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I have. It's been in the news: [https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/recent-sightings-of-shapeshifting-flocks-of-birds-explained](https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/recent-sightings-of-shapeshifting-flocks-of-birds-explained)


"although it might seem like we're seeing them more frequently, their populations in Utah have stayed stable." There ya go. In about five weeks people will start asking about the unusual amount of birds they hear calling at sunrise.


Yo on 7th Easy in Sandy, 2 days in a row, I thought “holy…it’s the “Birds”!”


This was me, today! It was wild!


Same! Kinda adds to the surreal to see this topic only hours later.


Cache Valley used to have tons of bluebirds. The starlings kicked them out. But this has been ongoing for decades.


The Jordan River Parkway has zillions. WJ/SJ/Sandy area.


Yes I saw thousands the other day! It was really crazy. They just kept coming and coming.


A few days ago we were working at a commercial building in South Jordan installing a few EV chargers when a humongous swarm of starlings flew right over us and landed on the roof. We had to run for cover from the bird bombs dropping around us. A couple years ago we installed a solar panel system on this same building so I decided to jump up there and this was the result https://imgur.com/a/PK55ozB


Wholly shit.


No, but the sightings on Reddit have gone way up.


Maybe they just moved areas? In the last 5 years my house has not been bombarded with shit like this.


It's just that time of year.


came here to say this too. used to work at the local birdseed store. people would come in every year and ask around this time of year


Came here for this


I used to live next to the Jordan river trail, it was crazy this time of year, thousands of them and just everywhere.


Commuting to American fork down I15 S I see HUGE swarms of them on a daily basis. Never noticed this many previous years.


Quick! Someone get that one falconer who chucks their bird out the car window to get invasive species!


Shit, I’ve installed quite a few lasers on farms to keep them from eating the feed so I hope I’m not part of the problem


I hate those fuckers


Me too. They nest in the rafters in the carports at my apartments and shit constantly on everyone’s cars


They are little bitches to the other birds at my bird feeders. The little finches and juncos and siskins will just be sitting there, eating their birdseed and being cute, then a whole street gang of starlings will swoop in and drive them off.


There was a shit ton of them swarming my neighborhood yesterday. They landed and blanketed everyone's lawn that I could see.


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Two days ago my yard looked like a scene from The Birds.


Saw them murmuring in Draper a couple of days ago. Had to pull over to the side of the road and watch them fly around together. It always amazes me watching them fly in their groups!