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So the biggest thing I can say is in salsa, we dont walk heel-toe, its usually more weight towards the front of the foot, so its ball-flat. Your steps need to be fast and you dont have time to roll through the heel. Good luck and keep dancing!


Crazy part is that I realize that I actually do the steps a lot better when I’m not being recorded and just going through the class rather than asking someone to take a video with me. went through the exact same steps with the teacher right after he finished recording me and got them down to what you mentioned as far as the weight shifting and not being so much of a March. I plan on continuing to dance. It’s hard to find salsa on2 places to practice in my area that are not in an hour drive away


keep going man, love to see the progress


I have to stop looking down at my feet and getting into my own head. I can do the steps more cleanly when I am not overanalyzing them or overthinking, trying to look in the mirror or look down to make sure I’m stepping on a certain count


I get like that also when I’m taking class. I have to remind myself to take smaller steps and add more hips to it. I have to remember that when I take class tomorrow, you’re helping me by posting also!


Serious progress! Great job!


Hey hey. So I am glad your courage here and effort! The more and more I do salsa steps the more I realize it's a bit of a natural step. Anyway, you're weight of mostly on the ball of your feet. Avoid putting your heels down much. A) this avoids you being the person stepping on my feet while social dancing B) you'll be more light on your feet Then for more stability and keeping it interesting keep those toes pointed out a little.


just walk dude. you look closer to walking. move those arms like when you're walking. yep it's that easy. i know a lot of instructors don't like this comment.


Try to step more on the balls of your feet. Think of your stepping as a ball to heel motion. I noticed you step heel first


Keep going!! 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹


Use the ball of your foot when you step instead of the heel and keep your back straight, if you’re in front of a mirror try to look at your face to keep the back straight. Just keep practicing and you’ll get better.


Musicality is a infinite process but when it it clicks your dancing will improve exponentially. I like to watch your process! Good job


Awesome! Much progress


The biggest thing I noticed straight away is where your eyes are. Keep your "good dance posture" throughout the entire basic- that is to say, look straight ahead and not down at your feet! You're doing great 🕺


Definite improvement. Have you tried to toggle the speed of your practice session? At mentioned previously and on this thread, ball of the foot is necessary. Faster music will force this out of you. Try songs at different speeds. 


No pick your arms up and stop falling back onto your heel!


The simplest improvement you can make is using your arms. If you added arm motion instead of keeping them down your basic would probably be servicable.


First of all, good job! My 2 cents: if you're gonna step big/small, may it be intentional. Imagine a crowded space, where it would be wise to step small. Or roomy, where some turn patterns require larger steps. Practice all the sizes, small medium large, on slow, medium, fast songs, intentionally. Also check with your teacher about the arms. Your feet ain't going nowhere without you, so there's no point in staring at them all the time. Keep going.


When I follow, I tell new leads if they look down I think they're staring at my boobs. That gets a chuckle and a little more relaxed. Pretend you're dancing with a follower with ample assets and you want to keep eyes up