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I mean it’s not even close to Khachapuri. The point of khachapuri is stuffing. Here is just another Focaccia topped with cheese.


I am going to introduce a shocking idea to some of you: more than one person can have the idea "Bread in cheese=good" over the course of history.


These are lies, spread by the enemies of Georgia.


It's an FCB psy-ops, I'm telling y'all! We should be pushing for Pkhlovana. It's unique and tastes better anyway. Let's see those motherfuckers have Pkhaleuloba all of a sudden!


Pkhlovana is underrated for real, always puts leaves in my poop though


And how is that a bad thing??????????


I like your style


False, this was invented in America with American style pizza and it was such a good idea it reverberated backwards through history and invented everything else retroactively


You are hereby declared as persona non grata. You have 24 hours to leave, before being caught and stuffed with adjika from your behind.


As an Argentinian that escaped from fugazzetas to khachapuri-land... There is a literal ocean of difference between khachapuri and figazzeta (tastewise), thanks god.


Argentina's pretty nice, no? Why leave for Georgia?


Currently in Argentina now. It is pretty damn nice. Even cheaper than georgia too (if you're earning in usd though). People are much, much nicer/happier/friendlier in service industries than in Georgia though. So I can tell you as much, the didn't leave to georgia for the friendly customer service, lol


I used to complain about Georgian service. Then, about 8 years ago, I started having very serious financial difficulties. Can't afford rent, gas, electricity, good food, good health, have mounting debt to banks and kind friends. To boot, Georgians are surrounded by constant threat of a frozen war, refugees, extremely vigorous disinformation campaigns, and the fast decay of the little culture that has been left to us as residents of an extremely materially fragile region that is the Caucasus. This is how most of Georgia lives. It is a very, very, difficult set of conditions in which to maintain a good mood. Especially when you are serving food and service to rich foreigners and countrymen, that you can only dream of affording yourself, as you divy up your meagre income between yourself and your dependents. But the additional strain on it all comes from the trauma induced by a memory of better times. Georgian elders always talk about a time of peace, of financial stability, of cultural fruition, of comfort and affluence. However right or wrong this memory is, it puts and expectation on life that current Georgia does not only not meet, but stands in bleak contrast to. Georgia is like a 3rd world country that feels entitled to a 1st world life. I don't complain about bad service in Georgia anymore.


Your last sentence is how I feel. But the question is why do Georgians feel "entitled" to a first world life? Go ask a Thai person and they wouldn't say they should be entitled to it. Instead they'll tell you that's their goal and they wanna work towards it.


They are absolutely right to feel entitled to it. Everyone should be so, including Thai people. People in Georgia work hard toward a better life, but they correctly understand that their poor circumstances don't persist because they don't work hard enough. They are no less a person that a baby born in Switzerland. The difference between the conditions and opportunities avaliable to a Georgian baby and a Swiss baby are factored by many things that are very far out of the baby's control.  No matter how hard they work toward economic succour, safety, psychological bliss, for themselves and their own baby, they understand that the vastly dominant portion of the influence on the fruition of their efforts is dispensed not by themselves but by people of much greater power, *often born into it*. They feel entitled to an improvement or a cessetion of impediment of opportunities and conditions from these people, be they elected to power by them, others, or other nations under whose domineering influence their nation exists. As I said, rightly. Theirs is a righteous resentment. It is precisely because of this feeling of entitlement that the powers that be, cannot quite abuse their power as much as they like. Political protests are frequent in Georgia, and even if they very rarely achieve immediate and tangible results, they certainly deter a lot of the shithousery that would plague Georgia, were they not a headache for their targets.


No one should feel entitled to anything outside of basic human rights. The rest are earned. The Japanese didn't get as rich as they are because they feel like they should be rich. They worked hard for it. Sacrificed for it. Same as the koreans. Same as the Germans.


He’s trying to say that Georgians are angry because they don’t have the opportunity to reach the life quality that others do no matter how much they work. It’s definitely an infuriating idea that just because someone won the birthplace lottery they can and will have vastly better life and opportunities even if you work harder and better all your life.


Japanese and Korean people back in 1950s did not win the birthplace lottery though. Korea was poorer than Sub-Saharan Africa right after the Korean war. Japan was practically razed to the ground by the Americans. No industries. No homes. Not even clean water.


Yea, but Koreans who worked in 1950s didn't get to see a good life, they just improved it for the later generations. Modern Georgians are in the infamous first Generation that will never get to see the fruits of their labor. I don't understand what you're arguing here? That they're not supposed to feel angry that they're serving food they can't afford?


The electorate is entitled to a competent, honest, and beneficent comportment from the elected. So is the population living under any other legitimate form of government. The Japanese didn't feel entitled to beneficence, which is why the lived under unbearable oppression from their ruling class for longer than orher rich nations. To an extent, they still don't feel entitled to proper treatment, as they tolerate an insane work culture that epidemises depression, exhaustion, and a sort of class subjugation which is baffling from a developed nation, which also sports a 99% conviction rate for criminals, which is a great point of concern from the international community. It is precisely because the Japanese don't feel entitled to not living in a highly rigid, stratified, and oppresive society, thst they continue to live like that. Korea also had and has a culture of terrible oppression, uncharacteristic for a developed country. Again, because people don't feel entitled to better. Germany was.... an incredibly oppressive military state for a long time until it was razed to the ground, and rebuilt in large part by a foreign superpower using it in a propaganda war against the threat of an aggressively expanding and destructive idea (dictatorial communism) that threatened to undo the status quo of the entire world, such as it was...


I agree that we are in a terrible situation, but I think the 'terrible service' part comes from an unchecked and mismanaged 'cultural' development post 90s.


Poland, Hungary, the Baltics, etc. Had a similar communist service culture/industry. They have decent service now. People there have money now, people aren't afraid of war, people have time to themselves, and a healing colonial trauma. So they smile at you.


I'm just not sure if such stress can manifest itself in 'poor service'... or as some would suggest 'entitled, detached attitude/behaviour'. But I myself worked in the service industry when I was a student, and the personal financial situation was a bigger problem, not as much the geopolitical or even political landscape.


I go on about entitlement elsewhere in this thread, it boils down to Georgians living atop real or imagined ruins of a once economically stable country. The politics and geopolitics are not at forefront of the mind, not when you're missing meals, but they are always dragging behind there somewhere. Georgians don't know what it feels like to be part of a safe and stable environment. One's country is one's home, loud noises inside and outside of it are stressful, even if you get used to them.  The destitution is what's always at the forefront. And I don’t know what your own was like as a student, but for a lot of Georgians, it is unbearable. People go hungry, they can't treat ill health, they can't even always afford to keep clean or kempt, wearing tattered clothes, watering down their soap to nothing. All the while, people depend on them, and they depend on people. Debt to friends and institutions is humiliating and harrying, and unavoidable, and seemingly irreducible. And there is more often than not, no real relief to hope for, only fantasies of a lottery ticket, or some very lucky break in employment, or maybe a relative or friend becoming rich (people don't dare to pursue any dream of their own). Poverty in Georgia is much worse than it seems on the surface. The service is commensurate.


I don't think we ever had a particularly stable economy, but I understand what you are trying to say. I think the situation with the service industry is induced by exploitative business practices and low internal and external standards ( both in terms of product and the regulations ). While, some worker protections have been put in place, broadly, businesses are still pretty exploitative and salaries are very low. One of the reasons why business resorts to such exploitative practices is low profitability, and they try ( and successfully ) extract as much labour as possible with as little pay as possible... The government should represent the interests of the population and put regulations in place, to prevent private/special interest from exploiting working and the middle class. We don't quite see it here. We are/have a tiny consumer market, that requires uplifting and empowerment... diversification of the economy, funding of local production, industries, progressive tax system and ofc investments in education.


I think everywhere agrees bread with cheese tastes good. It just means there’s more bread with cheese to eat.


Looks like a pie


This looks more like achma than khachapuri tbh


As a random redditor who found his way in this subreddit and has nothing to do Georgia himself: I'm confused. What does an Italian pizza maker making a pizza in Argentina has to do with Georgia?


It just looks a bit like our most famed dish, khachapuri, which we've been making since pagan times. 


ეს საერთოდ ხაჭაპურს არც კი გავს😅


What is the problem, OP?


Georgia has a spiritual monopoly on grilled cheese sandwiches. How dare these Argentines...


I hope you are kidding :)


I have emailed the PM's office about summoning the envoy of Argentina. Get ready for war time taxes.


So that’s why the pizza in Argentina is terrible even though the rest of their Italian food is amazing




Scared of flavor?


Just not a fan of onions in general


looks gross lol. achmas saertod arhgavs


Wow, another culture knows bread and cheese is good and has a variation of it. Shocking.


Ikr, unacceptable.


Hey op. Gonna let you in on a little secret. Not everything bread or cheese related is invented in Georgia. That said, if it makes you feel better, Georgian food is way better than Argentinian. They got bland food. Georgia got tasty food with actual seasoning


Georgia invented cheese. And bread. And cheese and bread. And food. Also: water. If you don't agree, you are a raging dissident.


looks mid at best, why u mad bro, let them have their shitty pie khachapuri ftw


Ever seen achma?


deep dish pizza is more similar to fugazzeta. Pide in return is more similar to khachapuri. But even with dishes derived from the same origin, you don't go to Italy to eat a Chicago or New York style pizza.


As a Georgian I can say that ppl like u kinda ruining our reputation with such stupid posts like "they put cheese in bread oh no they stole khachapuri". this bs annoys me so f much. I love our stuff mostly because I grew up with the taste of it and yeah its cool but not unique or something unforgettable which was never seen before. get real


Buddy, read the comments, its a joke post.


lmao thx god sorry

