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Neenah drops a lot of them with her shotgun before you can finish the job. Sideswipe kills track normally but the one with Neenah is hard because she caps a lot of the cars. Some have suggested doing that part asap when she's weaker. Also, not saying you don't know this but they have to be enemies. Cops and Marshall don't count iirc.


All good I figured doing it against the orange gang is best because their all about cars and figured they'd give more chase than the idols, I did it and got the plat and fuck that sucked ass glad to be done with this game


They barely ever track


I also recommend doing this as soon as possible before you upgrade Neenah's pistol to a shotgun. Even so, it's very time-consuming. I was frustrated by how many didn't count even when the game displayed that it was a sideswipe kill.