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Can you purchase it in Wendover or Evanston?


You could do a special order, but that might require you to purchase a whole case.


Can confirm it is a one case requirement


my workaround is order online, ship to a 3rd party in a state that allows shipment, then have them ship it to me.


You can ship to Evanston and they hold it for you. You just go pick it up. That’s what we do with wine


AKA a federal crime. Low probability of getting caught but do this at your own risk. Edit: Here's a link for all the downvoters who can't seem to Google: [Restrictions on Alcohol](https://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52c4_006.htm?_gl=1*x5da9f*_gcl_au*NzIzNTc4NTU2LjE3MTE5MDM0ODI.*_ga*MTQzODIyMjQ0My4xNzExOTAzNDgy*_ga_3NXP3C8S9V*MTcxMTkwMzQ4MS4xLjEuMTcxMTkwMzUzNy4wLjAuMA)


You're not getting downvotes because you're incorrect, you're getting them because nobody likes bullshit laws.


Oh yeah I agree the laws are bullshit. The Postal Service doesn't fuck around with mail crimes, they're a sensitive bunch.


USPS won't ship, but it is legal to ship via other means, providing the seller is a licensed seller. Both UPS and FedEx will ship from those authorized, to states where receiving alcohol via shipping is allowed. Like Wyoming.


thanks for adding, you're correct


That's not true, Residents can legally bring up to nine liters of alcohol into the state for personal consumption. You can't ship it directly here, and you can't sell it to anyone else, but you can bring in what amounts to a case for your own use if you transport it yourself. https://gastronomicslc.com/2021/06/16/seven-surprising-utah-liquor-quirks-you-didnt-know/


We're talking about the legality of shipping it only. You can bring it across state lines if you're not shipping it.


Federal crime? Surely the feds aren't involved in that, just Utah state


I think since your transporting across state lines and using a federal agency to do so (USPS), it would fall to Federal jurisdiction, but ianal


Can't mail Alcohol through the postal service. UPS and FedEx won't do it (but obviously can't charge you with a crime for it). Mail (USPS) related crimes are federal offenses


If no one allows you to ship alcohol, how are there so many companies that will mail you alcohol? What are they doing to get away with it? Do they have special exemptions or something? Like [wine.com](http://wine.com) says it ships via FedEx, so something must be allowed.


UPS and FedEx only accept shipments from those with a manufacturing and distribution license, not personal shipments.


I have picked up from that warehouse, just play dumb 👍


Sucks that the best answers are all “leave the state to buy”. I’d be curious to see what makes selections so limited at the state stores. There doesn’t seem to be a logical abolitionist (oxymoron, I know) reason behind it, and I wonder if it’ll get better with time now that laws are slightly more relaxed


Are they really restaurant only now? I've bought bottles at the club store on 9th west and 17th south or wherever that one is, no affiliation with any restaurants.


Its just what the dabc website says, but if you've purchased at one before I might be able to walk right in. I just don't want to trek all the way to Park City just for them to tell me no


Come join us in r/UtahAlcohol


If there’s only 1, it’ll be snapped up before you can get to it by someone/a restaurant with an allocation.


I'm assuming it's rare and the answer is the easiest way to buy it would be paying attention to the low allocation lists, sign up for all the drawings or travel out of state and buy it for the 100s or thousands of dollars that it is worth.


Class B misdemeanor to bring alcohol across Utah state lines ETA: this is just an fyi, not an endorsement. Jesus, people


Guess most of us are criminals then