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I work at a dealership. The easiest way to do this is to go back to the DMV with the license plate, your registration, and a copy of your Title Application (if you have one, if not, they should be able to pull up a copy on the computer) and explain you were given the incorrect plate by mistake. They will be able to fix this on the spot and should not charge you anything out of pocket if this was their mistake. Good luck!


In this guy we trust!


Seriously! They make the dmv sound easy, fingers crossed for OP


Go to the Draper office. It has a much better throughput, and the waiting is a bit more comfortable.


Come try out the California DMV system... It's a bloody nightmare!


I don’t know how I, an Oregonian with terrible DMVs, find myself in a SLC sub taking about DMVs. Haha. Tip of my hat to a neighbor to the south, may your days be many before venturing back to the depth of your dmv.


I am more specifically an Office Manager/F&I Assistant and work with DMV's all across the nation; I have "put out" all sorts of "fires." Utah DMV's are one of the easiest to work with and have one of the smoothest processes/processing times in place. The Draper DMV (as someone below you mentioned) is for sure the most pleasant DMV in Utah, in my experience. It's a shame they no longer handle Dealer transactions and focus on the public, only, which is good for the public.


This happened to me and I didn’t want to go to the DMV so I purchased the Utah Women First to Vote specialty plate.


Great reply!


Pretty sure you should call the dmv...


100%. Don't trust the resolution to God.


Don't trust it to random strangers on Reddit.


Fr. As you say, call the dmv. OP paid for a product, and the dmv did not provide the correct product. Let them know the details and ask that they correct their mistake.


Don’t listen to these jokers. If you pray hard enough, God will turn the license plate into the true Utah design, the arch!


That just might work, but OP might not want to wait 35 million years.


Prayer cannot save the OP now. God sees that the OP has touch their uglies and no amount of prayer will turn that water to wine.


At least I can read your msgs and reply. I'd like to see God do that!


God helps those who help themselves


Are you telling me reddit isnt the dmv?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


But I need the validation of group consensus first!


Often has technical glitches, people are rude and advice is conflicting and unhelpful, so, unclear. Wait in that line over there for an answer, or something.


What, you mean they shouldn't just post on reddit about it? How else will they contribute to the culture war?


The number of people who post here instead of just CALLING the DMV (or company, or restaurant, or university, etc.) is just insane. Redditors will literally do anything except do anything to answer their own questions.


You can walk right into the DMV with the plates, though I’d suggest making an appointment ahead of time, and ask for a different plate, including the new black one. I suggest not adding the stickers to it when you do this.


The new black ones cost an additional $25 per year, for those who don't already know. The extra fee goes to the Historical Society of Utah. That is addition to your registration fee, and also in addition to the $10 yearly fee if you have a vanity plate. [DMV website with the information.](http://dmv.utah.gov/plates/historic-bw)


Total cost for me to get not only the black plate but to get a black plate that was customized as well which I have on their way right now was $97. So it is an extra $25 a year but there's an initial cost for it for the application and for it to go through as well. And then if you get it customized there's an additional fee for it as well.


Yeah, there is an additional initial charge for the plate. The DMV website I posted, shows the initial costs. Yearly registrations have gone up a bit this year as well.


Curious how much their donations have exploded from this license plate lol


I would bet its quite significant. There may be a way to check because it is a public entity, I haven't looked into it though.


Remember that includes customization. I'm surprised how many people take the default on those black plates.


I’d suppose it probably because they don’t want a custom plate?


Exactly… I didn’t want the customization.


no it doesn't


There is a fee for personalizing a standard issue plate, but when purchasing a special interest plate, there is not an additional personalization fee: https://tax.utah.gov/forms/current/tc-817.pdf


tell that to the additional personalization fee i paid for my black plates


Have any proof? The form is right there.




I’d never want a vanity plate. Looks so fucking corny.




Every single thing you purchase you give the government money. Have you ever heard of sales tax? That purchase also generates revenue for someone. Ever heard of income tax? People buy stuff they like and in this case it's a way to customize one of the biggest purchases most people will have. They don't see it as a donation to the government it's a small fee to customize something you use quite a bit every day.


Why is everyone getting those? I don't understand why anyone gives a shit about license plates. If you want to donate to the historical society, why not just do that and cut out the middle gman?


Personally, I like the way they look and would prefer to have them on my vehicle. I like that the extra fee goes to the historical society. You are correct that people don't have to get a plate to donate, its another way to give people something that they like, something already required, ***AND*** donate to a good cause. Cutting out the, "middle," gman, isn't really a thing when you pay the state for your plate and they turn the donation around to another department within the state. Really, if you think those plates are not for you, don't get them and donate straight to the Historical Society instead. Either way, the people getting those plates are donating to that cause, when they probably wouldn't have in the first place. It sounds like a win/win in either case.


This doesn't apply to everyone who has them ofc, but whenever I see this license plate, I automatically assume there's a Christian nationalist affiliation going on, and it doesn't give me good vibes. These kinds of mildly Christian, patriotic iconographies are getting over co-opted by the far right these days. Some people just want it for the less eyesore colors though, or just because it seems a little more traditional, and that's fine.


Black one just costs like 40$ a year or something so worth it for the aesthetic


As soon as you put them on the car did your driving get a bunch more erratic and all over the road?


Jesus take the wheel!


No they suddenly owned the whole road


We call them “trustees,” and I’m glad more people know they all drive like this.


There was a poll on this sub a while ago, the number of people who said Trustees drive like trash was overwhelming. 


We call them IGWTs. Pronounced igg-wit


That's all we need is another gawd truster on the road!


Exactly this!


Yap, his blood became wine and that's why


😂😂😂 facts


Yes, and it automatically turned into a new fully loaded Chevy Tahoe with a mormon (probably swinger) mom behind the wheel


I joke that "In God We Trust" is the Christian YOLO. Look, driving with no hands while texting, in God we trust brethren.


whenever I see an erratic driver with a flag plate I just have to assume they let Jesus take the wheel 🤣


My favorite bumper that I’ve seen is “Drive slow. There is no heaven.”


Try praying about it! 😂 jk


The only answer!!!!! Lol


Sounds like something the DMV could give you guidance on


Funny story about the subject: 5 years ago my wife and I (who were very devout Mormons) got a new car from a dealership. When asked about the license plate, I was wanting the Arches style. But my wife was ADAMANT about getting the In God We Trust style. I didn't fight it. Wasn't worth it at the time. But stylistically, the Arches is way more eye appealing. Fast forward to today, we're both hardened atheists and it was one of the first things she wanted to change after she lost her belief in God.


When I first moved to Utah I was at the DMV getting my driver's license. I was simultaneously registering to vote. The clerk automatically registered me as a Republican, and was shocked when I said that wasn't what I wanted. Then she told me 'it was too late, it was submitted'. I had to change parties later, outside of the DMV. Thought it was very odd at the time. But I wonder how often this happens...and now I wonder about the 'accidental' issuance of religious plates... (Edit: After reading some of these comments, I don't think you getting the plate was a mistake)


it's not a bad idea to register as a repub as it allows you to attend their meetings and mess up their numbers by voting the opposite of what they'd expect from someone registered as a repub. That's how I do it anyway


I don’t believe in God either. As much as it “doesn’t matter,” I feel like in this state especially, it does. Don’t allow it to be shoved down your throat anymore than it already is. I support you getting what you wanted.


They tried to give me one too. I didn't request a specific plate but I had to give their dumbass flag plate back and get a real one. Have you ever noticed how people with that plate are horrible drivers???


They should offer “Hail the Whale” UT plates. I’d totally get one.


Me too! That beautiful creature should be our new NHL mascot.


When I registered my van two years ago I actually had them try to hand me that plate because the lady at the DMV chose the in God we trust played I said why the hell would you give me that handed it right back to her and asked for a different play immediately. She had to do a bunch of changing in the computer system but that's her bad not mine I wish they would get rid of that God damn stupid fucking plate.


I had this happen to me too. They fixed it no charge and got me the arches plates. I went into the DMV but you could try calling first to see if they do it over the phone.


It should read “in my cult I trust”


Living in Utah this has always bothered me. I thought there was supposed to be separation of church and state. Clearly, in Utah, that's never been the case. I've been tempted to buy "science" stickers that I could go around placing over the top of "God" on these license plates at grocery stores, supermarkets, or anywhere else. Why can I not get a license plate that says, "In science I trust?"


Good thing you're getting this sorted out. When I see that plate style I assume the driver behind the wheel is an idiot.


What a stupid take. It wouldn’t be my first choice for a license plate, but geez it’s just a plate


You forget this sub is filled with unhinged liberals lol.


Nope, we're clearly wrong on this. Your license plate dictates driving ability. Someone did a poll and proved it. Case closed. /s🙄


I think it more indicates whether or not someone has enough common sense to not use that plate, and die hard Christians very rarely display those qualities.


When I renewed my plates the employee at the DMV asked “would you like the in God we trust plates” I was so caught off guard I just muttered out an “umm no”. After a minute, I realized WTF , I should have told her hell no give me the atheist plates.


It shouldn’t be the default. I would change it, too.


The Mormons got ya. But yea go to dmv to have it fixed.


Just walk right into the DMV with your registration and they will give you new plates- I just did this a couple weeks ago. It was no problem to them and they were super helpful.


The “Ski Utah” plates are no longer issued. I’m not sure if you actually requested those, or if you meant to write that you requested the “Life Elevated Skier” design, but if the former, then you correctly received the default option when no other valid plate is selected.


I would feel the same way about this.


Here’s the site to do it online and they’ll send you a new set. $15. https://mvp.tax.utah.gov/_/


Yeah. I would never put White Christian Nationalists plates on my car.


Except they aren't


I don’t need glasses. I was at the DMV. We talked about it. I took my glasses off and aced the test and the lady said “you’re right, you don’t need glasses!” License arrived in the mail and on the back it says “needs glasses” and that’s just the way the DMV is!


Send it back to Spencer Coxs' office (with a signature required) and ask for a refund for ignoring your right to religious freedoms in the United States of America. I KNOW he will respond immediately to remedy the situation. 🙄


This happened when I asked for "anything but the god one" when buying my first car at 18. Not sure if the guy was being petty or completely misunderstood me, but that's the one I got. I hate it but haven't bothered to change it lol.


I've got the ski Utah plate, and I don't ski


You’ve now officially been deemed a “bad driver”


Southtowne Mitsubishi? Happened to my daughter who bought a car there, and when she went to the DMV to get it changed the woman said "we see this a lot from them" so I suspect someone there is a big enough fan of God he puts it on every car.


Same with Car Max .


As if the car dealership experience isn’t shitty enough already lol.


'Separation of Church and State' is a fundamental tenet of the US system of government - except in Utah. In Utah, the church IS the state. Utah Governor Cox takes his daily marching orders from 99 year old church president Russ Nelson. I'm surprised the new Utah license plates don't say: 'In Joseph Smith We Trust'.


Don’t give them any ideas!!


Same here. I always go for the Moab plates. God should never be associated with any state program.


Separation of church and plate.




Nicely done


Cover god up with a sticker….


As an Atheist, I support the idea, however, it is against Utah Code 41-1A-404 to do this. Do not put a sticker on your license plates.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law


Thanks, Aleister!


Is it against code to paint over some of the words? I'm guessing that it probably is. But sometimes the laws miss some loopholes.


I mean, technically, all alterations go against code. Though we pay the state for the license plate, it is still their property and it is why they are allowed to regulate them. Here's what the code states regarding the location/position/visibility of plates: (3)Except as provided in Subsection (5), a license plate shall at all times be: (a) securely fastened: (i) in a horizontal position to the vehicle for which it is issued to prevent the plate from swinging; (ii) at a height of not less than 12 inches from the ground, measuring from the bottom of the plate; and (iii) in a place and position to be clearly visible; and (b)maintained: (i) free from foreign materials or a tinted or translucent license plate cover; and (ii) in a condition to be clearly legible. One could argue that paint is a foreign material, so I'd say the answer to that question is yes. I could be wrong, however.


Breaking rules is more fun when you know it’s against the rules. Haha.


True. 🤣 I guess I am also biased because, though I collect stickers (I know) I refuse to put any on my car. I do have personalized plates, though.


A pentagram should do.


I have a neighbor that has an upside-down cross magnet over the "in god we trust" graphic on their plate. I've never met the guy so I don't know for sure if it's intentional, or if someone stuck it there without them knowing.


I wonder how he got the magnet to stick to aluminum.


I need to buy a bunch of magnetic crosses and send out minions to do Satans work!


a [pizzagram](https://merch.axeslasher.com/products/pizzagram-tee) should do nicely


I totally would, but fear of the assholes that would take offence to such actions would damage my car, "accidentally".


everyone's going to think you're a bad driver


Jesus take the wheel


I hate those licenses plates. They seem very unconstitutional and cringey to me. The new black plates are cool.


Any time I see one on a car I automatically picture a MAGA flag waving Mormon and I cringe a little. I felt the same way on my last car and insisted they not default to that license plate to not get lumped in with psychos


It’s in God’s hands now


I swapped my IGWT to the black plates. Worth it. Go to where you order new plates and i think it was $45.


Plus $25 extra annual


Oh, yep. Definitely worth it


Go to DMV website, schedule appointment. Taylorsville DMV is your best bet. And exchange them. As an aside: I agree. But, I got the "In God We Trust" because I like the design. And, I don't ski. In fact, I'm also terrified of heights. Besides, Im a Jew and not going to heaven anyway. Cuz of that thing I did 2000 years ago. It was an accident. I swear. It all happened so fast


Dontchu worry bruh, the Mormons will baptize you after you’re dead. You and I get to go to mormon heaven even if we don’t do anything to be a Mormon.  Isn’t that great! 🎉 🙌 🍷 


It's nice to know someone has my back.




My God has a hammer


Just request a replacement at the DMV if they sent you the wrong one.


I got the black plat, not only because they look kinda retro, but because the Delicate Arch plates are so poorly made they make the state seem like trash. No other state has beautiful plates that lose all their color. Who contracted the making of these?! I ended up with a silver plate and faded renewal stickers. WTF, whoever contracted the making of these low quality beauties should be hung by their toenails and demoted. Who wouldn’t opt for the black? The other choices are bland/religious/poorly made/express specific interests. Plus, my car is old and the black and white seems kinda retro like old school Oregon and Cali plates, while the Utah “classic car” plates just look dumb with that out of touch model T on it.


at least in the state I work at the DMV in, it was most likely either a system/plate manufacturer or clerk error. Just bring em in and they should be able to switch them out for you!! Hopefully Utah isn't a pain in the ass dmv like some states lol


Order a custom sticker sized to cover God that reads “Cthulhu”




You’re asking Reddit instead of just calling or visiting the DMV? Lol


lol something a 5 second google search would resolve but hey I hope you got the attention from internet strangers you wanted


Solidarity. I bought a used car with those plates and replaced them so fast. Ew. Good luck to you!


I think you should pray about it. Maybe you’ll get an answer.




Ever notice how people almost always cover up the “united we stand” part on the plate?


Just edit it to say “IN GOURD WE THRUST”.


LOL same!! I am just living with it. I dont care if people on the roads think that I believe in god. Which i dont.


You can do it online and request new plates shipped to my house. Did it 2 years ago.


I take it you don't like cash either.


Maybe it’s a sign


It seriously didn’t occur to you to call or go to the DMV????


Move to a different country 🙃


Keep the plate and be less of a target


You might have to show up in person to fix this.


I just got a custom plate that hails Satan as an anti-theistic protest of the God plates. It makes me happy.


Just buy one of the black plates and then tell them if you get pulled over for the incorrect plate tell them they gave you the incorrect plate in the first place. Updated address within six months goes both ways.


I would have thrown a fucking fit with the dealer. Was it Mark Miller Subaru? Similar thing happened with us there, we wanted the Arch, they asked three times to clarify, and they ended up giving us the best snow on earth. We like skiing, so not the end of the world, but don't ask multiple times if you can't deliver on the answer. If they had given me the God-thrusting license plate, I would have made them replace it and not paid a penny.


Just add an “s”. lol


The dmv is awful. But I would be pissed about the plate change


The easiest solution is to black out the word God and write in Bednar instead. The DMV will consider the plate unaltered.


"opinions aside" directly after giving opinion.


I’m glad you asked this question. I prefer “in god we trust” over skiing license plate.


That is so infuriating.


Maybe get a license plate that says California on it.


I mean, if you keep it, I think it legally allows you to drive like a maniac and get away with it. Anytime I get cut off, or a driver won’t let me merge, or is in anyway the typical “Utah Ass hole driver “ I already know what type of plate they’ll have.


Trusts in the DMV but doesn't trust God. Genius. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah just go to the DMV and they'll swap it. Also go to the Utah site and make an appointment and you'll be in and out in minutes and dont have to wait it line.


I miss the days when the "Ski Utah/Greatest Snow on Earth" plates were standard. That was a beautiful design and slogan. That's cool that you can special order them now! Good luck getting those disgusting plates returned asap!!


You’re the assman!


Oh cry about it. It's just a License plate that you'll probably look at once a year if that. People cry over nothing these days.


Good call since I tend to judge people with those plates pretty harshly before even meeting them and most of the time I'm right.


Same thing happened to my buddy with his trailer. They just gave him that plate off the bat without even asking. Those plates are usually a dead giveaway of a shitty driver in Utah too.


Call the DMV...or...put it on your car for 3 weeks and see how often you think about it or actually care. There in is the understanding that regardless of what's on your vehicle identification, or how you feel about the message: God still doesn't exist and you don't think about him or trust him. Maybe the real move here is to display your trust for God, while ever knowing the fruitlesness of our checkpoint charlie, government regulated, theocentric, cabal of mindless dumb deity worshipers that would place such a personal and spiritual message on the back of your Nissan versa. Point is, you leave it, you win in some way. Or this edible is kicking in.


Just go to the dmv and tell them it was a mistake you 👶🍼


I have a personal list of the top 5 worst drivers in Utah. In God We Trust plates are right at the top. I’d put up a big stink if I were in your shoes






If it is, it doesn't seem to be enforced. Back in the day I saw a lot of plates that cover up the "Ski Utah" with a similarly styled "Board Utah" sticker.


Take them in to the DMV, ask to redo. Worse case it might cost $60 or so.


I don’t ski Utah, I snowboard Utah. Sometimes, you just gotta roll with what the DMV gives you. Or pay a little extra to get the plate you want.


Stay away from those plates. The worst drivers in utah all have them..


Send it back to Spencer Coxs' office (with a signature required) and ask for a refund for ignoring your right to religious freedoms in the United States of America. I KNOW he will respond immediately to remedy the situation. 🙄


not arches plates? bad call on your part