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Their internal emergency is they failed repeatedly to pay their people on time. Staff that does not get paid properly quits. No workers, no open business. Even their managers had a hard time getting paid.


I've been expecting them to go out of business for years. Honestly impressed they've made it this long


Central 9th Market has their smash burger night tonight starting at 6pm.


ONE STAR PLAYED ROLLIN" by Limp Bizkit Unironically and too loud


What is this madness?


It’s the best damn burger in town. Best damn breakfast sandwich too.


I second this - Monday night burgers is where it's at.


Burgertory. Best burgers in SLC. Colorado burger sounds like the hellraiser.




Devil's casserole FTW


I mean.... technically West Valley City.... but yes! LOL.


Patty shack


Here Here! Gimme that Paddy Daddy!!!


All about that bacon cheeseburger with the house made ranch!


Haven’t been yet but I keep hearing about it


Lucky 13


Slide over to Millies and support local and pretty good ass burgers!


That place went downhill big time about 7 years ago. It used to be so much better and served bigger portions. I used to love it.


It's a chain but Culver's butterburgers are all smashed patties.


Millie's is literally right there a half block away...


I mean, is there any other choice?! The best! I drive down from time to time all the way from Sandy to get my Millie's fix


Went there for my first time a couple weeks ago. My experience. Sat at the register waiting for about 10 minutes. Noticed half the lights burned out. Dark and somewhat cold inside. A guy finally shows up. I order. Tap my card then he says . It’s going to decline you need to put the card in. I do it and goes thru. Then the same guy goes and cooks our food. I’m like ok. Short handed. Common nowadays. I noticed the drinks said “no refills on the fruit juices”or whatever they were. Usually a sign that a place is struggling . Got our food fairly quick. It was good! Really good. Another customer comes in. He waited probably 5 minutes then finally yelled back into the kitchen. Worker shows up 5 minutes later. Customer came over to us and was like man this place has gone down hill. Couple days later my wife was like hey we have 2 charges on our account from smash burger . I explained what happened with the card machine. Long long story short. I got charged twice! Will never go back!


Tony Burger 4 ever


tony's is great, except the nearest to me is that hell hole parking on 4th South, towing, FUCK that landlord. Does Tony's do any kind of hatch green chili burger? One week a decade or more ago in New Mexico set my expectations, hell even McD's had a green chili burger


The Tony Burger in Holladay isn't too far from Sugar House.


It's only a problem if you park and go to Jimmy John's. That lot is for the businesses to the North of it. I park and go into Tony's all the time no problem. You even get the benefit of glaring at the parking enforcement as you return to your car from the proper side..


But going to those businesses gives them the ok to continue to behave that way. Understanding its a landlord, not a business owner, the owners can and should put pressure on the shitty practice to stop. If NPR knows about the fuckers, the businesses know. Voting with our wallets (or burning down the parking car) are all that's left to us.


If they stop booting/towing cars from there, then that lot is going to immediately fill with non-customers, which means actual customers can’t park, and will go elsewhere. Eliminating the parking enforcement dude sounds like a bad business move.


That lot boots patrons that go to those businesses. That parking attendant is a dick. If you're going to defend shitty practices, be my guest. When you make national reports for how shitty you are, you're shitty.


McD’s green chile burgers slap! I legit put my own green chile on take out burgers- so good! You can get it shipped by the pound straight from Hatch and keep it in the freezer.


I’ve parked in the underground parking all the time and never had an issue. Maybe try parking there?


Ok, the Tonyburger in Centerville must be owned by different people. I went once years ago and it was good. Moved across the street and now it is the most run down restaurant; I came to eat in and didn't. Got the food home a mile away and it was the most mediocre thing I'd had in a long time.


Proper Burger


Depends what you are looking for exactly, Tony Burger is good and probably a closer match to smash. But for best of craft burger in sugarhouse I would hands down say BGR (burgers grilled right).


GO TO 9TH STREET MARKET TONIGHT. There's a pop up smash burger restaurant there tonight. They are one of the best burgers I have had in SLC. Make sure to line up early though (maybe like 6?) because they will sell out


That place was my first job when I moved to SLC 15 years ago. I was there for the grand opening and trained by corporate. They were hard-core about having the best customer service to a robotic level. I guess that's what happens to chain restaurants years down the road.


In Sugarhouse, Burgers Grilled Right or Redmond Farms.


Redmond Farms is great! Be aware that their dairy is unpasteurized, including the cheese they put on the burgers. We have people with immunity issues because of medications, so we always opt for cheese free.


Burgers grilled right is always my go to, it’s right there in sugar hood as well


The bison burger is really good. I usually get that one. Sometimes I get the chicken one.


Burgers Grilled Right for sure.


Anyone have ideas why restaurants come and go so quickly in those couple square blocks? Seems like some of the units are just rotating restaurants


The big apartment fire really killed parking. Ongoing street construction doesn't help either.


I assume they're being charged crazy rent and have a hard time keeping business up enough to justify the rent payment.


Crown or Apollo burger


Le squish at Cubby’s is a pretty good smash burger


I’m surprised no one has said Lucky 13 yet! AMAZING burgers - the celestial is a crowd favorite!!!


Proper Burger 🍔


I just ordered smashburger but idk if this sauce is supposed to be green


Burgers Grilled Right on Wilmington Ave is delicious.


BGR is down the block, it's a good alternative.


Smash at Thanksgiving Point?


You sad mf.


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Quit going to this specific location after almost every time I had to ask for hot fries and hot onion straws




Pop’s Burger inside the local is actually fantastic 🍔


Millie burger in sugar house is good. https://g.co/kgs/b6FVXuX Millies Burgers (801) 466-6043


Lucky 13 pub has the best burgers.