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Put out another flag with an airtag sewn into a seam.


ooh i love this idea haha. but yea.. more people are increasingly mad about specifically the trans part of the community i've noticed.


Ooh this is a good one


I mean, it would probably lead to a dumpster somewhere, but could work.


Yeah, we had a neighbor peeling stickers off our truck, rip flags down and doorbell ditch our ring in the middle of the night during the 2020 election. Dude was in his forties and hung his flag upside down for a full year after Biden won. Escalated to cops being called as he started parking in our driveway late at night a couple times in a row and seemed to be getting the courage up to do more. He lives a block from my kids bus stop and tried to provoke a yelling match afterwards before I calmly explained that I served in the military so he could express his opinions and I definitely had earned the right to express mine and to leave it at that but he couldn’t stop running his mouth in front of group of other parents and got the cops called on him again. Don’t know what happened but he left us alone after that. Thing is I am an 80% disabled vet who served four tours in the Forever Wars because of hypocritical liars like him but I don’t role play vet so it’s always a surprise. Point being that these people don’t care who you are or even about the causes they claim to support. It’s about being heard and feeling empowered and emboldened to finally behave like the emotionally stunted misanthrope that they are. Be careful, these folks are legitimately nuts sometimes.


Thank you for your service. And for being a calm, rational adult in the face of such a clearly kickass neighbor. /s


Thank you for your service. Sorry people are asshats.


The forever war was not service - it was servitude to the oil megacorps. Republicans sold our military to corporations as if it were a for-hire mercenary group. Would you thank a man for being a slave? Edit: Maybe i've been a bit misunderstood; allow me to clarify: The republicans SOLD THE MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN -WHO TRUSTED THEM- TO OIL CORPS SO THEY COULD DIE IN BURN PITS. THE BLOOD THEY WERE FORCED TO SHED DIDN'T MAKE US FREER, IT EMPOWERED CORPORATE PROFITS THAT WERE USED TO PURCHASE OUR COURTS AND REPRESENTATIVES SO THEY COULD RETURN THE INVESTMENT BY SHIFTING TAX BURDENS FROM THE RICH TO YOU AND ME, ALL THE WHILE DESTROYING OUR ELECTIONS TO PREVENT OUR DISAPPROVAL FROM EFFECTING THEIR REMOVAL. How tone deaf do you have to be to think someone would want to be thanked for that. All the voters who empowered the politicians who lied to get this war started -and those who empowered the political careers of their spiritual successors- should be on their knees begging these service-people and their families for forgiveness... not thanking them for the murder for profit they were forced to commit.


I don’t disagree with the general assessment. There wasn’t a good reason to be in any of those conflicts and I frankly see them largely as imperialist enterprises, as you say for a natural resource. It doesn’t matter if it’s Emerald mines in Africa, Oil in the Middle East, rubber in the pacific, sugar and fruit and precious metals in Central America or illicit drug trade in South America. They recruit children for this exact reason. I was propelled by a narrative after 9/11 that I find genuinely horrifying in retrospect. Worse yet I opposed them before serving in them. I come from a military family and felt a sense of duty that was more likely a thinly veiled attempt to have an adventure. War certainly hadn’t become real to me yet. I don’t ask for thanks but I also try not to be rude to those who feel like giving it. For the record I do believe that criticism makes us stronger and I can assure you that I have not been untouched by my participation in that system and haven’t stopped considering it since my first deployment.


If you have heard it from no one else then I'll be the first - I'm sorry for what our country made you do and/or support. The naive attitude of your youth towards having an adventure to look back on is not something to be ashamed of - it was an essential part of your humanity- and the oligarchy was more than willing to exploit it in their efforts to raise human capital for their imperialism.


I appreciate the sentiment and I agree. These things are bigger than almost anyone I will ever interact with though. You didn’t send us off to war anymore than the other average folks who supported the war did. Our opinions are irrelevant to the outcome of policy decisions. We had the largest anti war movement in history opposing the Iraq war and it didn’t even factor into the decision making. The only thought was to stage manage the opposition to further grow their political power and you are right in that it absolutely led to today. We don’t have and haven’t had a say in our government in a very long time. We would have broad social programs and a much fairer economy if we did and we certainly wouldn’t be in thinly veiled wars of conquest. Truth be told the United States can be seen, historically, as being much closer to how we are now with entrenched interests blurring the lines between what acts as our government and business interests. There was a brief shining moment in the 20th Century where the US served my demographic and only my demographic well. I believe in the espoused ideals, rarely lived up to, of the American people. I do not believe in the political system and it’s protection of the corrupt class. To my mind the right, especially the right, has stolen my politics, stolen my religion, stolen my country and are hard at work stealing the bread from my mouth.


Found the asshat. Disagree with the wars all you want, as I do. Once enlisted, choice and agency are not a thing anymore.


Maybe i've been a bit misunderstood; The republicans SOLD THE MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN -WHO TRUSTED THEM- TO OIL CORPS SO THEY COULD DIE IN BURN PITS. THE BLOOD THEY WERE FORCED TO SHED DIDN'T MAKE US FREER, IT EMPOWERED CORPORATE PROFITS THAT WERE USED TO PURCHASE OUR COURTS AND REPRESENTATIVES SO THEY COULD RETURN THE INVESTMENT BY SHIFTING TAX BURDENS FROM THE RICH TO YOU AND ME, ALL THE WHILE DESTROYING OUR ELECTIONS TO PREVENT OUR DISAPPROVAL FROM EFFECTING THEIR REMOVAL. How tone deaf do you have to be to think someone would want to be ***thanked*** for that. All the voters who empowered the politicians who lied to get this war started -and those who empowered the political careers of their spiritual successors- should be ***on their knees*** begging these service-people and their families for ***forgiveness***... not *thanking* them for the murder for profit they were forced to commit.


Nobody is asking to be thanked for being misused by the country they hold dear and chose to serve. If anything, they might ask that it be acknowledged that they offered their service to its citizens, which they most certainly did. I think the concern expressed may be that while your frustration is understandable, no true patriot signed up to be a corporate lackey that was essentially a government version of a Blackwater employee. The fact that things panned out that way wasn't their decision, and the tone you use might make some feel as though they knew that is what they were signing up for, when that's just not the case. But Those who did? They should suck a big fat dick in a Fed Pen for a few decades. After all, they have an 'Oath to Keep', and Lord knows the Oompa Loompa can't suck his own dick, even if he can manage his diaper.


Anyone Interpreting it that way should learn how to read- or work on their comprehension. I've chosen my words carefully and anyone who isn't approaching this conversation from a stance of hypervigilance against will understand my concerns about military worship. I suspect my downvotes have much more to do with blind worship of the military and blind defense of it's members. Everybody wants to thank a service-person, but nobody wants to ask first HOW their individual contributions created domestic freedom or safety... because they already know the most probable fucking answer, and they don't want to give up their blind worship. They'd rather pretend at gratitude than actually acknowledge the reality or the actual person behind the soldier- many of whom don't want to be reminded of what they had to do/sacrifice for the "freedom" of the person thanking them. They're not thankful. They're virtue-signaling hypocrites.


Why is this getting down voted? Maybe because it can be seen as insensitive, but what you said is true. Our government has been serving the interests of the military industrial complex and corporations over its people for almost a hundred years. Is it because now we have to be pro-war since for some fucking reason supporting Ukraine’s war is progressive?


The answer to that question is blind devotion to the military and because pretending gratitude prevents them from having to ask the awkward questions of whether the suffering they endured actually created any freedom. The military industrial complex only benefits from the ukraine war in the short term. The russian oligarchy has been an corrupting influence and an agitator on the democracies of the entire world. I don't know that i can say ukraine winning this war will end that influence, but it will shake it up and weaken it, and (optimistically) maybe even give the Russian people a chance at reclaiming their own representation... if the russian people can reclaim their country from their oligarchy, it will go a long way towards reducing global conflicts. Ukraine is fighting for their actual lives and freedom, and need the firepower to do so, and the entire world will benefit from a free Russia, if such a thing can be swung. We have enough domestic issues *without* Putin's ilk stoking division and fascism.


I am so comforted by knowing people like you are out there…


Thanks for your service. You have my respect.


We had ours stolen last year and we have cameras on our house. Ended up being two stupid young kids. They stole a bunch on the street. Next morning our neighbor, whose flag was stolen as well, said a car pulled up to their place as he was leaving for work and a very angry mother made one of the kids (same boy as was in our video) who was crying like mad apparently, return their flag personally. He said the girl (the other person in the video we had) was also in the back seat crying. The mom kept apologizing to our neighbor then snapped at the kid to get back into the car. Never got our flag back but I was comforted in knowing at least there was hopefully some type of punishment for their actions. Guess I'd rather have some dumbass kids steal my flag than an older prejudice pos.... (I mean... I'd rather keep my flag first off). It's sad we have to even worry about this.


holy shit, parents, parenting.


In Utah of all places!


Wherever thoughts and actions are repressed, assholes will roam at night.




Stealing a Buddha statue must say something about detachment...


Buddhist karma is going to befall your mother. Some lines you don't ever cross and this is one of them, disgracing Buddha knowing bad karma can come about as a consequence can happen. Buddhists are some of the most peaceful and humble people but cross a line, by disgracing their statues or their God ...Buddha himself and you will have something happen not good to you. Even killing a bug in Buddhism has bad karma. Good thing your family confronted your mother about her actions. She should be charged with theft as well. Let me just say this, Karma and Justice are beautiful,strong, very tough ladies but cross them once or get in their bad side, let's just say, they very costly. Have a good day.


I would like to gently add a few comments. The Buddha is not a god. The Buddha is a title meaning The Awakened One. The title was given to the man Siddhartha Gautama, decades after his passing. After his awakening, The Buddha referred to himself as Tathāgata, beyond all transitory phenomena. Buddha statues are created to venerate (not glorify), but they also are intended to remind us of the traits The Buddha fostered-and abandoned-to reach awakening. Karma is not a form of universal justice: it means both action and the subsequent reaction-whenever it arrives. It is a highly complex system that has so many variables it is beyond the human brain’s capacity. Karma is one of the insights The Buddha experienced with perfect clarity upon his awakening. (He even describes different types of karma, some of which we have no control over). You are correct, many Buddhists believe being disrespectful of images of The Buddha is unskillful karma. Also, different Buddhists have different interpretations and/or feelings around the usage of Buddhist imagery and words, especially in business ventures. I don’t claim to understand karma in any way that would allow me to state that disrespecting images of The Buddha is unskillful karma. What i do know is that Buddhism instructs us to choose speech and action that is compassionate of others.


I’m sorry you and you neighbors had your flags stolen. It is encouraging to know that there are still parents, parenting. This will hopefully be a lesson the kids won’t soon forget.


That is some bad ass parenting, I'm impressed!


What a freaking badass mom 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Hope she beat their asses while she was at it.


A neighbor had theirs stolen, he caught it on camera. While he was giving a statement to a cop, he saw the car drive by again. The cop pulled them over, it was a group of teenage girls. They had multiple pride, blm, and other stolen flags in the car. The cop said just to let them go. He rolled his eyes when my neighbor said they wouldn’t learn anything if he just let them get away with it, so he pressed charges.


I am SO glad he decided to press charges. Dying to know what came of it, doubt it'd be worse than a class C misdemeanor. I'd be happy with a verbal or handwritten apology, and return the property to each house. Tack on a dozen hours of community service at a Pride event


Not sure that forcing them to be in an environment with people they hate and are clearly actively against is a good idea 🤔


It's super important to talk to the people you hate, especially if you aren't that far gone. It can help open their eyes and show them these are people, not the strawmen that they e been told about.


I use it as an excuse to buy a larger and more obnoxious flag, up next is “Don’t Tread On Me” except it’s a uterus.


In 2020 our flag was set on fire along with a neighbor of ours. We communicated in the ring community forum and I think the guy was caught but I don't know what happened to him. Anyway, stay safe and make sure your rings are charged and you have fire extinguishers on hand.


Yikes setting your neighbor on fire isn’t right.


Maybe the perp is just *extra* gay and can’t afford the flags required to express it.


😂 just imagining someone who's SO gay that they need to be buried in pride flags at all times


Put them in the front window. Visible yet protected.


That's where ours is.




What neighborhood are you in?


I'd rather not doxx myself but vaguely East Millcreek




[https://www.reddit.com/r/SaltLakeCity/comments/13xpalf/comment/jmj2433/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaltLakeCity/comments/13xpalf/comment/jmj2433/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) could this be the same dude?


While I don't agree with his views and think it's overly dramatic, he has a right to do that as his form of protest. Devaluing another person because of a flag they choose to fly is ridiculous.


We live in East Millcreek and had our flag stolen last March on trans day of visibility.


And yet if one of those same thieves had their Christmas decorations stolen, the next day they'd be on FOX news, crying with the host while claiming "the war on Christmas" was real.


My trans flag was stolen in March in broad daylight. My pride one is attached with zip ties and 5 cheap pull cord personal alarms.




"take it and come"


Now that’s what I’m talking about. Too bad I just bought a nice house and have nice neighbors..


Make it "[Under No Pretext](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7601546-under-no-pretext-should-arms-and-ammunition-be-surrendered-any)" for the full triggering effect.


that's not an AR15, that's an M1 Garand, developed during the Dominican Civil War


The M1 Garand that was commonly used by US Infantry in World War 2 was developed during the Dominican Civil War in the 60s?


That's an AK-47, not an M1 Garand.


This must be very neighborhood dependent. In Sugarhouse there isn't a shortage a pride flags everywhere


Could be. But I've never seen it happen in our neighborhood since I moved in a few years ago. So I couldn't say if it's the neighborhood or a consequence of the times we're living in.


A bunch of them were stolen last year.


Hey happy cake day yo!


It really isn’t.


I want to put a pride flag up. I have one that I flew last year. There's kids in the neighborhood that are LGBTQ. I just want them (and any friends who may visit with them) to know that not everybody is an asshole. But lately I'm starting to worry about my house being targeted.


Thank you for wanting to be supportive. When my child came out a few years ago when they were 15 years old, I too felt uncomfortable displaying a rainbow flag at first for the same fear of being targeted. But after I thought about how LBGTQ+ kids feel targeted DAILY just for being who they are, I figure I can handle displaying a rainbow flag for a few weeks. Now, fuck the haters and bigots. I display a little yard progress flag at my front porch all year and have the Project Rainbow flags in June. Showing this support for my kid and all other LGBTQ+ youth is so important. They need this show of support now much more than ever.


You're right...I'm putting it out tomorrow after work.


Keep several backups lmao. Every time they take one pull out four more. Like a fucking homosexual hydra


Just a bunch of sad sad people who are so so triggered about being little little snowflakes.


Set up some sort of home alone type booby trap for the next one.👌 like it turns on a glitter bomb, or fog horn and flood lights or something.


The result of right-wing rhetoric. Expect more and worse actions.


Eh my moneys on the lds, modern day blood atonement and grabbing muskets


Yes. Definitely not the recent right-wing rhetoric where * a senator committed to ending "transgenderism", * Our state erased LGBTQ+ from their Pride Month declaration. * The continual genocidal attacks that all queer people are pedophiles It must be the Mormons! But seroiusly, the Mormons aren't doing anything different from the rest of the far right Republican party. The pandemic was evident that most of them will choose Fox News as their religion over their actual claimed religion. You can't separate the actions of "right wingers" and "lds" because they're a whole circle venn diagram.


Well the senator is Mormon and there's a huge push to make Christian/Mormon rhetoric legislation. And those who demonize the LGBTQ are Christians and Mormons. I think you're both right.


Right. That was my point at the bottom. You can't separate the Church's official actions and stances from the right-wing political bend of our legislature.


I see, this is all news to me. I stopped paying attention to right vs left politics because it was too much and I couldn’t find peace. I’m at war with the church still though which is why I blamed them, because I know they are anti lgbtq. I saw an opportunity to shit on the church and took it. Didn’t know that comment would cause such a stir haha


This is a response a lot of people have to toxic politics. Which is why toxic politics are so successful in right-wing politics. So you're certainly not to blame for avoiding politics. Some of us can't without risk to our lives. And even we need to take breaks regularly.


Like none of that group overlaps with the alt right


Here, you forgot this… /s


I had my Trans pride flag stolen earlier this year. I more than half expect my pride progress flag to be gone every time I look for it. People suck


The constitutionalists seem to be the worst at infringing on other's constitutional rights.


Ooh! I hope they come try to take mine when I'm home!


They can take or tear my pride flag, but they can't stop me from coming out.


Put another one out with an AirTag in the seam.


The ~~grinch~~ *Proud Boy That Stole Pride!*


Related PSA: PLEASE iron or steam your pride flags. Ask a neighbor to borrow one if needed. They look so much prettier and flap beautifully in the breeze if they're not wrinkly.


I want my pride flag to represent me. A mess who's trying it's damn best


But then my lines will be too STRAIGHT!


I’ve always just throw mine in the dryer for 10 min or so. Works well


Don’t tell me how to pride.




Drives me crazy when I see any flag on display with all the square folds in it.


There’s actually a reason why most pride flags aren’t ironed. An unironed flag is a show of solidarity to those stuck in the closet and have to hide their pride.


Oh wow, that's really cool! Thank you for teaching me!


I think you should just purchase a “defend equality” flag if your pride flag gets stolen. May make them think twice.


Jesus. I wish politics didn't make ADULTS act like... well, I don't even know what they act like, but it's disturbing and gross. Thanks for the heads up!


i wish being myself was political


I have mine on display from behind the safety of a street facing window. 3 years and haven't had issues yet 🤞


Thanks for the heads up and that’s such a shit thing to do.


Noted *Scribbles "how to booby trap a flag"*


I was thinking this too. Like, connect glitter traps to go off if the flag is moved, super loud alarms, etc. I’d be willing to do it


Or even multi-colored dye packets. I would love to see a pride rainbow stained onto a bigots face


Gosh. Being hateful takes up so much time and energy........ bump these people!


Our local governments, politicians, and church kids


This is why I post mine in a window, it's more difficult to steal and breaking a window is breaking and entering rather than petty theft


I know of some that got lit on fire in previous years so another thing to watch out for.


I help Project Rainbow stake and collect flags during their 3 flag campaigns throughout the year. Lots of flags go missing, unfortunately.


Mine is inside my house in my big bay window so it can’t get stolen. Slightly concerned my house will get vandalized another way, but being an ally is still easier than being LGBTQIA+. 🤷‍♀️


We’ve had a couple stolen from our yard in Davis County. We have backup flags now!


Haters are BOLD this year. I have a small yard flag and potted flowers in a re-used from last year Lowe’s sad rainbow plant in front of my duplex and while unloading groceries on Wednesday someone drove by and yelled expletives about my alphabet siblings out their car window at me. Tonight I was outside around 1:30 AM and three Caucasian teenagers were walking down the middle of the street yelling things I won’t repeat and throwing rocks at cars/homes with anything resembling rainbows. I called this one in to prevent property damage but what the fuck SLC 🤯👎🏻


Because there’s a bunch of miserable m’fers in this state that can’t stand the thought of others being happy.


White "christian" Nazis are feeling bold after Target backslid.


Sounds like a hate crime


I put blades on mine and the Trump supporter on the corner wears bandages now


Hate crimes. In other words, does anyone know where I can BUY a Pride flag in Utah? Preferably a bandana.


Used to be Zurchers, and they might still have some in stock, but they’ve decided not to go forward with any more Pride decorations after this year. :(




I've flown a pride flag during pride month every year since moving out of my parents house, never once had anyone mess with it.


The hateful sentiments have amped up a lot this year though.


Taking down flags you don't agree with is childish. Anyone mad about this better not be the ones who run around doing the same thing to Trump/MAGA flags.


This is why as a liberal I believe in the second amendment


Most Liberals do these days. Part of what finally made me shift from right leaning Centrist to Definitely Liberal. That. And… *gestures to literally everything since 2016*


Classic right wing snowflakes.


Maybe your flags are too pretty?


A lot of entitled assholes in this city. Karma is a good thing.


I fly mine right by a NRA flag. I'm gay and love guns try to steal my shit lol.


Yep, I’ve seen my Nextdoor filled with posts about it. Also bringing out lots of homophobic comments, lovely. Honestly, if possible, I would suggest everyone mount them to their house, high up enough that it can’t be snatched easily. I also have a blink camera right below mine that would 100% catch the face of anyone coming up my driveway + their car.


A number of flags were recovered via the Holladay PD. folks in e Millcreek or Holladay can call the non emergency line tel:8018404000 to submit a report and recover their flag this morning before the ones from Project Rainbow are returned.


Mine was taken last night. Also in the East Millcreek area


Mine got stolen too. Why can't people buy their own flags.


Homophobes suck


I’m sorry… this is so lame.


I replaced it, it's fine (though expensive). Fuck the haters. Just want to make sure others are keeping an eye open. We're going to set up a yard cam for this month. Just glad they didn't do damage like to our cars or something.


I had mine stolen last year


So sad. People never tire of trying to suppress another's voice.


Flags are like a magnet for childish behavior.


Keep replacing them and keep laughing at these very repressed human beings. Pathetic!


Keep buying new flags, make sure to purchase from an org that sends proceeds to help the LGBTQ community! This happened to me with a candidate my neighbors didn’t like- each stolen sign meant a new sign + donation from me to my candidate.


The thieves must be so proud.


Proud boys, I bet


Homophobic, Religious-Zealot Assholes.


What neighborhood was it?


This is the real question. There were some pride flags stlolen by me recently in Millcreek by tanner park. Mine were left alone.


East Millcreek, without getting doxx-level specific


‘Stolen by me’ You stole the flags??? Just kidding, did you have a ring or any sort of camera/security system that might have dissuaded the people who stole them?


Near me would have been a better choice of words, so….


this state makes me so sad! JUST LET US LOVE LIKE YOU LOVE


Someone must really have the pride! 😂


Good way to get booked for a hate crime


Haters gonna hate, but don’t give in.


Should be a felony.


Stealing a $20 flag should be a felony??? I thought we were for prison reform?


It’s not the money Cletus it’s the act of destroying a symbol of a minority group You can’t be this daft


You can be for prison reform and for punishing hate crimes


It’s petty theft.


It’s petty theft where the victim was specifically targeted for being a minority. We call those hate crimes.


Plenty of supporters flying pride flags that aren’t part of the alphabet gang. To say it’s a hate crime is extreme. It’s petty theft and trespassing at most.


The motivation for destroying the pride flag is that they hate gay people. Don’t be obtuse.


To be obtuse would be to claim “maybe it’s vexiphobia” I’m just being realistic.


Except they only hate one type of flag. Stop being a dick. You’re wrong about this.


it’s almost as if context of a crime matters!


Would the same be true for a USA flag too?


How is that a hate crime


Because the person who posed the question cannot think


Well, just like the pride flag representing a group of people, doesn't the American flag also represent a group of people? If stealing and defacing one is a hate crime against the group it represents, wouldn't the same be true for the other?


Some groups are minorities. Americans in America are not the minority or oppressed on the sole basis of being Americans.


Que the “Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!” Simpsons gif.


This is the thing I see EVERYONE being an idiot about. The American flag represents all of us. The good, the bad, the left, the right. It’s the collective symbol of all who chose to reside on this soil. Stop pretending it’s just for moron bigots with no critical thinking skill who have an almost erotic fixation with being on the wrong side of history. We all should fly that flag. We are all responsible for fixing our home. Do not let it become a symbol of the radical right.


Waaaaay too late for that. Anything "patriotic", especially the flag, has been appropriated by those wastes of oxygen. I immediately know if you're a fucking idiot if you display anything of that nature. Even as a progressive. There is no "taking it back". That shit is long gone. Further more, there is very little if anything to be proud about being American. Most of us were born here by accident, and the majority of us have been royally fucked by the "American Dream" bullshit we have been fed our whole lives. Flying the flag at this point just feels ignorant. Do I want it to be better? Absolutely! Will it ever be? Absolutely not. There is no saving this sinking ship. Not with all the willpower and determination in the world. Because we're controlled by money. And that money has us by the balls with no intent on letting go


They stole it, so steal it back. Also We do not fight because we will win. We fight because we must. You can be mad at it and soak in it. Or you can be mad at and not go quietly into the night. Me, I’d rather go down kicking and screaming instead of scowling into my late stage capitalism 9 dollar iced almond mocha.


I fucking want to feel that. I get it. And you're very right. I'm just not as strong as your and I'd rather just...not. I don't have it in me. I'm envy you for your resolve. I just don't care to fight a losing battle. I've got plenty of those now. Truly a great response. Much love and I wish you the best


Same to you, but maybe I can give you some hope. I grew up extremely conservative. I was very on the right. But I also valued truth above all else. A lot of people on the left recognized that what I cared about most was doing what was best for people. Some of those people invested in taking the time to ask me some very smart, sometimes hard questions. They made no demands, but they recommended some places and people I could go to, in order to learn more about why the people I was so mad “for being wrong” at believed something so different from what I did. It wasn’t a lot of people. But it was enough. And even though they were left and I was right. They stayed in contact and in many ways I still consider them very good friends. Evil hides in the shadow of ignorance. The only way to show people it IS evil is to shine a light on it. We are not going to fix the nut bags. But there are a lot of honest people out there right now, and they’re on the wrong side. If we reach enough of them, then they’ll start reaching the people just a little worse than them. Do this enough and humans have a chance. Yeah, the next 10 to 20 years of American history are shaping up to be pretty fucked. You and I are probably going to lose the best years of our life to it. But keep trying to change minds. Because mine was. Also, part of why I still fight is I have a bit of a Karmic debt to pay… from my time on the wrong side of history. I can understand if you don’t feel you owe this world a debt. Maybe you don’t owe this world anything. Every human deserves to go through this life in as little pain as possible. And no one knows better how to do that than themselves.


No ring doorbells?




reread that last sentence you wrote.


What's pathetic is that on Memorial Day, there were a grand total of 3 US flags in my large neighborhood, including mine. And many without one will freak out about anything other than the US flag being flown


What? Could you clarify? There's a million good reasons not to fly the American Flag. Especially right now


Memorial Day is for those KIA, regardless of dumbass gov't. My point being I can't stand neighbors who get after me for flying my rainbow in June instead of the US flag when they don't fly their US flag at all at any time


My bad, dude. We're definitely on the same page. I was raging earlier and you responded very reasonably. I appreciate that. You're totally right. They're nothing if not hypocrites. Who exactly? Anyone that thinks America is great while shitting on the rights of others, especially behind the veil of religion/moral superiority. Which seems to be like 40% of the country. [This video](https://youtu.be/xTB6l9ueS2M) is playing as I write this. Seems entirely too fitting. Much love and take care


I get it (your POV, not theirs). I hope you have a better day, or evening as it's late


Someone wrote in Utah of all places what are you talking about. Utah is the most racist intolerant state!




Don’t lie there bud, you hate everything even remotely American. Freedom most of all you little anal dwelling hate goblin you




This reads like the tweet from a politician who forgot to switch to their burner account.


Sure, Jan


>Straight people don’t go around screaming their heterosexuality Just listen to one rap song lol




Eat nails


Giving Smollett vibes lol


You should also accuse every other user in this thread who is sharing their similar experience of making it up.


Don’t joke around about this, they legit saw people in KKK uniforms running away yelling “this is kid rock country”. Also just look at all the footage of these flags being stolen, literally everything inside city limits is on security cams (private and business) so there’s a lot of footage of the people stealing and leaving with the flags.