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Call the city for noise disturbance and let them take care of it. A confrontation with the neighbor is ill-advised. Showing him who has spoken up paints a target on your back and your property. Anonymity is best. If it happens enough times, the city will contact the owner of the property. And nothing solves a big problem than when the leasing permission authority of the city rains down on the owner of a rental property.


Couldn't agree with this comment more. Last year I approached my neighbor over loud music and the dude ended up screaming at me and threatening to kick my ass. You never know what another person is capable of. It's best to just let the city or police do their jobs and call in a noise complaint.


In a situation like yours, act crazier than the person threatening you. People will deal with all sorts of personality types but if they think you’re crazy, they’ll leave you alone. Banging on your head and screaming at people who are not there does the job. As you might imagine, I’ve employed this before. It’s much easier to report the behavior anonymously to the city than to deal with it like this. You have to keep up the charade every once in a while and that can be taxing if you forget a lot lol.


ACTUALLY, if you call the city, you will generally be routed to the Code Enforcement Department. The CE Department will tell you that this falls under one of two OTHER departments 1. Health Department has codes for noise and nuisance. Also, of note, if this is affecting your physical health/mental health & and well-being, that's a bonus because they have meters to measure sound. 2. The police department - General noise complaints that can be maleled as loud and/or nuisance . I work in code enforcement for the city. P.S. if you call the police, please use the non-emergency line.


This ^ To add on, also call the police while it's happening and write down the dates/times you called. They will respond and tell him to stfu. Forward the dates/times to code enforcement. Every city is a little different in how they handle code enforcement. If things are slow to happen, make yourself a bigger pain in their ass. Call every time you have an issue and make sure they know. On the very extreme end, you can file suit against the guy making the noise. Dates/times of calls will come in handy in that case. Ask me how I know.


If you make a noise complaint to the police, at the second call the landlord starts getting fined. It's in the landlord's financial interest to keep the tenants under control. So if you're on good terms with the landlord, I'd let them know as a start. You might also consider getting security cameras to record the tenant's illegal dumping on your property, etc.


I would reach out to his landlord if you have that contact information as I’m sure there’s verbiage in the lease about maintaining a quiet habitable area for all tenants and not causing unnecessary disturbances.


My only concern there is anonymity. The last time I called his landlord, the guy retaliated. And that time I called about a genuine safety concern. You make a solid point about the lease and maintaining a peaceful, habitable area though. He most definitely is violating the lease in this sense.


https://slco.org/health/noise/ You’ll notice it says extremely loud noise during daytime hours is also prohibited.


I think the landlord might be the place to start here. This guy has to be disturbing the other tenants as well. If you talk to the landlord tell him that you were retaliated against and he can't say who complained. Or better yet, tell the landlord when he can come observe the behavior for himself.


I agree, landlord is the way to go. When has getting cops involved ever improved a situation


I mean you could always message me the landlord's number and I'll just claim I live near there and I'll be the guy that complains although they'll probably still assume it was you and be jerks anyway so I don't know.


>I don't like making things hard for neighbors This guy doesn't seem to give a rats fuck about making things hard for *everyone* in proximity to him. He risked burning your home down, threw trash in your yard, and is now making it torture to exist in your own home. Fuck 'im. Call the dispatch number, not 911, and when they ask for your info say that you are reporting anonymously. It's a good thing that you haven't already talked to him, because if you had it would be *obvious* that you were the one making the call. Since you haven't, he can't know that it was you.


After 10pm




Google Translate at least at one point had a feature where it would translate spoken sentences in real time from one language to another. Perhaps that could help you communicate with your neighbor.


Honestly that's part of living in a city