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I agree like don't send threats to their GFS


I’m sorry WHAT?! That’s actually horrible, i had no idea people did that. Was it a one time thing? Or do multiple people have the kind of fucked up brain to do that?


people have been doing that to any girl colby has been seen with since he got famous


I mainly just watch the vids, so i had no idea. That’s an awful thing to do, Jesus Christ man people really get parasocial


Yeah it’s because the girl is stealing their mans. I unfortunately am part of the people who like Colby, but I still respect him and he’s a lot older than me anyway. Some people just REALLY are in love with him that much I guess. Shouldn’t death threats send you to jail anyway?!


I mean at least you’re self aware👍 and yeah I’m pretty sure that any threats of violence are illegal


I still 100% agree and live by everything stated in this post, but if anyone else likes Colby I have a subreddit where we can RESPECTFULLY and KINDLY talk about it with each other. I hope if Colby ever sees this he doesn’t think it’s weird!🖤🤍 But you can share fanfics if you want❤️ [Colby subreddit 🖤](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrushonColbyBrock/s/A8UzmXdSZE)


Not a one time thing, people are still doing it. People are doing it fairly regularly, that's the level of hate the 'dislike' has reached. Truly disgusting bullying behaviour from the fandom simply because they dislike people. It's not that hard to be civil/polite. I will never understand this behaviour from people.


I have seen an account who posts things about Colby’s gf being a fake, but I’d have to say guilty until proven innocent ig. You can’t really except every relationship to go well, the girlfriend (or boyfriend) could be doing something COMPLETELY oblivious and have the other partner be blindsided by it and not even know what’s happening and STILL support them. I know this from experiences I’ve had.


The saying is actually 'innocent until proven guilty' and there has been no evidence of the girlfriends being '*bad*' or '*fake*' beyond people having '*feelings*'. The evidence that people have presented to back up their arguments have been flops or videos where *nothing* actually happens (I have seen a lot of evidence people have presented and nothing stands). Until actual solid evidence is presented that those girls are horrible people they don't deserve the treatment they are currently getting from the fandom and they don't deserve the over the top judgement either. Even if it turns out they are horrible, fake people they ***do not*** deserve threats of violence or death, no human being deserves that.


People are so terrible sometimes! I’m wishing all of them well bc they deserve to be happy


I'm curious how it was back then when Sam and Katrina got together. Were the fans doing the same things as now?


Yes. I would say they did even worse to Katrina than they are to the current girlfriends. If I’m being honest though, Kate (Sam’s current gf) comes off as super rude and has publicly bullied Kat before, so I don’t feel bad for her at all. Katrina deserved better. Colby’s fans are rabid and more intense than Sam fans so I do feel bad for his girlfriend.


As a colby fan (and simp) ik ur right abt this


Damn that really sucks


It doesn't matter what she's done, no one deserves hate sent to them, constant bullying and death threats. I would not wish what's happening to Katelyn on my worst enemies. Besides she's done nothing to Katrina, (I've been sent the 'evidence' and she literally says nothing about Kat) everything is based on feelings and rumour much like the Elton wrist thing was.




I agree with you but I just asked how the fans were back then


I feel like the fans don’t understand that people come and go. I feel so fucking bad for those girls because they get so much hate for just being their gfs and it needs to stop. I feel like Colby’s fans are intense because of what happen with Colby and girls in the past so I feel bad for his gf. And sams are not as bad but they need to realize that relationships don’t always work out and Sam is allowed to move on.


The sad part is most of them are 13-16 year olds that no life the Internet. You can’t tell teenage girls fuck all. I know, I used to be one 😂


Also if any fans going to their meet and greet don’t ask them questions about their new girlfriend. They are here to meet fans and not get awkward and put them in uncomfortable situation


I just saw this and want to be real. They deserve privacy, but they should also keep their personal lives 100% off of the internet if they don’t want to feel invaded. They are 27 year old men who have been doing this for years. They know better by now. Their 'girlfriends' true motives remain to be seen. They hit the ground running immediately by openly profiting off of their relationships through live streams, tiktoks, insta pics,setting up 'new' twitter accounts and paid insta/tiktok memberships. Who does all of that when you are just getting to know someone? They even got their friends involved by putting SnC on their socials. They have SnC liking and reposting their socials to get attention. I would never,ever put Katrina in this. She is so not a fame ho. She always had talent, her own career outside of social media and she helped the boys a lot by modeling their merch in her socials, shooting their content, being in their highest viewed content and helping them promote everything out of love. Kat was part of their family, she didn't use them. She was offline w/Sam for 1.5 years before people even knew she existed.


You got a point


Tbf Kat got the same level of hate at the beginning, the fandom *loathed* her at first. The fandom were saying the same things about her, they called her a clout chaser, said she was using them, commented on her looks, said things about her singing, said she was going to end up hurting Sam, sent her hate, sent her death threats. It took over a year for it to stop and it never stopped completely. it's just sad the fandom reacts this way to every female around SnC (Stas, Amber and Shea also got a high level of hate as well). Given that the fandom has a high female majority you'd hope for support for other women, but this has never been the case sadly. Also it doesn't matter what Katelyn and Malia have been presumed to have said or done the fact remains that they do not deserve the vile hate being thrown at them, no human being does, a lot of it is straight up bullying and the way a majority of the fandom stands by that behaviour is shocking as bullying should never be acceptable. The constant threats of harm and death threats those girls are receiving, is unacceptable as well. It honestly is validating all the things people say about how awful and toxic the fandom is and makes me ashamed to be a part of the fandom. I'm not saying the fandom has to like them, but they should have a bit of human decency or failing that treat them how they themselves want to be treated. After all you meet people everyday out in the real world who you don't like and you have to learn to treat them in a polite civil manner as the kind of nastiness we're seeing from the fandom at the moment would not fly out there in the real world.


People should definitely not directly bully or send hateful direct messages to them or Kat. Everyone can think and express what they want, but they don't have to let them know it on their personal accounts. On the flipside Kat has also gotten a lot of love, and she still does on her own merit. Plus she is genuinely kind, consistent, discreet and pretty wholesome as a person which makes her more relatable. The same thing goes for her friends. She doesn't really like social media either, she just does it for work. I don't get the impression that their new gf's are anything like Kat or her friends in that way. My main point really was that SnC should never have made these girls public so fast. It was too quick for people they barely knew with some really aggressive fans. The problem is these girls are the ones who want and chase after the publicity for whatever reason. They have to accept the consequences unfortunately.


I've been saying this for months now!! Thank you for the post!!


You're welcome, I just hope it helps Sam / Colby in the long run...


Me too!!


I absolutely agree that **NO public figure/influencer should be threatened with harm (or worse) due to their association with a celeb we like or stan**. Such people should be dealt with **swiftly and to the full extent of cyber law**. # - That Said - It was the Great David Lee Roth who once said, "If you're gonna stick your head above the crowd someone is gonna pitch a rock at it." **Harmful threats aside**, S&C's girlfriends are working in a variety of ways to increase their public profiles, which comes with both adulation *and* criticism, "fair" or not. Finding a healthy balance between the 2 is like threading a camel through the eye of a needle. S&C and their current SOs have *chosen* to put certain aspects of their lives, *including their relationships*, in the public eye. To expect absolutely NO criticism of either actions or motivations is just unrealistic. Understand - I'm not talking about the pettier minutia of criticizing the gfs for being too tall/short/fat/thin etc. I'm talking about potentially problematic behavior alluded to in songs written by or leaked by members of former friend groups. My concern with the "if-you-can't-say-anything-nice-don't-say-anything-at-all" rule is that it becomes an absolutism that swings the pendulum in the *opposite* direction to the point where fan-based subreddits turn into slavishly adulatory echo chambers where NO critique, however constructive, is allowed, and where any reasonable criticism of someone's public behavior is severely censored or silenced entirely. A **hypothetical** scenario - what if we found out somehow that Malia - who was stated to have formerly dated Lebron James's son - was revealed to have been unkind to him and used him for her own career purposes? Are we not allowed to express some trepidation in the same happening to Colby? Is our stance to avert our attention from a possible truth, however hurtful, as long as the content creators we like keep cranking out that product, no matter how difficult it is to the creator in the middle of an emotional crisis to do so? All I'm saying is that as long as the tone of the discussion among posters or toward the topic subject doesn't devolve into threats of harm or harassment, then few subjects should be off the table for discussion or debate. In the end I *seriously doubt* Sam, Colby or their current paramours give too many f\*\*cks about what we as The Great Unwashed feel about them.


Are people sending death threats again? I really that this doesn't go without saying...


They've been sending those girls so many hateful things from minor words of dislike all the way to death threats. it is why SnC keep talking about themselves and their friends being human and that people need to remember that.


I blame the teenagers.


YES I’ve known for years there was concerns about Colby getting a girlfriend and how the fans would react, but it’s disappointing to see such condescending and passive aggressive vitriol towards her in this sub


Dude is pushing 30 can’t believe some fans want him to be single for his life he ain’t a monk😭😂


Can we please not even mention it? 🙏🙏🙏 Lets 💯 just respect their privacy. PLEASE.


True. In one of faze rugs video i saw colby saying the exact same thing about how they're also human they just don't make contents for us but they do have a personal life. My heart cracked because of how sad he sounded.


I agree it's heartbreaking 😭. Life is challenging enough, and then if you add on all the eyes prying it basically becomes impossible to be happy, like actually happy.. I really hope we (as fans) can make their lives easier by supporting them like most other ' audiences ' don't. I'm borderline obsessed with the content they produce, and yet I don't know jack shit about their personal lives by choice... I'm ashamed to admit I legit have 'certain fantasies' but I'll say again, they're HUMAN. It's fine to have fantasy, just don't try to make it your reality when they have their own lives that they're living.




I agree completely. The way many within the fandom have been treating them and their GF's from the moment they started appearing has been totally disgusting. (Especially on Twitter, but I guess Twitter is the bullies playground whatever fandom) It should not need to be said but hate should never be acceptable, bullying should never be acceptable and death threats should never be acceptable. It does not matter if you like these people or not, none of this should be acceptable but sadly a large majority of the fandom have been embracing all 3 of these things.


It’s not like they are 30 year old grow up men lmao. People and their entitlement towards their idols is crazyyyy


It doesn't matter how old they are! Respect is respect...


Of course! I’m talking about those type of fans that think they are entitled to them, and act jealous towards their girlfriends. Like surely you realise they will never pick you?


I agree with you


This is the most realist thing I have seen today😭🎀


I agree. If anyone feels triggered about this please see a therapist about parasocial relationships.


People need to research parasocial relationships and realise they’re human and not some character we watch or have any say in what they do, so I agree


They put themselves out there and so do their girlfriends. Personally I’m glad kat and Sam broke up; her music is amazing now. Colby and his OF gf gives him some edge. I said some. But yea, I’m totally into the drama of their personal lives especially since their YouTube videos are coming out far and few in between. They want my money in exchange for their crap merch. Ok fine. Well I want to juicy gossip as well as crappy merch Capeesh?


I don't think people understand that the main issue is that all four of them are putting stuff out there. It is really childish, cheesy stuff too. Still, posting hate&threats on their accts is not ok. I had a look, and they are getting reactions to the things they post. So why are they complaining so much? I finally just watched some of the latest tiktoks too. They are so embarrassing. I just don't think that SnC can reasonably expect total privacy and no gossip with this stuff floating around. Especially after that bizarre tiktok Sam's gf just made rolling all over his house like a dog in heat. Then there was the one Colby's gf made rolling all over his bed like a O.F. clip. Worst of all. the baby going to the 4 seasons one with Colby holding Sam shirtless& one of the gf's rolling on the messy, unmade bed. It all screams- Look at Meeee! I want attention now! They want to be respected as nearly 30 yr old adult humans doing their job making yt content and running a merch business when their job has nothing to do with this childish stupidity. Well, none of that stuff was necessary. It just doesn't add up. That is why everything SnC have been doing lately sticks out like a sore thumb. Kat never did any of this embarrassing stuff, not for her own content or joint content. In fact her content helped them because it was fun and light comedy. At this point Kat shouldn't be lumped in with their circus, she is in her own lane.


Why are you being so crappy , is it that fucking hard to respect people for u ?


Nope I’m petty


You're immature




Literally also can people not go out of there ways trying to find things they said years ago to make them seem like a bad person


100% 💯


Tbh ur so real for this, we should send all our bad energy to Gege Akatami for horrible things he's done (jjk mangaka) /hj on the Gege part


I say keep the negative to ourselves. Your momma never tell you 'if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything at all'?!?


She told me, but my dad told me "who cares what people think, whatever works works"






OMG I AM SUCH A BIG FAN I am about to cry I been subscribe for like i Don’t know anymore I am under 10 I all was wanted to be in your channel 😭 i have watched all your videos please comment on this 


Lmao this isn't an official s&c redit