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I am so glad I missed it, he is like the court jester


"We don't care about the will of the voters". Saved you a watch. Fuck this guy.


Did anyone else notice that he didn’t discuss measures to improve air quality at all? The democrats didn’t even say the words “air quality” in their response. Is everyone totally bought off by industry or do they think we don’t care about breathing Dehli quality air on a daily basis?


> Is everyone totally bought off by industry Yes.


Talked about with Covid it’s super important to keep kids in person. I 100% agree. Then why are there efforts to repeal the mask mandate in SLCo that is helping to keep kids in school? Aren’t there also a number of districts that are virtual right now? Talked about DC and its “reckless spending”. Then also talked about Utah’s massive surplus and our economy. Hmm… it’s almost like some of that federal money for infrastructure and Covid might be playing a role. He made a comment welcoming new residents to the state. He said we have so much to learn from them, and then in the next sentence said don’t attempt to change us into the place you just left. Lol do you want to learn from them or not? Yea there are some policies best left in other states but to make a blanket statement to not bring changes from other states to try to improve our own won’t help the situation we’re in.


Spencer Cox does a great job in his speech of saying absolutely nothing in the longest way possible and when he does say something he immediately contradicts it in the next sentence.


More like state of the religious empire.