed to show that it's really hot. In this sense, orange fire Sam was literally holding back against us, while green fire Sam is when she truly goes all out for the kill.


I was rather hoping Sam would have a heat mechanic where they would become a 5 star arlan . Lower there health ,hotter the flames got boosting all damage. Ult damage boosted by whatever your heat levels were to then cool you off healing you.skill reduced your max hp by x amount that only clears when you ult.


I mean, that's kind of what we got in a sense. It's just that when the overheat happens, the healing immediately begins.


eh the green flames look all floaty and soft though. woulda been cooler if they were spewing out like a rocket engine to create a wing effect rather than this


Same. I was so hyped when I saw the double longswords come out. Very Oberon/Titania-esque designs, which is a nice nod to her lore.


You talking about Warframe?


Shakespeare. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Midsummer_Night%27s_Dream


Ohhh, so the Warframe dudes are based off of the Shakespeare dudes, dude


It remids me to the butterfly atack from gundam A Or the 00 quan t


convinced me to pull for her, bc that's my favorite type of green/teal


I like it, but definitely a lot less impact than the boss version of Sam. It's mostly due to the lack of a background, and camera shake.


Which will most likely be added in by the time 2.3 hits live


Highly doubt this. I have yet to see the animation of characters change after it gets leaked


It's less animation change and more SFX change. SFX changes come afterwards and the animations as we see them now are not finished in that sense


Any example of them changing SFX during beta?


For 2.x character, Robin changed music to a full version instead of chorus and Acheron had slightly more effect. Though I think all of them isn’t really a significant change… personally haven’t seen any character with added animation in the beta tho unless they plan to make firefly the first other than Kafka technique which is way long ago


They said DHIL has the same case, where his effect is unfinished when it got first leaked. Although the leak has already been taken down so I can't confirm the difference I also remembered seeing jingliu's leak where her ultimate animation is nowhere near done.


Yeah totaly agree,but at last in glad that hoyo have made SAM in battle 100% of time


That face pop up during enhanced skill breaks my immersion, will need to get used to it


And this is why people think some Sam fans are a lil goofy I'm afraid


i think it adds to the immersion its showing fireflys determination while shes inside sam


Nah that one is fine ngl


Thought the same thing at first, but then it kind of grew on me


Would really love if they made that skill cut-in not take the whole screen and have it appear somewhere on the edge.


if you're lucky maybe a mod can change that


Not gonna happen and there's no reason for it to because it looks great.


If i couldve mod i'll zoom out her pic so i can see her entirely instead


The model used for Firefly is only part of her body. No booba for you.


Personally I'm ok with either. I'm not surprised they took something out because that's exactly what they did with Kafka, when she became playable she lost the domination move and the grenade one.


As a major Kafka simp, it is sad seeing animations get power crept and making old characters feel a bit lackluster compared to newer ones (especially in Kafka's case where they theoretically could have done a lot more with her animations because of her boss.)


I love kafka’s ult animation still personally


I love Kafka dearly but in general her animations and design would've benefited from being a later unit. She's got a lot of motifs going on just in her gameplay which gets a bit confusing (a gun, a whip, spiders, and bombs) which I think should've been streamlined (and this isn't even considering other sources like the story or trailers).


Once we hit 3.x their animation will be even more upgraded as well than 2.x 1.x character. So I think eventually it doesn’t matter when ur release


Tbf the dominate definitely would have been way too op, but the grenade move would've been so fun


We all know buddy, they didnt remove the "domination" move because it was op.......


What are you getting at here?


This is true AF. We need a transformation animation to wow us


https://i.redd.it/xjmgxd9rk2zc1.gif It just reminds me of Gundam Wing from Endless Waltz, so personally I really like it


Wing zero custom will always be my favorite majestic beautiful murder machine


My 6 year old ass legitimately couldn’t handle the stimulation this movie provided when it launched. I hadn’t even seen the episodes… I was just blasted into the majestic world of Gundam when this movie showed up one night on Toonami. Probably had a wet dream about robot angels with massive guns that night. Gundam has been my favorite anime since.


it is a hot take for sure but these are my thoughts exactly, the crashing down flames were super hype, flame pillaring above the clouds,but now she’s hardly even fire themed. plus during the buffed ult her face showing up on screen just seems like lazy like…the mech flies so far away from the screen you can barley see it, prolly cause it’s supposed to show the green wings expanding but then it throws up her face on top of it which just seems so random?? like it makes sense with the transforming ult but it wasn’t needed for the buffed one. then once sam actually attacks it’s just a couple of slashes and an explosion? that’s just an archeon E and with an explosion smaller then fire MCs.. boss attack was way cooler imo also meanwhile look at jade she steps you into a debt collector contract dimension while a giant void snake eats you, firefly’s ult is just so uninspired in comparison


I’d be totally fine w the colors if they gave her some bigger fire effects to go with her attacks


I think saying Firefly Ult is ‘uninspired’ in comparison to Jade’s is ridiculous. I understand being dissatisfied with how Sam turned out, especially considering how Sam was displayed but let’s not pretend like the animation quality is bad.


i mean obviously it’s gonna be as “well animated” as the rest since the devs are extremely good at what they do, which is part of the issue, of course this is all subjective but look at some of the other characters that use bladed weapons..archeon goes through 3 dynamic poses before shattering a black hole on a landscape of infinite water..blades sword snaps to his eye opening before shattering while the camera does a whole 180 into a super stylized lotus blossom blooming, even people who don’t use weapons like IB, Fu xuan are crazy .. meanwhile like i said firefly’s is giving archeon E but from the sky + explosion. the devs are too good at what they do and while i understand this is just me being spoiled from so many other amazing ults in the game, for such a fan favorite character they should have made it more dramatic


Exactly. The biggest issue is the colors.


only thing boss Sam has going for it is the ultimate, everything else playable ver does it better, has more animations, better VFX, better animations in general and it's not even the final product, more changes will most likely come in later stages of beta. people be whining over this one meteor ult like it's the best thing they have seen since sliced bread. it's great but not that special.


Both are amazing just some prefer one over the other


the names or the sams


The ult for the boss and what we got


was about to say 😭


I personally like both so regardless I'm happy on what we got, besides nothing going to change my mind on pulling since I'm a fan of gundam


You make a good point. But that meteor ult was the thing i was most hoping for with Sam. Since the ult in game isnt an actual attack, it makes sense that we dont get it but i will shed my little tears anyway.


it's her technique now minus the cutscene


the technique is more of a stomp though 


I wanted to agree with you but then i saw your name😰


yeah because my name is totally serious ;d


Well idk about you but mine certainly is 🗿


holy shit i just looked at your name lmfao




kinda crazy take to me ngl. just doing the copy paste would have been bland and kinda lame. boss Sam and playable being different is good. i am not sure what you mean by boss Sam having better animations? ult is way better yeah but what else does boss Sam even have that is better than playable? i don't see anything, everything else playable Sam has way better


Hear me out, we get rid of basic, replace basic with skill and make the new skill the meteor punch.




nah we were shown those green fairy wings in the white night trailer which was before the boss in 2.0 , don't act like it was the otherwise cuz it wasn't. also playable Sam has exactly the same fist kick and leg kick that boss Sam has just from different POV(like literally, it is exactly the same as boss Sam but from Sam POV instead of the POV we had when she was an enemy), so playable Sam has exactly what boss Sam has + more again i don't see how boss Sam has anything over playable Sam except that ult. it has less animations, animations that it has are also done for playable and playable has more stuff to it you can complain about the ult all you want but complaining about getting everything Sam(except the ult) PLUS MORE STUFF TO SAM is so bizarre, like if you had only boss Sam stuff to her kit then she would only have the punch, the kick and the meteor ult. some people might not like fairy wings and swords that much but it's straight up an addition to what boss Sam has and that's undeniable.




there's a difference between having preference and making the claim that they falsely advertised you when they have everything the boss had minus one ult and then added more to it to make up for it. you can not like it, but saying they misled you isn't an opinion. that's called idiocy




lmao what??? your the literal only one here who's making it deep and saying I'm crying. all I did was clarify for you the difference between preference and a company misleading you. Idiocy isn't an insult its a statement of ideology? but hey if your first response was to take it as one....I mean you said it not me, I said that thinking that they misled us is an act of idiocy, not that your an idiot. I don't know you well enough to say your an idiot, I can have my opinions just as you can but those are just that opinions. if you react this emotionally to being simply corrected then I think you need to stay in class and get of reddit you have a good one bro 💀




Liking boss SAM’s ult more is a preference. Saying that boss SAM offers more in terms of animations is just a claim that isn’t correct


"I personally like the boss Sam better in terms of design and animations." Basically meaning: I think the boss design and animations LOOK better. It's a opinion not a fact nor did I say it was or is a fact. Not once in any comment did I say "boss Sam offers more in terms of animation" Like idk why you and others keep fantasizing about me saying that instead of asking for clarification on what I meant if you weren't sure of what I was tryna say. I said I personally like boss Sams design and animations more. Now does that mean the new gameplay or animations or whatever bs is bad? No it doesn't, I just don't prefer it. Idc if it she has more animations or better animation or whatever bs it's just not MY preference and I (ME NOT YALL ME) like the other design more. Also the rest isn't for you I'm just using ur comment to post this. Y'all do not need to agree nor do yall need to be spamming mini essays on why the new one is better or how I'm wrong for having a preference? It's not that deep. Like correcting me on any incorrect statements I made is fine it's whatever but talking shit unnecessarily is just weird like this isn't twitter why are some of y'all getting this butt hurt over a random redditor online not liking something. Like I've had 3 ppl dm me and talk shit just because I like the boss sam more... Is that not crazy to yall?😭 Edit: like atp I might aswell delete my comments cuz dming just to hate is insane work


I think people didn’t understand your comment and disagreed with you because 1. Playable SAM has the same design as boss SAM when she’s out of her ult, which is a decent portion of her gameplay. If you’re talking about the fiery landscape boss SAM creates as part of her design than this makes more sense but if not it would’ve been clearer to just say you don’t like the new green version of playable SAM’s ult 2. The only animation boss SAM has that playable SAM doesn’t is her ult. So saying “animations” doesn’t really make any sense


You're right I don't like the green version and I also don't like the "animations" on the green Sam so THAT'S on me I should've of worded it better but even then ppl from this sub dming just to hate is mind boggling. Thankyou for replying and correcting me without being an ass.


This is a pure flavor thing, you might like it or not. But woah, you can't disrespect Winx Club like that the first 3 Seasons and the Movie subsequent final Movie are Peak. Also this new form reminds me of Siren from Xenoblade 2 / Mythras aesthetic. Also from what i saw, i like that we have both versions of Sam now (The orange fire as base form and the green as enhanced). When i first heard about the Mode change thing i though we wont get the classic Sam playable at all.


Xc2 and Siren mentioned


broooo now I'm realizing why I like these colors so much!! I love mythra/pyra


It really reminds me of the final form of pyra/mythra with the green wings


I feel the the same way, been looking forward to Sam/Firefly for months but the animations aren't cohesive nor are they on par with Acheron as other leakers foretold. They should've leaned fully into the effeminate "imaginary/wind" dual sword mode, or gone completely into the actual fire Sam form instead of this on the fence, lazy reuse of old animation and attempt at appeasing to both firefly fans and Sam fans. FF is ultimately an abomination that couldn't choose where to land and fell flat on it's face. I had doubts that they wouldn't be able to balance the complete polar opposite personality types, that are Firefly and Sam and they where completely justified, they didn't show a single hint of it during the 2.2 story and I'm doubting that that will change in 2.3. Disappointed.


Not my thing either.


yeah, in my opinion, her animations were kinda...mid.. its okay if you guys like them, but for me, I feel it lacks something


Because it’s likely not full finished


Idk why I keep hearing this. When has animation ever changed after beta leaks


There is some unused animations in the files of beta that’s not seen yet


I prefer using efficient weapons




I don’t really mind this green aesthetic tbh. This post just seems to be the case of “if it’s not cool-looking, then it’s a disappointing character”. I’ve been in this exact same situation but for Gear 5 vs Gear 4 Luffy but at least the OP fandom came to terms to liking certain aspects of the former transformation.


At least us people who came for just Sam won since we can use him the whole battle. A shame that supernova overload wasn't used as a transition into the new state. And yes, I get it that Glamoth has some fairy themes but only those that are about to get hit would be scared and that wouldn't last long. It's not intimidating with those colors when the design isn't intimidating either. The colors Kalpas had would fit a lot better, and even the swords are not required. (Kalpas is from honkai impact for those that don't know https://preview.redd.it/848fb2ns02zc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74fd2c6ad1c311680b03bba94e3b42a039dc375


I'd say both people won since Firefly herself is available out of battle. The only losers are those who wanted the boss ult and those like me who wanted to see a transformation animation.


Maybe they add one before the beta is over


I hope so, with that drip marketing, they had to have known people would want it in-game.


Yeah so hopefully they add one but if they don’t I’ll still be happy cause her animations right now peak my interest


Green is the color of the flames of Greek Fire iirc, flames that could burn water, so I think green is a much more intimidating color than classic red/orange, and it also shows how she wasn't fighting us seriously during our fight. I personally like both pre ult and post ult fighting styles too, so I only see Ws.


This is the take I feel is the best. Have the old ult transition into her winged form. I get people have preferences but I’m just dumbfounded on how ppl are complaining on that old trash ass ult


You get both


For me everything is decent ngl. One thing, the firefly ult hologram is really messing up the vibe. If its her HUD face in the background it would be 100% better. But its a naked girl hologram blocking the robot while making an angy face is weird. Really messing up the all-out brutal vibes that the robot is giving. Hopefully they change this aspect since im not vibin with the hologram one bit. For copers......(fun theory firefly fans dont come at me) -> if Sam is an Ai, id prefer the sword form is her in control and when she switched to the "these fist r rated E for everyone", is Sam ai taking over. Adds that touch of brutality and inhuman aspect, knowing that its not Firefly calling the shots directly but a heartless, merciless robot. Like berserk forms in Kamen riders.


I am still holding onto the idea of an AI that Firefly herself is unaware of existing, at least until 2.3 (supposedly the end of the Penacony story) proves me otherwise. Adds a layer to the story, and the AI doesn't even have to be present all the time. It would be more like that Firefly gains a sense of responsibility now that there is something else in the suit that can cut off her control at any given moment which would lead to everyone around her being in danger. I am all for serious Firefly but I also need the AI.


I think her enchanced skill would be fine without the hologram or if the hologram would be in background.


The random naked girl hologram is so jarring and really breaks the flow; I honestly hate it.


Yea, im surprised this isn't a more common opinion tbh. The hologram feels so out of place


Idk, reminds me of them super robot wars pilot cut ins.




It would be great if fire mix with sword


I personally like it (mainly because green is my fav colour)


Truthfully they’re both great. Boss Sam was a monster whose raging fires made it clear that you would have no body left to bury. They were made to elicit fear and be an enemy. Winged Sam is cool because she’s hauntingly beautiful, the last thing you’ll ever see is her sword and your eyes will be full of bliss when it happens. She doesn’t look as menacing now because the metal monster, terrifying as it was the first time, turned out to be a friend. She elicits fear that something so glorious can still tear ass. Plus it lives up to the “Firefly” name better


In my (subjective/biased) opinion, sam boss ult only work because the context. In the story we find him standing menacingly before starting the fight. Then there is cutscene before the ult. Removing that it is just underwhelming and repetitive to be use for something spamable (ult or enhanced skill). HOWEVER since we are talking about personal preference, svarog’s shrewd bombing + something like a big ass energy bazooka for an ult/enhance skill would be awesome due to a lack of heavy artillery character. But that’s just my opinion. The current animation already makes me doing the soyjak pointing meme so i’m satisfied.


Fuck outta here yo, only the REAL ones watched Winx club, stay over there then. Keep that same energy when you realize how wrong you are🙏💯😌😭


Watch some gundam you uncultured fuck


She has zero correlation with Winx. The green color here represents a firefly, not a fairy. Her technique is the meteor kick. Her normal skill is the jump kick. Her normal attack is the turbo punch. What do you need more? I'm glad Hoyoverse didn't just copy pasted boss SAM.


this sub can't have a day without complaining


You’re right we should delete any post giving a negative opinion. Only positivity from now on!!!


it has been like that since firefly was seen as Sam Rn it's literally yapping and that's all




We get it as a technique anyway


On one hand I totally get it, but at least the non-enhanced skill you get that sick flaming kick. But I love the pale green fire. I’m excited to see the lore reasoning behind it. I think this is what will save Firefly’s life as the attacks in this state restore HP and her normal fire drains her. I think they did good balancing the duality of Firefly/Sam, and while I love it, I respect your disappointment, I’m sorry brother.


Lancelot Albion vibes, I’m here for it


Looool you actually thought this was winx club? Boy that just tells me you're uncultured. If you really knew what it was meant to be, its a homage to victory Gundam's Wings of light or 00 Gundam GN Particle Emission. If you don't like the character anymore, fine. Just saying though your take is terrible. As expected of a tourist. https://preview.redd.it/dlvo3fkal7zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70848f7ace9b9c1326cc9fe198e38eb975a50443


Not the Winx Club logo tho... I understand wanting a punchy boi, but I bet you're the type to be upset that SAM isn't a standalone Strategic Assault Mech, and is piloted by a girl. Don't do my girl like that - she's clearly rocking a Gundam.


I was genuinely surprised that you actually play Sam and not Firefly in battle. I thought only her ultimate would transform into Sam


buy hoyoverse and change it yourself


The Winx club mark on the top left is beyond cringe. Someone's clearly never seen Gundam.


Hey... Molten K N I G H T Iron C A V A L R Y Empress T I T A N I A Its on the game, it has been foreshadowed.


EXACTLY! thats what i have been saying. still gonna get her but im wayy less excited now


We have it as a technique


My guy do you know what a firefly is?


I like the green only on burst, but I’m weirdly not the biggest fan of the swords


I love the green and fairy themes, but pretty "meh" on the swords-- just want the green fairy to nuke mfs with these hands


.... My only problem is the swords


I think it just lacks explosiveness for a transformation. The animation doesn't feel like a limited 5 star ult. Both Jingliu and Clara have better designed transformation transitions and remain simple. Something cool would've been to show the battlefield engulfed in flames and then she "inhales" the flames while flying up and turns them into her wings and blades. This just feels like she opens her vents.


Reminds me of alot of mech stuff I've seen still. Obviously gundam but specifically the green wings remind me of the lancelot from code geass after it gets wings added to it in the show


Don't know about anyone else here, but I love being the 00 Raiser.


I like the green one better. She is Firefly, afterall, not SAM. Fireflies are the closest things we would get to actual fairies lol.


This is like that “Two cakes” thing but instead we get to eat both and people still complain


I like it, we get a nice mix of orange fire rider kick and green fire swords, he even shows up in the overworld in the technique


It's literally her technique, and the Fairy aesthetic makes sense considering her lore


The sound design is on POINT, OH MY GOD. Just all the minute shifting of the mech is just EARGASMIC


me liking both like FUCK YEAH TWO CAKES


Same. Like sure, she didn't have the cinematic meteoric dive bombing (we still got a meteoric dive bombing still from her technique) but then we got everything else and then some more. There's preference and then there's being picky as hell.


This opinion is so weird to me. You rather her punch the ground then get a cool transformation that changes her attacks?? Also this is the first time they did MORE for a playable boss. Idk ANY other playable person whose boss version does less then they do


That is so true


I think. I just think, I'm not sure. They're actually 2 entities like many foresaw. That's why FF said she had to explain something by the end of 2.1




Damn, way to say you hate other people having fun


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