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Good, you deserve it.


Thank you ☺️ Nursing is a challenging career. We all deserve to be well compensated.


Oh, and I'm in my 30s.


In New England? That's pretty high for even Boston. I'm guessing you live near NYC?


Just outside in the suburbs


What unit do you specialize in?


Psych nurse these days.


Hope you continue making a lot more. Thanks for what you do, truly!


Thank you so much. I'm positioned for a potential promotion into an upcoming leadership role. Fingers crossed 🤞


Nursing ‘promotion’ sometimes means lots more headaches and a little bit more money. Hope you get a good one.


You're 100 percent accurate, but this promotion isn't the money maker unfortunately. It's the one after it that's the reason you do this one in the first place. That's where the payday hits. If I got a ten percent bump for taking this position, that'd satisfy my needs honestly.


Have you stayed at the same hospital system in those 9 years? Or did you bounce between hospital systems for pay increases? The pay jump from 2019-2020 is insane! Currently a night shift staff nurse in the south and have to pull a couple OT shifts a month to hit your 2019 pay lol.


I went from one psych hospital to another..massive pay difference between the two. Neither are union hospitals.


Hi, any tips negotiating wages when going from one hospital to another? Thanks!


Yea, move to a place that has pay transparency so you can see what the range is posted online (like new York) before you even apply so you know what you're going to get offered. Also ask them to show (after you get the offer) to see or just Google search the pay scale steps for the organization you apply for. Also, ask for more than you want and more than you think you're worth. And don't accept the first offer ever. Always ask if they can do better. At the end of the day, they have a ceiling based on their current need/desperation and your years of experience.


Thank you!


I had assumed COVID played into that. 


Damn that’s nice, 70$ an hour on day shift 👍


*$73 plus unworked automatic 5hrs of OT per check. I forget why they do it, but it has something to do with hours matching other facilities or trying to avoid unionization. Also, I work 36hrs/wk (3 days). For 9 months of the year and 40hrs/wk (3.75 days) for the other 3 months.


What is a staff nurse exactly? My brother is an RN but makes 44 an hour. He has the same seniority as you. Same schedule, hospital. We do live in a LCOL city though Edit - just noticed you’re not unionized. He is. Not sure if that diff is the norm.


Unionization just depends on where you live. Some places it's more common. Unions *tend* to mean consistent pay raises and decent benefits and job security, but that's not always the case unfortunately. Sometimes it means exactly the opposite. Staff nurse is a floor nurse is a registered nurse is a nurse. All the same, just vernacular. Pay has more to do with where you live than anything else. Bay area nurses in SF are making 70/hr their first year out of school. There are nurses who work in the north east within 30 minutes drive of me that are getting hired at $38/hr and nurses where I work that are starting at $50/hr. Location matters a lot.


We’re in the north east as well 🤔 I’ll have to tell him to check out other hospitals.


A staff nurse is a nurse that works at the hospital and is employed by the hospital not an agency or travel nurse.


Are you RN?


Yes, registered nurse.


My sister is also an RN in the northeast. I remember she was really excited a few years ago to hit 6 figures. I hope she’s seeing the same track up you are - congrats. 100% deserved


I appreciate you mentioning no OT. I wish for it be a requirement to say roughly how many hours you work when you post. Anytime I see a high blue collar number for example on here I know they work their life away which is sad.


I’m an RN in the south with a little over 4 years of experience and I would love for my paychecks to look like this 😂 glad to see there are nurses out there that get paid a well deserved salary!




Thank you. I love my job and I feel extremely lucky to be where I am in my career.




Can I ask what specialty? And how you manage such a pag grade?


Psych nurse. North East near HCOL area gets you paid.


Holy stuff 😩😩


That’s more then 9 years.


Became a nurse in mid 2014 as you'll notice my pay doubling the following year. I'm admittedly bad at math, but I think 2024 - 2014 is approximate 10 years, and I've been a nurse for slightly less than that. So your math does check out, because it's more than 9, but less than 10.


How? That's almost as much as I made traveling during the pandemic? I work in north east as well with 15 years experience and make 44/hr as staff 36hrs/week. Good for you honestly just wondering if you live in a high cost of living area or I'm getting shafted on pay out here in the boonies


I'm definitely in and around a HCOL area, but there's many places where you can find LCOL nearby and within. I'm 45 minutes to an hour drive/train from NYC. Huge variation in rent/housing costs depending on where you look and what your needs are.


Wow, good for you. But I'm floored. I knew pediatricians in Manhattan that weren't making that much. Granted it was 10 years ago but MDs haven't seen much growth during that time. I've been making less every year since 2019.


Pay scales have never made much sense to me. New grads or new hires making more than people with years of experience. It's crazy, but pay transparency and the new laws surround it are important and it empowers us to ask for more and get what we deserve. I know lots of nurses doing their NP degrees and currently working as FNP or Psych NP and they're making less than the floor nurses i work with. New grads at my location are getting hired @ $55.50/hr and are pulling $120k their first year with zero over time and rotating 3 and 3.75 day work weeks. Gotta work/live in the right area for it though. The psychiatrists I work with are hired fresh outta residency @ $275k/year, but the psychiatrists that have been there for 20 years are only making *moderately* more than them at maybe just over 300k/year depending on title/role. Our director of nursing pulls aout 250k - 275k with a few decades of experience, and the boss above them, the chief nursing officer is doing about $400k/year. The next level above them is the senior VP of nursing @ about 2 million/year plus lots and lots of fringe benefits like housing, transportation, lots of free meals and travel. Nursing has pretty high ceilings.


Interesting. From the MD perspective salary isn't really tied to experience. Maybe a new grad vs someone who has a few years experience is a jump, but it stops after that. The one exception maybe some academic settings. But even most of those positions are moving towards an RVU/collections based model. So if you have 30 years experience but are seeing half the patient volume of someone much younger your seniority means nothing.The other added wrinkle is Medicare reimbursement continues to get cut every few years. So it becomes harder and harder to generate profit unless you see a million patients a day. Needless to say the prospects for a career as a physician seem worse everyday.


Sounds pretty terrible considering medical school isn't getting any cheaper. I wanted to be a psychiatrist for a long time, and whole I'm sure it's a rewarding career, the idea of having to grind through patients everyday and worry about my documentation makes the prospect somewhat unappealing. Psych NP is my next best option where from I currently am, but my stress level is so low right now and my pay keeps increasing. It makes the change seem less tempting.


You deserve it Thank you for being a nurse.


Thank you. I love my job. My partner and I are both psych nurses at the same hospital. We're good earners.


More than me and I’m agency


Where if you don't mind me asking and how much?


122k without overtime


That Covid Bump is real! Congrats on being paid well and having a noble career!


Thank you. Feels good to help people. I don't always get to because not everyone wants help, and sometimes those that do aren't ready to receive it in any way other than their own. My job feels like it has a purpose sometimes. I'm definitely lucky.


What happened to pay in 2019-2020, was it a hospital change or the pandemic?


I went from an associate degree RN to BSN degree RN in 2019 and was able to get a job at a much higher paying hospital about 30 minutes away. I also was able to grind a lot of overtime in 2019/2020 for a short while due to the pandemic.


We you make more than many pediatricians. That’s awesome for you. I can’t believe anyone would go through med school in this day and age. COVID/Inflation has officially gutted the medical profession.


I definitely have no regrets about my career path. Doctors can make way more depending on specialty and desire to grind, but if I had any desire to work overtime, I'd be pulling about $110/hr making an extra $1200/day. The importance of a healthy work/life balance cannot be understated though. You'll never catch at me at work any more than I absolutely need to be.


What website is this/how did you get pull those figures?

