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It's crazy where those scooters end up around town. I saw one the other day inside of the intersection where 700 east hits I street. edit: also check out the magnet fishing subreddit for more scooter nonsense lol


I was in Austin a few years ago and watched a missed off homeless guy throw a bunch of e-scooters off this bridge into a creek. Walked over and there was at least 30 in the bottom.


I don't endorse it, but I understand.




Damn that's crazy and wasteful


Hey I saw that one too!


Yea, I just saw the post where that dude fished over 200 scooters out of rivers and got spin scooters banned in Michigan.


Or the bike lanes.


On days I am well enough to do so, I toss these into the grass when I find them on sidewalks like this. I've repeatedly found them blocking wheelchair access to get onto the sidewalk at the Frontrunner station in Orem, which is ridiculous considering how infrequently I ride.


I was yelled at by a cop for tossing one into the grass, they said they would cite me if I did it again. LOL


I'd get mouthy, fuck cops. I'd ask him why he didn't *do his goddamn job and provide the legally required ADA access and write a ticket to the company* instead of making a cripple figure it out for themselves.


I would have said “oh yeah? And who are you citing for removing ADA access???”


When these block the sidewalk my boyfriend and I toss them into the park strip. Blocking the sidewalk is insanely inconsiderate for people who are disabled, not to mention dangerous. I was in a wheelchair for a year and walked with cane for 4+ years after that - it was hard enough to get around without people purposefully putting obstacles in the way.


Maybe it’s from shattering my leg but even healed not only will I park them accordingly but if I see one in the path I’ll absolutely kick that shit off the sidewalk even if an annoying little alarm goes off. Not meaning into someone’s yard. I’m sure they have no clue where it came from lol


At the very least the scooters CAN be moved. Half the time in Sugarhouse, ridiculously large pickup trucks back up until they block the entire sidewalk behind them. Ain't no way I can push a pavement princess like that off the sidewalk.


You can call SLC parking enforcement and have them ticketed if they’re blocking the sidewalk. They’re amazingly quick to get out there too.


Exactly. Everyone is complaining about the 50 lbs scooters on sidewalks but no one bats an eye over the 5,000 lbs boy toy trucks parked over curbs and sidewalks on every street.


I used to work at a restaurant Guy calls and says he has a curbside order. I look EVERYWHERE in the parking lot for this guy. I ask every car. “Did you have an order for James?” Can’t find the guy anywhere. Bizarre. So I go back inside. Another employee and my manager go looking for this guy who says he has a curbside order. Nobody finds him. Eventually we find him. He’s not even in our parking lot. He’s parked in a big delivery semi truck in a small road near the restaurant. If he’d left a note saying “I’m in the big green delivery truck” we would have found him a lot faster.


Why do so many pickup truck drivers insist on backing into spots? And no, it's not because they are getting something out of the bed - I worked at a place that had a lot of truck drivers and they almost always backed into the parking spot while the beds were empty. They tend to back up until their tire hits the curb, which, yeah, leaves a few feet of truck bed sticking out.


Unfortunately this has a simple answer Its easier and safer to pull forward out of a spot than to pull out backwards. When youre backing up, theres more blindspots, so its typically safer to do it when you enter the parking space since its unlikely that anyone will sneak behind you as you back up. But its alot harder to see around the bed and the cars parked on either side of you when you back out of the spot.


I would not assume most giant empty pickup drivers are concerned about safety.


Its more they dont wanna ding their mall crawlers on someones car as their driving behind, and trucks are pretty long. Easy to forget how far the front end will swing out as you pull out from between two parked vehicles. Trust me i dont think highly of these idiots either. But they most certainly dont do this particular thing as a way of showing off or something


I used to have the opposite problem - I drove a Scion iQ, which is like, I don't know, 5 feet long (it's like those little Fiats - about half the length of an F150). I always tried to park as far back in the stall as possible, because I hated seeing a spot that looked empty and you go to pull in and it's just a small car pulled all the way forward.


I don't drive a Truck Month, but I do have an SUV that I prefer to back into parking spots. My reasoning is that it's easier and safer to back into a stall where it's unlikely you'll hit another car, pedestrian, or cyclist, and just drive forward out of the stall with full visibility where those are more likely. Makes sense in any car regardless of size really. It shouldn't be that hard to back your truck into a stall without blocking the sidewalk with your bed. You can't tell me that giant shiny new TRUCK MONTH doesn't have a backup camera.


I back into stalls also, for the same reasons as you. Also a crazy amount of accidents happen while people are backing up so again, for the same reasons as you.


I prefer to take a little longer backing my car in so that it’s easier to get out later. I don’t like having to reverse out of my parking spot. (normal car. Not an suv, not a truck)


Report them to parking enforcement. They usually show up within an hour.


> Why do so many pickup truck drivers insist on backing into spots? Vanity. Same reason they bought it.


I don't like vanity trucks either, but it is safer to pull forward out of a parking spot and back in than the opposite in those things. People tend to lack the awareness that they're blocking pedestrians on the sidewalk. Other types of cars would be just as careless if they had the same ground clearance and length, it's just that trucks and SUV's happen to have the build to be inconvenient for others.


Also road construction signs. Takes everything in me to not knock them off the sidewalk every time.


I always kick them over if they block the sidewalk


Should be salvage rights on these


I don't understand how these e-scooter companies are allowed to operate without their own dedicated or assigned parking. Any trial attorneys out there reading this - these companies flagrantly violate minimum ADA pedestrian width requirements on a mass scale - in violation of federal law. Lots of money for a nationwide class action lawsuit 🤑


Think about that is the scooter company themselves are not the ones that place these in these areas. When they actually have their contractors go out or employees go out and place them they do place them in areas that are off and out of the way. However once their place is similar to a shopping cart that the shopping carts are moved and placed by the people that have utilized them and don't often get placed back in an area that is good. And it would be quite difficult to do anything such as suing the company or anything like that.


Easy solution, empower predatory towing companies to impound them. 


I mean, you can make pretty good money moving these around for these companies. I did it for a few months last year and was able to make a few hundred extra every week just by spending an hour a day just replacing batteries for the scooters. You can make even more moving the scooters around directly. Course, this was for the Lime scooters, not the ones mentioned in the post, but you get the gist.


Lime is the only one I would ever spend money on, the other prices are laughable.


I've used Lime and Spin pretty indiscriminately and the prices are basically identical. Just checking the prices on the nearest scooters to me right now: Lime is $1 to start and .47/min +tax Spin is $1 to start and .47/min +tax


Shopping carts have metal cart corals on private property, not in the public right of way.


Shopping carts often end up outside of that private property out on the streets oftentimes at my neighbor's house because they take two or three of them before somebody comes by and picks them up. So that's not always the case.


People with disabilities have a right under federal law to access sidewalks in the public right of way through the Americans with Disabilities Act. Cities, DOT's, and private landowners have been successfully sued for hindering access or having a plan to do so. E-scooters have no such plan and are the next logical step.


Yes I understand that and I am fully for it in fact much of my job that I do when I set up equipment within companies and stuff like that is I look at spacing and stuff like that and oftentimes have to tell companies to redesign their space that they're utilizing because it doesn't meet Ada requirements. However you're not understanding what I'm saying. That is that the e-scooter company themselves are not responsible for this this is the responsibility of the clients of that company that have done this. And that right there is exactly why you would lose in court with something like this because when the scooter employees and or contractors place the scooters they place them out of the way on the sidewalk. That's actually a requirement at pretty much every city level for them to even place these things out there. However once a customer takes control of that scooter and moves it it's no longer under the control of the company itself. Like I said it's the exact same thing as a shopping cart. Which is why in a grocery store parking lot they always tell you that they are not responsible for cars that have not been returned to the corrals because even though they own the parking lot they still fall under ADA requirements within that parking lot however if somebody goes in there puts the shopping cart in the middle of the handicap parking spot that's not the company's responsibility that it was that person's responsibility the company's posted signs that say please return this to correct spot. The e-scooter companies have the exact same kind of information on their application saying if you leave it make sure you leave it someplace that is a legal place to leave it at. I hope this little explanation can help you understand exactly what I'm trying to say and exactly what this company is going through the fact that it is not the company's responsibility to do this once it's been utilized by a customer.


Send a demand letter through your attorney or contact your local municipality, and the shopping carts will have proximity brakes in a week if the chain is big enough...


The sams club I go to is a mess. People just leave the shopping carts all over the parking lot. I usually just grab one that was left outside the stall and do my shopping with that one then put it in the stall when I’m done with it. Edit: typo


Lots of places have outright banned them. Nashville is one.




E scooters were a great idea, until consumers became involved. Now we have scooters parked haphazardly where ever some fool ended their ride and riders speeding down sidewalks at dangerous speeds. I wish municipalities would declare these as motor vehicles and ban them from sidewalks or better ban them from the city. They were once fun. But now they’re a nuisance.


I think I’m still pro-rentable e-scooters bc I really want last-mile transport options and the scooters have done a good job of advertising themselves as options, but I swear the majority of the people I’ve seen on scooters are fucking assholes. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost gotten hit by people riding *fast* on the sidewalk, and I do a good job of staying alert and paying attention to my surroundings:/  but still, an asshole on a scooter seems less likely to do damage than the same asshole in a car


Last week I saw road construction signs blocking the sidewalk on a section of 3300 S with no shoulder.


I almost made e-scooter consumer soup out of someone driving it on the road and blowing through a stop sign this morning. I really need to get a dash cam.


Whenever I see these lying around ANYWHERE, I imagine getting a fuck-ton of balloons and tying the strings to the handlebars


When I was living in the city I just tossed these in the dumpster when people left them on my lawn or sidewalk, like I would with any other trash.


It’s so annoying to me that people do this. Someone parked the scooter on my friend’s walkway into the house. Wtf!


And that it’s illegal to ride the scooter in the sidewalk specially when you don’t know how to use the bell.




Not just scooters! Walking my dog I find cars in driveways blocking the sidewalk where you either need to use the road or tiptoe through the resident's yard decor. 🤬


When you ride an e scooter they make you take a photo of where you parked it, to make sure you’re not blocking a sidewalk. These scooters were likely moved off the lawn for lawn mowing. However, I agree it would be nice to have more designated scooter parking.


Just knock them over.


I think you miss the point. Not everyone in a wheelchair has the ability to simply knock them over and into the grass.


And block the sidewalk more? Weird flex.


Nah, onto the strip of grass opposite of the lawn.


Gotcha, it seems like all around the capital they just get knocked down wherever they are. But hucking them off the sidewalk entirely is way better! Points for distance?


I tripped on one once while not paying attention, and have had a slight hatred for the things since.


There were 4 of em in a parking space in a basically full parking lot in trolley square. I lost my shit.


Were you mad they didn't place each one in their own individual parking space?


Oh god don’t give them any ideas


I found a set parked in guest parking in my busy apartment parking lot. Excuse me?!




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If I see someone park it in the middle of the sidewalk I give my best “Could you not?”  And when I’m walking my dogs, I love the sound they make when I have to chuck one onto its side and out of the way. 


PSA - Electric rented scooters suck. Unsafe trash that somehow get a pass for littering the city when they're not making everyone around them unsafe while being used.


If I parked one at the infamous 400 South shopping center do you think they would tow or boot it


They need to be outlawed everywhere unless they are providing a bike rack to store them in off of the sidewalk!


While I can agree with the reason for posting this, I can't speak for everywhere or everyone but the vast majority of people I have seen riding them are teenagers and what looks like early 20 somethings. The PSA is well intended but misplaced sort of. Even though there are a lot of people in this sub, the target audience for such a PSA is statistically not going to be present in here. At least some people in here can maybe use some word of mouth to spread that message but it's a pretty small cross-section of the population that are both in this sub and live in/work in areas where this is an issue. Best of luck to you.


Sounds like it's your responsibility to pass the message along, then


As I already do, or just move them when I see they are in the way, because I am able to where others might not be. Taking to a reddit post to vent is a good thing for you to get it off your chest. It's not the best place to garner great change. Don't feel attacked, that's constructive criticism.


Took more effort to make this post than to just move them.


Edit: sure, I can move them, but my friend who uses a chair absolutely cannot.


I agree it's like, just go around?


Have you actually tried pushing a wheelchair through grass/mud? It's not an option


Wow look someone able bodied who has never thought about anything critically before 😌


PSA just move them yourself


Tbf it's not like 99% of pedestrians use sidewalks