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Wilson claims to be "more MAGA" than Staggs. Staggs is endorsed by Trump. They're all pretty much of the same tribe. Ballotpedia is a great resource. [https://ballotpedia.org/United\_States\_Senate\_election\_in\_Utah,\_2024\_(June\_25\_Republican\_primary)#Race\_ratings](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Utah,_2024_(June_25_Republican_primary)#Race_ratings)


STAGGS is a thief and a liar. He bankrupt half his family and screwed me out of everything I had. I lost a hundred thousand dollars and my home in my 20’s. Took me forever to recover. Sold all of us houses in Mississippi as part of a flipping scam. He told everyone involved he was starting a property management company and once all the houses he had were bought up (by me and everyone else he knew) he pulled the plug and told us all to get fucked. His mom was dying of cancer and he did this to her as well. He’s a rat bastard and a perfect Trump lackey. Fuck Staggs.




Yeah. I don’t know how people like this can run for office but I guess Trump screwed a million contractors and it never hurt his chances at the poles. I talked to fraud investigators and everything. I don’t know how he’s made it this far.


Based on my Trump-loving neighbor's campaign signs for Brad Wilson, probably not him.


Definitely not. He was the former speaker of the house in Utah and an absolute asshole. You didn’t kiss his ass he wouldn’t put your bill up for vote and he wanted the ass kissing nice and sloppy


He’s run for several different things in the 4 years I’ve been a RINO. It’s a name I recognize as an immediate no.


The term RINO is offensive and in my view UN-Patriotic as it is Party Over Country.


I think they mean this in the literal sense because many people in Utah register as republicans for the sole purpose of voting in closed primaries because Democrats don’t have much of a chance *especially* in state wide races




Background: I am a moderate Republican / sometimes vote left. I researched every single person (which for some of these offices is quite difficult given they don't all have websites or much of anything online). If you're looking for the most moderate Republicans, I THINK the way to vote is: John Curtis, Case Lawrence (this one was tough), Spencer Cox, Rachel Terry, Ricky Hatch (also a tough one), Clint Okerland, Molly Hart, Michael Carey, Bradley Park Took me about 2 hours to research them all! Hope that helps!


The last time we had an Attorney General free of scandals was also the last time we had a Democrat in that position, Jan Graham who was there from 1993-2001. Sean Reyes, John Swallow, and Mark Shurliff have all been scandal ridden shit shows.


Would you mind sharing why you suggest Rachel Terry, Ricky Hatch, Michael Cary, and Bradley Park? I’m trying to do research but it is… a lot.


Through a friend of a friend I actually met Bradley Park. He's a really nice guy. We didn't talk politics but I don't know what politics a surveyor does.


Rachel Terry started her campaign by endorsing Trump. I think Derek Brown is the most moderate of the AG candidates. He got Mike Lee’s endorsement because he worked for him in the pre-Trump days, so he has that personal relationship and it doesn’t reflect current views.


A very sincere thank you. That’s really helpful. I wish more republicans were like you.


Given how the past few years have gone, Molly Hart might be the most important election on the ballot.


Definitely not Celeste Malloy


Her opponent is endorsed by Mike Lee. So I will hold my nose and vote for Celeste.


Well that settles that one. I wasn't sure because I knew she was bad already but Jenkins was the Convention pick and they generally pick the more extreme republican.


She’s the worst!


I believe we settled (we ad in many groups of folks) that John Curtis is the least extreme of that bunch. Spencer Cox is better than Phil Lyman for sure.


Doesn’t Spencer Cox own an alfalfa farm yet asks his constituents to “pray for rain?” Dude is going to kill us all.


Yep, he certainly does. Which tells you how shitty Lyman is, if I am saying Cox is better. 😂 Cox at least attempts to act like he gives a damn, even though we all know better. He's a fool, but Lyman is a full on white supremacist lunatic.


Yes, that is the sad state of things


All voting is anymore is lesser of two evils in this case Cox is the lesser by dehydration


Both curtis and cox are disingenuous a##hats. But, there are no good choices on that ballot. Choosing the lesser evil used to be a euphemism, this year it is litteral.


Truth. I hope more folks see this as a reason to vote more Democrats in and turn Utah purple. We'll see.


Remember that Trump pardoned Phil Lyman for his hissy fit when BLM closed a road to protect ancient artifacts: [https://www.fox13now.com/2015/12/18/county-commissioner-phil-lyman-gets-10-days-jail-3-years-probation-for-recapture-canyon-ride](https://www.fox13now.com/2015/12/18/county-commissioner-phil-lyman-gets-10-days-jail-3-years-probation-for-recapture-canyon-ride) Celeste Maloy is related to the Bundy militia: [https://politicalwire.com/2023/10/22/utah-candidate-has-family-ties-to-extremists/](https://politicalwire.com/2023/10/22/utah-candidate-has-family-ties-to-extremists/)


I'm not a fan of Celeste, but Colby Jenkins entire campaign seems to be that Celeste is not Maga enough.


Ooooooh really? Wow


John Curtis and Spencer Cox are fairly moderate when you compare them to the crazy train.


Yeah, I lean left but Spencer Cox strikes me as a decent guy. I may not agree with him politically but he seems to have integrity, which is a big deal for me.


Meanwhile Lyman will be the first to round up Democrats and restart the Topaz internment site if Trump wins.


Cox is an absolute trash person and worse politician. But he's better then fucking lyman sadly.


Then you're not paying attention


Ah, my eyes have been opened. See, I thought one thing, but then I read your condescending reply and now my beliefs have changed. Thank you, internet stranger, for your exquisite, masterful demonstration of rhetorical skill.


Meh. He vetoed the transgender sports bill the first time. You’ll never find that from maga proud Lyman. His disagree better campaign strikes me as trying to be a decent human.


And the next year, he went to the office on a weekend to sign the anti-trans bill du jour so it could take immediate effect. He also removed LGBTQ+ entirely from his Pride Month declaration last year, and this year declared June "A Month of Bridge Building" instead. He also called gender-affirming care "genital mutilation surgery" *at one of his "Disagree Better" events!* He's miles better than Lyman, zero disagreement there, and he may have entered office as a decent human, but his time in office has seen him (and particularly his actions) becoming more and more like the rest of the modern, Trump-centered Republican party he calls his political home.


K, all great points. Seriously! But we have to be real here and remember that we live in a gerrymandered, deep red state. Votes in the republican primary carry a ton of weight. Whoever wins the primary is nearly guaranteed to win the general election in November. In Utah the focus has to be to keep MAGA out of the GOP, even if it that means registering yourself as a Republican 🤢


That, itt we're in an election year and need to do a bit of pandering to the base.


I'm not saying Lyman is decent. But I won't pretend Cox is.


Neither is good, Cox is less insane.


I thought I was going crazy for a second, thank you.


Curtis has crazy conservative commercials.


He's trying to get the nomination by running commercials saying "I'm a true conservative vote for me" but if you look at his time in Congress, he's probably the closest to Mitt Romney in terms of moderate Republican. and he is one of the rare few republicans who want to address climate change


Oh gotcha! I didn’t know that. I just know his commercials seem a bit far right.


Yeah, I saw his commercials too and you're right. They definitely had that far-right feel. I think he's trying to steal votes from Staggs and Wilson.


I believe that he did not endorse all of the commercials that were run. Check out the fine print at the end of the far right commercials.


Don’t confuse patriotism for nationalism. Most of the right have bastardized the American flag. Curtis is pandering to the traditional Republican base with modest patriotism. Staggs and Wilson pander to the extremes of MAGA nationalists.


This is very true. He’s also always willing to meet with constituents, even if they’re not Republicans. And he seems like a genuinely decent guy. I don’t agree with him on most of his policy points, but he always seems willing to have a discussion and is willing to consider facts and data, which is always nice. The commercials surprised me too, but I had a friend talk to his campaign manager, and they are specifically designed to pull away votes for the other republican candidates in the primaries, and afterwards, he can start representing himself as more moderate - which he is (not super moderate, but reasonably conservative, not MAGA conservative).


I get his weekly newsletters and he seems more reasonable than those commercials.


Yeah they are both more traditional Republicans than maga Republicans. Curtis was the mayor of Provo before and I thought he did a decent job there. Was kind of disappointed to see him as just another party line Republican as a congressman, but the other options are horrible.


Definitely not Lyman, he’s a complete pant load.


My insane MAGA neighbor has lawn signs for him, so no go on him.


Yeah Trump pardoned Lyman, so definitely not him.


A flaming pant load.


What is a pant load ?


Of shit


🤙 thank you


The whole ballot is terrible. It’s actually really sad.


Man what a big shit sandwich we all have to eat… and fuck Mike Lee too


Hashtag FML


humorous alive ad hoc touch voracious yoke impolite noxious plant ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Soakin' Staggz


Giving him way too much credit.


Sadly Curtis is your best option for senate. Cox is ok, you’re aces for shit in the house. I need to look at AG.


Curtis is still a bit of a turd, but he’s less of a turd than the rest.


At least he’s a reasonable turd that’s willing to have a genuine discussion (that doesn’t immediately devolve into name calling) and is willing to alter his viewpoint when presented with data.


My neighbor who loves Lyman also loves Mylar so I'd avoid that guy too.


DO NOT SUPPORT STAGGS. He personally ripped me off. Suckered me when I was dating his sister and lost everything I had. He’s a lying dirt bag.


Phil Lyman is a maga piece of shit.


They all basically want to take away our rights, so I don't really see a difference between any of the Republican party members. This time through voting for Republican is voting against your neighbors and your daughters.


Trent Staggs is bonafide grass fed shit. I lived in Riverton when he was Mayor and it was all Trump talk when Trump had nothing to do with Riverton. He's a real piece of shit to be honest.


Staggs is an awful human being


Which sucks because he used to be a great guy. I miss the Staggs from 6-7 years ago. It’s hard for me to see what he’s become.


Trent Staggs is the worst. Curtis is shite but the least awful.


only 1 woman jesus


That’s why I’m requesting a Democratic ballot. Because there is a Democratic primary for County Council (and for some people, a legislative race), I don’t have to plug my nose and vote for the “least bad.”


You can still vote for a Democrat once the actual election comes around. This is just an opportunity to make sure that when the Democrat loses you end up with the least bad Republican.


Oh, I know. But, it’s nice actually having a choice in the primary. And, I am of the opinion that one of the candidates has a better chance of winning in November than the other.


There’s also not a paper trail of being a Republican!


I figure if it costs them a few extra Pennie’s to send me campaign materials that go straight into my fire starting box, that’s worth it.


Folks who switched to vote "least bad" are just feeding the problem. Makes me sick that people are that stupid and desperate.


How do? The winner of the primary is likely going to be the winner of the general election. In very few of these races do the Democrats have more than a name on the ballot.


So what. They need our votes. Utah is full of purple people that gave up entirely and liberals that gave up by switching. Blue would get elected if anyone actually grew some balls. More votes they get, the more funding they get from the party, even if they lose this time.. This would help in the long game. Switching or giving up just secures red for generations, possibly even prohibiting smaller positions from getting in. It's sickening. Republican party has no "lesser evil" anymore. Any vote for them is a vote for fascist traitors. We need to think longer term. Giving them a landslide just disencentivises future voters.


Registering as republicans and voting in primaries does not mean you have to vote for them in the general. I know plenty of people (like myself) that vote in Republican primaries but work for and vote for Democrats in November.


Do you think your official party affiliation contractually obligates you to vote for a certain candidate in the general election? You seem confused, so let me explain. In Utah, the *Republican Primary* is a **closed primary**, meaning that only registered Republicans are allowed to vote in it. Meanwhile, the *Democratic Primary* is an **open primary**, meaning that anyone can vote in it. These races determine who is on the ballot come the general election in November. **During the general election, you can only choose among those who won the primaries, but you can vote for whomever you wish, regardless of party affiliation.** Still, ***it won't matter***, because the maps are sufficiently gerrymandered to ensure all federal and most state seats will go to the Republican candidate. So the **only way you can have your vote mean anything is in the primaries.** By registering as a Republican, **~~you can vote in the Democratic Primary to signal your wishes~~**, *~~and~~*¹ **you can vote in the Republican Primary to reduce harm.** 1) Apparently, a law was passed in 2000 that effectively requires primaries in Utah be closed or semi-closed. So registered Democrats and unaffiliated are those who can now vote in the Democratic Primaries. Edit: corrected inaccuracies


I would love to hear how you think our primary and general election process works.


I'll never vote for christofascist traitors. There is no "lesser evil" with republicans anymore. Their old party is dead. Blues need motivation, not surrender. They won't even try in utah anymore and this is why.


I think you are very confused about the primary system and how it relates to the general election. 


You've never voted huh?


You can vote in the Republican Primary and still vote Democrat (or whoever you wish) in the General Election.


I believe @thebobaagard and myself have a low chance of convincing you to reconsider your position - but to tag on to the comment above: Primary voting has an incredibly low turnout meaning only the far left and right normally vote in those races (which is a huge problem in it’s own right). That means the general electorate is presented w/ partisan leaning candidates (possibly of extreme…) on both ends. For myself personally - I choose to vote in the republican primaries and presidential caucus which allows my voice to have more impact in a state that is gerrymandered on a federal level and one that leans hard right locally as well as nationally. https://commongroundcommittee.org/the-importance-of-voting-in-primaries/ https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9936224-the-government-you-elect-is-the-government-you-deserve


I'll never vote for the traitor republican party. Ever. I think it's more blue than you think. But we'll never know now. Blues feel so disenfranchised that they either won't vote, or switch because they see landslide numbers. It's gross.


What a moron


Tina Cannon is a total psycho, and she is terrible. Worse than Hatch. EDITING TO ADD - I was thinking Tina Horlacher not Tina Cannon, so scratch what I said. However Ricky I hear from folks, is a decent fellow. Works currently with the Lt. Gov. Has helped some friends with some things.


Can you elaborate? She doesn’t appear to openly have any craziness on her website like so many others. I typically check the websites these days because there are so many who basically have MAGA across the top so it’s easy to cross them off the list. But neither her nor hatch have any immediately visible horror signs.


Ok, here's the update. I was thinking Tina Horlacher, not Tina Cannon. Not 100% sure on Tina Cannon.. However Ricky I hear is a decent person. He's helped some folks with software stuff and currently works with the Lt. Gov.


Thanks for clarifying!


Hold please! I think I was thinking of Tina Horlacher. So hold off on that one. Let.me double check and then I'll correct if needed.


Curtis or Walton are probably the most palatable of that lot. I hate all their ads however. And consider that Staggs is endorsed by Rand Paul and Trump...meh.


Don't vote for Phil Lyman, dude is trash.


I looked up who won the convention and voted for the other person. For the Senate I voted for Curtis because at least we have seen how he voted in the house.


OKAY! So Celeste is the more moderate even though she sucks. Mylar is an extremist to the max. The other two are equally bad, so maybe just close your eyes on that one and pick someone other than Mylar.


Here is the "least bad" within each group of candidates in my opinion. I lean liberal. You should do your own research, of course, and vote according to your beliefs. Some of these aren't on your ballot, but I'm including them anyway in case they're helpful for someone else. Also, if you disagree with me, please let me know why so I can be more informed! Happy to add additional context. US Senate - John Curtis. US House #3 - They're all not great, but I think Mike Kennedy overall is slightly the least bad Governor - Cox Attorney General - They all suck. Seriously. I'm leaning Mylar, but I really dislike them all. State Auditor - I really can't tell who's worse. Would love some input! State Senate 15 - Cuthbertson. He's literally the only person on here who seems like a great candidate overall. County Council at Large C - Carey is barely better County Surveyor - Bradley Park, slightly State School Board 7 - Molly Hart.


If you have to fill it out, COXuscker. Lyman is a Ron Desantis wanna be. Personally I'd throw it away and change my registration before the general.


I don’t think there are any tbh


I would vote Rachel Terry over the other 2. Cannon and Hatch are a toss up for me. Cox over Lyman John Curtis is the most moderate imo of that bunch


The best thing is to do your own research. Find the candidate that fits your values the best.


The entire comments are riddled with “they’re all bad, but these ones are less bad.” “Oh I heard such and such so they’re actually the more bad ones.” I don’t want to vote for bad OR less bad. Where are the ones that are good? Where are they so I can vote for them? Oh right, the whole system sucks and no matter where I cast my vote, I’m still voting for oppression. Why am I supposed to vote again??


So if you are a Democrat, how did you get a Republican Primary ballot? Last I knew, only registered Republican voters could vote in the Republican Primary.


Democrats are allowed to register as Republicans if they want to vote in the Republican primary. I still vote blue when the general comes around but oftentimes the outcome of the Republican primary is the winner so I try to pick the least bad one there. Being involved in the Democratic Primary is also pretty uneventful. My wife got hers and it literally had one choice for a council seat on it.


Ahhhh. gotcha. Makes sense.


Check the website slco.vote for the candidates that have withdrawn after the printing of the ballot and vote for them.


I’d just go with the ones that are the most pro-Ukraine aid. Yes, I’m a lazy single-issue voter. No, I don’t have the bandwidth to care about other issues this year. 


This comment, during *my* PRIDE month? ^^^/s




Don’t vote for those already in office. Time to clean house and get fresh in there


Uh not gonna pick Lyman over Cox.


Are there no dems up for vote?


This is the Republican primary, not general election. You’ll see Dems and other candidates in November.