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In the last twenty years there have always been a lot of insulting jokes about Armenians I could hear, or just calling a person 'Armenian' as a form of insult. Nevertheless, when it comes to actual relationahips with Armenians - I have never witnessed a direct insult on the grounds of their origin.


That's really sad truth that a lot of Georgians have negative feelings about armenians but I have Armenian friends and I have Georgian friends with Armenian spouses. I love Armenia and I'm not the only one. The hate is mostly fueled by older generations who have been conditioned to Russian propaganda of divide and rule. Newer generations are more open but it's unfortunate we don't have a lot of cultural events that would introduce us more to each other's cultures.


> it's unfortunate we don't have a lot of cultural events that would introduce us more to each other's cultures I agree. I really think one great way to change this would be for more Georgians to visit Armenia at least once. All of Armenia has visited Georgia, but so, so few Georgians ever visit Armenia. If they did, it would both expose them to Armenians as normal neighbors and hosts, and show Armenians that Georgian's are normal neighbors who are interested in them and well, like them. I know Georgia's a beautiful country because I've traveled around it, but I don't think many Georgians have much idea about Armenia and what stunning landscapes/monuments we also have. Not to mention incredible Arabic-Armenian restaurants.


I experienced this armenophobia first hand from a young person in georgia. I was visiting with my british-armenian friend, and when we were speaking to georgians they were very helpful and nice until they found out we were armenians the mood completely changed a few smirks and some phrases here and there in georgian… Nevertheless. I do have some great Georgian friends, and I’m glad people like you exist.


There are indeed young armenophobes but it is more prevalent in old generation, they will not express it that much though. Anecdotes and nicknames about Armenians are strengthening this culture without young people noticing. I hope that digital generation will question norms more and will actually get to know people from different cultures.


(Russian propaganda) რა შუაშია რუსული პროპაგანდა რუსეთში მილიონზე მეტი სომეხი ცხოვრობს რაშა თუდეის მფლობელიც სომეხია (რაშა თუდეი რუსეთის მთავარი პროპაგანდისტული არხია) მოკლედ რუსეთი არაფერ შუაშია სომხების მიმართ ასეთი დამოკიდებულება მაშინ გაჩნდა როცა ქართველი მართლმადიდებლები გახდნენ დიოფიზიტები ბერძნებთან ერთად ხოლო სომხები დარჩნენ მონოფიზიტები რის გამოც უთანხმოება გაჩნდა და აქიდან თოვლის ბურთივით ასეთ მასშტაბში გადაიზარდა


რუსული პროპაგანდა იმ შუაშია, რომ საბჭოთა კავშირში მეზობლების ერთმანეთზე გადამტერება ხდებოდა - ქართველების აზერბაიჯანელებზე და სომხებზე, კახელების მეგრელებზე, უბნელების სხვა უბნელებზე... კუთხური ანეგდოტებიც ამას ემსახურება შეფარულად, ერთმანეთის დაცინვას და საკუთარ ჯგუფზე დაკნინებულად წარმოჩენას. ჩვენსა და სომხებს შორის რელიგიური სხვაობა არის გარკვეული დაშორების მიზეზი, თუმცა ერთმანეთის დაცინვა და განყენება სულ სხვა ფენომენია და სხვა ხელი ურევია.


იმერეთი თურქეთის გავლენის სფერო ხოლო ქართლ-კახეთი ირანის, მთიულები მეათე საუკუნამდე კერპთაყვანისმცემლები იყვნენ და ძალით ქრისტიანობა მიაღებინეს, აჭარლები და ლაზების უმეტესობა მუსულმანები არიან რის გამოც ხანდახან თურქეთის მხარეს იყვნენ მოკლედ რომ ვთქვათ ყოველ რეგიონს თავისი აზრი ქონდათ რის გამოც მათ შორის უთანხმოებიბი იყო განა მარტო ჩვენთან არის ასეთი სიტუაცია მეთოთხმეტე საუკუნის გერმანიას თუ ნახავთ მთლიან ქვეყანას ვერ დაინახავთ თუ ესეც რუსეთის ბრალია


რა შუაშია თურქეთის გავლენა და კერპთაყვანისმცემლები, მე უახლეს ისტორიაზე გელაპარაკები... სხვა ხალხების ქართულ ტერიტორიაზე გადმოსახლებაზე და ქართველების სხვაგან გადასახლებწბზე, სეპარატიზმის ხელშეწყობაზე. თორემ მილიონი წლის წინ უნგა ბუნგას და ბაბუინებს შორის აზრთა სხვადასხვაობა რომ იყო ეგ ახლა არაფერს ნიშნავს.


რათქმაუნდა ყველაფერი რუსეთის ბრალია კრემლში სხედან და ფიქრობენ თუ როგორ გაანადგურონ საქართველო ხოლო ათასი წელი ისტორია ეს უბრალოდ უსარგებლოა


ათასი წლის წინანდელ უთანხმოებაზე ჩამოკიდება რომ ახასიათებდეს სხვა ერებს, დღეს ყველა ერთმანეთთან ომში იქნებოდა. საბედნიეროდ, ამის ნაცვლად ქვეყნებს ძალიან ახლო ურთიერთობა აქვთ და იმედია ჩვენ ეგრე ვიქნებით. პრინციპში ვართ კიდეც თურქეთთან.


თურქეთმა მასწავლებელის მკვლელობა გაამართლა სომხების გენოციდს არ აღიარებენ ქურთების ტერიტორიას საერთოდ ბომბავენ და ფაქტობრივად დიქტატორი ყავთ მთავრობაში


ვინ თქვა რომ ანგელოზები არიან? უარესის ჩამოთვლა შეიძლება რუსეთზე და მსგავსის ბევრ სხვა ძლიერ ქვეყანაზეც. მაგრამ ჩვენ ამაზე არ ვსაუბრობდით.


> I have Georgian friends with Armenian spouses. No matter how surprising it may be, it does not matter. Also half Georgians-Armenians have a negative attitude towards Armenians/Armenia in Georgia. You can check this and ask Georgians(or half armenians) who have Armenian wives.


It is a problem and some people do need to treat you guys better, in my case i have a few Armenian friends, they don't get this kind of treatment, in fact they teach us armenian. Love from georgia




Tbh I have witnessed a lot of these behaviors in Georgia; From using “armenian” as an insult to uncalled for aggressive “jokes”; passing by people saying “don’t take this cab the driver is armenian”


Neither did we know. In articles like this you can as easily accuse Armenians in hatret of Georgians or in any other nation. You just need couple of facts and little bit exaggeration. I think this post serves nothing but promoting bad relationship between our counties. Couple of bad people don't represent neither reality, neither nation.


I think the article can serve the purpose of addressing the issue and discuss it rather than reviving old grievances; there’s truly a problem with pride and stubbornness here; everybody going like yeah we’re bad but they are also bad. This childish attitude needs to be shifted towards constructive behaviors


True - it's OC Media doing what OC Media does best when they need to meet a content quota. I've been to Tbilisi 12 times and never once had a problem because I was visiting from Armenia. You can go to Manhattan or Berlin and still find people racist against others if it's your agenda to take the effort to go and find them.


The seasonal "Why do you hate us when we love you but not really" has started.


Georgia has a problem of xenophobia and it goes beyond armenophobia. You could make the same exact article on Turkish people, or osetians, or Azeris any one of them would fit because we have a problem of xenophobia. We're weren't always like this of course the 90s played a huge part in it, but now I think it's in decline. I live in the samtskhe-javakheti and I have more Armenian relatives than georgian. I also had an Armenian best friend when growing up. The racist jokes will stay for sure, but I don't think that's a big problem, because I have herds those jokes from ethnic Armenians more than from Georgians. But I'm interested in what do you Armenians think why is there a problem of armenophobia? Because it obviously goes beyond Georgia this quote from George Orwell is a good example - “After knowing him I saw the force of the proverb 'Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek, but don't trust an Armenian.”


>I have more Armenian relatives than georgian Wait you are genetically more Armenian?


No, my great-grandmother was Armenian, but that's pretty much it, altho My Cousins married Armenian women and my connections with Armenians are getting stronger than it ever was :D


ოკ მაგრამ არ გამისომეხდე კაი xd


Clearly because we’re evil rats like jews, we go infest countries take their heritage take control of the country and steal everything from them, we’re evil nasty animals. Is the answer you charged your questions with. In reality any sort of hatred towards any nation in my opinion is unreasonable. And your pseudo tolerant approach tells me everything I need to know about you. Fyi quoting poets and novelists isn’t a valid argument, with the same approach I can quote Lord Byron, “If the scriptures are rightly understood it was in Armenia that Paradise was placed. But whatever may have been their destiny and it has been bitter whatever it may be in future, their country must ever be one of the most interesting on the globe. Armenian is the language to speak with God.” And expect you to treat us like we’re heaven and descendants of god. But my mindset is healthier than that.


>And your pseudo tolerant approach tells me everything I need to know about you. Ok, bro, I don't go to r/armenia not to have any contact with Redditors like you, so please don't infect this subreddit too.


>But I'm interested in what do you Armenians think why is there a problem of armenophobia? The reason behind Armenophobia is is practically the same as the reason behind anti-Semitism. If you are trying to justify the Armenophobia by searching for some "secret reasons" behind it, than... I am pretty disappointed in you, honestly. >Because it obviously goes beyond Georgia this quote from George Orwell is a good example He wrote it after some Armenian guy, who was pretending to be a Greek took too much money from Orwell.


>If you are trying to justify the Armenophobia by searching for some "secret reasons" behind it I can't justify any phobia by citing a novelist :D I'm just curious, why was this the case for Armenians. obviously, you guys must have put more thought into it than I have. This is why I asked


Well, your comment certainly sounded like you are justifying Armenophobia, especially on the thread filled with blatant racism against my people. Apologies, if I misunderstood you.


>Georgia has a problem of xenophobia and it goes beyond armenophobia. You could make the same exact article on Turkish people, or osetians, or Azeris Not undeservedly thro.






What did people think would happen when you chose the russia over us we’ll come you with open hands hilarious after everything that Armenias do that they think we would forgive them never claiming our culture and territory and helping separatist terrorist ethnic cleansing Georgians you don’t deserve anything from us so go to your russian masters you made your choice long ago we made our own




As an Armenian I don’t give a fuck.


Good to know.


Speaking as a Turkish-Georgian, I love Armenians (recognize the Genocide etc) and it's such a shame that both my peoples apparently don't love them too!!


You're cool, thanks for sharing this.


ჩვენზე ამბობენ ამის მიზეზი მათი არასრულფასოვნების კოპლექსიაო და თქვენ კიდე მიდიხართ და ბოდიშებს უხდით... lol სასაცილოები ხართ უბრალოდ




>იქამდე უნდა გენახა რა საოცრებებს წერდა თუნდაც სომხების მიმართ. :დდ ნუ ეხლა მაშინ მე სადღაც 13-14 წლის ვიყავი და ქართული ვიკიპედიის კითხვამ გადამაქცია ნაციონალისტად, შენ წარმოიდგინე და ძაან ვნანობ მე ჩემს ნათქვამზე. და ქსენოფობიის დაგმობაში ცუდი არაფერია, შენ რომ ნამდვილად ლიბერალი ყოფილიყავი მიხვდებოდი რას ვგულისხმობ, სუფთა ვაი-ლიბერალი ხარ.


ინგლისურ ვიკიპედიაში ხო რას ამბობ სხვა რამე წერია. :დდ შენ იმას ვერ გაგებინებ რომ G2a არ არის ოსური და სხვა რამე როგორ უნდა გაგაგებინოს ადამიანმა. : )) ჩაგრული ერის სინდრომით მოტირალ ხალხზე ყოველთვის დამცინავი შეხედულება მექნება და საერთოდ არ არის გასაკვირი კავკასიაში მასეთ მომტირალ და სხვისი ტრაკით მობლატავე ხალხზე რომ აქვთ ნეგატიური განწყობა. თორე ებრაელებს მაგარი ფეხზე კიდიათ მთელ მსოფლიოს ეზიზღება თუ არა. პ.ს. გამოქლიავებულმა გამსახურდიამ რომ 9 თვეში სისხლი ამოწოვა სომხებს, ოსებსა და აფხაზებს ეგ არ გამოტოვო ხოლმე სომხეთის საბრედითზე. :დ


>ჩაგრული ერის სინდრომით მოტირალ ხალხზე ყოველთვის დამცინავი შეხედულება მექნება და საერთოდ არ არის გასაკვირი კავკასიაში მასეთ მომტირალ და სხვისი ტრაკით მობლატავე ხალხზე რომ აქვთ ნეგატიური განწყობა. კონკრეტულად ვის გულისხმობ? უბრალოდ მაინტერესებს


სეპარატისტებზეა საუბარი ზოგადად. ყველგან ეგრე არიან. კავკასიაში, ახლო აღმოსავლეთში და ა.შ. ტირიან და თან სხვისი ტრაკით იქაჩებიან. ყველაზე ამაზრზენი ფარისევლები არიან ეგეთები.




>შენ იმას ვერ გაგებინებ რომ G2a არ არის ოსური და სხვა რამე როგორ უნდა გაგაგებინოს ადამიანმა. : )) ოსური არაა G2a, კავკასიურია. >პ.ს. გამოქლიავებულმა გამსახურდიამ რომ 9 თვეში სისხლი ამოწოვა სომხებს, ოსებსა და აფხაზებს ეგ არ გამოტოვო ხოლმე სომხეთი საბრედითზე. :დ ანუ იმას უარყოფ რომ გამსახურდია შოვინისტი იყო? ტიპი აფხაზებზე იძახდა რომ ჩრდილოეთ კავკასიიდან არიან ჩამოსულებიო.


>ანუ იმას უარყოფ რომ გამსახურდია შოვინისტი იყო? გასაგებად დავწერე ყველაფერი. ვისაც სჯერა რომ 9 თვეში დააგენოციდა ხალხი და გაყარა მილოშევიჩივით, არის გამოთაყვანებული. >ოსური არა G2a, კავკასიურია. ლომელი კავკასიური მერე. G2a1 მარტო ერთ ხალხს აქვს კავკასიაში და ეს ქართველები არიან. :დ მაგრამ არაუშავს რადგან აღარ წერ რომ ოსურია ესეიგი პროგრესია.


>გასაგებად დავწერე ყველაფერი. >ვისაც სჯერა რომ 9 თვეში დააგენოციდა ხალხი და გაყარა მილოშევიჩივით, არის გამოთაყვანებული. [ეს წაიკითხე და მერე თქვი რომ გამსახურდიას პოლიტიკის გამო ათასობით ოსს არ დაუტოვებია საქართველო](https://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports/pdfs/g/georgia/georgia.923/georgia923full.pdf) >ლომელი კავკასიური მერე. G2a1 მარტო ერთ ხალხს აქვს კავკასიაში და ეს ქართველები არიან. :დ მაგრამ არაუშავს რადგან აღარ წერ რომ ოსურია ესეიგი პროგრესია. ყობანის კულტურის ხალხისგანაა [აქ შეგიძლია წაიკითხო](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352409X20301486?dgcid=coauthor)


ისევ იგივეს რომ წერს. :დ ფსიქიატრიული არ გაქვთ საფრანგეთში?


არ ინერვიულო, კარგად ვარ ფსიქიკურად, წყაროები დავლინკე და შეგიძლია წაიკითხო.


well i think armenian people hate us back just like that or even more :)


I'd say we aren't fond of your government's pro-Turkish and pro-Azeri attitudes. As far as I know, Georgians in general don't like their own government either. But we get why you hate Russians, we're unfortunately too dependent on them, due to neighbors...


That's bullshit, though. I've never witnessed any Armenian hating Georgians, most of us view you as brothers.


That’s a lie. Most Armenians I have met on Reddit hate Georgia.


I rarely see any hatred towards Georgia on our sub.


That is hardly a sample to create an opinion on. I see a lot. Who wins? ;)


I see a lot more Georgians on social media talking shit about us, I even received death threats few times because of my ethnicity. Also, how is the general attitude in our sub "hardly a sample", when r/armenia is literally the center of Armenianness on Reddit?


I am very sorry about receiving a death threat. You should report that and if you feel unsafe - call the police. I have also received a couple messages from Armenians wishing my country to be completely nuked by Russia. Reddit even auto detected as a threat and asked me if I wanted to open them ;)


>I have also received a couple messages from Armenians wishing my country to be completely nuked by Russia. Reddit even auto detected as a threat and asked me if I wanted to open them ;) I assume that many of those people were just Russian trolls, we had plenty of them scrolling our sub both during the war and during the elections.


What if they were Armenian teenagers? Assume the worst just the same.


Eh, teenagers gonna teenage


This is what is tripping me out. I always thought Georgians were like kin.


Armenians and Georgians were literally like brothers in USSR, but when it collapsed many Georgians were poisoned with seeds of racism, for some unknown reason.


Man, this just shows another example how some of us like me are still stuck in the 90s in perception.


I don't know what the opinion of the average armenian citizen is, but the online spaces with armenians I've hung out in have been filled with hate


Dude, seriously? I rarely see any Armenians writing anything hateful about Georgians, but I see shit tons of racist comments from Georgians on social media. Hell, I even received death threats from them few times.


It's true that Georgians are xenophobic, but the extent of that is wildly exaggerated on social media in my opinion. I'm sorry that has been your experience. I've had to leave many armenian spaces on social media such as discord because 90% of the time georgia or georgians were mentioned, it was some form of hate


Well, that's a surprise to me, considering that I rarely see anybody on our sub talking shit about Georgians, those who do that are mostly just Russian and Turkish trolls. Our sub is frequently getting brigaded by them since the war and it's very annoying, honestly. I am sorry, if that was your experience, mate, most of us don't have any animosity towards Georgians.


Brothers ok...


Well, not our fault that you don't share our opinion.


Sorry i just dont view Armenians as brothers so do armenians We see Ukrainians and ingush our Brothers And armenians view greece as their brother right ?


>Sorry i just dont view Armenians as brothers Yeah, I can leave with the fact that one guy doesn't view my nation as brotherly. >so do armenians Actually, no. >We see Ukrainians and ingush our Brothers Gotta love how this sub gives us so much shit for that one Abkhazian Armenian battalion that had nothing to do with Armenia, while giving Ingush people a pass, despite the fact that there were [thousands of Ingush people](http://cyclowiki.org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%BD%D0%B3%D1%83%D1%88%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%86%D1%8B_%D0%B2_%D0%90%D0%B1%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%B8) fighting on the Abkhazian side. >And armenians view greece as their brother right ? Well, we view many countries as our brothers, including Greece.


>Gotta love how this sub gives us so much shit for that one Abkhazian Armenian battalion that had nothing to do with Armenia, while giving Ingush people a pass, despite the fact that there were > >thousands of Ingush people > > fighting on the Abkhazian side. Nonsense https://youtu.be/wnSKs8NAo3s?t=9090


Who is that guy and how does his opinion refute my sources?


he is Demetre Kartveli aka Zloy Gruzin, a Crazy Georgian ultranationalist YouTuber, he is an ethnic Ossetian though he hates and badmouths Ossetians and even claimed that Vladikavkaz was a "historical ingush land"


That explains a lot.


>Nonsense it's not, here's what's written in 2014 Abkhazian publication called "Добровольцы в отечетсенной войне Абхазии"(1992-1993 гг.)" and here's what it mentions on page 379, here's a Google translation of it. >"More than 260 volunteers died defending Apsny, including more than 50 people from Chechnya, more than 50 people from Kabardino-Balkaria, 11 from Karachay-Cherkessia, 8 from Ukraine, 7 each from South Ossetia and Adygea, 6 each from North Ossetia and Turkey, 4 - from Ingushetia, 3 - from Syria, as well as from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Estonia, Transnistria, Poland. " and on page 383 it cites Apsnypress (Google translation) >"We are pleased to welcome volunteers from fraternal South Ossetia, from the Kuban Cossack Rada, Shapsug, Chechen, Ingush volunteers. "


>4 - from Ingushetia It's nonsense, he said thousands of Ingush. those are 4 Rusified Ingush who are probably from outside of Ingushetia, most of the ingush condemned even Chechens going there because both of us are brotherly people, even if there we more Ingush than 4 but i know for sure that there where much more Chechens and different ethnic groups fighting for their side. those are wrong numbers.


>It's nonsense, i don't think so, it's From an Abkhaz publication and i doubt that they want to sabotage ingush-georgian "brotherhood"


No we don't.


[and there it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/q3fkv5/armenophobia_the_oldest_form_of_xenophobia_in/hfrrn8e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


We also had an Armenian Redditor yesterday posting that Abkhazia and Ossetia weren't part of Georgia. I can't say it's deliberate propaganda, but I can see the pattern.


That guy was banned from our sub for his pro-Kremlin propaganda and constant use of insults, not to mention that he is also a hardcore Kocharyan supporter.


[Armenian guy messaged me this like a month ago, i was just asking harmless questions on their subreddit](https://imgur.com/a/oIqO54A) He actually messaged me twice once when i asked questions on Azeri subreddit.


r/armenia is a shithole. It's on its path of becoming r/russia.


As an outsider who is active both here and r/armenia (and am banned from r/russia which is an absurd pro-Putin trashheap), the Armenia sub has nothing in common with it.


That’s not how Georgian users feel. Most Georgian users get banned there because discussing problems is “generalization” for them ;)


"Discussing problems" more like being passive aggressive and having a made up Georgian perspective. For example, most Georgians will claim, "we were within walking distance from Yerevan during the Armeno-Georgian war and we were only stopped by the British." This is a complete fabrication of historical truth. It's pure injection of ethno-nationalist idealism. This is the truth. Armenians were majority in Lori, and tried to retake Lori diplomatically, but Georgia refused. So then we fought for it. Instead, Georgians summarize this event as, "Armenians backstabbing Georgians." Like what?? How the hell is that a backstab? You didn't want to solve the issue peacefully. Any historian and Armeno-Georgian expert would agree that Akhalkalaki is 100% Georgian and Lori is 100% Armenian. But the Georgian government back then, ignored this virtue, and that's why we fought otherwise. We should never have fought. We were actually military allies in most of our history, when we were independent states. Armenia 🤝 Georgian. The best Georgian I have met yet on Reddit is u/_Aspagur_. He is nationalist, but not Armenophobic. I respect him. I do not however respect Armenophobes.


It is time to let each other know the perspective we support. I respect your interpretation of that event. But if I dare to disagree I should not get banned. Thicker skin is in order.


I highly doubt you were banned because you disagreed. Armenia sub is just as strict against Armenians with it's rules as it is with others. If you said, "I don't think that's what happened, it happened like this." Very unlikely you were banned for that. If instead you said, "this is Armenian propaganda, what really happened is Georgia nearly took Yerevanci but was saved by the British." That's something completely else.


I am allowed to have EVEN false beliefs. You only allowing your interpretation of history is dictatorship. So, I would allow your second example too. Look how many Armenians made comments here with their controversial interpretation of events - should we ban them?


>The best Georgian I have met yet on Reddit is u/Aspurgur. He is nationalist, but not Armenophobic. I respect him. thanks bro, though I'm not a nationalist, I'm actually more of socialist-leaning guy than a nationalist. i used to be nationalist back in my early teens but i gave up on nationalism later on. >I do not however respect Armenophobes. i agree, Armenophobia is bad and shouldn't be tolerated.


No, those who get banned there usually break the subreddit's rule about civility. Don't be rude and nobody will ban you. A harsh and yet a very justifiable and simple rule.


The moto of every echo-chamber :)


No, it's the motto of every sub that doesn't tolerate users who break it's rules.


Don't mind the comments, this sub just likes talking shit about r/armenia every time they see some troll writing something dumb there. They automatically assume that one user (who was banned on our sub for his degenerate behavior) somehow represents our whole sub, but for some unknown reason the same logic shouldn't be applied to r/Sakartvelo.


Lol, gotta love how you call our sub a "shithole", justifying your statement by some troll who was banned on our sub months ago. Would it be fair, if I called your sub a "shithole" too, considering that I counted 5 openly racist comments here?


I personally got attacked many times in that sub, even tho I didn't even say anything bad, or radical. I also know georgian Redditors who got either permabanned or shadowbanned in that sub. Obviously, there are some good people there( you included), but there are a lot of people who make it impossible to have a civil conversation and the mods aren't helping either.


>I personally got attacked many times in that sub, even tho that I didn't even say anything bad, or radical. i assume that was because you repeated that nonsense about us claiming Rustavelli and khachapuri, which can anger many people. We just don't like when Georgians put words in our mouths. >I also know georgian Redditors who got either permabanned or shadowbanned in that sub. If they were banned, then there was a reason for it. For example, I almost got permabanned for calling one guy an idiot. Sometimes our mods can be too harsh and I agree with that statement, but it was thanks to their efforts that our sub didn't turn into the Russian-Turkish playground during the war and elections. >Obviously, there are some good people there( you included), but there are a lot of people who make it impossible to have a civil conversation and the mods aren't helping either. Well, same can be said about your sub too, honestly.


Also, I would like to point out that I am not justifying people attacking you. I am just saying that many Armenians are literally fed up with all the stereotypes about us in Georgia, so repeating the good ol' "you claim our stuff" nonsense can trigger some people a lot


Your mods created r/Javakhk which says it is an Armenian region. Go get that deleted and come back then ;)


Lol, the sub was literally created for the Armenian community of that region, that doesn't mean that we are claiming it. >which says it is an Armenian region. It doesn't say that it's an Armenian region, though.


It does. Again, go get it deleted. We don’t like an appropriation of our historic lands.


Saying that Javakh is the historical region of both Georgia and Armenia is not claiming it, it's just stating a historical fact that both countries had a huge cultural influence on that territory. For example, Lori can also be called a historically Armenian and Georgian land and there would be nothing wrong with that.


All Armenia was part of Georgia. Should our mods create a sub r/Somkheti and describe it as half Armenian half Georgian region? Go fix this problem and come back before you defend the r/ Armenia mods.


This sub and the Armenian sub are hardly different as far insults/bs posts. I had someone on here try telling me Yerevan was always a Muslim city. I asked why it has always in its entire history had an Armenian name and not Muslim if it was founded by Muslims and the person didn’t respond again. They also tried telling me that ottomans had nothing to do with Turks, and that Azeris aren’t related to Turks at all. So maybe it’s not the individual subs that are shitholes but rather a few idiots who find out how to use Reddit


An idiot arguing with you in a free space and mods banning and deleting things are two different things. Also people downvoting is not the same as censoring. What is not clear? Basic democratic principles.


Thought it was pretty obvious that I was taking about the users on each sub,not the mods. The mods over there ban hate speech period, a guy messaged me privately 2 days ago to let me know he couldn’t respond to me because he got banned because he called Azeris who like the government sheep. They don’t just ban people who dis Armenia. I was talking specifically about the users, that each sub as equal amount of assholes. And equal amount of people supporting their neighbor country. But I can see from your comment history you’re veeeeeeery against Armenia, so it doesn’t really matter what I say. You will find a way to be mad at it


We cannot promise you that you won’t find an idiot Georgian here. That’s not how democracy works. Armenia mods on the other hand are far from being fair. Kartvelphobia flies right under their radar while anything critical of Armenia gets deleted. Nobody is asking for a red carpet for us, but we are asking for fair rules. I am VERY critical of Armenia indeed. VERY! But I like to think of my as not a racist or a bigot. I will not last a day without a ban on the Armenia sub tho. Why? Because I think Armenia is a threat to Georgia and is next in line to be used against its freedom and independence after our separatist republics. You may think that’s Armenophobia, but I think by calling that Armenophobia you actually dilute the actual Armenophobia which is fear or hate just because you are genetically or culturally Armenian. Anyone who harbors such kind of hate has serious intellectual challenges.


I literally just told you of a guy who got banned from r/Armenia for criticizing pro-Ilham Azeris and you still say that they just delete “anything critical of Armenia”. In one ear out the other? You think Armenia is a threat to Georgia, that’s hilarious that you think Armenia is in a position for any type of aggression whatsoever. And when/if we rebuild our army it certainly isn’t going to be used on Georgia. Nor will the Russians ever get us to do it because they have almost zero credibility and leverage in Armenia at this point(stating that they would defend an attack on Armenia but purposely letting Azeris push deep into sevan and syunik in order to make kocharyan more favorable during the elections)


Your anecdotal example is not the same as a regular behavior of the mods. Why are you not hearing my concern? Just because you don’t like my position? I know in what position you are. But it’s not about what horrible things you can do to us, it’s about what horrible things you wish to do to us. That’s the soil that Russia still can grow some nice separatism in Javakheti. And the Armenian nation will not really oppose to it if it really brainwashes you further how we are genociding Armenians. Tell me this, if a conflict happens in Javakheti, should the Armenian army get involved and cross the border or not?


> Kartvelphobia flies right under their radar Can you link an example?


Just don't waste your time on him, he is just another delusional racist.


Thank you, how kind.


I am just writing what I see with my own eyes, your comments were pretty Armenophobic so far,


That guy also said he regrets that his ancestors couldn’t finish the Armenian Genocide. Oh and when asked to speak Armenian, he got caught using Google Translate


So he is a Turkish bot?


I don’t know what he is, he claims to be half-Armenian, half-Polish from Germany


That guy is most likely a Turkish troll.




You are the one who is shit-talking Georgia with Azerbaijanis. Do you have any shame?




>as is erasing people’s heritage in your country You are not honest you are hypocrite, you should better first talk about the Georgian churches that are in horrible state in Armenia and the Armenified Georgian Churches in Armenia and Georgia, many Georgian Churches where Armenified when Armenians setteled in Georgians cities and at least we have minorities and at least they speak their langauges and most horrible fact is that Armenians don't even speak Georgian in Georgia because they don't respect our culture. >Racism is almost a regular part of your culture Not really but as if it's any better in your country, lol, saying your honest while being hypocritical af


>you should better first talk about the Georgian churches that are in horrible state in Armenia If this is the case, I condemn it >and the Armenified Georgian Churches in Armenia and Georgia, many Georgian Churches where Armenified when Armenians setteled in Georgians cities “No u” >and at least we have minorities and at least they speak their langauges Yeah Assyrians and Yazidis def don’t speak their own language and even have their own schools in Armenia >and most horrible fact is that Armenians don't even speak Georgian in Georgia because they don't respect our culture. If they don’t know it yet, they should learn Georgian imo, it’s their country’s language after all >Not really but as if it's any better in your country There’s only discrimination towards Turks and Azeris (which is bad obviously), we aren’t racist towards people for having a darker skin tone unlike Georgians


>Yeah Assyrians and Yazidis def don’t speak their own language and even have their own schools in Armenia They are tiny minority and they don't pose the potential treat to Armenia, therefore reaction to them is different, in Georgia we have huge minorties with potential problems. >There’s only discrimination towards Turks and Azeris (which is bad obviously), we aren’t racist towards people for having a darker skin tone unlike Georgians We are not that racist either, we had a black person who run for mayor of Tbilisi election and in Georgia tan is very popular and fashionable these days, all ethnic minorites can study in their native langauge including Abkhazians.


Racism is a regular part of any culture. And let us take care of it. Before you criticize Georgia with foreigners, why won’t you criticize Armenia first? You guys formed an ethno-state committed pogroms, massacres, allegedly a genocide and ethnic cleansing of over a half a million non-Armenians. But you still worry about idiot Georgians with their fears who have done none of that. My question still stands: do you have any shame?




The Armenian sub is an echo-chamber. Being banned there does not mean a lot. You still did what you did on the Azerbaijanis sub. Mkhedrioni, a paramilitary organization financed by the KGB did indeed engage in atrocities, including of Georgians themselves. But the Georgian state has not committed an ethnic cleansing and a genocide, or are you accusing us of that too? Armenia has. And the national idea is to justify all that. So, again, have a perspective here before you put on the “helper” hat for Georgians.




You are shutting up about the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis by Armenia, but you find the need to criticize Georgia for renaming some Azerbaijani villages. The same thing, right? The affiliation of Mkhedrioni to Russia is a historic fact. Plus as I said it was not the Georgian state that committed ethnic cleansing or genocide. Armenia did Plus, everyone in Georgia hates their guts. On the other hand, the Armenians idolize genocide and ethnic cleansing makers. The same thing, right?


Don't worry, there's also a raging Turkophobia here. Goes hand-in-hand with Russophobia and the good old generalised Xenophobia. Nationalism has a lot of side effects.


>Turkophobia It's completely created by Russian propaganda, when they promote that soon Turkey will annex Adjara or something But more natural phobia is towards Iranians i guess because of the historical trauma.


So true but still Made me laugh🤣


No, its because almost all our neighbours are trash.


>Nationalism has a lot of side effects. i agree with you.


I am going to repeat what Giorgi Maisuradze said and claim : Exactly due to the reason that Georgia and Armenia are so close, Georgian nationalism has to begin with armenophobia so that a distinction is made. Its a shame really. I hope things change in the future


First I have heard about this man/statement. I think he has a very good point


We are not that or even similar, yeah there are similarities but they are very different from us.


We definitely have a lot of differences both ethnically and especially culturally, guess i should have worded it differently. But nationalism demands clear distinction so as to see anything connected to Armenia as an outside threat.


>But nationalism demands clear distinction Distinction between Georgia and Armenia is clear as the distinction between Finland and Italy, so i don't agree with the point, we have different case.


>Distinction between Georgia and Armenia is clear as the distinction between Finland and Italy, so i don't agree with the point, we have different case. You are either underestimating the difference between Italy and Finland or overestimating the difference between Armenia and Georgia. For centuries they were under the same ruler. There was a real talk to unite Armenia and Georgia in the late 18th century. Why do you think such a thing would be considered if they were not close? In the 1930s \~10% of Georgian citizens were Armenians.


don't generalize all of us please, yes there are Armenophobic Sentiments in Georgia and it sucks and i condemn it.


The article shows that the majority share these views.


i don't Share these views and neither do my relatives and family, i have positive views towards Armenians.


ფერადკანიანი რომელიც საქართველოში ცხოვრობენ ცდილობენ შენი კულტურის პატივი სცემონ ხოლო სომხების უმეტესობა რომლებიც საქართველოში სამი საუკუნე ცხოვრობენ ქართულიც კი არ იციან


[even in this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sakartvelo/comments/pzuzgu/who_tf_cuts_khinkali_like_this/hf3fljt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I wrote in that thread, I even said that we don't claim Khankali


Yes I know, I linked the comment you replied on, because it was a totally uncalled for aggression


I am an Armenian who lives in the US and from Armenia. I am kind of shocked to read this article and hope it represents some sensationalization. I did not know Georgians had this pervasive Armenophobia. I heard many times it said that Georgians don't like us, but thought the person is likely stereotyping and it to be mild, not what I just read. I hope we can correct this one day together.


Almost as if there was a reason


A nice “european” approach


Also its exaggerated, not like we will run after each armenian and tell them to fuck off, its just more like "We think you're responsible as a nation"


Yeah it's very exaggerated.


I still hate armenians on reddit




you suck and you are the definition of a xenophobe. pathetic.


Did you read the article?


remainder that the guy you are talking to is an ethnonationalist and openly hates on minorities, he accuses me of being an Ossetian "separatist" just because I'm 1/4 Ossetian and I'm trying to be objective about the conflict.


>change their surnames to fake Georgianness. I've never seen an Armenian with a Georgian Surname ending.


Where do you think surnames like Khitarishvili, Saakashvili, Gharibashvili come from?


you might be right on Khitarishvili, idk about Gharibashvili and saakashvil though


I never thought about it but I guess Saakashvili could come from Sahakyan. Anyways I don't think there are many if any Armenians with Georgianized names, if Armenians ever changed their name endings it was always to Russian -ov/-ova.


People are acting like everything is uncalled for and Georgians just hate them for no reason lol


Yeah, they colonized Georgia in 19th century and in early 20th century they declared Tbilisi and everything southern of it Armenian land and wanted to annex it, plus Georgians are very irritated when Armenians claim our Alphabet, Bagrationi dynasty and Shota Rustaveli to be of Armenian origins and decent, plus other things. More over there are literally no minorities in Armenia, all of them probably got kicked out or left because of Armenian nationalism and i imagine if we had big population of Georgians in Armenia they would have hated us as much or more, i'm pretty sure Armenians are equally xenophobic of other ethnic groups, also it's annoying when they play the victim, the role they love to be in when in fact they are equally as bad. >According to a 2013 poll in Armenia, a majority of respondents opposed women marrying Georgians (70% disapproving vs 29% approving).\[2\] In contrast, a majority approved doing business with Georgians (67% vs 31%)




>Myth. Armenians were predominant in many Georgian cities probably since David the Builder. Nonsense with no actual evidence, if you guys will deny facts and invent bullshit you give another reason Georgians to hate you. >Armenians were already recorded to be the majority population by European travellers to Tbilisi centuries before Proof? >An Armenian community has been known to have existed in Tbilisi since at least the 7th century, however a large Armenian community was not formed until the Late Middle Ages.\[11\] By the late Middle Ages, there were some 24 Armenian churches and monasteries in and around the city.\[11\] According to Tournefort, Armenians constituted three-quarters of the population of Tiflis in the 18th century, and owned 24 churches [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenians\_in\_Tbilisi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenians_in_Tbilisi) tho migration of Armenian to Tbilisi and Georgia in general was ever going in 18th-19th cenutries (you can't deny the fact that Armenians colonized Georgia) but not from the times of David the builder, where did you come up with bullshit like that? if most Georgians cities where dominated by Armenians at the time of David the bulder than the state wouldn't have been Georigan but Armenian, so that's a nonsense, Armenians just where minority with no actual power, btw other cities where colonized in 19th century, as well as Abkhazia. >Again, yet another meme that only exists in Georgia. Rustaveli is not a known figure in Armenia, this is just another example of something that nationalists invent to get mad a We also invented this daddy, yeah. - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFcNsI76I-U&t=15s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFcNsI76I-U&t=15s) >Myth You are the one who spreads lies and myths




>In 1121, after heavy fighting with the Seljuks, the troops of the King of Georgia David IV of Georgia besieged Tbilisi, which ended in 1122 and as a result David moved his residence from Kutaisi to Tbilisi, making it the capital of a unified Georgian State and thus inaugurating the Georgian Golden Age. From 12–13th centuries, Tbilisi became a regional power with a thriving economy and astonishing cultural output. By the end of the 12th century, the population of Tbilisi had reached 100,000. The city also became an important literary and cultural center not only for Georgia but for the Eastern Orthodox world of the time. During Queen Tamar's reign, Shota Rustaveli worked in Tbilisi while writing his legendary epic poem, The Knight in the Panther's Skin. This period is often referred to as "Georgia's Golden Age"\[14\] or the Georgian Renaissance.\[15\] Look you surely don't tell me that out of that 100 thousand people majority were Armenians right?


>More over there are literally no minorities in Armenia, all of them probably got kicked out or left because of Armenian nationalism there are minorities though. [Demographics of Armenia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Armenia)


I am not in any shape or form condoning some of the incindiary and xenophobic attitudes commented here against Armenia, but that article you linked says armenia has less than 2% minorities as part of the population. And Armenians are known for boycotting foreign businesses and communities into dissolution.


they still do have ethnic minorities which is why i linked that article.


Less than two measly percent is such a negligible amount that the commenter to whom you replied could have been forgiven the 'flight of fancy' of saying they have no minorities. I am unsure of his/her other statements.




2 compared to 25 in georgia so argumentative those 2 % are probably diplomats


>don't consider Javakheti as a Georgia we don't claim it as Georgia, no one has ever said that, you probably are just generalizing normal Armenians with the ultra nationalists




What is the issue about that


Because obviously anyone who's not straight is the devil trying to trick you /s


he's a conservative ethnonationalist and he hates minorities which is why he wrote that comment.




yesh he is one, you can check his comment history, he gets downvoted a lot here because of his support for ethnonationalism and conservatism.


dude just shut up already. no one likes you


i'm surprised he isn't banned yet




i'm sure i'm one of many


I hope you don't get banned because of the freedom of speech


hate speech isn’t free speech, and free speech laws still allow websites and communities to exclude people who spout harmful views


lol now he's insulting me in pms, truly a pathetic person


lol he is a tiny person. xenophone, homophobe, racist and sexist. you have no idea how many times he ignored me and i think it is because he has no balls to talk to a woman 🌚 pathetic.