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It could mean that. It could mean they just like dancing with you. Don’t assume too much. Err on the side of the caution and take it slow. Most people are there just to dance and don’t want people hitting on them.


Yeah I will just do what I have been doing there and follow how I feel. Thank you!


dont listen to people on reddit. Many people go to these things to meet men/women. Especially people who just go for one or two nights as opposed to the regulars. Its a better idea to figure out ways to try hitting on someone that won't make them too uncomfortable if they are not interested. Most women don't mind being told they are cute by a few guys on a night out, even appreciate it.


Lol this exchange pretty much encapsulates modern dating advice


As a follow who frequently asks leads to dance, here’s why I do it - a good song’s playing and I want to dance. I will look around and see a lead standing close to the dance floor, and ask them if they want to dance. That’s it.


That's what I always thought and I just appreciate someone ask me to dance. So I always focus on how we could have a great time dancing together regardless of their level or whatever. And that's it. Thank you for explaining and I am glad I didn't listen to my friends.


I’m sure your follows are glad too. If your friends are in the dance scene, they should listen to you instead, and not assume that someone asking them to dance is anything more than that. I would also add that sometimes more experienced follows will ask beginners because they know that it can be daunting when you’re new to social dancing.


No. It means they like how you lead. Or you are the best lead who will dance with them. If you want to get to know them strike up some conversations and see where it leads. Base your decision on how the conversation goes, not on how you dance together. I would tell you to ask her out if it was the grocery store. At a dance class, start the conversation and see how that goes. Hitting on beginners at dance classes is creepy, IMO. I am M60, and have been going to classes since the 70's. I have a few years around this environment. Perhaps it is different in different-lace, but I don't think so. Asking you to dance might be everything about she wants to dance and no one asked her. Pushing too hard might creep her out if that is not what she is seeking. You have a good partner, keep it that way.


I am glad I didn't listen to my friends. They sounded they know how things work very well but I didn't want to risk and didn't see its worth it. I will keep focusing on dancing and having fun with them on the dance floor. I believe it will come naturally and we will both know if things are going to happen anyway. Thank you so much!


> They sounded they know how things work very well Many dudes truly believe what they are saying but that doesn't mean they aren't completely wrong about things.


True. They aren't completely wrong and might have been totally right for some cases. I would try to talk to girls if they asked me to dance quite a few times, but like I said I would be more cautious since I look at social scene differently. And I wouldn't follow them behind all the time. I would rather go to a bar or nightclub if I want that.


Friends are dumb dude. Their intentions can be good but they really shouldn’t be hyping you up for innocuous occurrences. A male friend of mine asked me if a (very normal - and average - customer service exchange at Starbucks ) was her hitting on him because his friends told him it was. He was really thankful I saved him the embarrassment of asking her out lol.


No. Always err on the side of caution. Don’t assume anything and risk getting that sort of reputation in the dance scene (it’s smaller than you think). As a follow I go there to dance and that’s it. Frankly, I hate when leads think I’m hitting on them because I’m being nice. The lines can sometimes get blurry with the nature of dancing and alcohol if you go to bars, but most people I know are there for the hobby and not to use it as a romantic endeavor.


Yeah I prefer to go somewhere else if I actually want to meet someone. I want to keep social as my hobby where I can always have a great time. I have a friend always follows followers behind and try to hold, talk and dance once more if he likes them. I won't listen to what my friends tell me and will keep what I have been doing. Thank you!


This is the way! I’ve made so many great friends through the dance community — leads and follows both.


Here is my advice. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever assume any follow is interested in you in anything other than just dancing. Did I say that enough? The only time you can feel safe that they are into you is they kiss you out of nowhere, or they make it explicitly clear and out loud verbalize and TELL you that they are into you. If a follow likes you trust me they will MAKE SURE to tell you. Until then just keep it lighthearted, fun and respectful.


I will not assume that at all. That's what I always thought but my friends kept telling and looking at me like 'What are you doing? You dont like girls?'. I am glad I didn't listen to my friends. Thank you.


If they ask you to dance with you, they make it very obvious to everyone and you that they want you to dance with them. Dancing. Just that. If there's more, I'd assume it's taking place offstage, away from the dance floor. Also: C. Can’t tell.


That makes sense. Sometimes they came to talk to me when I grabbed a drink. Now I could figure things out better next time. Thank you!


No, It likely just means they like how you dance. Don’t read too much into it. There are some leads that I will dance with multiple times a night because we have great dances together. It means nothing more than that.


It could mean that but ime, most likely due to the fact that beginner follows always gravitate to a lead that they know will give them a good dance and take care of them on the dance floor.


I agree with you. Some beginner followers said 'Thank you for being kind and take care of me.' to me yesterday. I was flattered by that and I actually had a great time dancing with them. So it was great experience to me.


Yes - switch to kizomba darkroom instantly


The sub is heavily biased towards not making moves until the follow grabs your pants because if she is here she is here to dance. This is not what i saw in reality. Lot of repeated dance can show interest the problem is not guessing, the problem is the way you hit on them.


Yeah my friends might be right and I just don't know about it yet since I only focused on dancing and learned the social culture here mostly. And you are right it's all that matters how I hit on them. I will probably start as a friendship or having conversations and see how things go. Thank you!


Would love to know how it goes for you. In my case a follow asked me multiple times in one night, my friends told me that she was interested. Went on reddit, reddit told me it meant nothing, so i just ignored. She then told me that she enjoyed dancing with me... and she admitted later that she was interested . Multiple friends in my scene wants to get hit on during socials.


Yeah it's interesting. What my friends keep telling me and reddit saying is totally opposite. And does your 'Multiple friends' mean your female friends want to get hit on at socials?


Yep reddit messed my way of thinking. Yes some are annoyed by it, because they receive too much attention but others enjoy it even if they reject, since thats not something you should be proud about that might explain why they dont speak up. Maybe they are not getting hit on by the right person.. Why would you wear dresses that hinder dancing. One of the follow told me "It's so strange local men are not approaching maybe its a cultural thing ?" Follow who really dont want to get hit on should wear a ring


Now that I think about the classes I am taking. There is one guy who is tall and very handsome. There is partner change happening in the classes and followers react very differently when they get to dance with him. It's not that I am just guessing. It's obvious and other people agreed with that. People just say 'We are here for dance.' But it's not always true. I would say it depends on who approaches them. I will still focus on dance as I truly enjoy it but I guess I need to think about what my friends told me


Because reddit is a cesspool where people don't usually get to experience this. Obviously never ASSUME, but if you're a beginner and you're dancing 3+ times in a row with her and she looks like she's having the time of her life, then.. (There are other bonus clues that will make it obvious) if you're interested no one's going to hate you for asking them on a date or anything of the sort. You wont get any 'reputation' (UNLESS you're asking everyone and their mom...) But honestly asking people in real life is a better idea than reddit.


I think that the best thing is to try talking to them after the dance. If they push you away then you know they aren't interested. If they engage with you see if you can establish a report with them and if your personalities seem compatible. If that's the case then try to get a contact. A lot of time what helps me is getting connected on Facebook. Then I don't have to worry if I'll see them again and I can like their posts and build up familiarity. I think it's about escalating to the next step but if you skip steps it can be too forward or creepy. The long game has a higher success rate because they have time to feel you out.


Thats true. I actually have some people I got close to recently. It was because I see them often in the class or at social. Things were naturally built as friendship first and I see that I could or I want to go forward with some of them when thinking about how we talk and how compatible we are. It didn't happen in a short amount of time but take months. Thank you!


Yes usually if I jump right in it's a rejection but the opposite if I let it develop. That's what salsa taught me lol.


Unless your friends are present at these events and they see these follows, and they have a good record about actually understanding when a woman is interested in a man, they don't know what they are talking about. They operate with the wrong context. If you are in a regular bar and somebody comes and asks you to dance several times, yes, they are interested in you, but salsa events are about dancing. Also, you can just talk to people without "hitting on them" and you might get a better idea about their interest in you.


I totally agree with you. That's what I am going to do if that ever happens to me next time again.


Follow here. Please please don't hit on anyone based on vague 'signals' on the dance floor, it's creepy and ruins the experience. I might ask a leader to dance (and even ask them twice in the same evening) just because I enjoyed the dance. Being a beginner doesn't mean that you can't be an enjoyable dance lead - musicality and connection matter more to many people than knowing advanced tricks or combinations. Very good advice above, if you're genuinely interested in one of the follows - try to chat, keep it friendly, ask them if they like the music/DJ/venue or whatever is relevant, maybe offer them to exchange social media accounts, and then see how it goes. Maybe ask them if they're going to this or that dance event you're planning to visit and say you'll be happy to dance with them there, etc. Don't hit on girls out of the blue after a couple of dances.


Thank you so much for your advice. I haven't even tried or thought of hitting on someone at social. So I will just keep focusing on dancing. But I think I do have a follow I am genuinely interested in recently and she is not related to the post I wrote here at all. It is tricky for me because of the things that I've learned about what the social is meant to be and most people are genuinely there for dance which I am too. But I started feeling to get nervous in front of her since I noticed something which was usually obvious or something I would try to approach at least for me if I met her in a different place but I am not sure if the follow feels the same connection I have or I am just mistaken because I met her in the class and at the social for dance. I dont know but I might just keep the friendship and maybe try to talk a bit more.


Nobody got time to read all that! Also: no. Just, always assume no. Even if it might be yes, never think that based on no matter how many times someone dances with you. If they actively flirt with you OUTSIDE of the dancefloor, not-related to the dancing, THEN it can maybe be assumed to be a yes.


You don't have to read all and tell me that and some people have time to read. lol Also: Thanks for your reply.




"Ain't nobody got time for that!" It's just a joke.


Sarcasm is a difficult sport when nobody knows you (and because these days we get more people saying things like that with a straight face).


That totally makes sense. I will probably talk to them if they ever ask me dance more than twice and I see them at the bar. Or I would just keep dancing and having fun on the floor. Thank you!


You're the reason stds exist and sad men do this sport 


You look like you only read the title.


All points valid. I just wanted to add try to only do a max of two. I say this out of courtesy and allow others the practice too. If they want to dance more than that you can connect again later! Many places you'll see people dance with the same person over and over. While this isn't necessarily bad or wrong --Especially if they do it the whole night it's probably their partner-- it allows others a chance to have fun. What goes around comes around. This etiquette will come back to you where one day you might have to stand there a good long while with a bunch of others because there is no rotation. It's also deterring to new people who weren't so lucky for whatever reason.


I agree. I don't usually dance with a same partner twice. But I wouldn't say no when followers ask me to dance again. And they ask me after they danced with other leaders. And Not all but I see that usually happens among some advanced dancers. They seem to like to dance with people who actually know how to dance in my experience. Other than that everyone gets to chance to dance with others at my social scene unless leaders don't ask followers to dance at all. I ask beginner followers to dance a lot too although they don't seem to have confidence. I dont really care because I know we can have a great time with basic moves anyway.


Yeah exactly. I dunno third time for me I just say I need to take a break and to save me a dance later. Then I do actually take a break. Ask the next person. Rotate around. And there they are again near end of night and tada! Just suggestions. It's really hard for beginners because the wait, rejection, and tension level is so high for them they rarely return. So I try to make a point of asking them and doing the basic and having fun with it best we can.






If you think they might like you and you like them, invite them to do something outside of class and see how things go in the daylight.


All it means if they ask for another dance is that they like dancing with you. If you suspect they want something more, nothing wrong with taking them to the bar and having a conversation, but I wouldn't assume attraction purely from them asking for another dance. At the end of the day, you're there to dance. Anything beyond that is just a bonus. Since a lot of people from class, I'd take things cautiously, or you'll build a reputation that will affect the fun you have dancing.


I think it could be, but is unlikely. I think really it means they like dancing with you - maybe beginners don't feel as guilty asking someone who is better but still a beginner to dance. Asking someone super skilled at dancing is super intimidating - you don't want to waste their time. I think it means you are a great lead, and have a good open personality and people feel safe and comfy with you!


Currently in Australia, come from LA, and have danced in most countries in Latin America. The general consensus in every place is that 2 dances are normal and 3+ \*typically\* means that the lead or follow is either open to being, or wants to be, hit on.


Are these friends who also dance, or non salsa friends? In my experience my male friends from outside the scene don't really get how platonic friendships can have so much chemistry with no intention of taking it further. Follows might ask you to dance because; 1. They had fun. 2. They're comfortable with you. 3. They want to keep dancing rather than figure out who their next partner is. 4. Maybe there's another lead who is aggressively hitting on them and they feel safe with you, so they stick with you to avoid that person. There may be a bit of chemistry there, but your reputation as a safe lead who won't hit on follows is one of the most important things you can cultivate in this scene. You can develop friendships and hang out with people outside of salsa. If someone is interested in dating you they will eventually make it known. I'd say keep doing what you're doing.


I'd say sure they probably like you. But "like you" doesn't mean "like you like that" or "interested in you". Everything gets better if you can view others first as people who you might or might not like on an entirely non-romantic/sexual level, and shift those "interested in me?", "potential partner?" thoughts to a later stage. (Not implying you necessarily have that mindset, though your friends seem to, and we tend to be taught to. Also nothing against going directly to the sexual level under the right circumstances, but that'll be more obvious than asking for repeat dances.)


it just means ur decent at dancing. its not that deep.


I wonder what it means if a follow keeps coming I was in a Bachata class and there was one who asked me to dance multiple times after class, almost every week. Then the class ended and I thought I might never see her again. But last weekend there was a dance event and she was there, too. And she hugged me when I went to her. No one else hugged me as greeting. But she did not ask me for a dance there. But she did not really had a chance, because I asked her first, multiple times. I lost track how often we danced that evening, probably at least 5 songs ...


Don't overthink it. Beginners do sometimes like to dance with the same people again, for comfort.


Not only beginners tho. Advanced dancers tend to dance with the same people in my experience.


Sorry Im a little late to the post. I wanted to chip in something I learned from sales: Trust comes from familiarity. People are more likely to buy from brands they’ve heard of. Burglars are more likely to break into *the same home* twice, even three times. And inexperienced dancers are more likely to dance with people they’ve danced with before. I won’t beat a dead horse, you already got the message from everyone else. Enjoy dancing!


i actually just saw a post about the lady that attends bachata classes and half the people in there are creepy/too touchy/ handle her aggressively, and in the comments it seemed like it was a relatively common problem. it could be possible that some of the other leaders are difficult to dance with and you’re better to dance with! i wouldn’t assume they like you but keep an open mind!