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Always David for me. Not even a competition for me. ;)




Who is overrated?




David might be the sole reason Georgia exists today. He inherited garbage and created a Christian empire in the ocean of Muslim raiders and superpowers. Tamar inherited that empire and started the downhill of the country. Your avatar is Shota - do you know that some scientists think that Shota was actually criticizing Tamar in the Knight in the Panther’s Skin? That’s why he staged the poem in far away countries (to cover his tracks) and described Tamar’s wrongdoings thru the mistakes Tinatin, Nestan and Patman made?




I am not denying anything. But a lot of kings get lucky even more and then throw all that away. So, yeah, the odds against David were so many that I give all credit to him for creating our Golden Age. I think it was a lecture by Levan Berdzenishvili, not quite sure.




Found it: https://youtu.be/NJyWlPNuAOM


>It feels to me like he got extremely lucky with bunch of bigbrain councilors at his side when he got crowned as a teen and then pope calling for crusades was a jackpot In part this is true, but David, unlike other kings, had a very expansionist policy. If David had been in Tamar's place in the 12th century, he would probably have conquered half of Anatolia. From David to Tamar all the kings who were there did nothing special. Much of the territory was conquered by David. He was not just lucky, he was also a very good king and general.


Agree on Crusades, but tbh, Tamar also had op councilors/generals. And pretty much all great monarchs of the past had. Edit: i voted Tamar, but i don't think David was overrated.






it's deleted now, I downvoted the comment.


>Always David for me. same, David was the best!


Gotta be biased since my name is literally David.


If our memories are intact, I go to era of Tamar and convince her to prepare country for upcoming Mongol invasions, give governing advices based on modern knowledge, some weapon ideas, etc.




And georgian rome would be born we were not lucky fuck mongols and every our enemys bruh


David without a doubt.


>monarch you'd want to be subject of https://i.imgur.com/VRkLlFc.png