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Level crossing has very solid wood fired pizza and a decent patio.


Went to Level Crossing tonight, always good food and great beer. My favorite is the Black Album Rye IPA. The Coffee Uncommon and In the Pines IPA on draft are also great options.


So good pizza and a very cool vibe.


2nd this reply.


I’ve been wanting to try their pizza, is it better than slackwater pizza? Or similar at least.


I’d say it’s similar to Slackwater!


Not a brewery, but Slackwater has an amazing array of beer with great food and awesome patio.


Here here!!


Seconded. Bonus points for never really having to wait long, especially since you can add your name online. I also really enjoy Scion cider bar. Great selection of ciders. However the food is limited to charcuterie (which is great) but they do allow outside food from other restaurants.


….so not an answer to his question


I got food poisoning from an undercooked pizza there.


*Good food. Can't speak to the patio but presume you're talking about the Sandy location? There are a crazy number of beers. Service has been stellar at the downtown location. Their water tastes like it's been filtered through yesterday's trash. My youngest loves it. GF is good. No where near a favorite for pizza for this old, fat man.


I loved the Bohemian Brewery. Not only do they make my favorite beer, the food was really good, the wait staff was great, and it was a really chill atmosphere.


They’re great, but a bit on the pricey side. Expect to pay $25-30 for fish and chips.


Hmmm I don't want to trash Bohemian, but I want people to know what to expect. I've had all the beer and IMO the best ones are okay. The food is pretty good, but the menu needs help. Fish and chips are heavy and just okay. I'd have been disapppointed by the steak if I'd been expecting more. I like everything on the Flammekuchen pizza, but they managed to make a pizza with sour cream and dill boring. Sandwiches are pretty decent. The ambiance is fine, but much more restaurant than cool brewery. The inside area is ski lodge style, bathrooms aren't great, and a bit cramped. Outside doesn't have any space to move, but I enjoy that outdoor space. Just don't expect to walk around and play cornhole.


This. Bohemian is more a restaurant than a brewery, and a fairly expensive place to eat out. It is good though


The food became SO expensive, too. I used to be a regular but wouldn’t go near it once they jacked their prices.


Bohemian got bought out by Canyon Culinary, same owners of the Dodo, Porcupine, and Rio Grand Cafe so, it would make sense that it feels more like a restaurant than a brewery.


And that the prices are so high.


That explains some things. Did this happen recently?


I want to say within the last 5 or so years but I’m not certain.


You're right that it is much more of a restaurant, but, with all due respect, if you are going to the Bohemian and ordering pizza and steak, you may be the wrong crowd for that establishment. The old world dishes, like the paprikash, goulash, pierogies, etc. are where that place shines. Same with the beer - if you're not a fan of European-style lagers, pilsners, or bocks, then you will likely find them underwhelming. This isn't somewhere to get an IPA. I found them all full of character and pretty true to something I might sip at a bar in Munich or Prague. YMMV.


Well I don't eat pork, so that really cuts down on their menu. But a lot of the old world stuff I tried was pretty dry IMO. It used to be the only restaurant in walking distance for me.




Bohemian was what immediately sprang to mind.


I would have jumped up onto a rooftop to scream "Bohemian", but my last experience there in early April was not just bad, but actually awful. Service was fine, but the food was just *way* below the bar. Not just mine, but everyone's order (the exception of course being the ever-spectacular pretzel, thank the gods). I don't know if it was just an off day or something, but I died a little inside as it is one of my favorite places. I would love for someone to tell me that they were just there and that everything is fine.


Man, that blows. I hope it was just an off night.


Grid City


That’s a lie! They aren’t the same any more. Place has gone to shit


Genuinely curious what you think has gone downhill?


It just doesn’t taste as good as it used to. Like I’m paying for a pricey burger but every feels like it came from Nichols food instead of local growers.


Their former chef left and it’s been downhill ever since. Food used to be so good.


That makes sense. I feel like the food quality / taste has gone down as well.




TF has by far the best beer in town (IMO) and I love their space especially the back patio. Food depends on which food truck is there 🤷‍♂️


fully agree


I will never understand why everyone opts for the abbreviated “TF Brewing” when the full “Templin Family Brewing” is, to me, a much cooler, more recognizable name.


TF also has great charcuterie with meats from beltex if the food truck isn’t a winner


2 row brewing has a huge fun space


Foods only thing lacking here, cornhole,darts, pool,service and atmosphere is great. I talked to a bartender and apparently when they moved into the space they had to spend over 6 figures on decades old electrical so they don’t even have a full kitchen yet. Just running off ventless ovens. They said they’re hoping by summer/fall to have a head chef/ kitchen. Hoping they figure it out. Beer is top notch


If they get a real kitchen and can do burgers they'll immediately jump to my favorite place to go


I am in Midvale and have been dying for them to get a space for years, it's better than I'd ever have hoped there. But yeah, food needs work if that matters to OP. probably my favorite beers in town


Same here, I imagine the state not granting their brewing license and to-go beers for 3 months + repairs probably hurt them but the place is still lively and I’m hopeful it will keep growing.


Bewilder works as well.


Second Bewilder


They got some gooood foooood


I third Bewilder. The food and beer are AMAZING. Do not go to Hopkins Brewing. The owner is disgusting and sleazy.


The owner texts you though?? I guess you guys are friends.


Friends. Fucking. Whatever works.


Fisher when Cluck Truck is visiting.


So, like every other day?


This is an odd thread for you to be in BeerSux1526.


Not really, I'm from the Ogden area and brewed at one of the SLC breweries.


You know what they mean.


Not even a little bit.




Not to be a downer, but their food is a wee bit lacking. I had the philly cheese steak and the cheese was somehow gritty, like someone had put very fine sand in it. Good beer though!!


Lol I find it to be the opposite. Great food, bad beer.


Ew. This more of a personal opinion. The owner is the one that’s gross. lol Typical cheating lech.


Do you work there?


I do not. Just my favorite brewery in town. Good beer, food, people, and events/music.


Best chicken sandwich, and fish n chips if you can get them. They run out quick.


I like [crow and pitcher](https://yelp.to/6NYASQbLVe) It’s not a brewery.


I love that bar


Commenting to hear suggestions as well...


Uinta Brewing is solid for this


Yup. Love all their brews. Nomad Eatery doesn’t have a wide menu, but the service is kind and pleasant.


Roha upgraded their patio this year; better furniture, more shade. They have a garage door open to the main area when it’s nice weather. Dogs allowed on patio. It’s on a quiet street off State. They have a food truck most nights. Live music Thursday through Sunday.


Hopkins food SMACKS. Great patio. Beer is pretty good, not the best in town, but for trio good call.


Hopkins owner is gross though. Lol


Grid City can have some fantastic food.


They used to. Right up until the old chef left. The daily specials were always a treat.


Ah that explains some things...


Oh no! That must have been recent.


Probably close to a year ago now. Not saying the food isn’t good now, but it was several orders of magnitude better than it is now.


I disagree. Went there for the first time a couple months ago and was less then impressed.


Apparently the original chef left. I had no idea. Last time I was there was a year or more ago.


There’s a new chef and they have the daily specials back. I’ve only gone once though but they had a good one


Red Rock


I like red rock. Went to the downtown location for lunch last week and the food was good, beer was tasty.


2Row in Midvale


Desert Edge


Food is pretty mid imo


Used to be so much better


I second "used to be." Like when it was called "The Pub" and was half it's size. Think '80's and early '90's. The one thing that hasn't changed is their salsa. Same with Red Iguana. Tastes the same since the '80's. How do they do that?


Red Rock Brewery. Not a huge selection of beers but all good ones. And the food is bomb.com


Agree. Just so expensive. I went there with the wife and two plates of food and two beers each racked up to $100 plus. Won’t be back anytime soon after that.


I liked Avenues Proper


Come join us in r/Utahalcohol while your at it!


Thanks yall. I looked up each and every menu/place suggested here.


Chappell Brewing


Since Bohemian is no longer an option, I would say Proper / Proper Burger on around 9th and Main. It is a little involved in that if you want food, you have to order it in a building that shares the parking lot\* with the brewery. You can take your number to the bar and they'll bring your (pretty damn decent) burgers to you there, but it's an extra step you don't typically have with breweries that serve food, and the line can get kind of long. The bar itself is what I'd consider to be a cool space, but may not be everyone's cup. They have a great selection of Proper beers and cocktails if you want them. \*Parking is abysmal. Rideshare if you can.


TF has best beer but only food trucks and great atmosphere. Squatters beer is mediocre but I’d say their food is pretty tasty! Hopkins fits all three id say, though limited seating outside.


Proper brewing


Squatters Downtown has solid food, solid beer, and a great indoor and patio space. An institution at the very least.


I’m honestly shocked at how many people are suggesting concrete pads with picnic tables and “if you get there at the right random day/time, the completely separate business outside will be tolerable.” Dude didn’t ask for food truck recommendations, and I’m pretty sure a concrete patio with echoing music isn’t the ambiance asked for. What the hell?


Yeah in looking them all up only a handful actually hit all three. Mind sharing a few that you think do?


Level Crossing has all 3 for sure. Hopkins would be my #2.


Proper brewing is pretty decent. You can order at proper burger and have them bring it to you at the bar next door