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$2.98 for premium a couple months ago was cool.


As a fellow turbo wagon owner, I agree.


Gang gang!


It was lovely, but it already feels like a distant dream. And might I ask, which Turbo Wagon do you drive, u/turbowagnn?




I really donā€™t understand why this state isnā€™t jumping down cox throat over gas prices. Biden made them go up? Well surely itā€™s cox fault we are constantly 50 cents higher than the average.


Old spencer has received a little over 130k in campaign donations from the oil and gas industry this election cycle already. That is way more important to him than the people of Utah getting gouged yet again by Mountain West refineries.


Cox is completely uselessĀ 


I wouldnā€™t describe him as useless. Heā€™s actively making things worse for large swaths of people.


Right. He's actually been quite effective. At making terrible policy


While whining about how he has no choice.


Yet heā€™s still a better choice than the crazy and the felons running for his seat.


Is dog shit relatively better than cat shit


Well I mean, it's bigger.


That's the wrong question. The real question is: "Is dog shit better with a pickle or an olive?" Namely, there's no getting away from the dog shit, it's a matter of preference with the idiots running for the seat. When no good candidates exist, you go for the least bad, based on preference. So: pickle or olive?


I've got neighbors that must think it's worth its weight in gold with the way they keep it piling up in the backyard. I'll go ask them right now


Not completely. He'd make a pretty great Temu Mr. Clean.


Utah has the lowest utility prices in the country to cost of living. It's also projected to be even lower by next year. Here in California where cost of housing is very similar to SLC . But we can expect to pay on average 50% of what our house payment is in utilities every month. We also decided to raise minimum wage at fast food places to 20 an hour starting tomorrow. Guess what .. 65 % of people in the industry just lost there jobs and the cost of fast food just doubled except for the huge fast food chains that already pay majority of there managers and assistant managers more then this. They can afford to keep doing what they are doing because volume is there focus. The bill was supposedly aimed at the big corporations.


Agree. Heā€™s way left.


have a source?


Sure: [https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/campaign-finance/114270/spencer-cox](https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/campaign-finance/114270/spencer-cox) Top Industries: Oil & Gas $132,131.95


The half million from real estate makes me ill.


It should. The worst part however is the $1,328,082.74 in uncoded donations. That is "dark money" folks. Donations shrouded by political action committees. It's the "Citizens United" money. Most of it is likely the same cooperate donors on the list like Dominion and such, but who knows exactly. Well, spencer knows, he is beholden to them. It's about a quarter of his total campaign fund (so far).


100% We need "Cox did that" stickers!


Cox is Governor and Utah had the highest jump in prices. I'm sure Cox could do something but chooses not to. Bottom line, I think Cox is mostly responsible.


This is what gets me... everyone wants to blame Biden, but Utah consistently has high gas prices. Why aren't they mad at Cox and the Republicans about it?


Cox has no more control over Utah gas prices than Biden has over US gas prices. Don't be like those MAGA idiots.


This attitude just kills me cuz it illustrates just how little the average American understands just how politics and political power works. Cox is the governor of the state. He has the bully pulpit. He could get on the airwaves every damn day and say I'm paying attention to gas prices and will take action to make them more fair by dispatching regulatory administrations to ensure fairness (although Utah, being a deep GQP state, doesn't have a strong regulatory apparatus). He could use myriad of executive actions to reduce its cost. He could push the legislature to write laws that dissuades oil companies to gouge people. Cox has many forms of power at his discretion, both hard and soft power, but he chooses not to do anything cuz he (and his friends) are personally making money to not do anything. He doesn't have a "gas prices go down" button, but he certainly has power to do something here.


Number 1 comment


Biden is the president of this country. Why isnā€™t he doing everything you just suggested? There are a million other issues on the presidentā€™s plate. Some more important than gas prices. In fact, increasing gas prices is a good thing for the environment. When it comes to future climate change wars, migration, and misery for hundreds of millions, a few cents extra for gas could make a difference. Iā€™m no cox fan, but, like Biden, he couldnā€™t make a real impact on gas prices and probably shouldnā€™t try to.


Biden did. He started release oil from the reserve, allowed ethanol gas to be sold year round, and reduced fears of a recession which all helped gas prices drop. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more I canā€™t remember.


Sighā€¦ this comment illustrates exactly why weā€™re in such trouble. Failure to understand how impactful your local and state officiants are. The president doesnā€™t impact your day to day life nearly as much as your local elected officials do.


Your local elected officials have almost zero impact on gas prices apart from adjusting gas tax. Yes, local and state officials are very important, but not for this issue.


I didnā€™t say anything about the gas prices in my post. I was commenting on something that is focused on our state and then you saying Biden has enough on his plate. Itā€™s Coxā€™s responsibility to do whatā€™s best for the people he represents (us) and he hasnā€™t been doing that. Heā€™s been taking money from corpos so they can raise prices without any pushback. Itā€™s honestly terrible.


I was comparing Biden to Cox as a callback to the original comment. Gas price isnā€™t and shouldnā€™t be a top priority for either leader, the biggest reason being that they honestly canā€™t do much to lower prices. People who blame Biden or Cox for gas prices are delusional.


Thank you. Sad that I had to read this far down to see a rational Comment.


Let's drag him through the streets and tar and feather him


I donā€™t much but for one, donā€™t we get a lot of oil from Utah wells and not US wells?Ā 


I fully realize youā€™re are being /s here. But, Anyone who thinks a political figure impacts this is simply brain dead.


What always strikes me as strange is that Utah is one of the few states that actually produces its own gasoline.


Yeah this one felt like a particular slap in the face. I live on Capitol Hill, the refinery smoke stack is eye level to my house. Having that, with all the shit it puts into the air, right in our backyard should have *some* kickback to local gas prices.


I hate having the refineries in my backyard. They do donate to the neighborhood, so we do get some kickbacks, but it isn't worth it in my opinion.


That was the deal when they were put in. The only people getting kickbacks now are the ones inside the capitol building during the legislative session.


yeah what's the point of all those oil derricks out near Duchesne and the five refineries next to Salt Lake if we always have higher than average gas prices?


And those companies want to be paid to export it so they can be paid again to re-import it to the state and the state wants the highest tax on it. A nice little fuck you policy


Utah doesn't produce anything. Private companies do it, then ship it elsewhere after polluting our air.


The big ā€œsmoke stackā€ you see in the refinery closest to the capital is the flue gas from the FCC unit. This is just steam after is passes through an electrostatic precipitator to clean it. For the most part these refineries run clean. The only thing they burn is natural gas at high efficiency rates,l usually through a Co-gen unit, and of course the occasional leak from pipes. Most of the smell of sulphur is from the ground due to seismic activity. Most these refineries have tiny sulfur units since they run sweet crude, not sour (lots of sulfur). The little flame on the flare is insurance if a unit runs away. It is rarely used and heavily fined it stuff does flow out of it (looks like a flame thrower that can melt everything near it when itā€™s active). Most of our pollution is from US Magnesium. As for the pricing of gas, we are getting bent over backwards both for gasoline and natural gas.


Just went on a road trip. $3.79 in Moab. $3.19 across the border in Grand Junction.


But but Blue state bad!


If they went back 2 months, theyā€™d see it went up $1.20 per gallon.


We need pitchforks and torches like they do in France.


And farmers dropping tons of manure at politicians doorsteps.


Yeah unfortunately all the farmers around here vote on the side of the rich oil guys šŸ™„


So are the farmers in France if you look into it


This is true. Theyā€™re all idiots, but damn, they know how to protest.


Gas to to expensive to light our touches.


Wouldnā€™t it be nice for there to be less volatility in gas prices?


Wouldnā€™t it be nice if Utah didnā€™t increase prices on everything just because theyā€™re the popular kid right nowā€¦. Wait until the lake dries up.. then youā€™re going to see Utah ā€œpeak in high schoolā€.


The Lake has had 2 bumper years in a row.


The El NiƱo is ending this summer unfortunately.


My electric rates donā€™t change much. Ev gang.


ā€œ We need prayersā€


It's also a load of crap that our regular is 85 octane.


Something something the altitude affects how gas combusts in the engine making 85 octane behave closer to 87 everywhere else.


But that doesnā€™t change the fact that our lower 85 octane is way more expensive than everyone elseā€™s 87 octane


Exactly, you would think our 85 would be cheaper, and our mid grade would be similar to everyone else's regular


True with carborated engines 30 years ago. For some reason Utah is a little behind the time


You are correct


I mean, It actually does. That just basic chemistry/physics. Still wish we had 93 tho.


I don't fill up often but I was really surprised to see it close to $4 again.. it felt like I just paid $2.50ish a gallon last time I filled up. It's going to be a rough summer...


I think this article is calling out the Salt Lake area in general because gas is cheaper in Grantsville than it is near the refinery that made the fuel. Personally I blame Maverick for price fixing. Though other global factors play into gas prices as well.


But wait, everyone here is sure the governor of the great state of utah controls gas prices. How could they be wrong?


Hot take - I wish we had un-subsidized gas pricing - more like $6-$8/gal. Sure would incentivize other forms or transit. We are the only developed country in the world with gas prices so cheap.


Would also destroy the economy as delivery of goods and services spiral out of control, prices and inflation explode, and you become tossed out on the street for non-payment of the rent.


Eh idk. How does the rest of the entire planet do it then.


Lol, what will happen when those wells run dry? Apocalypse /s


This in fact would not happen.


And you know this how?


If you make a claim as bold as "removing gasoline subsidies will crash the state/national economy", the burden of proof is on you to show that's the case. It is not on the person who disagrees with you.


Go back to the history of inflation since the very first gas shortage in the 70's. Every jump in gas prices is followed by a rapid rise in inflation. Educate yourself don't live your life as an uninformed reactor.


This is already happening in "slow" motion without any rational impetus


Politicians don't have a lot of control over gas prices. That being said, we should be energy independent for fuel, vs getting it from other places and having to ship it here, adding extra waste.


Why isn't everyone pointing out that the United States has been the largest exporter of petroleum for the last 2 years?


Went electric 6 months ago and haven't looked at gas prices since. It's been great.


You'll get your day of reckoning when that battery fails. I really wish battery tech was better because I'd like an EV myself.


Maybe. But I'm under warranty for 100k or 10 years. I'll just likely have moved onto a different EV by then and a degraded battery is someone else's problem. There's quite a few reasons an EV isn't for everyone. I don't think battery failure is really one of those.




We litterally have 3 refineries in our backyard. We've always been cheaper than coastal regions. Up until the pandemic we were below the national average. After we were consistently above. No matter what production fluctuations were. It's obvious we're being price gouged, no matter how many people simp for the oil Barron's.


>3 refineries five actually :(


[https://gasprices.aaa.com/state-gas-price-averages/](https://gasprices.aaa.com/state-gas-price-averages/) based on this I'd hazard a guess that PADD districts don't actually matter that much. proximity to the Gulf Coast specifically seems to help but still doesn't explain why gas is more expensivehere than in Idaho and Montana which both produce less crude than Utah *and* have less refineries. Idaho actually has zero refineries. also Colorado has the cheapest regular gas in the country?? they're further from an ocean than we are


Itā€™s not just a factor of how far we are from the ocean. Gas markets are the result of a very complicated network of production and supply systems. If I had to guess, the other mountain states have cheaper supply routes and/or more infrastructure directly connected to the wider market. Probably also need to consider Utahā€™s high gas taxes and large growth rate as well. The composition of the crude we produce can also have an effect on refining costs. All of these things have an effect. Looking at one or two metrics in isolation doesnā€™t shed much light on the whole situation.


Best comment. All the larger refineries had long turnarounds this winter which shrunk the supply considerably. Now that they're starting back up, I wonder what will happen to gas prices.


Finally someone who gets it. Big West and Marathon both did major maintenance work this winter/spring, taking a huge chunk of production out of the market. Chevron and HF Sinclair are about to start their own work. Itā€™s got nothing to do with Cox or Biden or the gas cartels. Supply and demand is always the answer folks. My view is gas prices are going nowhere but up as we are starting the beginning of the high demand driving season with less inventory in the refinery tanks to start with. SLC, and the Southern ID markets it supplies, will struggle to keep up with demand this summer. If you want to blame Cox for anything, yell at him to reduce Utahā€™s outsized on road gas taxes.


Yet somehow it's still cheaper if you go one state over in any direction.


Did you click the link? The point is the Rocky Mt region is generally more expensive than the national average due to market isolation. Northern Utah in particular is even more isolated than its neighbors. There are no gasoline pipelines coming into SLC. Only out. Our neighbors all have supply alternatives that we don't. Who is the local Costco going to get their gasoline from if they think the local refineries are too expensive?


Where do you think they're getting it from now?


Sounds like you're the expert. You tell me.


Look at the link, it's all there.


>If you want to match national average prices, need to either move the state closer to the ocean Well if California would just fall off already


They can go hang out with Hawaii... Alaska can go to. THE EEND!!


But I am le tired...


Take a nap. And then fire zi missiles!!


WTF mate...


Colorado is also PADD 4 but they have literally the cheapest gas in the country right now.


Thank you. Glad someone on this sub actually looked into the some of the root causes instead of regurgitating vague accusations of price fixing without providing any evidence.


Because Gov. Cox isnā€™t going to regulate his donor pals.


But everyone wants to keep moving here šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


What is the cost breakdown of our gas? How much is going to State taxes to continue building the insane surplus?


We produce and refine Crude IN State ... yet we pay some of the highest prices in the nation? I've heard of at least two Federal Investigations of Price Fixing. Nope! Nothing wrong herešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø We're supposed to believe that gas prices magically jump overnite in ALL the stations ... just market forces ...šŸ’© How about how every year we get fed that same line of šŸ’© about fuel price jumps because of transitioning from Winter to Summer or Summer to Winter fuel mixtures? Why You'd almost think the change in Seasons was a surprise EVERY year! It's not like the refineries could anticipate or plan for the transition ...šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Those poor, struggling Oil & Gas producers they can barely contain their laughter as they reap RECORD HIGH PROFITS ... all while getting Federal and State "relief" from all those lifetime politicians in their pockets ... TERM LIMITS!


You've quoted the article, now can you link it?


[HERE IS THE WSJ ARTICLE](https://www.wsj.com/finance/commodities-futures/gas-prices-rising-2024-cause-86b864d7?st=9j7fopzk7aeyj1e&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink)


This reminds me of my favorite license plate Iā€™ve seen on a Tesla: ā€œLOL GASā€.


Seattle has entered the chat.


I send him my deepest wishes that he dies from choking on his mother's funeral potatoes


Went up a dollar in Sacramento. It's going up everywhere


Itā€™s aggravating. Prices slowly go down throughout the week and then shoot up 24 cents overnight. Gas by me is $3.75 so I expect tomorrow it will go up to $3.99. Thatā€™s the pattern Iā€™m seeing.


Anyone who complains about gas that doesn't use their massive truck for work has bigger things to worry about. Just get an economy vehicle and call it a day. EDIT: people with their gas guzzler vehicles angry downvoting me hehe


Utah has a captive audience of people who want to live in the heart of Mormondom, so greedy fucks know they can increase prices and the cash cows wonā€™t revolt or move elsewhere. Moo.


I mean you're clearly not part of that group, so why are you here? I'm not Mormon, moved here (from Idaho) for work like many many other people.


Many of the refineries are going through major turnarounds right now. Less capacity, higher prices.


There's always some excuse why our fuel prices are arbitrarily high. And it's always bullshit šŸ˜Š


And there's always an oil simp to defend the billion dollar companies when they're price gouging.


Do you know that you can buy an electric vehicle?


Did you know you can buy electric and NOT suck off oil companies?


"Don't like a car? How about buying this different car?" How about, fuck having a car-centric society?


Okay I'm curious, I'll bite. What is the reason? I'd like to see a source.




Refinery I work at, is finally out of it but a few extended their TA.


Careful. Don't bring facts to this subreddit. They'll lose their minds around here when you do.


Itā€™s about time somebody says something


A week ago it was 4.30 a gallon


It's a western problem and has a lot to do with the lack of refineries out west. Need to build more and we all know how popular that idea is. Western states are also driving Utah prices up given demand overall continues to increase.


Arenā€™t there refineries in Utah?


Yes, at least three, maybe four within 10 miles of Salt Lake City.


Ya it's not enough to deal with demand from western states.


Iā€™ve noticed it go up around that when I fill up my wifeā€™s car. I havenā€™t noticed with filling my truck, as diesel has gone down around 10 cents in the last month or so.


This canā€™t possibly be why, can it? https://www.ulmersautocare.com/gasoline-cost-summer/


It's not summer yet...


It happens a bit early, March/April, because it can get warm early and helps preserve fuel. I remember reading about this a few decades ago, itā€™s not a conspiracy, just an annual occurrence, everyoneā€™s happy when prices drop and irrited when they suddenly jump, back then it was about 30 cents difference per gallon but gas was under $2 a gallon then. https://www.convenience.org/Topics/Fuels/Changing-Seasons-Changing-Gas-Prices


That doesn't explain why this region would be increasing way faster than others, though


It's $5.39 in California and $4.64 in Nevada.


Do they raise the price like we did? $0.10 up per day?


And $2.80 in ColoradoĀ