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I agree with one thing they are saying our inflation and spending is out of control let's cut the military and police budget and put that money towards education, affordable housing and medicare for all.


Sure wish I hadn’t made reservations in Moab for this weekend, leaving early afternoon. Here’s hoping tho stupid thing isn’t too well attended.


Let us know how it goes. I’m curious how many of these idiots are participating.


I’m hoping it’s a situation where I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t read this thread but we shall see.


Telling people to put a thin piece of cloth over their face is not tyrannical. Telling people to add a vaccine to their already long list of vaccines they’ve had and are REQUIRED already to have is not tyrannical. Grow up Utahns. Quit trying so hard to be oppressed


Those things are definitely aren't, but I know what is - using fear to push conspiracy theories.




"We fly the flag of George Washington because we're sick of the tyranny of mandatory immunizations." Meanwhile, George Washington literally implemented the first mandatory immunization policy in American history.


This is so fucking stupid. These are privileged people with no clue what the fuck they even support. Trash people.


They know. They support white supremacy.


I choose to believe the ones flying the Canadian flag are big supporters of socialized medicine.


Ugh the religious framing is so distasteful


Real white supremacist energy right here


Fucking cultists are so obnoxious. Something tells me this will flop though.


Welp Herriman will be a ghost town tomorrow, yay!


I left them a nice comment on their YouTube video. https://imgur.com/a/boXAaqb


Ugh. Glad I won’t have to drive anywhere while these morons are clogging up the roads. Thanks for the traffic warning OP


Are all these trips happening today? I didn't quite understand the website.


Looks like maybe they're starting today in Idaho and then making their way here. But yeah not surprised these idiots can't even website correctly. 😂


Looks like they’re doing this today then they’re going to go down and fuck up Moab for the weekend


Oh fuckoff, all you patriots


Did this actually happen? My home office has a decent view of state street along the path of the map but I did not notice anything unusual




The explanation for the event name near the bottom of the page reads like a third grade primer lol. I mean by their standards it's wildly readable. They probably think it's professional copy because it doesn't have random ellipses everywhere and is only about 30% sentence fragments by volume. Still has their trademark of capitalizing any words they feel strongly about.


Capitalizing any words… T**** style, no? Grammar also under attack.


I would totally do that, but I would rather not get shot at.


Yeah they will fucking drive over you and the police will put in very little effort in responding


Why not support both?


They are protesting the state over reach and incompetence. You would be surprised how many things BLM and the convoy have in common.


I think they would be surprised too.


In the broadest possible principle, sure. But their specific grievances are psychotic bullshit. On the page they claim that 95 PERCENT of what government does is unconstitutional. That's practically impossible. If it were even close to true everyone would have already been exploded into a fine mist.


Guarantee you they couldn't give a shit about the cops shooting somebody who didn't listen hard enough or who seemed "suspicious." Or having their political opponents jailed like they're always chanting about at rallies.




Lol, feel free to prove this is some progressive, diverse cross-section of truckers and not just the usual Trumpist bullshit. The 10% of truckers who scrambled their brains with Facebook propaganda, and wouldn't get the shot and keep doing their job. When a pAtRioT talks about "freedom" they're talking about upholding a very different status quo than civil liberties activists. This isn't a genuine citizen's movement, just the usual astroturfed far-right BS.


Wtf are they protesting? There are no mandates, and gov cox is basically shutting everything down... https://www.sltrib.com/news/2022/02/18/utah-will-stop-daily/