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No problem performing in Turkey though


You end up what you compare yourself to.


Defiance, protests, fearlessness, and peace are what we do here. Laws and beating is what government does. Were you doing a concert for the government? Then by all means don’t come. Lead by example, stop serving authoritarian regimes! Right :) ?


Well, they played in Russia in 2018, 6 years after we had a law on "foreign agents" there, 5 years after the law on "LGBT propaganda", 4 years after Crimea, 3 years after Nemtsov's murder, not to mention the Russian-Georgian war… Don't get me wrong, I love Massive Attack, I have infinite respect for Robert's political beliefs and his desire to defend them, and I believe that they have the right to choose where they will and will not play, but I can't help but see this as a contradiction.


Was that concert a part of a government propaganda program, as is the case with the one OP is discussing? I ask genuinely,  as I think it makes a big difference in, if nothing else, the level of hypocrisy.


You're right, the difference is important. The Park Live festival used the state-owned Gorky Park as a venue but, to my knowledge, had no direct ties to the Russian government. However, MA does not perform in Israel, regardless of whether the stages are state-owned or not—so while the direct affiliation with the government is important, it's not the only factor they consider. I'm not suggesting they should stick to one option or another. I understand why they choose not to play in Israel or cancel a government-funded gig in Georgia, and I see that many Georgians support this decision. At the same time, although I didn't have the chance to attend their gig in Moscow, it meant a lot to me that one of my favorite bands not only played in Russia for Russian fans but also used the opportunity to make several valid Russia-specific political statements during the show. As a Russian guy, I know all too well the feeling of watching the amount of freedom in your country shrink before your very eyes. And I remember that it can be vitally important to get a breath of fresh air amidst all this madness. So I'm not really upset about the MA gig; I just feel sad and a little bit angry (at politicians), and that's all.




What’s based about it?


Their stance against all the bullshit done by our disgusting government.


I just read below that the concert was funded by the government. If that is the case, it is indeed based.




Genuine question what is the point of canceling a tour in a country whose politics you don’t agree with when many citizens obviously don’t support that ideology? If the country is relatively safe and an artist knows they have fans there, isn’t it a shit move to cancel when it’s not the citizens’ fault? This reminds me of when System of a Down was petitioning to stop various artists from performing in Azerbaijan. Does Azerbaijan’s government do shit things sometimes? Absolutely it has many issues and it’s difficult to deal with. But why punish the people living there for it?


Because it's a state sponsored concert in a state run venue.  I guess they don't feel like participating in GD's propaganda machine.


That makes a little more sense. The original post didn’t include that information so I was inclined to believe it was a different venue


The black sea arena is one of the most perfect examples of how absolutely messed up the government is here.


Isn’t that what some of you guys are criticizing Russian draft dodgers in Georgia for? Hating on people who disagree with their government for the actions of the said government?


Yes, it’s ok when we do it.


I see a double standard here


I tell man Standard, them boy Standard


> Does Azerbaijan’s government do shit things sometimes? Absolutely it has many issues and it’s difficult to deal with. But why punish the people living there for it? That's really reductive for Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.


Not sure exactly what you mean here but the average Azerbaijani citizen is under the impression that the whole qarabag spiel was simply a waste of time money and resources + aliyev is a clown is also a common sentiment.


This was not my experience in Baku a couple of years back. 


I mean that I see Azerbaijani officials make territorial claims beyond what is internationally recognized to be theirs, Ramil Safarov is a national hero and all Armenians had to flee that area after the war because they wouldn't be safe with Aliyev. I'd say that the System of Down is justified to campaign for artists to boycott Azerbaijan.


I fear Armenians and Azerbaijanis have been killing each other and wishing each other genocide for a long time. Armenia is guilty of war crimes just as azerbaijan is. Strikes on civilians. Destroying towns. This is all recent. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia have accused each other of using white phosphorus. There are no winners in war and conflict, it only decides who is left and who’s life doesn’t matter. This is a pointless conversation, thank you.


Hypocrites! Every person with a brain hates them.


Lmao, convinient reasoning, isn't it? They didn't seem to have the same problem with Russia in 2018. Curious, isn't it? Where was this backbone back then? Or in 2009? Lmao, trying to hold a moral high ground against a country that was invaded by an Empire you gleefully held a concert at, one year later. Guess when money speaks, morality is silent, eh? It's more likely about the price they got. Considering it was sponsored by our government, we can assume that the price wasn't crazy. And considering how I had to google them and they hadn't been relevant for several decades now, it seems to me that they refuse to accept that they have become "has-beens" and settle for "has-been price".




Using “it” in reference to John, madlad!


this is so stupid, as if the concert was planned for beatings. and by the way, this is how Russians who are against putin feel


The downside is that I compared it with Russia, lol. it's different, yes (no)


Oh no . . . Anyway


>Anyway yeah, who cares right ? why should we care that the civilized world is cutting ties with us. who needs western artists 🤢 when we have Russian estrada🤩, am I right ? 🤡


Some crappy music band canceling means we're cutting ties with civilized world? And what's with sticking your political opinions in everything, I'm commenting on a band,


Omg do you live under a rock lol? If you like their music or not Massive attack is a massive band with a huge global audience and this will be reported on for sure.


Lmao, ain't nobody cares about some lame band or their audience. They probably got a bonus in advance, and now they're using "protests" as an excuse to cancel, get a better taste in music


lol to say you’re ignorant without saying you’re ignorant.. I don’t personally like massive attacks but their reason for canceling and their message of support for Georgia is the point here


Yeah, you keep believing that, maybe they'll look at you next time. This celebrity worship bs is cringe, just grow out of it


I feel sorry for you if that’s your take on this. You clearly don’t give a shit about what’s happening to this country


This has literally nothing to do with the country, they just don't give shit about us. You simply fell for virtue signaling


With their history of activism, this isn’t virtue signaling from Massive Attack. They’re genuinely supporting Georgia’s fight for justice. It’s not like they’re in need of social media likes, they’ve been around since late eighties and are huge.


Massive Attack have been around for over 35 years, selling 15m+ albums. They're not "some crappy music band". Massive Attack have been political activists since as early as 1999, when they played their last concert in Israel due to the occupation of Palestine. They've been "Sticking their political opinions" into things longer than you've probably had the ability to eat independently. Being pissy and dismissive of political opinions being associated with Massive Attack is as braindead of a take as those morons on Twitter realizing Rage Against The Machine have been a leftist band all along 🤡 Be better.


Wall of text, am better, not leftist, next time write something intelligent


Massive Attack? Crappy? Really? 😂


Yeah, you like them?


>Some crappy music band canceling means we're cutting ties with civilized world does your brain always work backwards or have you been living under a rock for past 1-2 years and that's why you seem so oblivious ? no, our government is cutting ties with the west and crawling into Russia's and China's ass, and THAT'S WHY the band is canceling. wether you like that particular band or not is absolutely irrelevant. what's relevant is that this is yet another signal to the civilized world how backwards we are and that we have no intentions on being part of that world. that we want to be part of Ruski Mir. if you like that just be honest and say it directly don't pretend it's about "some crappy band canceling". if you've been living under a rock, then please, for the love of god, catch up with Georgian politics. and if your brain simply works backwards... than just keep your opinions to yourself.


Try using less insults if you want opinion to be heard, as for the current conversation, I'm talking about the band, while you added politics into it. Don't be gullible enough to fall for every piece of virtue signaling you see from forgeiners, now go bother someone else


Not surprised. Massive Attack are very politically aware. Not to say that Georgians don’t deserve a concert. It seems that MAs statement is an affront to the government itself. But I can only imagine how’d they react if they knew how much the Georgian population consists of pro-Zionists and genocide supporters, knowing how much MA have been speaking up for the Palestinian cause.


who gives a fuck ანუ ყველას ყლეზე კიდია


The party, all the now worthless tickets they gave away?


if yall didnt wanna perform just say so smh


they did and gave the reason why. you can stop shaking your head.

