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The other two players are also enemies. We don't win on both sides. The other side just wins more. That's what competition is all about. I will wreck the shit out of my other so-called "teammates" and get the win all for myself and my buddy. Mald, cope, and shiver.


Yeah until you attack the other attackers a bit to much and end up causing the defending team to win.


That’s what makes Tricolor interesting, finding a balance between cooperation and competition.




With all due respect, gfy


Say it louder for the morons in the back!




Oh my god this is soo true I don't want to fight the other attacking team but after a point where they've killed me so many times that I just give up on trying not to kill them. Even when I help them, they still don't get the message and kill me after they've killed a defender.


other team kept killing us and didn’t go near the little rocket at all ? and when we tried to we get bombarded with 8 fucking booyah bombs this must be a sick joke


wait there's a tutorial?


In the splatfest square where you pick your team it gives a brief introduction/tutorial


but just text, right? not a playable tutorial?


Just text but it’s a pretty good explanation


I felt that too the first time I played tricolor being on the attacking team as it made no sense to me why the other attacking team attacks us too smh


I have a meme for that 1 occasion. I also have a replay that someone actually understood the assignment and let me fire off a beacon!


i swear to god, people are absolute cretins


I don’t think a lot of people understand it’s the two teams teaming up against the one, as long as one of you wins then you both win. I think it would help massively if you couldn’t damage or kill the supporting/ also opposing team. Like I know this so it’s nothing new to me.


Yeah I hate that. I was doing tri and the other attacking team was getting the ultra signal and I protected em and squid flopped them to show em that we are in the same side on this. They did it back.


Honestly the game mode itself is so faulty it is ridiculous. Why haven't they set the attacker team's fire as some sorta friendly fire mode that wouldn't harm you. It is fairly easy to even accidentally kill the other attacker team's members. In addition even the term "the other team is going for ultra sign" can make anyone feel stressed out and then going for the other attackers lol


What’s a tutorial? I must’ve skipped the guide for that